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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Mornin' Cupids...

We had a nice 4th...a small group but really nice. It was hot during the day but a breeze came up and cooled down considerably so we enjoyed sitting out and watching the fireworks.

Ed...LOVE your menu for the 4th. :D

Heidi...stay cool I hear it has been really bad.

Have a relly nice day everyone...


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Greetings from cool Florida (sorry,the devil made me do THAT!) We had a storm pass over us literally while I was grilling yesterday evening. It didn't rain on us but it did rain on the next street....go figure. Must have been all our American Flags out front LOL. I know we live in Paradise but I didn't think it was just our house!!! It's clouding up again this afternoon. One thing that is fascinating about Floriduh. You can really observe the weather during the day here. Being on the coast many times the clouds go over us then as they hit the heat of the land they start dropping the rain while we remain totally dry and cool because of the gentle sea breezes. Those are the same breezes that sway the palm trees on the beach but you probably didn't want to hear that either.......I'd better quit while I'm ahead or y'all will want my head!

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Hello Everyone,


Thank you for all the welcomes. As you can tell I did find the page and am looking forward to chatting with everyone.. It will help the time go by.


momofzeke - we are neighbors - I live in Klamath Falls..



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momofzeke - we are neighbors - I live in Klamath Falls..




Wow, really?? Your profile says "California"? You do mean Klamath Falls, Oregon, don't you? I have cousins in K. Falls, and my brother and sis-in-law live in Merrill. We don't get to Klamath Falls as often as we used to, since our kids now live in Bend we go there a lot instead. But still make it over to K. Falls sometimes...my eye doctor and our accountant are there. We were just over there for my nephew's graduation from Lost River a couple weeks ago. I have never had a cruise buddy so close before!!!! I am excited! WELCOME again!


Heidi ~ that is hilarious about the chick-fil-a promotion. I think Foghat would be fun, but maybe not in 100 degree heat.


Finally got pretty hot here yesterday...almost 90, I think. I've been hearing on the radio (yes, our swathers have radios...tough duty, huh?) about the record setting heat in Chicago...been thinking of Heidi & Dave and the other cruise buddies in Chicago area. Hope it cools down a bit for you guys!


We are DONE cutting!! I can't believe it. It went so fast. Now, today, Dave and I will start hauling hay, so I am switching from a Hay Cuttin' Mama to a Truck Drivin' Mama! :D

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Good afternoon, Breeze buddies! Happy Friday to you all!

I only had a short shift from 7-12 today and now I am off until 12PM on Monday. YEA!!!

My DS called from Aruba at 11:30 last night. It was a terrible connection but the gest of it was having a super time. My dad talked to him today and he said they were on their way to go windsurfing. He has never done that so :eek::eek:.

Sue, our Girls night out was a success. We had a table of girls at Dockside and then there were 2 more tables of women behind us. Needless to say we all went to the movies. Our show was packed with old ladies and about 4 men. Wow it was great. Some parts I did not care for but the majority of it was super. Especially the dancing and naked part.:o No not really.lol When we got out one of the women says, hey Cat there is your stripper so I went running over there and gave him a big lip lock and put my one leg up. He was 10 shades of red and everyone just laughed. He was almost asleep last night and I said I wonder how you would look in a thong? You have a nice butt. He turned over and said WHAT???

Mimi, welcome home. It is always nice to go away and nicer to come home.

Dave 100, whew only 93 here today with a nice breeze.

Heidi, Love the Chick-Fil-A promo. Can you imagine a cow walking into a restaurant after being out in 100 degree weather.:eek:

Char, I was worried about you, glad that you had a great 4th.

Rick, so the rain is going all around your house. We have that in The Villages it is called the bubble and we are in it alot of times.

Robin, glad to see you found your way over here. Welcome again!!!

Well I shall lurk and then off to PT. Chat later!!!:)

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Hello Cupids...


It has been hot here...we will hit triple digits today or pretty darn close to it. We are having dinner with the kids tonight...should be about 10 of us so looking forward to that...going to our favorite Mex restaurant.


Saturday friends from Sacramento will be here and we will go out again...too hot to BBQ. Next week I have to get back to better eating...been a high calorie week. :eek:


This month will be kind of busy...we will be going to Placerville (near Sacramento) in a couple of weeks for a few days...yearly big family BBQ which we always enjoy.


Robin...welcome to our group.


Cat...your girls night out sounds like it was fun and crazy.


Heidi...sure hope Eric can get a place with running water...I can't even imagine what that would be like. Been thinking about all the times I use water in the house and don't even think about it.


Sue...glad the swathing is done...do you also have AC in your swather?


We have a funeral to go to today...one of Jim's cousins passed away last Sunday...she was the oldest (81) and a sweet woman. She lives in L.A. but will be buried here in Clovis because it is where she grew up...I didn't know her real well but Jim talked with her a lot. She headed up their family reunions every year...she will be missed.


Stay cool everyone...

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We got to Skype with Eric this morning! :D He's fine. The water problem in is apartment is just a temporary thing. They had it when he got there and then it went out. I guess there is a pump he can get water from though and none of the water is safe to drink so he'd be drinking bottled water even if the water was running in his apartment. He says his apartment is a dump and he already wants to look for other living arrangements. I had a feeling that that was going to be one of the things that was going to shock him the most. We aren't rich and don't live in a luxurious mansion (we have a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom ranch) but I'm sure we live VERY well compared to a lot of people in poor countries. it's going to take a lot of getting used to. He also said that the apartment is quite far from the school he 's teaching at. At least he has a place to sleep and once he settles in a bit more and learns his way around a bit he can look into a different living situation. It was just really nice to take to him. We couldn't use video though because the internet connection was poor. In fact, he was breaking up quite a bit and we lost the connection a couple of times during our chat. he didn't have a good connection because he was just using the wifi that he was able to pick up from his apartment but it wasn't his wifi. He was probably getting it from a nearby building.

Edited by HeidiHo
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Wow, really?? Your profile says "California"? You do mean Klamath Falls, Oregon, don't you?


Yes, I do me Klamath Falls Oregon.. My hubby and I moved up here to help out his parents as they are getting older and his dad was having some heart issues. I am a Californian at heart and we still have our home their it is just rented out..


Having someone so close going makes it even more exciting it seems.. Just small world kinda thing I guess.


Wishing everyone a very merry Friday...

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Yes, I do me Klamath Falls Oregon..


How wonderful!! As I said, I've never had a cruise buddy from Oregon, and especially one as close as K. Falls! We actually live 25 miles north of Lakeview, on a ranch in Valley Falls. But V. Falls is only a ranching community with one little tiny store that is hardly ever open and doesn't have any food in it anyway, unless you want pop or beer or potato chips. :rolleyes: We are in our 50's....hubby 56 and me 52. Have 2 grown sons that live in Bend.


Feeling for all of you in the HOT 100-plus heat!! We did get pretty hot here yesterday, but cooled off to 46 degrees this morning. We have only been in the upper 80's so far, though....I don't know if we've even gone over 90 yet.


Had a good day hauling hay yesterday. One truck has air conditioning and the other doesn't. It's cooler out in the meadow than it is up here at the house and hay shed. Yes, Cat...our swathers do have A/C.


Brian got home last night from his 2 weeks in Seattle. He is VERY glad to be home ~ and will be there for 3 weeks before he has to go back to Seattle for another 2 week training.


Have a great weekend, everyone!

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Good morning everybody.I have a big day ahead of me doing some cooking for a special dinner dance tonight at the lodge. That's right....Rick is cooking but so is Kay. Tonight we have a Patriotic show and introduce our primary charity, K9s For Vets, to the Lodge. Next month we will have a big fundraiser for them but we want to "prime the pump" so to speak tonight.

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Happy Saturday, Breeze buddies!

Kenny and I got up this morning and turned off the air to enjoy the fresh air on the Lanai with our morning coffee. Ok read the paper, came in the house, sat at the computer and it is hot as he double LL so air back on.:eek: I can handle the heat when I am outside but in the house I have to be cool. I know I am a whimp.:(


We are heading off to the Craft Show at Lake Sumpter about 5 minutes from where I live. The only thing we every buy it seems is food, dips, sauces, etc. I buy alot of those things for my DS. I gave him all the stuff I had been saving in my pantry when he was here so I need to start over.lol Then off to the American Legion for my 2 Sat beers.

Char, I am sorry you have to put up with those triple digits along with a bunch of my buddies from the Breeze. I look at the weather and know that so many of you all are under that spell. I hope it is better for you when you go to your BBQ.

Heidi, God Bless your DS for all he is doing. I think our young people should have to do that or something like that to really understand how good they have it.

Robin, what a gem of a dauther in law you are to move and help your DH's parents. You must love them and hubby alot to do that. I can't imagine living with my Dad that I love so very much and already lived with my MIL. :eek:

Sue, so glad that you are swathering (is that even a word) in comfort.lol I know that you are so happy with DS back even for 3 weeks.

OK Kenny is ringing the breakfast bell. Chat later.

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Hi everyone!

Went to the Craft Show and half way thru it I thought I was going to pass out. So that was it for that. We sat in the shade a bit and Kenny brought a bottle of water that was nice and cool so that helped. We then walked back to the car which was not far and put the air on. I felt much better. Kenny went in to get our Powerball tickets and I stayed in the car. He bought a few of the scratch off lottery tickets and won $106.00. I then felt much better.lol We went to the American Legion and were home by 1:30.

I have since opened up all the space bags and went thru all the stuff to donate. I hate to see my water bill and I have to wash everything. I refuse to give them stuff that has sat in the closet since last year. Lots more room on the top shelf. Next is the linen stuff. Kenny kept saying we can do it tomorrow. Nope I am on a roll and since he does it all most of the time, I want to get it all done today. Tomorrow we will hit the pool in the am and then watch In the Kitchen with David on QVC.

I hope everyone is having a great day!

Heidi, glad the weather is getting cooler. Our coolest day this next week is Wed when it will be 89.:eek:

Edited by Cathy p
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Yesterday was wildlife day in the hayfield. Saw an antelope...he came running over to our trucks to see what we were doing and then ran off. Saw a young coyote, some Sandhill Crane and 2 buck deer were lounging in the shade of a bale as we left the field yesterday evening. Course, it's nothing new, really....always tons of wildlife around.....and I love watching all of them (except the coyotes :mad:).


Hay hauling is going well. We will finish all but the very last field today. The baler will finish tomorrow or the next day if all goes well. We will be wrapping up this haying in a few days, hopefully. Will be nice to be completely done by next weekend, when my niece (my brother's daughter) gets married.


Yesterday was our hottest day so far....got up to 95.

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Good Morning!


Our heat wave is over. it hit the low 90's yesterday morning and then when the winds changed in the early afternoon the temps dropped steadily until it actually got down into the 70's in the evening. it's only 75 right now. It should be in the 80's all week. Now if we would just get some rain. We need it bad. last night it looked like it was going to rain but it never did,


We went out to a festival but it wasn't too exciting. Our community (Hoffman Estates) has had a 4th of July festival for years but we stopped going to it when the kids lost interest. It just wasn't that great of a festival. Well, due to the economy they decided to move it this year and combine it with 2 other nearby communities (Elgin and Hanover Park) so that they could make it bigger and better. I think they had more food vendors than before but that's about it. We were bored so we ate, walked around a bit then went home. The Labor Day "Septemberfest" that our next door community of Schaumburg puts on is MUCH better. We love going to that one.


I had a crazy cruise dream last night except now I can't remember much about it. I just remember that we were doing a back to back and a lot of Cupid's were in it. I've been having a lot of cruise dreams lately.


Have a good day! :)

Edited by HeidiHo
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Char, I hope you had a super day today and enjoyed your birthday.


Paid the July bills today.:eek: What a way to spend some afternoon time.:(


Kenny is making stroganoff for dinner and I can smell the garlic. YUM~!


Have a great evening.

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Good evening Cupids,

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

I received bad news yesterday. Mu mother is in the hospital and is in intensive care. She has a bleeding ulser and a racing heart rate. Since I live in Texas and she is in Virginia, it is very hard to deal with. I've asked if I need to be there and all I get is not yet. Hopefully I'll have more information in a day or two. It is a 2 day drive there. Don't know about flying yet.



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Dave, prayers are with your and your family including your Mom. I understand your anxiety when you live so far away from your parents. Hope everything turns out ok for her and you.

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