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Titanic - with len goodman


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I watched this on PBS last Tuesday, just one hour some parts looked slightly familiar as I have travelled on QM2 a few times. Maybe we will get more sometime. Hope so.:)


In the UK we got 3, 30 minute programmes with no commercial breaks.

In the 3rd episode you could clearly see the name of the ship Queen Mary 2 on the exterior shots. Len Goodman mentioned Cunard and Queen Mary 2, so you were left with no doubt which ship he was on.

I'm wondering if the US version had alot of this information edited out to fit into the shorter programme time. If so, if might be worth trying to get hold of the longer version.

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First dress rocket fired and life boats been filled and lowered exactly this time 100 years ago... RIP Titanic 1912-2012
I have read on a few websites that some people think that the area of the North Atlantic where the Titanic went down has had some stories of paranormal activity at the wreck site and vicinity.Such as during World War 2 a commander of a German submarine did observe a ship looking like the Titanic near the Titanic wrecksite.As soon as the torpedo is launched the Titanic looking ship disappears into thin air.Then there is in 1982 the radio operator of the QE2 when the QE2 is in the area of the Titanic wrecksite heard on the QE2's radio a distress call from a ship in distress.Of course the ship in distress is never found and the QE2's radio just dies.Then as the QE2 gets near New York the radio comes back to life working fine.Then there are people on another ship near the wrecksite who see a unidentified Titanic looking ship a few miles away.And then there is a story of a ship near the wrecksite and the ship's officer is approached by a British captain with a beard requesting a tour of the ship.When the officer is asked over the radio for assistance after the radio call he turns around to face the captain and the captain is gone.The ship is searched to find the captain but he is never found.Years later this ship's officer is shown a picture of the Titanic's Captain Smith and the officer then identified Titanic's Captain Smith as the captain he took on a tour of the ship.Whether or not these stories are really true well they do make for good scary ghost stories for Halloween.And of course there are the stories that the first Queen Mary is haunted :eek: Regards,Jerry
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Not a bad documentary, but I am finding it hard to get over the blue collar accent. It seems so out of place for a documentary.


Also, they would have done well to have not shown a blue print of the handful of first class staterooms onTitanics A deck when discussing Bruce Ismay. He actually occupied one of the Millionaires Suites for the voyage - actually the very one Cameron puts Cal and Rose in for the 1997 film.


Why is it so hard for documentary makers these days to get simple things right?

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Not a bad documentary, but I am finding it hard to get over the blue collar accent. It seems so out of place for a documentary.


Also, they would have done well to have not shown a blue print of the handful of first class staterooms onTitanics A deck when discussing Bruce Ismay. He actually occupied one of the Millionaires Suites for the voyage - actually the very one Cameron puts Cal and Rose in for the 1997 film.


Why is it so hard for documentary makers these days to get simple things right?


because most wouldnt let facts get in the way of a good story :p

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Here is the website that I refered to in my last post that is about the alleged paranormal activities at the Titanic wrecksite and vicinity.These true or not ghost stories are from a book titled And Hell Followed With It.That book does have a chapter titled Hauntings of the Titanic.Scroll down to the near bottom of the webpage where the book is offered for sale and at that spot on the webpage is a picture of the Titanic sailing from Southampton.Here is the link to the webpage http://www.ymlp.com/zuISv4 The webpage and the book does have other paranormal stories that are not Titanic related. Regards,Jerry

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...during World War 2 a commander of a German submarine did observe a ship looking like the Titanic near the Titanic wrecksite.As soon as the torpedo is launched the Titanic looking ship disappears into thin air...


Ships had a nasty habit of disappearing after torpedoes were launched at them. I think that was the point of torpedoes.



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Ships had a nasty habit of disappearing after torpedoes were launched at them. I think that was the point of torpedoes.



I think that the point is that one second the ship is there and then in the next second the ship is gone.If there were a real ship there and the ship is hit by the torpedo,the ship could not sink in one second.Also remember that the Aquitania was used again as a troop carrier in World War 2 and that from a distance the Aquitania would look similar to the Titanic with the 4 funnels on top of the ship and that the Aquitania and the Titanic were about the same size though the Aquitania was just slightly about 19 or 20 feet longer than the Titanic and about 4 feet wider than the Titanic,remember that the Aquitania entered service in 1914 about 2 years after the Titanic and her service life ended in 1950.If this story really did happen maybe the German submarine commander thought that he was attacking the Aquitania but it was really the ghost of the Titanic? Since the story is probably not true,it would have been a great plot for an episode of the Twilight Zone or Night Gallery but then again what do I know if the story is real or not? Regards,Jerry
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I think that the point is that one second the ship is there and then in the next second the ship is gone.If there were a real ship there and the ship is hit by the torpedo,the ship could not sink in one second.Also remember that the Aquitania was used again as a troop carrier in World War 2 and that from a distance the Aquitania would look similar to the Titanic with the 4 funnels on top of the ship and that the Aquitania and the Titanic were about the same size though the Aquitania was just slightly about 19 or 20 feet longer than the Titanic and about 4 feet wider than the Titanic,remember that the Aquitania entered service in 1914 about 2 years after the Titanic and her service life ended in 1950.If this story really did happen maybe the German submarine commander thought that he was attacking the Aquitania but it was really the ghost of the Titanic? Since the story is probably not true,it would have been a great plot for an episode of the Twilight Zone or Night Gallery but then again what do I know if the story is real or not? Regards,Jerry


Screw your humour sensors up to max, Jerry. I was joking.


I think the Titanic ghost stores are as likely to be true as all the Bermuda Triangle nonsense.



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Screw your humour sensors up to max, Jerry. I was joking.


I think the Titanic ghost stores are as likely to be true as all the Bermuda Triangle nonsense.



But it does make for interesting reading and helps pass the boring time away even if it's not true. Regards,Jerry

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I watched "A Night to Remember" last night. I think it's the first time I've seen that version, which is close to a documentary of real events; a wonderful, moving film.


I am amazed at the laziness and callousness of Captain Lord of the Californian for ignoring the Titanic's distress signals when only 10 miles away. There is some new theory that a mirage may have had something to do with it. Even so, when a ship is firing rockets for an hour, it doesn't matter what ship, it is obvious something is very wrong and someone needs help. They may have saved at least 300 more lives if they had responded. It is possible Captain Lord did not respond because of ice conditions and the risk to his own ship and crew, but that would not be a justification for ignoring the distress of those obviously in danger of death.


Reminds me of the Captain's behavor in the much more recent Costa Concordia tragedy.

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I watched "A Night to Remember" last night. I think it's the first time I've seen that version, which is close to a documentary of real events; a wonderful, moving film.


I am amazed at the laziness and callousness of Captain Lord of the Californian for ignoring the Titanic's distress signals when only 10 miles away. There is some new theory that a mirage may have had something to do with it. Even so, when a ship is firing rockets for an hour, it doesn't matter what ship, it is obvious something is very wrong and someone needs help. They may have saved at least 300 more lives if they had responded. It is possible Captain Lord did not respond because of ice conditions and the risk to his own ship and crew, but that would not be a justification for ignoring the distress of those obviously in danger of death.


Reminds me of the Captain's behavor in the much more recent Costa Concordia tragedy.

Even today the movie A Night to Remember is still regarded as being the most historically accurate movie of all the movies about the Titanic. Regards,Jerry
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I am amazed at the laziness and callousness of Captain Lord of the Californian for ignoring the Titanic's distress signals when only 10 miles away. There is some new theory that a mirage may have had something to do with it. Even so, when a ship is firing rockets for an hour, it doesn't matter what ship, it is obvious something is very wrong and someone needs help. They may have saved at least 300 more lives if they had responded. It is possible Captain Lord did not respond because of ice conditions and the risk to his own ship and crew, but that would not be a justification for ignoring the distress of those obviously in danger of death.


Reminds me of the Captain's behavor in the much more recent Costa Concordia tragedy.


Although I'm not particularly interested in the whole Titanic schtick it has been impossible to entirely escape the oceans of Titanicalia this week. And I am sure that somewhere I heard that, since the wreck has been discovered, it was in fact found some distance from its last given position and that goes some way to explaining Captain Lord's action or lack thereof. Just something I heard, I can't vouch for its veracity.



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I am amazed at the laziness and callousness of Captain Lord of the Californian for ignoring the Titanic's distress signals when only 10 miles away.


The 10 miles you mention are based on Titanic's SOS position in 1912.

However, Titanic was stationary much further to the east and further south of that SOS position, as proved in 1985 when the wreck was found 19 Miles from Californian's overnight position.

Therefore Californian could not see Titanic and Titanic could not see Californian (the horizon being far less than 19 miles, even from the bridge of Titanic, 70 feet above the sea).

Titanic witnesses reported that the ship they could see moved around during the night and was not there in the morning.

Californian did not move all night (came to a halt long before the accident), she was stationary until after dawn (everyone on board said that she did not move).

So a "moving ship" cannot have been Californian, which was stationary. And, other than Carpathia, there was no ship visible in the morning (which there would have been had Californian been 10 miles away).

If the ship seen from Titanic was there all night, where was she in the morning? She had moved off during the night, and Californian did not move until daylight.

Californian saw rockets that appeared above a small steamer on the horizon (Titanic was in a direct line beyond this ship but below the horizon). At first Californian thought she might be in trouble. But this ship steamed away south just as the rockets stopped.


A ship in distress does not steam away from help.


When Captain Lord discovered in the morning that Titanic had sunk he made his way at FULL speed across the ice field to the SOS position. He found nothing (as he wouldn't, the SOS position was miles out). He steamed once more across the ice field without regard to his own ship and arrived shortly after the Carpathia, indeed, he was the second ship to arrive.

The Mount Temple, almost on top of the SOS position, refused to enter the ice field and so rescue survivors.

The film "A Night to Remember", and both Inquiries, based the distance between the two ships on the false SOS position.

Finding the wreck on the ocean floor, many miles away from that, showed that Captain Lord was totally innocent.

Even had he started out for the SOS position when Titanic first put out a distress signal, he would have arrived at the site of the sinking long after Titanic sank, and maybe shortly before Carpathia (having been sent to the wrong position and then crossing the ice field). He could have saved no more passengers than were saved by Carpathia.


A Night to Remember remains one of my favourite films, ever. However the makers did not know, in 1958, where the wreck was located, and so they put her closer to Californian than was truly the case.

You can't believe everything you see in the movies.


Very best wishes.

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Shinyshoes and Peppern,


There is no right or wrong answer regarding events surrounding the Titanic, and it is not known exactly what happened. There are many theories, and one does not negate the other. I like to discuss this, without any "win/lose, I'm right/you're wrong" implications, but as rational give and take and examining different viewpoints.


I am not silly enough to "believe everything I see in the movies". I keep up with world affairs, I know something about the Titanic, and I'm interested in hearing the various theories about the disaster. As this is the Cruise Critic Cunard Board...well, je me controle...:eek:

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The 10 miles you mention are based on Titanic's SOS position in 1912.

However, Titanic was stationary much further to the east and further south of that SOS position, as proved in 1985 when the wreck was found 19 Miles from Californian's overnight position.


Very best wishes.


Thanks for the clarification P. At least it proves I wasn't imagining what I thought I might have probably, possibly,heard/read somewhere.

An Often Bewildered Shiny


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The third programme was repeated yesterday evening and QM2 looked splendid. Len Goodman referred to the luxury - main corridor carpets, champagne bar and showed a wonderful Duplex suite. (I think it was that anyway - very different to our inside room :)) The Titanic suites would have been more than double in price. It was a very good advert for Cunard.

Goodman seemed quite genuine in his admiration for the individuals and I warmed a bit more to him than of late. (He's been getting on my nerves a bit in Strictly)


I hope this link works http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-17583924. This was one of a series our local tv station was showing each evening last week.

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Apparently "A Night to Remember" was written using first hand accounts from Titanic survivors, and attempted to recreate events exactly as they happened, in terms of dialog, behavior, the sequence of events, and the ship's interiors and decks were designed as precisely as possible from photos and models of the Titanic. The only thing they could not obtain was footage of the ship's maiden voyage departure, and so they used footage from QM and QE.


Besides the attempt to document the disaster's events realistically, there are two elements that set this film apart from the other Titanic films:


Unlike all the others, this film has no subplot.


Secondly, this is the only version that actually shows Second Class, wereas the others seem to show only the contrast between the First and Third Classes. Also (and like some other versions), this film depicts the dreadful fact that the Steerage passengers were deliberately trapped behind steel gates and refused entry until the First and Second passengers had filled the lifeboats. That was quite savage and shocking, although I'm not sure if this depiction was exaggerated or accurate.

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Apparently "A Night to Remember" was written using first hand accounts from Titanic survivors,


Yes, that was very evident from the ITV program "Words of the Titanic" on Sunday evening. It was quite a moving experience for some of the survivor's relations to be reading diaries and quotes from those events of April 15th 1912.



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Yes, that was very evident from the ITV program "Words of the Titanic" on Sunday evening. It was quite a moving experience for some of the survivor's relations to be reading diaries and quotes from those events of April 15th 1912.




Wish I could have seen that. I'm in New York for now, and the one British television station here is BBC America, which seems only to show "Top Gear" and "Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares".

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