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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Good morning Cupids,

Another nice warm morning in Texas.

Rick, did you stay at the Coronado Springs Resort at Rodent Land. That's the resort that we are staying at next month for Bettie's convention.

Sue, we also had a quiet weekend. We tried to go see the new Star Trek movie but it was sold out. I'll try going next weekend. We did stop in the mall for a bite to eat at the food court. Then we stopped by the Disney Store for a new t-shirt for Bettie.


Hope everyone has a great week.



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Dave, yes we stayed at the Coronado Springs Hotel for our ELK convention. We stay there every year and really, really dislike the place!! Their food prices are ridiculously high and they are not close to anything else at Disney so you're stuck there. All the food is Tex-Mex which you may enjoy but leaves us rather unhappy. The primary restaurant is actually a food court with a variety of food stations (VERY similar to a Lido deck). The rooms aren't bad but the place is sooooo spread out that you will do a lot of walking to get anywhere. They have golf cart shuttles but none of them were available at any time over the weekend so you walked everywhere which did not do my back any good.

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Got some MUCH needed rain last night!! This drought is the pits. We have the senior water right, but are the last ranch on the creek. So in other words, there are lots of ranches that the creek runs through BEFORE it gets to us and with all of them irrigating, there is not much left for us by the time it gets to our place. We have the right to tell them to quit irrigating so the water flows in the creek to our place. We rarely ever do that, but this year we did. Dave called the water master this morning and he is going to take care of it. We hate to do it, but they have been getting to use the water for a couple of months, so now it's our turn. If we wanted to be mean, we could have made them all leave the water in the creek since irrigating season began and then they would have no hay crop. We have the legal right to do that, but we would never do it. Everyone is just trying to make a living.


I found a tick on Callie, but luckily it wasn't attached yet. It was crawling on her back, so I got my tweezers and picked it up and flushed it down the toilet. Then I had the heebee jeebies all night, because I had been hugging her and snuggling her before I found that dang thing! So I checked myself thoroughly and checked her again too to make sure there weren't more of those hideous creatures!


If you think you had the heebee jeebies, I came out of the shower the other day and had this feeling i was not alone it was weird I quickly turned around to look over my shoulder and it was a big tic on my shoulder looking right at me lol... well ok he was not looking at me but there he was on my shoulder. thank god my husband was still home and was able to get it off me.

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Good Evening.


I haven't been on here for a few days. I've been pretty busy.


This talk about ticks reminds me of my cruise with Staci in January. We were having a nice lunch at an open air restaurant in St. Maarten when very friendly dog came up to us. He looked like he had some growths on him but when we got a closer look we realized he was covered in ticks that were all full of blood. Poor thing. I felt so bad for him. We have ticks here but they haven't been a problem in our yard yet. Our dog got fleas for the first time last year though. up until now, none of our short hair dogs had ever gotten fleas but the one long hair dog we had would get them. Maybe last year the fleas were thriving in our yard because of the heat or the drought. I don't know if fleas like that kind of weather but it's the only reason I can think of that our dog would suddenly get fleas. I always just figured the long hair dog was more susceptible to fleas because they could cling to her long hair easier.


I am watching the Blackhawks game. It's game 7 so they have to win or they are out of the playoffs.


Have a good night.

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We pack backpacks for the kids for the last time this school year this morning. Giving them quite a variety of food to pare down our inventory so we don't have that much to bring home for the summer. This time the kids get to keep their backpacks and we start a new donation drive in July. The best of all worlds....we got over 200 bags so we still have an inventory and though these bags were cheap they held up very well so we only needed to replace 5 or 6 all year.

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Dave, yes we stayed at the Coronado Springs Hotel for our ELK convention. We stay there every year and really, really dislike the place!! Their food prices are ridiculously high and they are not close to anything else at Disney so you're stuck there. All the food is Tex-Mex which you may enjoy but leaves us rather unhappy. The primary restaurant is actually a food court with a variety of food stations (VERY similar to a Lido deck). The rooms aren't bad but the place is sooooo spread out that you will do a lot of walking to get anywhere. They have golf cart shuttles but none of them were available at any time over the weekend so you walked everywhere which did not do my back any good.


Rick, thanks for the info. We do like Tex-Mex but not all the time. We will be at the parks for several days then Bettie has her convention.


I booked another cruise and it is way out there. Not until 2015! Our RCCL friends talked us into the new Quantum. It's not the mega ship like the latest ships but still a good size.




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My heart is heavy today. My cousin, who is 3 months younger than I, lost her husband last night to a 10-year battle with cancer. She lives in Michigan, and I feel so helpless that I can't be there with her. She has a good support system of lots of family there, but I would dearly love to put my arms around her and hug her right now. I just can't leave because things with Mallory and the baby are progressing faster than we thought.


Greg & Mallory confirmed what they had suspected yesterday, that the baby is breech. They have an appointment today for the doctor to try to turn the baby, which involves a mild drug that relaxes the uterus. There is a slight possibility that this could cause her to go into labor. The baby was full term on Tuesday, so if she does go into labor it wouldn't be a big deal, just earlier than we thought. If the baby doesn't turn, it means a C-section which would be scheduled for 2-3 weeks from now. The drug they are giving her to try to turn the baby could cause her to go into labor any day, though, so even if they schedule a C-section she may have the baby sooner than scheduled.


We leave today to go to Bend for Mal's baby shower, unless she is in labor! The shower is scheduled for tomorrow. The doctor doesn't think she will go into labor, but they are prepared for it just in case. My brother and sister and their families are coming to the shower, so I'm excited to see everyone. My brother, my sister and myself rarely ever get to be together with all 3 of us, so this will be fun.


Have a great weekend, everyone!

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I booked another cruise and it is way out there. Not until 2015! Our RCCL friends talked us into the new Quantum. It's not the mega ship like the latest ships but still a good size.





That's awesome Dave. The ship looks amazing. A RCI rep came to our agency and did a presentation on the Quantum about a month ago. Will you try the sky diving simulator? Good luck getting Bettie up in that capsule like thingy that goes up and over the sides of the ship. I forget what they call it.


The last few days have been VERY busy for me. I was getting kind of frustrated because my sales were very good in March but I'd had NOTHING since then. Then on Tuesday when I was working at the travel agency they gave me 3 new leads. Two of them booked. I sold a 7 day cruise for 4 in a balcony cabin on the Glory on Wednesday and then yesterday I sold a 15 day Hawaii cruise on the Celebrity Century. Then last night my Glory client called and said her MIL and BIL want to join them so I sold another balcony cabin. I am also working with another client that wants to book a family group on an Alaska cruise but he's having trouble getting everyone to agree on a ship and date. If they book multiple cabins that will be REALLY nice. All of this has kept me very busy this week though. When I'm not at the agency or the Olive Garden I am still working but at home. I am working at the agency this afternoon and then even though I normally don't work there on Saturday, I am going in there to be a greeter tomorrow because we are having a Princess One Day Sale and open house. I won't be selling unless someone specifically asks for me though.


Gotta go, another busy day ahead. have a good weekend. :)

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That's great Dave. The previews I've seen of the Quantum are awesome.

Hope they didn't have to twist your arm too bad to get you to go. LOL



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The arm I ad to twist was Bettie's. it is a 12 day cruise and she didn't want to be gone that long.

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My heart is heavy today. My cousin, who is 3 months younger than I, lost her husband last night to a 10-year battle with cancer. She lives in Michigan, and I feel so helpless that I can't be there with her. She has a good support system of lots of family there, but I would dearly love to put my arms around her and hug her right now. I just can't leave because things with Mallory and the baby are progressing faster than we thought.


Greg & Mallory confirmed what they had suspected yesterday, that the baby is breech. They have an appointment today for the doctor to try to turn the baby, which involves a mild drug that relaxes the uterus. There is a slight possibility that this could cause her to go into labor. The baby was full term on Tuesday, so if she does go into labor it wouldn't be a big deal, just earlier than we thought. If the baby doesn't turn, it means a C-section which would be scheduled for 2-3 weeks from now. The drug they are giving her to try to turn the baby could cause her to go into labor any day, though, so even if they schedule a C-section she may have the baby sooner than scheduled.


We leave today to go to Bend for Mal's baby shower, unless she is in labor! The shower is scheduled for tomorrow. The doctor doesn't think she will go into labor, but they are prepared for it just in case. My brother and sister and their families are coming to the shower, so I'm excited to see everyone. My brother, my sister and myself rarely ever get to be together with all 3 of us, so this will be fun.


Have a great weekend, everyone!


Sorry for your loss sue, hugs and prayers to you and also for a nice healthy baby having a birthday soon good luck.


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Good Evening!


My heart is heavy today. My cousin, who is 3 months younger than I, lost her husband last night to a 10-year battle with cancer. She lives in Michigan, and I feel so helpless that I can't be there with her. She has a good support system of lots of family there, but I would dearly love to put my arms around her and hug her right now. I just can't leave because things with Mallory and the baby are progressing faster than we thought.


Greg & Mallory confirmed what they had suspected yesterday, that the baby is breech. They have an appointment today for the doctor to try to turn the baby, which involves a mild drug that relaxes the uterus. There is a slight possibility that this could cause her to go into labor. The baby was full term on Tuesday, so if she does go into labor it wouldn't be a big deal, just earlier than we thought. If the baby doesn't turn, it means a C-section which would be scheduled for 2-3 weeks from now. The drug they are giving her to try to turn the baby could cause her to go into labor any day, though, so even if they schedule a C-section she may have the baby sooner than scheduled.


We leave today to go to Bend for Mal's baby shower, unless she is in labor! The shower is scheduled for tomorrow. The doctor doesn't think she will go into labor, but they are prepared for it just in case. My brother and sister and their families are coming to the shower, so I'm excited to see everyone. My brother, my sister and myself rarely ever get to be together with all 3 of us, so this will be fun.


Have a great weekend, everyone!


Kathy and Frank - Please let us know you are OK.


Sue, so sorry for your loss. We were posting close to the same time yesterday so I didn't see your post till today. I hope all goes well with the baby. We have friends who's baby is due June 7th and it is breech also. the have scheduled a C section for Tuesday.


Dave is smoking ribs today. I gave him a smoker for Christmas a couple of years ago but he hasn't used it much and he's never tried ribs.


Have a good night. :)

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My heart is heavy today. My cousin, who is 3 months younger than I, lost her husband last night to a 10-year battle with cancer. She lives in Michigan, and I feel so helpless that I can't be there with her. She has a good support system of lots of family there, but I would dearly love to put my arms around her and hug her right now. I just can't leave because things with Mallory and the baby are progressing faster than we thought.


Greg & Mallory confirmed what they had suspected yesterday, that the baby is breech. They have an appointment today for the doctor to try to turn the baby, which involves a mild drug that relaxes the uterus. There is a slight possibility that this could cause her to go into labor. The baby was full term on Tuesday, so if she does go into labor it wouldn't be a big deal, just earlier than we thought. If the baby doesn't turn, it means a C-section which would be scheduled for 2-3 weeks from now. The drug they are giving her to try to turn the baby could cause her to go into labor any day, though, so even if they schedule a C-section she may have the baby sooner than scheduled.


We leave today to go to Bend for Mal's baby shower, unless she is in labor! The shower is scheduled for tomorrow. The doctor doesn't think she will go into labor, but they are prepared for it just in case. My brother and sister and their families are coming to the shower, so I'm excited to see everyone. My brother, my sister and myself rarely ever get to be together with all 3 of us, so this will be fun.


Have a great weekend, everyone!


Sue, so sorry to read about your cousin. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We also have Mal in our prayers at this time. Have a good time at the shower.



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Sue; Many thoughts and prayers are with you today.........


Heidi..good luck with the smoker. Stood outsdide last night in the rain and grilled hamburgers and brats for the Lodge. Today....you guessed it, sick as a dog!!

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Heidi..good luck with the smoker. Stood outsdide last night in the rain and grilled hamburgers and brats for the Lodge. Today....you guessed it, sick as a dog!!


The ribs cooked up real nice on the smoker. Unfortunately, the dry rub Dave put on them was too spicy for me. He says he probably used too much chipotle pepper seasoning.

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We made it through this round of tornadoes just fine. The area got between 6 to 12 inches of rain and flooding was also a major issue on top of the tornadoes.


Sue, I am so sorry for your loss. You and your cousin's family will be in our prayers.

Also will be praying for Greg and Mallory's baby and that all goes good. My youngest was still breech at my last Dr appt before having him. I went into labor 2 days later and he had flipped himself, so all went well.


Dave, a 12 day cruise sounds great. I would probably have to twist Frank's arm to take that long of a cruise also. Where all will you go on that cruise?


Rick, sorry you are sick, hopefully everyone appreciated you being the grill master. Nothing beats a grilled burger as far as I am concerned. I have been on a diet to try to lose weight, but allow myself 1 meal a week to cheat. Might have to grill burgers today. :D


Heidi, sounds like the travel business is picking up for you. That's great! Don't work to hard.


Hope all of the cupid's have a great week!!!

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Good Morning! :)


We made it through this round of tornadoes just fine. The area got between 6 to 12 inches of rain and flooding was also a major issue on top of the tornadoes.




Heidi, sounds like the travel business is picking up for you. That's great! Don't work to hard.




Kathy - thanks for checking in and letting us know you are OK. We were worried. Yes this has been a great week for me. I got another booking yesterday. A 14 day Panama Canal on celebrity. That makes 4 booking in 4 days. :D I actually wouldn't mind if things would slow down a bit right now because between the Olive Garden and the travel business, I have had very little free time.


It's cloudy and cool again here. We had rain yesterday. I hope it doesn't rain today since most of the high schools in the area have their graduations today. We will be VERY busy at the Olive Garden today because of that. In fact, 2 of our hosts are graduating. I have to work at 3:30 and am not looking forward to it. Gotta make some money though and I won't make commissions on those cruises I booked until fall because that's when all of them are sailing.


Keep your fingers crossed for Staci. She has her first job interview tomorrow. I don't know anything about the company but Staci says they have hired quite a few ISU grads in the past so she already knows some people who work there. She also might be getting a 3 week teachers aide job this summer. Her major is marketing but her very good friend has an older brother who teaches Special Ed. They have a 3 week summer school program and they need aides so he told his sister round up a couple of friends who needed extra money. Supposedly it's pretty much a sure thing that they will be hired. She just needed to fill out the application on line. They are paying $1400.00 for the 3 weeks so that's not bad and will give her some money while she's looks for job in her field. She's actually hoping that even if she's offered a job in her field right away that they will let her start after the summer school program. She really wants to do it plus it would stink for the school if she had to tell them at the last minute that she couldn't do it because she got a full time job.


Have a good Sunday. :)

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Hey Heidi...straighten out that weather up there. We're flying into Rockford next Monday for the week and we DON't want cold weather!!!It's our annual visit to see my parents (Mom is 97 and Dad is grumpy) Oh well...gotta be done.

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Hey Heidi...straighten out that weather up there. We're flying into Rockford next Monday for the week and we DON't want cold weather!!!It's our annual visit to see my parents (Mom is 97 and Dad is grumpy) Oh well...gotta be done.


It's June 2nd and only 50 degrees today. :mad:

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We made it through this round of tornadoes just fine. The area got between 6 to 12 inches of rain and flooding was also a major issue on top of the tornadoes.


Dave, a 12 day cruise sounds great. I would probably have to twist Frank's arm to take that long of a cruise also. Where all will you go on that cruise?


Hope all of the cupid's have a great week!!!



Glad you made it through all those tornadoes. The cruise makes 6 ports from Lambadee, Haiti, to Barbados. There will be 5 sea days. The deck plans for the Quantum has not been finalized and has allot of TBA in them.



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Hey Heidi...straighten out that weather up there. We're flying into Rockford next Monday for the week and we DON't want cold weather!!!It's our annual visit to see my parents (Mom is 97 and Dad is grumpy) Oh well...gotta be done.


Are you taking your dad a "Grumpy" t-shirt.

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Dave I would gladly give him that t-shirt if I thought for 1 minute he would think it applied to him. No, the shirt I have in mind is "quityurbellyachin". I was looking at the paid itinerary for next week's flight and nearly choked at the fees......Fed. excise tax-28.98; segment fees-15.60;PFC (?)-18.00;Sept. 11 security fee-10.00;prepaid bags (Nothing free)79.96;seat selection fee-52.00; and the best one...carrier usage fee-40.00 (apparently I have to pay to be INSIDE the plane!)The worst part is this is for Alligiant which is one of the low-fare airlines. Does anyone have any idea what PFC stands for????

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Good Morning!


Dave I would gladly give him that t-shirt if I thought for 1 minute he would think it applied to him. No, the shirt I have in mind is "quityurbellyachin". I was looking at the paid itinerary for next week's flight and nearly choked at the fees......Fed. excise tax-28.98; segment fees-15.60;PFC (?)-18.00;Sept. 11 security fee-10.00;prepaid bags (Nothing free)79.96;seat selection fee-52.00; and the best one...carrier usage fee-40.00 (apparently I have to pay to be INSIDE the plane!)The worst part is this is for Alligiant which is one of the low-fare airlines. Does anyone have any idea what PFC stands for????


Rick - yikes! that's a lot of fees. The only thing I can think of for PFC is Private First Class but I don't think that's what it is in this case. LOL.


Staci is at her job interview. I hope it goes well. This is not her dream job however so I don't think she'll be very disappointed if she doesn't get it. The interview will still be good practice for her. When she was still in school she interviewed for a management position with Target which she had no intention of accepting but she wanted the interview practice. She definitely got the teacher aide summer school job though and she really wants to do it so she plans to tell the company she's interviewing with that she has already committed to the school job and won't be available until after the 4th of July. She will reconsider though if she's offered the job and they need for her to start sooner. She also has a couple of other leads on jobs so that is encouraging. Now if she would just get her crap organized and out of my living room. LOL.


It was an absolute zoo at the OG last night but things went well. I was very accurate on my quoted wait times so there weren't any complaints about the long wait. I just got irritated with the large groups because I told them the wait was 1 1/2 hours and then then they would come to me after only 45 minutes to ask how much longer. One guy came to me and tried to bribe me with a $10.00 bill to get his party of 5 seated faster because it was his son's graduation. I felt like saying, "Take a look around you, it's EVERYBODY'S graduation." :rolleyes: I did not accept the bribe but just seconds after that I saw that a table for 6 in the bar had opened. Those are all on a first come first served basis so I told him that and he took the table. When they were leaving he thanked me and insisted on giving me that $10.00. This time I took it because then it became a tip, not a bribe. I didn't do anything special for him anyway. I didn't put him ahead of anyone else. Those tables are first come, first served. I won't take bribes because I could lose my job over that. It's not worth it for a few extra dollars.


The weather has improved here. It's still on the cool side today but sunny so that is nice. It never got out of the low 50's yesterday.


Have a great week. :)

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Had a great weekend! Mallory's baby shower was fun, and we got to see all the family, my sister and brother and their families plus Dave's sister all came to Bend for the shower so we got to hang out afterwards which was fun.


We FINALLY got our well pumped and we have 800 gpm, which isn't quite what we hoped for, but better than the preliminary test that showed 500 gpm (gallons per minute). We will be able to plant around 120 acres. Had hoped for 180, but we are thrilled to have as much as we do, so not looking a gift horse in the mouth!


Heidi ~ hope the job interview went well for Staci. Best of luck to her in landing a full time job! Glad she got the teacher's aide job to tide her over until she can get hired full time somewhere.


Rick ~ I used to think Allegiant was a great airline, but when you start looking at all the extra fees they charge, not so much. The one that bugs me is that you have to pay extra if you want to choose your seat. Come on! I understand paying extra for an exit row seat because you get extra leg room there, but not just for the privilege of choosing a regular seat.


Getting hot here now. It was up near 80 yesterday, and supposed to be in the mid 80's the rest of the week.

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