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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Woke up this morning feeling like poop. :( Had about 3 sips of coffee, then had to go take Pepto Bismol and go back to bed. Now, those who know me KNOW that if I am too sick to drink coffee in the morning....that's bad. :p


I feel a little better now, I got up and had a scrambled egg on an english muffin and my tummy liked that. I am drinking my coffee now and hope the worst is over.


Dave did buy a new baler. He actually signed a pre-contract that will hold it for 10 days so we can get the money from our old one, which is supposed to be here tomorrow. I'm very sure that the guy buying it is legitimate, but we can't actually buy the new one until we get the money into our bank account from the old one.


Donna, glad you're feeling better. Not fun to come home from a cruise sick. I did that last cruise, spent the last day of the cruise in bed. A surprise visit from the Cupids in my cabin after dinner that night was the best medicine, and 12 of them crammed into our little cabin was a sight for sore eyes for sure! :D


Got my tax junk sent off to the accountant for the ranch. Now I just have to send our personal stuff, but there isn't much to send and I have it ready to go. Always so glad to get that task done!


Have a great day, all!

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Good Morning!


Sue - hope you are feeling better.


Only one more night of work and then I have 3 days off. and I only have to wear my white shirt and tie 2 more times. new uniforms (black shirt, no tie) start on Monday. :D Not much is going on here otherwise.


Have a great day.

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Howdy Cupids,

Sorry I haven't been around but have been very busy at work and getting ready for my cruise in a little over 2 weeks.

Hope everyone is doing well. Rick, your steaks sounded great. Too bad I was at work.

Not allot going on around here.


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Oh man.....grilled rib eye steaks on the grill with oven brown potatos and sauted mushrooms. Top it off with lots of conversation and two bottles of wine. GREAT EVENING!


Rick - thought I was supposed to be invited next time you cooked like this. I would have even brought the wine. I did send a friend request on FB and it still shows as being sent. I'm sure I have the right person cause this page shows Heidi as a mutual friend. If it isn't there, maybe we should try you sending me a friend request. You can send it to Donna Malee -- North Ridgeville, Ohio and it should show mutual friends of Mimi, Heidi and Sue. We'll get it eventually.


Dave - those two weeks will go by fast. Enjoy your cruise.


Not much going on here, been a pretty slow week. I'll take it though since I'm still a little off from being sick with that nasty cold.



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Rick - thought I was supposed to be invited next time you cooked like this. I would have even brought the wine. I did send a friend request on FB and it still shows as being sent. I'm sure I have the right person cause this page shows Heidi as a mutual friend. If it isn't there, maybe we should try you sending me a friend request. You can send it to Donna Malee -- North Ridgeville, Ohio and it should show mutual friends of Mimi, Heidi and Sue. We'll get it eventually.


Done dood it and already have a posting from you. Thru the backdoor I also got Sue. Now it is time to leave for the food bank to gather "provisions for the kids". We are also adding another school to our list of clients;probably in the next two weeks.

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Hi gang!


Dave ~ how will you & Bettie get along without the 2 Daves and Heidi & I at your dining table????? LOL! Enjoy your cruise!


Rick ~ that sounds like a yummy dinner, and I love it whenever I see peeps eating beef! Beef, it's what's for dinner!! :D


Heidi ~ yes, I do feel much better, thanks. Spent yesterday helping Dave assemble the new shelving units we bought for the basement and then putting stuff away. We have another big pile of junk to throw out too. The more we sort through stuff down there, the less we feel like keeping a lot of the junk we've accumulated. It looks so good!! Today we will clean out the boy's rooms and move everything out so Dave can paint their floors. We are getting close to being finished down there, and it is a great feeling!


Stormy here today. It is trying to spit a little snow right now.


Yesterday on our walk, Callie found an antelope antler out in our meadow. She took it and ran ahead of me and then buried it. By the time I caught up with her, she had it all buried. Then she dug it back up and headed to the house. She spent most of yesterday afternoon on the back porch, chewing on her antler. It was so funny. That is her prized possession!


Rick ~ got your friend request. Accepted! :D Took me a minute to realize who you were, but then I saw that Donna & Heidi are mutual friends.

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good Afternoon.


Today is not a good day for me. I just put the call in to our vet to have our kitty put down. For the past 3 days she has rarely come out from under the sofa and then this morning I discovered that she is peeing under there. The tumor and her eye are just a mess. She looks awful. It's time to put her out of her misery but still, it was a very hard call to make. Actually, he hasn't called back so there's no appointment yet. He makes house calls but I don't know if he'll want to do this at our house or if we'll have to bring her in. I hope he'll come here. She's terrified of car rides so I'd rather not have to put her through that. The hardest part is going to be calling the kids but they know it's been coming.


I also am going to a wake later today. I don't know the woman who died though. Her son used to work at the OG with me so some of us are going.


The weather is awful. It's raining pretty hard but I'm going out shopping anyway. I need to get out of the house to keep my mind off things.


Have a good day.

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Heidi I feel so sorry for you. Putting down an animal is very hard. Sue, yep we finally connected and I am getting posts from you and Donna.

This morning, well actually noon we went to the Food Bank and bought 700 pounds of vegies, hot chocolate, and bread. The bread was free and the hot chocolate costs us only 9 cents a pound which works out to roughly 1 cent per package. That compares to 11 cents at Wal-Mart which is the cheapest we have found. Great source of calcium! In addition to the 700 pounds of food we got at least 100 popunds of food donated by a local RV Park. These snowbirds do this every week!!! In fact we are running out of room to store all the food. I wish all my problems were like this......(The 700# of food cost $78.00!)

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Heidi I feel so sorry for you. Putting down an animal is very hard.


Thanks Rick.


I am feeling a bit better this afternoon. The vet has not called back yet but I have talked to both of the kids and that made me feel better even though they were hard calls to make. I don't think we'll do anything now until Saturday because both kids insist on coming home. Staci wanted to jump in the car and come home tonight but I told her to stay put because we are supposed to get several inches of snow. It's coming down pretty hard already. It switched from rain to snow a couple of hours ago. Tomorrow and Saturday are supposed to be OK. No cat is worth risking a life for. Hopefully the cat will make it till Saturday so the kids can see her.

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Heidi - so sorry that you have to put kitty down. That is such a hard thing to do since we can't bear to part with them since they are so much a part of the family.


Sue - Callie is one smart girl. Those deer antlers to buy are upwards of $25 here. I bought one for our lab Chester when he we first got him but the good thing is they last forever. He still has that antler. Glad to see you are feeling better.


Was a very nice day here -- in the 40s but that is soon to change with temps dropping and rain on the way and then snow, could be a pretty ugly morning. I'll take that over what Boston is predicted to get.

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Heidi, I'm so sorry. I feel your pain. Sending hugs to you & the kids & the kitty.


Donna, that antler is Callie's prize possession. She carries it around with her outside. Yesterday we had the door open while we loaded basement stuff into the pickup, and she even brought it into the house when I wasn't looking. :rolleyes:


The money came for our baler we sold. Today we'll take it to the bank & pay off the loan on the baler, then give the go ahead to the dealer to buy the new baler & get right back into debt again. :p

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Heidi, I'm so sorry. I feel your pain. Sending hugs to you & the kids & the kitty.


Donna, that antler is Callie's prize possession. She carries it around with her outside. Yesterday we had the door open while we loaded basement stuff into the pickup, and she even brought it into the house when I wasn't looking. :rolleyes:


Thanks Sue. The appointment is set for around 3:00 tomorrow. :( That's a cute story about Callie and the antlers. I don't know what Snickers would do if she found anything like that but she carries her stuffed toys around with her everywhere. Seems like she always has one in her mouth and she always tries to sneak them outside. She doesn't bury them though. Whenever someone comes over she runs to find a toy and then meets them at the door with a toy in her mouth. I guess she wants them to play with her because her favorite thing is to play fetch with them. Some of them look like real animals but after she plays with hem a while they get real nasty looking and then they look like DEAD animals. She's had a few toy squirrels that look so real that when someone saw one in the yard they actually thought we had a dead squirrel there. LOL



We had a nasty storm yesterday. We didn't get that much snow (maybe 3") but it really messed up rush hour. I went to that wake right during rush hour. Luckily the funeral home is very close to my home so it didn't take me long to get there but I was meeting my friend from the OG there and she called to tell me when she was leaving work. She was going straight from there to the funeral home. It was only a couple of miles for her but it took her almost a hour. When she got there her car wouldn't go up the slight incline of the funeral home driveway so she parked across the street in the lot of a strip mall and walked across 6 lanes of traffic to get there. :eek: Luckily, because of the bad road conditions the traffic was moving pretty slow and there was a traffic light nearby so she just had to wait for traffic to stop for the light.


Have a great day and good luck to those of you living in the NE (Marathon Dave and I'm not sure who else). Hope this predicted storm isn't so bad.

Edited by HeidiHo
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Well the BIG day has arrived. Our new gargantuan Church is to be dedicated this afternoon by the Bishop of Orlando (who is standing in for our Bishop who is ill). The Bishops "illness" may be just that....an excuse to avoid our Parish at all costs because we are waaaay too liberal for his taste (among other herasys we believe woman are people and not just scullery maids). We also tend to challenge most of his medieval thoughts about the role of the Church in our lives (as in total subjugation to his will). Unfortunately for him, our Parish supplies over 10% of the total budget for Catholic Charities and let's face it, money talks!! At any rate the ceremony starts at 4:00 and we and our Kindles intend to be there at 2:30 because of the crowd expected.

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Heidi ~ you guys are in my thoughts today. I'm sending you lots of hugs in my thoughts. I know it will not be a fun day. Hang in there.


Rick ~ enjoy the dedication today! If we had a Parish like yours, maybe I would still be a practicing Catholic. I was raised in the church, and very active when my kids were small. I was a Eucharistic Minister, taught CCD, my son was an altar server, but some things about the Church I just don't agree with, including what you said about women being regarded as scullery maids. :p My hubby is not Catholic, so therefore I was not included in many of the social things, even though I worked a lot harder than lots of those men who were in the Knights of Columbus!! Anyway, didn't mean to get up on my soapbox here. :p Hope you have a fabulous time at the event!


Dang it, we just looked out the back window and there is a dead calf in the field. No idea why, there haven't been any sick ones, and we get a really good look at them every day when we feed. This is the part of this business that I absolutely HATE. I always feel so bad when one of the cows or calves dies, and they just do that sometimes, often for no good reason.

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UPDATE: the calf we thought was dead is not dead. He was just laying out flat, and is pretty weak. Dave got him up and helped him walk over to the herd. Now the cows are over there sniffing him. His mom will find him, and hopefully he'll be ok. I haven't talked to Dave yet, been watching this out the window. When Dave gets home, I'll find out what's going on. We may have to go out and give him a shot or something.

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Sue' I may have already mentioned this in another post but we live 26 miles away from our church or 52 miles round trip and yes we are in town,not the country! Nevertheless, we are active in the Parish...this time we are chairing the third photo directory we have done there. This time I put my foot down and told Kay, who is a Virgo inside and out, that she would NOT do it alone...she had to appoint committees because we live too far away for her to run to church every 5 minutes worrying about something else going "wrong". She is Chaplain of the women's club and I am active in the men's club. She also started Children's Liturgy where the children age 4-12 leave church to hear the readings and gospel on their own level and get a short homily. I, in turn am a lector (having been one for 43 years!). There are times that the Parish makes us scratch our heads such as the up-coming Men's Club corn beef and cabbage dinner for St. Pat's....they are charging $75.00 per couple! I'm sorry, but no way for corn beef and cabbage will I pay THAT! And it is one of my favorites.

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Heidi - thinking about you today.


Sue - hope the calf is okay.


Rick - I know exactly how money talks with the Catholic Church. My parents were very active in our Church and I had to attend both the grade and high school. I definitely have different beliefs and opinions than my parents. I've only come across one Priest in my whole life that was open-minded and was nonjudgmental. Enjoy the dedication service.


Sunny here but cold. Feeling sorry for all those who are snowed in.


Enjoy your day all, Donna

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Well believe it or not we have been home from the dedication about 10 minutes tops! Yeah, the time is after 9:00pm and we left the house at 1:45. First, we were almost there when Kay asked if I had put the box in the trunk....of course I had not and they needed it tomorrow morning at 8:00am. for picture sign up. Sooooooo I drop her off at the Church, turn around race back 26 miles, get the #@@*^ box then turn around, race back 26 miles and get to the Church 20 minutes before the service is to begin. The parking lots are full and I have to park 3 blocks away and walk!!! The first time I had been there I had my choice of any parking place I wanted. Next the service lasts from 4:00 to 6:15!! Now we have to meet up with other people who want the &*#%@ box and make sure they know everything else they need to know.......according to Kay. Finally we get to go find a restaurant to have dinner even though 2000 people have just left church with the same thought in their minds. Kay knows a shortcut....we get very lost and finally find the original street we had turned off of because of the shortcut. Since 1:45 I have driven approximately 137 miles........I NEED A CRUISE!

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Heidi; saw the picture of your cat on FB this morning.....sorry for your loss, gave our dog an extra hug this morning. Funny "thing", I typed last night's message at 9:22 and now the time of posting reads 10:22. Strange, but then again it's Facebook!!

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Calf Update: we brought her to the barn & she is much better. The problem was a sore leg, & she couldn't get up. She must have gotten knocked down & stepped on or something. Now she can get up and walk again; in fact she is mad & trying to chase us. We also brought a cow in with a swollen knee, so they can keep each other company. The calf is a lepey, which means she has no mother. Lame Cow can be her pretend mother. ;)


Heidi, thinking of you. I'm so sorry about your kitty.


Rick, sounds like you had quite a day yesterday! We live 25 miles from town, so to do anything at all, groceries, banking, errands, etc., is a 50 mile round trip. I wouldn't want to live in town though. I love my privacy & solitude out here! Our nearest neighbor is Dave's sis who lives 1/2 mile down the road in our other ranch hoouse. After that, the closest neighbor is 3 miles away. Love it! :D

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Good Morning.


Thanks, everyone for the kind thoughts. She went peacefully in my arms. Yesterday was tough but I'm relieved it's over. I'm still pretty down but I know that in time that will pass. Both of the kids made it home to see her. Staci came home on Friday and spent the night but Eric didn't get home till about 2:00 yesterday and left a couple of hours later. They did not stick around for the procedure though. They tried but they both had places they needed to be and the vet was very late getting here. That's just as well. I think it would have been hard on them. Hopefully we won't have to go through this again any time soon but we still have the other 16 year old cat so it might not be that long for her either. Thankfully she is very healthy at the moment. The dog is only about 7 years old so she should be around for a while yet.


It's raining and nasty here today so that doesn't help my mood at all. I have to work at 5:00. I don't really feel like going but at least it will take my mind off things.


Have a good day.

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Just finished a yummy lunch. Kay makes home-made gaspacho (actually a South Beach Diet recipe) that uses V-8 as the base and then adds chopped fresh vegies, and it is absolutely the best gaspacho. In fact I won't order gaspacho out anymore...it's THAT good. Anyway we combined the soup with grilled cheeze sandwiches, which of course is a minor cheat on our diets (they were small). I have lost close to 20 pounds now and Kay has lost.....wait for it......6 pounds. She's madder than a wet hen at me! I went to the doctor Friday and am in very good health....blood pressure 118/72 and my blood sugar rarely goes above 100 these days which is diabetic heaven. My waist has gone from 42 to 39 and my butt has disappeared (I'm very close to either suspenders or new pants!) So all is good here....oh did I mention the thermometer reads 80 degrees?

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We got the beds moved back into the boys' rooms in the basement yesterday, and they look so GOOD!! The painted floor looks wonderful, and we bought them some new large throw rugs. We had old carpet in there before, Greg's was from when Dave's mom & dad lived here..it had been in the living room and was this awful gold color. Brian's was out of a bedroom and was brown and ugly. I can't believe how much better it looks down there... all clean, no junk laying around, everything up on shelves, fresh paint on the walls & floor. It is amazing!!


The last thing I have to do today is go through some bins & bags of clothes; some are mine, some are the kids. Some will get thrown away, some given to Goodwill. Then our basement cleanup project will be DONE!!


I've also been cleaning out old files and stuff out of my office. It's looking much better in here too. I have 1 bin in our bathroom to sort through and put some stuff away and throw out some stuff. This is the last of the bins of stuff we took downstairs for the remodel which didn't make it back upstairs until now. I had a couple from the kitchen to go through too, but those are all done and stuff put away now.


Heidi, I'm glad the kids made it home to see kitty. It has been 2 months since I lost Zeke, and I still get very sad when I think about it. My only regret is that I wasn't able to stay with him while the vet gave him the shot to put him down. He was laying in the backyard, and I was with him until she got here, but then I just couldn't stay. Dave stayed with him, but now I really wish I had been able to do that. It's good that you got to hold your kitty until the end. We got Callie exactly 2 months ago today, and she is such a joy. But I still miss my Zekers. :(



Rick, I'm sympathetic with Kay!! I've been doing Weight Watchers for a month and I've lost 6 pounds. I know I have to be patient, and I did go way off my eating plan for Superbowl Sunday, which turned into a few days of bad eating. I'm actually pretty happy with it. If I can lose 1 pound a week, I'll be satisfied.


Goodness, the cows were noisy last night! I don't know what in the world had them so stirred up, but they were bawling like they would at weaning time, which is unusual. They were so loud they woke us both up at around midnight. Cows are goofy, once 1 starts bawling, they all join in even if they don't know what they are bawling about. All quiet this morning, so whatever it was, they got it out of their systems. :rolleyes:

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