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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Hi Cupids,

Sue, sorry to hear about Zeke. Hope his quality of life continues for a long time. I know how much you love him.

Bettie is home and we had a belated birthday dinner tonight. Took her to her favorite Mediterranean restaurant tonight.

Not much happening here. Just wish I could turn the AC off. It's been in the 80s the past week.



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Good morning!


To all of the Veterans out there, Thank You for your service. The OG will be offering free meals to Veterans today. I have to work tonight so maybe the free meals will help bring people in. The Bears are playing tonight too so we would probably be kind of slow otherwise. Dave is going to the game. One of his buddies got tickets.


It has been pretty warm all weekend, around 60 degrees but yesterday we had thunderstorms in the morning then it got windy last night. It's sunny and windy now but Dave said a front is supposed to move through tonight, probably during the game and it will get cold again and might rain. At least we got a couple of warm days. After all, it IS November.


Have a great day. :)

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Howdy Cupids,

The cold front has blown in and it's turning cooler.

Heidi, we ate at the OG today. Met eh kids and grandkids for lunch. Bettie and I had the special. That a great way to promote another dish.

Sue, Looks like K-State and Oregon will be battling it out this year. Here's to the Ducks at Numero Uno.


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Looking at the National Weather picture one might think we are in for a cold winter. I see it is only going as high as 38 in Chicago while we are going up to 81 degrees! Oh well, at least the cold may send the snowbirds down earlier....wait a minute,they are here already!!

Have to go get the car fixed or at least checked up before the 50,000 mile mark this morning. Grocery shopping this afternoon (crossed fingers that car does not delay this) and trivia tonight at the Lodge. Yes, we survived the ELK convention although our Lodge advisor offered to send us to the Ft. Pierce Lodge! He even offered to pay them to take us.

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Good Morning1


Yesterday the temperature was 67, :D this morning it's 27. :( I guess winter is on it's way.


I got off work real early last night. I was home by 7:30. We were really busy when I got there at 4:30 because of the free Veterans Day meal but business dropped off as soon as the Bears game started and since for once I wasn't a closer I got sent home. It was nice to be home early on a Sunday for a change. A lot of restaurants have Veterans Day specials today so we are going out to lunch. I think we're going to TGI Friday. Dave took today off since he got home real late from the Bears game. I work tonight so we can't go out to dinner.


I have been researching excursions for my cruise with Staci in January. She wanted horseback riding so we are doing that in St. Maarten. Has anyone here done a private tour with Sunny Liston in ST. Thomas? He gets good reviews here on CC. I'm really stuck on what to do in San Juan. We are wait listed for the Bio Bay kayaking ship excursion but I really don't like any of the other tours. We will only be there form 4:00 - 10:00. I like the zip lining but it's really expensive and we've done zip lining in Puerto Vallarta twice so I really don't want to spend the money. Does anyone who's been there have any suggestions? There is one that just does sightseeing to the fort and a couple other places and then there's a walking tour too. Neither of those interest me all that much though. I'm leery of going off on our own at night though, especially since it's just me and Staci. Our roll call is kind of slow so I'm not getting many suggestions there. it's has started to pick up now that it's getting close though.


Have a great day. :)

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Hey all.


Dave ~ yes, if the Ducks & K-State win out, they should play each other in the Title game. What's funny about that is the fact that we were supposed to play them in Autzen our second game of the season this year, but they backed out. I'm sure they didn't want to come to Oregon and get beat and mess up their potential great season, but they may have to play us after all! Sure hope so, we have to win 3 tough games before that happens.


Stanford comes to Eugene this weekend, and College Game Day will be there. Game at 5 pm on ABC. Next weekend we go to Corvallis for the Civil War game and it's always tough. If we win both games, then we have the Pac-12 Championship game against either USC or UCLA. Lotta football left, and we're pretty beat up with lots of defensive players out with injuries. But I think we can do it!


Heidi ~ yes, we did the Sunny Liston tour in St. Thomas, and I would recommend it. Sunny is very fun and energetic. Lots of singing and laughing on the tour bus, I had that Sunday, Monday song stuck in my head for weeks! I think you and Staci would like it a lot. Never been to San Juan, so can't help you out there.

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Heidi, Old San Juan is a wonderful and relaxing way to just walk around and see. It doesn't hurt that Bacardi has a very nice hospitality suite there and the rum is free so if you time it right you can start your afternoon "refreshed". I realize Staci may want to be more "active" but the restful nature of this may be just what you need to keep up with her in oter ports. LOL

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Heidi, Old San Juan is a wonderful and relaxing way to just walk around and see. It doesn't hurt that Bacardi has a very nice hospitality suite there and the rum is free so if you time it right you can start your afternoon "refreshed". I realize Staci may want to be more "active" but the restful nature of this may be just what you need to keep up with her in oter ports. LOL


As soon as I booked this cruise I started working out on my elliptical machine again just so I could get in better shape to keep up with her. LOL. I think that if we don't get on the Bio Bay excursion that we are wait listed for we probably won't book a excursion at all. We'll just play it by ear.

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Good Evening!


I want Christmas shopping at the mall today. I was actually surprised that I DIDN'T hear Christmas music playing yet. the center of the mall was all decorated and set up for Santa though.


I had a nice experience at Starbucks today. I was done shopping so I stopped at the Starbucks in the mall to get my favorite holiday specialty, the Caramel Brulee. When I ordered the barista told me they were running a 2 for 1 special on the holiday drinks. I was alone and didn't want two but then I overheard the lady behind me also ordering a holiday drink so I asked her if she wanted to do the 2 for 1 and split the cost. We each got our coffees for half price then. :D I love when things work out like that.


Staci comes home tomorrow for Thanksgiving week. I'm sure we'll go see the new Twilight movie on Saturday. I wouldn't doubt if she'll go at midnight tonight when it's released but she always wants to go again with me.


Eric will be home for Thanksgiving but I'm not sure when. He doesn't have a car so I think he'll be hitching a ride with someone. He still has friends in Champaign. Actually he has a car but it's here at home. What he lacks is insurance. LOL. He needs to start making some money first. He's picking up shifts at Longhorn Steakhouse again but I don't know if they are actually going to start scheduling him or if he's only going to pick up shifts for people who want to give them away. He didn't really want to go back there but he may as well until he finds something else.


Have a good night. :)

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Well dayum, the tech is sick so they cancelled my surgery this afternoon. They are doing what is called a vein ablation (putting in artificial veins) and they were to do the left leg today and the right leg (which is the bad one!) the Friday before Christmas. Believe it or not it is an out-patient procedure but I scheduled it for these two Fridays so it wouldn't interfere with backpacks since we don't pack on Thanksgiving week or Christmas week. Now everything is screwed up!!

Kay has survived her first week back to work (BARELY!) and may have to re-consider the job. She hurts ALL OVER since she has not worked in 15 years. At least she finally realizes the limitations of age!

Y"all have a great weekend!!!!

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Good Morning!


I had a crazy cruise dream last night. I dreamed that I went on a back to back cruise but 2 different ships. The first one was fine, the ship was beautiful and clean and everything you would expect. Then the second ship was a real dump. LOL. I don't remember a whole lot about it except that everything was dirty and falling apart. It had really weird public toilets too. They were like upside down, cone shaped pods that opened in the front. You would walk in and sit down on what was nothing more than a wooden seat with a hole (just like an outhouse) and then the pod would close around you. The top part would be snug around your neck, leaving your head exposed and since these were public toilets everyone could see your face while you did your business. :eek: Sometimes I'd really like to have my dreams analyzed to find out what they mean but then again, maybe I don't want to know. LOL. I was having a lot of crazy cruise dreams when we were first planning our Breeze cruise but they tapered off but now that my Princess cruise is getting close I'm starting to have them again. whenever I have cruise on the brain the cruise dreams happen more frequently.


Rick- I hope they can reschedule your sugery at a convenient time for you.


Renee -did you have your teeth pulled? Your last FB post made it sound like you might not have gotten it done that day.


I booked the Sunny Liston Sightseeing and Beach excursion in St. Thomas. I hope we get Sunny. I know he has other guides too but whatever. I'm sure we'll have a good time regardless. It's just that sunny is supposed to be a real hoot.


I sent Staci a text last night and asked if she was seeing Breaking Dawn part 2 and sure enough, she was. then I asked her if we were going to go see it while she's home and she said of course. She's so predictable. :rolleyes:


I hope everyone has a great weekend. :D

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Gee, where is everybody? I know Sue would have gone to Eugene this weekend because the Ducks were playing at home (they lost) :( but what about everyone else?


Staci is home so we are enjoying spending time with her. We went to the OG for dinner last night. I usually don't like to go there since I work there but this is the last weekend for the Dinner Today/Dinner Tomorrow promo and they have a new, temporary Bread Pudding dessert that I have been dying to try. It was worth it. I have to go to work now though so have a good night.

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Good evening Cupids,


Heidi, I remember going through this same quiet two years ago. The holidays are always busy so many will not be here. I'll try to pop in more since things have quieted down some. Gladthekids will be home for the holiday. We will be on our own. DD and family going to the exes.




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I'm here...for whatever that is worth! LOL The days seem very long now that Kay is working. Unfortunately I am in too much pain to wander around in fact this year I did most of my Christmas shopping on line. Not thrilled with the freight charges although I did manage a couple of "free shipping deals" but it sure beats hobbling around in crowds! At least sitting is less pain than walking so I'm being a good boy.

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Sorry I haven't been around much. Last week was rough. I was so worried about Zeke, and really not wanting to leave him for the weekend. I was so scared that he wasn't going to make it through the weekend, and I would have felt just awful if he died while we were gone. He had kind of a tough time last week, difficulty breathing, but seemed to feel ok. I spent a lot of the week crying. We left him with Dave's sister to dog-sit, and I was kind of a hot mess all weekend, although I tried to put it out of my mind and enjoy the Family Time, and was able to do that most of the time. Zeke actually seems to feel a little better this week, and is eating, drinking, playing a little, and seems happy.


We had a fun weekend even though our Ducks lost the football game. Can't win 'em all! The game was still lots of fun, and we did not get soaked by rain which we thought we would! It rained very hard most of the day, but let up by game time and we only got sprinkled on a bit but was dry most of the game.


Since it was Dave's birthday Saturday, we had Daddy Birthday Weekend. We swung through Bend Friday and had lunch with the boys. Then they rode to Eugene with us and the girls came later, after they finished work that evening. The boys and Dave and I had a nice dinner at our favorite steakhouse in Eugene, then went to the Duck basketball game at the gorgeous brand new basketball arena which is right across the street from our hotel. Ducks won, and it was a fun evening. The girls showed up after the game. Saturday, we had lunch at Red Lobster and then the game. Sunday, we had brunch with the kiddos and then came home. Zeke was so glad to see us, and I was a mighty happy camper that he was ok.


It's stormy and very windy here. I'm surprised that we didn't lose power last night, the wind was just howling. There were lots of power outages all over the state, and some flooding and lots of downed trees, one fell on a hunter that was in a tent and killed him instantly...feel so bad about that.


Hope everyone is having a great week.

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Good Morning!


Somebody kidnapped my daughter and replaced her with a more mature and responsible model. I just might keep the new one. She is living in an apartment for the 1st time this year and I have noticed a real change in her. In the past, when ever she cooked anything she would just leave the dirty dishes next to the sink, whether they would go in the dishwasher or of they needed to be hand washed. She still isn't loading the dishwasher because she knows I'm fussy about how everything goes in there(I'd rather do it myself because otherwise I just have to re-arrange everything) but she is washing all the things that need to be hand washed. She has been complaining about how messy one of her roommates is in the kitchen so I guess she now understands what it's been like for me all these years. LOL.


What is everyone doing for Thanksgiving? We will go to Dave's brother's house. I will bring au graten potatoes and a cranberry salad. Eric will be coming home tomorrow and my dad will also join us.


I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! :D

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We are alone here in the Southland, however, that is debateable. We have been part of an extended family (and/or parts of it from time to time) for 50 years and most of them now live here so we get to spend the holidays in a boistrous household of 20 people! What fun. Kay is the pie lady who does all of them from scratch except this year she is working so I went to the store and bought a dutch apple pie. She will still make a cherry, a pumpkin, and a lemon merangue tomorrow morning before we join the rest. (The rest, incidentally are the ones who threw a great party and celebration for our 50th. wedding anniversary last Feb.) Kay has worked 33 hours this week so next week she works only 10. The jury is still out as to how long she will work.....she still hurts...a LOT!

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Just the two of us here this Thanksgiving.

Going out to a local restaurant that has a Thanksgiving buffet.

Then watch some football and nap.

Going no where near any malls on Friday. Dale has some honey dos for me.

Maybe catch a movie on Saturday.


Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving.


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I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. We did. Eric's train got in on time so he was with us from mid afternoon until this morning. he is now on a train back to Champaign because he has to work at 5:00 tonight.


I have to work at Noon today. The OG is located right outside a huge shopping mall so we will be busy today. Staci went to the mall at midnight last night and came back 2 hours later. She said it was insane. she didn't even bother to try and buy anything. I think they just went to check out the craziness.


Yesterday the temps were in the 60's, today it's only 28 so far, and very windy. Just another typical Chicago weather pattern. LOL. We've had snow once so far this year. It wasn't a lot but it was enough to cause major problems on the highways.


Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend. :)

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WELCOME, JERRY & DEBBIE!! Hope you decide to join us!


We had a quiet Thanksgiving, but nice. This is the year the kiddos go to their respective in-laws in Portland for Thanksgiving, and we will have them here for Christmas. My dad & step-mom came out for dinner and we had a good visit.


I miss the big family gatherings we used to have for holidays, but everyone is kind of scattered all over now, so it just doesn't happen. Dave's brother & sister go to Boise, where their kids are. My brother and sister live 2 & 3 hours from us, and like to stay home for holidays; they each have 3 kids and my brother also has 2 sons-in-law and a granddaughter now. Hard to get everyone to travel to one location these days.


I wouldn't be caught dead shopping on Black Friday! Of course, there really isn't much shopping to speak of here in town, but lots of people go to Klamath Falls or Bend for Black Friday shopping. I have never gone shopping on that day, and have no plans to do so ~ EVER. Sounds awful to me. There aren't enough bargains in the world to get me to get up at the butt-crack of dawn to go do that.


Enjoy the leftovers today, people! I almost like the day AFTER Thanksgiving better, because you get to enjoy all the food without all the cooking! :D

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We've always said the best meal was on the day AFTER Thanksgiving. Unfortunately we now go to someone else's house so we don't get any left overs. Boo Hoo! We spent yesterday afternoon and evening sitting around their pool, drinking and talking and without realizing it the two of us consumed 2 1.5 liter bottles of wine. Kay paid dearly for that this morning......We are taking 6 foot subs to the Lodge tonight for Happy Hour (we don't have a kitchen at our Lodge) and Kay is SWEARING she only drink water....we shall see!

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