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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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It's great to see so many people interested! One thing I'll say about our group ~ everyone is welcome! We have a lot of fun on these cruises.


I hope that since there is a group cruise approved for Feb. 15, 2014 (thanks for that info, Char), that won't mean ours doesn't get approved. :confused:

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I just went back and found the post. It was someone else who had a group planned but not a CC group cruise but the poster that Char was talking about, all she said was "I just got my mine entered." I don't know what she means by that. She didn't actually say it was an approved CC group cruise. I also checked her posting history and she only has 19 posts on CC and none are about a group cruise on Feb. 15th, 2014 so she hasn't even started a "possible" thread like we have. I also went over to the group cruise board to see if there was new one listed for that date and there isn't one, not yet anyway. Maybe it's someone else and I missed that post altogether.

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I just went back and found the post. It was someone else who had a group planned but not a CC group cruise but the poster that Char was talking about, all she said was "I just got my mine entered." I don't know what she means by that. She didn't actually say it was an approved CC group cruise. I also checked her posting history and she only has 19 posts on CC and none are about a group cruise on Feb. 15th, 2014 so she hasn't even started a "possible" thread like we have. I also went over to the group cruise board to see if there was new one listed for that date and there isn't one, not yet anyway. Maybe it's someone else and I missed that post altogether.


The original post that I saw a day or two ago about a possible group cruise on 2/15/14 didn't have any responses to it at that time and it was only a one line sentence. Now I can't seem to find the original thread I read it in. I thought the poster had started their own. I'm so looking forward to doing my first group cruise. I want to come along as a newpid and graduate at the end of the cruise to a cupid. Here's hoping you hear something soon.


Have a great day all! Donna

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Hi all! I'm interested in joining my first group cruise. So please add my husband (Larry) and myself (Cyndy) to your list. We have 2 cruises booked right now but I guess it's never too early to book another!

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I just went back and found the post. It was someone else who had a group planned but not a CC group cruise but the poster that Char was talking about, all she said was "I just got my mine entered." I don't know what she means by that. She didn't actually say it was an approved CC group cruise. I also checked her posting history and she only has 19 posts on CC and none are about a group cruise on Feb. 15th, 2014 so she hasn't even started a "possible" thread like we have. I also went over to the group cruise board to see if there was new one listed for that date and there isn't one, not yet anyway. Maybe it's someone else and I missed that post altogether.


Heidi...I think you are right...I didn't go back and look for her but I did check the CC groups and there was nothing there. I have a feeling Laura will approve us there is nothing listed for 2014 yet so maybe she is trying to get 2013 done first...but trust me she will be monitoring this thread to be sure we are serious...and we definately pass that test. LOL

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Welcome, Donna & texascyn!


I was a Newpid 2 cruises ago (didn't go on the first Cupid cruise). Believe me, we joke around about "Newpid vs. Cupid", but once we get on that ship we are ALL CUPIDS! :D


Group cruising is a GREAT way to meet new people and get together with friends from previous cruises. I love it!


Glad to hear the other "group cruise" may not be an official CC one. We should still be ok.

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Good Morning Cupids and Newpids! :D



Hi all! I'm interested in joining my first group cruise. So please add my husband (Larry) and myself (Cyndy) to your list. We have 2 cruises booked right now but I guess it's never too early to book another!


Welcome texascyn (Larry and Cyndy)



I see that Host Randy has started a "possible" thread for 2014 but it's in early January and on the Sunshine. It shouldn't be any competition for our cruise. Also, on April 25th, he started a "possible" thread for another cruise in late 2013. I will be watching those just to see if they become official before I hear from Laura. I know she is busy but it seems like it's taking an awfully long time.


It is finally warm here again. We had that crazy heat wave for 2 weeks in March but since then it has been kind of cool. It got to about 80 yesterday and is supposed to bee in the mid 80's today. I bought some pretty perennials yesterday and would like to plan them but I hurt my back again about 3 days ago so no way could I do it. I should be fine in a few days though. that's the way it usually goes.


Have a great day everyone. :)



Interested so far:


HeidiHo (Heidi and Dave)

Cruisin Dave (Dave and Bettie)

RICKAR (Rick and Karen)

Walkswife (Renee)

AKB10 (Frank and Kathy)

roudy1 (Char and Jim)



ed_k_tx (Ed and Dale)

nolababe504 (Brian and Rachel)

Mimiof2 (Lisa and Kevin)

Jimmylisa (Lisa and James)

momofzeke (Sue and Dave)

Ducman & Nazaruska (Chris and Michelle)

Ltvscout (Scott and Tami)


dadof2boys (Joe and Alisha + 2 kids)

quietman12 (Bob and Lisa)


cruiselover999 (Kelly and Eric)

Cruisin' Jeanie (Jean and Ben, Jeremy and Chelsea)

Cruisin2Sun (Gail)

PoofyTheCat (Mimi and Andy)

Dspcentury (David and Adrianne)

Psych NP (Heidi and Missy)

jreichow (John and Jenny)

stepha06 (Stephanie, Justin, Matthew and Dylan)

lala363 (Leslie, Aaron and Steve)

Valor2005 (Ray and Kim)

De-Luxe08 (Donna and Ed)

ShrtSwtDeb (Deb and Mike)

lls9097 (Dick and Linda)

jmwg49 (Jill, Jonathan, Jocelyn and Joel)

Das Boat (David and Alise)

chinathepug (Aric and Debbie)

kornkitten (Noelle and JB)

ltcal94 (Almarosa and Leo)

Flick (Rick & Kay and Jann & Ken)

CruisefromNY (Anna and Jeff)


NiceAFT (Dennis and Darcie)

corkyanige (Angie and Corky)

dizkid (Paul and Brigitte

texascyn (Larry and Cyndy)

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Enjoy that nice weather, Heidi! We are cold, rainy and windy here. Supposed to be a little better tomorrow. Sure hope so, cause our nephew will be here for a track meet and it's so much nicer to watch a track meet if it is not freezing cold out!


Hope we hear something from Laura soon! :)

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Enjoy that nice weather, Heidi! We are cold, rainy and windy here. Supposed to be a little better tomorrow. Sure hope so, cause our nephew will be here for a track meet and it's so much nicer to watch a track meet if it is not freezing cold out!


Hope we hear something from Laura soon! :)


Sue, you can send us a little of that cold and windy weather. It will be in the 90s today and very humid. No rain for several days. Things are drying out. I'm walking the line from 4 to 8.


Heidi, hope we hear something soon.



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Very interested! Please add us Newbies to your list! Kimberly and Jose - Daughter, Logan (will be 16 at time of sailing) and Son, Keegan (will be 13 at time of sailing).


Looking forward to hearing more!!!

Edited by kjc2011
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Very interested! Please add us Newbies to your list! Kimberly and Jose - Daughter, Logan (will be 16 at time of sailing) and Son, Keegan (will be 13 at time of sailing).


Looking forward to hearing more!!!


Welcome aboard kjc2011 (Kimberly, Jose, Logan and Keegan) :D


Still no word from Laura. :(


Turned on the air conditioning for the 1st time yesterday. Don't need it today though. It's still nice but only in the 70's so I have windows open instead.


Hope everyone has a good weekend. :)




Interested so far:


HeidiHo (Heidi and Dave)

Cruisin Dave (Dave and Bettie)

RICKAR (Rick and Karen)

Walkswife (Renee)

AKB10 (Frank and Kathy)

roudy1 (Char and Jim)



ed_k_tx (Ed and Dale)

nolababe504 (Brian and Rachel)

Mimiof2 (Lisa and Kevin)

Jimmylisa (Lisa and James)

momofzeke (Sue and Dave)

Ducman & Nazaruska (Chris and Michelle)

Ltvscout (Scott and Tami)


dadof2boys (Joe and Alisha + 2 kids)

quietman12 (Bob and Lisa)


cruiselover999 (Kelly and Eric)

Cruisin' Jeanie (Jean and Ben, Jeremy and Chelsea)

Cruisin2Sun (Gail)

PoofyTheCat (Mimi and Andy)

Dspcentury (David and Adrianne)

Psych NP (Heidi and Missy)

jreichow (John and Jenny)

stepha06 (Stephanie, Justin, Matthew and Dylan)

lala363 (Leslie, Aaron and Steve)

Valor2005 (Ray and Kim)

De-Luxe08 (Donna and Ed)

ShrtSwtDeb (Deb and Mike)

lls9097 (Dick and Linda)

jmwg49 (Jill, Jonathan, Jocelyn and Joel)

Das Boat (David and Alise)

chinathepug (Aric and Debbie)

kornkitten (Noelle and JB)

ltcal94 (Almarosa and Leo)

Flick (Rick & Kay and Jann & Ken)

CruisefromNY (Anna and Jeff)


NiceAFT (Dennis and Darcie)

corkyanige (Angie and Corky)

dizkid (Paul and Brigitte

texascyn (Larry and Cyndy)

kjc2011 (Kimberly, Jose, Logan and Keegan)

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Turned on the air conditioning for the 1st time yesterday. Don't need it today though. It's still nice but only in the 70's so I have windows open instead.

70's?! It's in the 40's here about an hour north of you. We went from the 80's yesterday to about 40 degrees cooler today. That's WI for you!

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70's?! It's in the 40's here about an hour north of you. We went from the 80's yesterday to about 40 degrees cooler today. That's WI for you!


Scott - that reminds me of the time when our kids were real little and we decided to take them to the Milwaukee Zoo. It was a beautiful spring day in the Chicago area, temps in the 70's. As we drove north we could see clouds ahead and by the time we crossed the state line into Wisconsin the temperature dropped about 30 degrees. All we had for the kids were little light jackets. Luckily we had a blanket in the car so we wrapped them in it and put them in the wagon. We had a good day but it was cold. When we got home the weather was still beautiful.

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Wish it was in the 70s here. It was 95 for the high and I was walking at the warmest. :( Tomorrow we have a family style picnic go all the union members and their family. We have a band and jump houses. Should be fun.


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Dave ~ enjoy your picnic today! Hope the strike ends soon so you can get back to normal.


An awful thing happened yesterday. A neighbor boy, just turned 17, was driving and had a bad roll-over accident. He got very banged up and spent the night in the hospital, but his girlfriend wasn't wearing a seatbelt, got ejected and killed. I am just sick over it. I didn't know the girl, but I feel so bad for her parents and family (she was 16). The boy is being raised by his grandparents because his mom was in a terrible car accident many years ago, and is now extremely handicapped (she was also on drugs); the grandpa had a heart attack and surgery about a year ago; the grandma just had a stroke a few months ago; and now this. So horrible.


We go to the local high school today for a track meet that our nephew will compete in. He's a senior, so this will be the last time we get to watch him in track. Hope it's a nicer day than yesterday...it is supposed to be better, getting up towards 60. Yesterday was rain and cold.

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Wish it was in the 70s here. It was 95 for the high and I was walking at the warmest. :( Tomorrow we have a family style picnic go all the union members and their family. We have a band and jump houses. Should be fun. Dave


Dave...are you still on strike? Hope you have fun at the picnic...will you be taking the grand kids?

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Dave...are you still on strike? Hope you have fun at the picnic...will you be taking the grand kids?


Still on strike. We have filed 4 complaints with the National Labor Relations Board. They are still taking dispositions. We hope to have an answer on one next week. The picnic was fun. Did not take the grandkids. One was sick and the other had plans. I'm walking the line tomorrow morning. Going to bending a few minutes. 3 am comes awfully early. No talks yet. Two more unions may be on the picket line by the 20th.



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"Turned on the air conditioning for the 1st time yesterday. Don't need it today though. It's still nice but only in the 70's so I have windows open instead."


Heidi, we use to live in Elgin but now we are in Paradise (aka Floriduh). Our air conditioner went on two weeks ago and will not go off till the end of October, if then!

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momofzeke, thanks for the welcome! I love to cruise and have read about all the fun groups have on cruises. I'm sorry about what happened to your community. That's awful!


CruisinDave, I hope your strike ends soon. I know how hard a strike can be on you. My dad was on strike a few times in Port Arthur. Good luck!



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I dont get it, is there a special rate for this? I'd like to go!


Yes, if we get approved by Laura to be an Official Cruise Critic Group cruise, we would get a few perks for booking through the CC travel agent, Johna. Usually that is a reduced rate, possibly some onboard credit. Used to be a reduced deposit of $25 per person, but I think that perk may have gone away. We have to wait and see what the rates are going to be once we are approved.


Welcome! The more the merrier!


Cyndy ~ I think you would love cruising with us. We have a lot of fun together, and our group is very welcoming and everyone is really nice (if I do say so myself!) :D


The track meet yesterday was fun, got to see my brother and sis-in-law plus our nephew and 1 niece. The weather was sunny, a little chilly but not too bad.

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An awful thing happened yesterday. A neighbor boy, just turned 17, was driving and had a bad roll-over accident. He got very banged up and spent the night in the hospital, but his girlfriend wasn't wearing a seatbelt, got ejected and killed. I am just sick over it. I didn't know the girl, but I feel so bad for her parents and family (she was 16). The boy is being raised by his grandparents because his mom was in a terrible car accident many years ago, and is now extremely handicapped (she was also on drugs); the grandpa had a heart attack and surgery about a year ago; the grandma just had a stroke a few months ago; and now this. So horrible.



sue - What a sad thing. We too had friends who lost a friend last week. A friend of Staci who moved to Georgia lost a good friend to suicide. We didn't know her, of course but I do know Staci's friend since her mom was Staci's Brownie leader until the girls were in 4th grade. That's when they moved but they come back here frequently.


I would to join




I dont get it, is there a special rate for this? I'd like to go!


Welcome MRENEE and Sugarstar00. I will add both of you to the "possible" list.



Interested so far:


HeidiHo (Heidi and Dave)

Cruisin Dave (Dave and Bettie)

RICKAR (Rick and Karen)

Walkswife (Renee)

AKB10 (Frank and Kathy)

roudy1 (Char and Jim)



ed_k_tx (Ed and Dale)

nolababe504 (Brian and Rachel)

Mimiof2 (Lisa and Kevin)

Jimmylisa (Lisa and James)

momofzeke (Sue and Dave)

Ducman & Nazaruska (Chris and Michelle)

Ltvscout (Scott and Tami)


dadof2boys (Joe and Alisha + 2 kids)

quietman12 (Bob and Lisa)


cruiselover999 (Kelly and Eric)

Cruisin' Jeanie (Jean and Ben, Jeremy and Chelsea)

Cruisin2Sun (Gail)

PoofyTheCat (Mimi and Andy)

Dspcentury (David and Adrianne)

Psych NP (Heidi and Missy)

jreichow (John and Jenny)

stepha06 (Stephanie, Justin, Matthew and Dylan)

lala363 (Leslie, Aaron and Steve)

Valor2005 (Ray and Kim)

De-Luxe08 (Donna and Ed)

ShrtSwtDeb (Deb and Mike)

lls9097 (Dick and Linda)

jmwg49 (Jill, Jonathan, Jocelyn and Joel)

Das Boat (David and Alise)

chinathepug (Aric and Debbie)

kornkitten (Noelle and JB)

ltcal94 (Almarosa and Leo)

Flick (Rick & Kay and Jann & Ken)

CruisefromNY (Anna and Jeff)


NiceAFT (Dennis and Darcie)

corkyanige (Angie and Corky)

dizkid (Paul and Brigitte

texascyn (Larry and Cyndy)

kjc2011 (Kimberly, Jose, Logan and Keegan)



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