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Middle Aged Drama Queen's Eastern Med Review: Serenade, Pics, Surprises & Fun!

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Yikes. I'd better get busy!



I'd much rather be inside, in the a/c, writing - so I think I'm telling Hubby Mike that my fans are missing me and it's time to get back to work...blogging! :)


Yes please! I'm LOVING this thread and can't wait for your Freedom thread! We're leaving on Freedom in 16 days!

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Yikes. I'd better get busy!


It's amazing how much work we've found to do around this "vacation" home. I've spent the last three days weeding. As gratifying as it was to see my flower beds looking all clean and pruned, it's not been gratifying to see that I was basically a Thanksgiving meal for the mosquitoes. I am covered in bites - I look like I have the chicken pox!


I'd much rather be inside, in the a/c, writing - so I think I'm telling Hubby Mike that my fans are missing me and it's time to get back to work...blogging! :)


I feel the same way Sherri. I am apparently a delicious smorgasbord for mosquitoes.


The time it took me to get out of the car and walk in the door when visiting Steve's mom in Savannah (about 1 minute) I had two enormous bites on my legs. I also had one land on my forehead and bite me during dinner in Jamaica. Right between the eyes! It was a mosquito sniper!


We are just too sweet, I guess. :D

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You must have never tried truly authentic Gelato........


On my med cruise last year the best gelatos I had were (1) on Las Ramblas in Barcelona and (2) from a small restaurant in Arles. Both were yummy - super rich and creamy.

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We last left our travelers enjoying a much-needed sea day…the cruise is slowly coming to an end, and there’s one port – ONE PORT – left. (And if you’re still following along on this review, well. Kudos to you! Thanks for sticking with me, even in my absences from the board! I'm impressed!!! )



It’s Monday, July 2nd, and our last port of call is today. We’re in Salerno, Italy – and my Klingons are like, “Salerno?? Where the heck is THAT?” Well. Except for Brainy Brad. Being a history buff, he knew Salerno as the town that the Allied soldiers fought for to establish a hold in mainland Italy in 1943. He even had to give us all a brief history lesson as we were pulling into the port. He's like that. And considering he's going on to grad school so he can TEACH history - I guess it kinda' figures. Huh. Anyway...for 99.9% of the rest of the cruisers – including us – we only know Salerno as a town that is NOT Naples, where the ship used to dock.

Anyway. Enough of that.


We’re scheduled to arrive in Salerno at 7:00 am, and we are meeting our tour guide at 8:00 am. I had a wake-up call scheduled for 6:45 am, but OF COURSE I wake up at 5:45 am. No rest for the weary, it seems. (Are you picking up on the fact that Mediterranean cruises are intensive??!) However, as I went out on the balcony to watch the ship approach Salerno, it was quite beautiful…not to mention, the Captain has to do a WICKED turn when approaching the pier. I had to give Captain Karin props on that, because she managed it perfectly.


Today will be our 3rd (and final) tour with RomeInLimo, the company that shines in Italy. At approximately 8:00 am, we are off the ship and meeting up with Antonino, known as “Tony” – our guide/driver for the day. As we walked to his van, he mentioned that he was rather happy that RCI chooses to port in Salerno now, as Naples was extremely busy that day. Our ship is the ONLY ship in Salerno, which makes it very nice.




Here's an overview photo of the port that day...



Our first stop today will be the ruins of Pompeii, which is a 30-minute drive to the north. Although Hubby Mike and I had previously been there, the Klingons hadn’t – and we wanted them to experience it. To prepare the Klingons somewhat, we had watched the DVD "Pompeii - The Last Day" - before we left home. This is an EXCELLENT reenactment of the last 24 hours of Pompeii, and it really helped the younger Klingons gain an understanding of what happened here back in 79 AD.


Pompeii can get very hot – and very crowded – so once again, the earlier you can go, the better. Tony mentions that he’s happy we weren’t in port yesterday, as there had been an international cliff-diving competition that had traffic backed up for hours. He said it wasn’t unusual to sit in a 3-hour traffic jam. YIKES!


We arrive at the gates of Pompeii right when the gates open – at 8:30 am – and we hop out of the van. As Tony hands us some ice-cold bottled water (oh, heaven!), he introduces us to our Pompeii guide (that we’d hired, through RomeInLimo, for an additional expense).


Her name is Tiziana, an archaeologist, who is not only drop-dead gorgeous, but smart as a whip, as well. As Mickey said, “She looks like she just stepped off the runway in Milan!”



Yes. The boys were impressed. Go figure. I think they have a whole new appreciation of archaeology.



Tiziana is a bit concerned that Hubby Mike and I have already visited Pompeii, as she’s worried that we’ll be bored. We assure her that, not only was our visit more than three years ago – leaving much forgotten – but, because we had a different guide then, we’ll appreciate her viewpoint on the ruins.


We enter the gates of Pompeii, and pretty much have it to ourselves. Our first stop is the 5,000-seat theater, one of the first permanent (non-wooden) theaters in Rome.



Here's Mickey, backstage....



As we walk, Tiziana gives us the history behind just about everything that we are seeing. Because Pompeii was close to the port of Naples, it was a wealthy town – with lots of merchants, shops, and even fast-food restaurants:



Mickey initially thought these were the public toilets. NO! They were the "fast-food" restaurants of ancient Rome...hot/cold food would be in the holes, ready to be ladled out to a paying customer. Not many residents had kitchens in their own home, so these were very popular....



I’m impressed that all of the Klingons are listening intently to what Tiziana is sharing; they also seem to delight in finding the “little” things, such as chariot ruts in the street, that make exploring fascinating:



Once again, good walking shoes are a must...and watch where you're stepping, so you don't twist an ankle....




Although the streets are pretty empty of tourists, it is already getting brutally hot. When we DO stop to look at something, we’re all gravitating towards the shade. Here’s a tip: bring an umbrella (for shade), and bring plenty of water. Even at 9:00 am in the morning, Pompeii is HOT.



Nearly deserted...so far....



Soon, we see something that wasn’t open in 2009 for viewing, and it's so impressive, that we easily spend an hour here...anyone up for any guesses???


Edited by KansCocoa
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Yikes. I'd better get busy!


It's amazing how much work we've found to do around this "vacation" home. I've spent the last three days weeding. As gratifying as it was to see my flower beds looking all clean and pruned, it's not been gratifying to see that I was basically a Thanksgiving meal for the mosquitoes. I am covered in bites - I look like I have the chicken pox!


I'd much rather be inside, in the a/c, writing - so I think I'm telling Hubby Mike that my fans are missing me and it's time to get back to work...blogging! :)


Man, if I'd had ANY idea how much of a celebrity you were going to be because of your review, I would have had you sign something for me while we were on the ship... I'm sure there's a market on eBay for an autographed towel animal or a signed Windjammer donut...!



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...so what did we see that we DIDN'T see in 2009, that was so impressive???


If you guessed the bordello…nope. Although we did visit that – and we’ll get to it later in the review…and not the bath house, which we visited later. Anyone guess The House of Menander? If you did, give yourself props – because that’s where we went next…and WOW! Where to start??!



The House of Menander - which wasn't open to the public until recently - is one of the largest houses in Pompeii – it was almost as big as an entire city block – so we’re talking SERIOUS moo-lah here. It was like the “Beverly Hills, 90210” of Pompeii. The reason it’s called House of Menander? There was a famous Greek poet, Menander, who didn’t live here. Yeah, I typed that right. The poet, Menander, did NOT live here. But…whomever did live here (and they’re really not sure who did) was obviously a big fan of Menander, as they had frescos of the poet all over the walls. Kinda’ like when I was young and I had pictures of David Cassidy (don't judge) all over MY walls…although I think my mom would have KILLED me if I had fresco'd a David Cassidy on my wall....




David Cassidy, he's not...but least they didn't use tape...or thumb tacks....



The owner had extensive servants’ quarters that were located upstairs – because rich people don’t climb stairs:



...ancient stairways...cool!




There was a huge dining room in the house, where dozens and dozens of guests could be seated for dinner. The dining room looked out into the beautiful courtyard, allowing the guests to have a great view while dining:



Although I don't think they've cut the grass since AD 79....



There were numerous rooms that we could explore in this house…the bathrooms, the indoor pool, the kitchen area, the office/den (seriously), bedrooms, etc. The Klingons were intrigued with the skeletons that can be found in the house, enclosed in some glass and placed where they were found. Ugh. I was impressed with this altar that is in the house:



Rich people have their own altars....



If you watch the DVD “Pompeii: The Last Day”, there’s the story of a rich family who perished in the eruption…and I could swear the family is the one who probably lived in this house. That family had servants, and a pool in their house, and their own altar...and they perished in the house, huddled together, which is how they found the skeletons in this house - huddled all together. Anyway. It's my theory, anyway, and I'm stickin' to it....



Just a beautiful house…with so much to see…if you go to Pompeii, ask your guide to take you to The House of Menander…it's worth it. Plus, you'll sound really, really smart.




Just gorgeous....



After leaving the House of Menander, we wandered the streets some more, making our way to the more well-known sites in Pompeii, including this one:




Wait. What???!!! And yes...that's me...going in the door...



As Brainy Brad says, “It’s the best-preserved building in Pompeii! You can still see the original glasswork and advertisements!” Just a note, though – although this “ancient” building has facilities and refreshments, they do NOT have air-conditioning. In fact, I believe it was hotter inside this "ancient ruin" than it was outside.


Anyway, Tiziana says that all monies made here go back into the preservation of Pompeii, so that made us feel a little better about the "commercialization" of Pompeii....



So...on to our next stop....




Edited by KansCocoa
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Man, if I'd had ANY idea how much of a celebrity you were going to be because of your review, I would have had you sign something for me while we were on the ship... I'm sure there's a market on eBay for an autographed towel animal or a signed Windjammer donut...!




You can say you "knew me when"...hee hee! :)


As far as mosquitoes, I agree...we ARE too sweet. Although, I firmly believe that I have chocolate running through my veins...

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After we leave the “ancient” facilities of Pompeii, Tiziana pulls me aside and asks me discreetly, “Are you okay with us visiting the bordello?” She gives a nod to the Klingons as she asks this, and I have to say, I’m impressed that she gave me, as the Mom, the power to say yay or nay on visiting the house of ill-repute. I tell her that it’s okay, as we’ve had numerous discussions in our house about history and cultures and societal norms; we’re a family that brings everything out in the open.


So…it’s on to the Lupa House…or one of many, actually, bordellos, that could be found in Pompeii. (Remember…Pompeii was a port-city and had lots of sailors in town. Ahem.) “Lupa” means “she-wolf” – and it was the name given to a bordello, as the “cry” of the prostitute, attempting to get the attention of a possible customer, sounded like the cry of a wolf.


Because Pompeii received visitors from numerous foreign lands, a “menu” was needed – in pictures – because not everyone spoke Latin:



Of course, the Klingons had to go into jokes of ordering a "Big Mac" - or a "Whopper"...sigh.


The picture is blurred on purpose, so that I don't...ahem...offend anyone.


The customer could point to his selection, and the woman (or man – because hey, it was practiced both ways) could take the customer to their windowless, dark, hot room, which consisted of only a bed (duh):



Wait. What??!!


A STONE bed??!! Ouch!!! As Tiziana explained, it was designed, on purpose, to be as uncomfortable as possible. This way, the customer would not linger. “That’s all fine for the customer,” I say….”but what about the poor prostitute who had to work on THAT all day???!!”



We then hug the shade as we make our way to the Forum.



Hey. It was HOT. Every little bit of shade helped, trust me.



The Forum has opened up considerably since I’ve been here last. They used to have part of this gated off, closed to tourists, but it is now open…and you can really see what it would have been like in bustling Pompeii.





Here, in the Forum, is the impressive Temple of Jupiter, which was designed to dominate the Forum when it was first built. It was extensively damaged in an earthquake in 62 AD, and never restored before it was buried in the volcanic eruption in 79 AD:



Notice the Jupiter head...can you see it???



Now. An aside. I’ve mentioned before that I am a volunteer with the American Red Cross, in Disaster Services. I am very active in the Greater Kansas City chapter, where we have an ongoing contest going. It’s a photo contest – where you wear an ARC-emblem somewhere/anywhere in the world – and submit it. Because I’d received an ARC hat from some lovely fellow CruiseCritic ladies (thanks, Diana!) on the ship, I had worn my hat this day in Pompeii…and I had a brilliant idea to get my picture taken in the ruins of Pompeii:





As Brainy Brad dryly observed after taking my photo, “Mom…I think you’re about 2,000 years too late for this disaster.”


Just a few more stops in Pompeii...and then it will be time to move on....


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Our Pompeii tour is winding down…two hours doesn’t even TOUCH the sights to see – we realize that – but we’re on a limited time schedule, and the heat is really becoming brutal. We’re all pretty much soaking in sweat by now – well. Except for our Milan fashion model, Tiziana, who is glowing. Fashion models don’t sweat.


Here’s a few last-minute highlights:


Here we are at a fountain in Pompeii…and I had to laugh at this…because, REALLY? Romans could build/sculpt/construct some really beautiful things…but this fountain isn’t one of them. That “face” could scare me into giving up water:





See? Here’s a prettier fountain:



Okay...yes. It's pretty because of Mickey...and Tiziana...but I mean the SCULPTURE is pretty.



We soon head to the bath house…along with every other barbarian that’s now in Pompeii. This was, unfortunately, the most-crowded site to visit – as well as the hottest. It was a virtual STEAM BATH in there, so go prepared. Have lots of water to drink – and a fan. Whew.



The bath house visit can last 20 minutes, due to its size and complexity. It's fascinating to see how it all worked - but be prepared for the heat.



We walk to the House of the Tragic Poet, where the famous Cave Canem mosaic is…this is the “Beware of Dog” mosaic. Brainy Brad was thrilled to see this, as it was the one thing in Pompeii he wanted to see. Again. It’s an animal. Not a pigeon – or a cat – but Brainy Brad loves his animals. Sigh.



It's a very dusty mosaic on the ground...we threw some water on it to get it to "appear" - but didn't want to waste a lot of our precious water on it...hence, the not-so-good photograph of it.



Of course, everyone in Pompeii visits the casts of the victims from Pompeii, and we’re no different:





I think seeing this really brought it home to the Klingons as to what actually happened here over 2,000 years ago…I could see their eyes glance over to Mt. Vesuvius, off in the distance, and wonder….



Soon, it’s 10:30 – and it’s time to say goodbye to Tiziana and meet back up with Tony for the rest of our adventure. Tiziana has been a delight, and she REALLY knows Pompeii. She escorts us out of the gate and right back to Tony.




My tips for Pompeii:

1. Go early. The gates open at 8:30 – be there then to avoid the crowds.

2. It is HOT. Bring water, wear a hat, and bring a shade umbrella.

3. Have good walking shoes. As you can see, the streets are stone and have a lot of divets and steps.

4. Don’t expect to see all of it. Do your research ahead of time and have an idea of what you want to see. Is it the bath house? The bordello? Let your guide know, and they can tailor your visit to your requests.

5. Speaking of guides, you don’t have to have one. You CAN do Pompeii yourself. Just get a good book (or an audio guide, such as Rick Steves). We DID enjoy Tiziana, though, and know we got a lot more out of our visit because of her.



Goodbye, pretty Pompeii....


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This is an amazing review. I've been following along the whole time and my DH and I are looking into a Med cruise next June with many of the same stops.


I really like that you watched movies to prepare yourself for this (who wants to read books when the movie version is out there!)


Can you post a list of the ones you watched when you post the tour information?


Not only is this thread hilarious it is also an invaluable resource for others planning similar itineraries.

Thank you so much for all your time and effort.

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This is an amazing review. I've been following along the whole time and my DH and I are looking into a Med cruise next June with many of the same stops.


I really like that you watched movies to prepare yourself for this (who wants to read books when the movie version is out there!)


Can you post a list of the ones you watched when you post the tour information?


Not only is this thread hilarious it is also an invaluable resource for others planning similar itineraries.

Thank you so much for all your time and effort.


Thank you! I hope you decide to go to the Med - it was a trip of a lifetime, for sure!


I will certainly try and post the movies when I post the tours; I know it helped the kids get a better feel for things. Heck - it helped the ADULTS, as well! :D

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For those of you wanting tips, tour information, etc for the ports, I will try to post all of this at the end of my review.


In the meantime, I had developed a website for our Roll Call that has a lot of this information. If you click on this LINK - you'll find the website.


For each port, "hover" your cursor over it, and a drop-down menu will appear. There will be information on tours - including private tours, ship excursions (with RCI), and DIY tips. There will also be a link for "Spotlight" - and this will bring up additional books, websites and movies devoted to that port. This is where we got some of the movies that we watched.

You can ignore the events, member information, etc! :D


I hope this helps some of you with your planning...or, you can wait until "The End." :)


Our Roll Call used this site extensively to help us prepare for our adventure! It was fun building it and maintaining it for my year of "planning"!!!!

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I absolutely LOVE your review!! Each day I come home and can't wait to read your next adventure. I will be on the Seranade in November and will be doing a couple of the ports. The cruise line excursions don't offer much for Pompeii and I was wondering if you booked your personal tour of Pompeii with RIL. I believe I am going to use them in Rome and now thinking about using them for Naples. Can't wait to read the rest of your review and tips at the end. I always thought I was a planner, but compared to you I am a novice, lol. Can I hire you to plan my next vacation? :) Thanks again!

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I absolutely LOVE your review!! Each day I come home and can't wait to read your next adventure. I will be on the Seranade in November and will be doing a couple of the ports. The cruise line excursions don't offer much for Pompeii and I was wondering if you booked your personal tour of Pompeii with RIL. I believe I am going to use them in Rome and now thinking about using them for Naples. Can't wait to read the rest of your review and tips at the end. I always thought I was a planner, but compared to you I am a novice, lol. Can I hire you to plan my next vacation? :) Thanks again!


Thank you! How exciting - I wish I was going back! I'd do the same things - for the most part - but I'd certainly change some things...hee hee!


Yes...RIL can hire the personal guide in Pompeii for you. I paid RIL for that. We used RIL for three ports, and if you use them three times, you get a $50E discount on each tour - which saves $150E! :eek: Every little bit helps, believe me!


My family and friends say I missed my true calling, and keep trying to convince me to become a a professional vacation planner! You should see how I plan a trip to Disney World!! :eek: (I'm a Disney expert...just sayin'....!!!)


Let me know if you have any more questions...I hope to get this review finished in the next few days. Tomorrow will be crazy busy, as I'm packing to head back to KC - and Saturday will be a travel day...but I'll be here...slogging through it!

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Thank you! How exciting - I wish I was going back! I'd do the same things - for the most part - but I'd certainly change some things...hee hee!


Yes...RIL can hire the personal guide in Pompeii for you. I paid RIL for that. We used RIL for three ports, and if you use them three times, you get a $50E discount on each tour - which saves $150E! :eek: Every little bit helps, believe me!


My family and friends say I missed my true calling, and keep trying to convince me to become a a professional vacation planner! You should see how I plan a trip to Disney World!! :eek: (I'm a Disney expert...just sayin'....!!!)


Let me know if you have any more questions...I hope to get this review finished in the next few days. Tomorrow will be crazy busy, as I'm packing to head back to KC - and Saturday will be a travel day...but I'll be here...slogging through it!


Just a note: we also used RomeInLimo for Pompeii and the Amalfi coast. We just got a driver, no guide.


En route to our first site (Herculaneum) our group decided that we should get a guide for Pompeii. Was it too late?


No. Our driver, Americo, made a phone call when we were in Herculaneum, and lo and behold, our guide Maria was waiting for us in Pompeii. And she was awesome. So don't fret if you decide to get a guide last minute.


Americo was also awesome. He was nonstop info about the area and a great driver. And he said next time we're in Sorrento we can stay at his house. (kind of ;) I can't say enough for how great RomeInLimo was.

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Just a note: we also used RomeInLimo for Pompeii and the Amalfi coast. We just got a driver, no guide.


En route to our first site (Herculaneum) our group decided that we should get a guide for Pompeii. Was it too late?


No. Our driver, Americo, made a phone call when we were in Herculaneum, and lo and behold, our guide Maria was waiting for us in Pompeii. And she was awesome. So don't fret if you decide to get a guide last minute.


Americo was also awesome. He was nonstop info about the area and a great driver. And he said next time we're in Sorrento we can stay at his house. (kind of ;) I can't say enough for how great RomeInLimo was.


Amy - had you seen pictures of our Pompeii guide before? Do you remember Taylor's comment? (I didn't post it here) I guess you can see why now, huh?!


We never saw you in Pompeii - you must have got there after we left? Since you did Herculaneum first....?

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I’ve mentioned before the importance of discussing your family’s expectations while traveling…what is it – in each port – that they most want to do/see/experience? Once you discuss this, you’ll have a better handle on how to set up your tours and/or excursions. You can also go over your list with your driver/tour guide, so they know what your expectations are – and can tell you if they’re do-able.


When planning for this day, our family’s goals were:


1. See Pompeii (this was especially Brainy Brad’s goal)

2. See the Amalfi Coast (this was more of Hubby Mike’s goal)

3. Eat pizza – since we’re in the birthplace of pizza (obviously a goal of the younger Klingons)

4. Drink limoncello (Um…this would be mine. I’m easy like that.)


We had completed #1 on our list, and we were about to embark on #2. Both Hubby Mike and I remembered the Amalfi Coast as one of the most beautiful drives we’d ever done. Tony, our driver, entered the coastline just east of Pompeii, and began the beautiful drive to our next stop, Sorrento. We’re driving next to the stunning Bay of Naples, where Tony points out things of interest including a mussel farm, as well as a cement plant (Don’t laugh. Hubby Mike is in the sand & gravel business, so things like a “cement plant” excite him…go figure.)



Us in front of the Bay of Naples....it was a rather hazy day, so the view's not the best...but still...breathtaking!



Tony passes around a delicious snack in the car – Tarallini Alla Pizza Pretzels. A little crunchy…and not the pizza that the kids were hoping for – but hey. Food is always good, especially when you have Klingons. We pass a sign that says, “Famous Beach” – but Tony says no one knows why it’s famous. We then pass a sign that says, “Bikini Beach” – and its very easy to see why it’s called that. And we wonder why Bikini Beach isn’t “famous”? The mysteries of life….


As we approach Sorrento, a town famous in its own right, due to its beauty and location along the coast, Tony points out the newest “attraction” in Sorrento. Remember the infamous Costa Concordia tragedy? And the infamous Italian captain, Francesco Schettino, who admits to being “distracted” while guiding the ship? For seven months, the captain was under house arrest…and his house is in Sorrento:



His house is right in front of that tall apartment (with the green roof) on the right...he had a great view of the beach & the bay while under house arrest, huh?!



The Captain has since been released from house arrest, but must stay in the village of Sorrento…so it’s possible you may see him walking the streets while you’re there. We discussed the whole situation with Tony in the car, who seems to be of the mind that the Italian authorities will most likely just wait until the press moves on to bigger & better stories, and the Captain will most likely never serve "real" jail time....so unfortunate for the victims and their families. Now, remember - this is speculation only - it's just one Italian's opinion, so don't get upset or start a debate on here about this. It was just interesting to discuss it with an Italian to get his take on it.



Before arriving in Sorrento, Tony pulls the car over so we can take in the beauty of the surroundings:



I could live here....








Us with Sorrento in the background....




A panoramic view of the Bay of Naples


Tony drops us off in the streets of Sorrento at about 11:25 am - and gives us an hour to window shop and browse. We are instructed to NOT each lunch, as he has something special planned...so...what would we do? What are the charms that Sorrento has to offer???


Stay tuned.....



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Just popping in to say again how much I'm enjoying your TR. It's so much fun seeing the places we were and the places we didn't go to (our trips were slightly different - Dubrovnik, Corfu, Toulon and Venice) but Rome, Florence, Pompeii were the same. After seeing how hot it was in June, I'm glad we did our trip in Oct/Nov. I know you had to do it at that time for the Klingons.

I saw in your previous post that you're also a Disney expert. We really do have alot in common. We took our Klingons (DS17, DS21) to Disney in June. It was my 9th trip. Are you on the DIS boards? I have a TR going on there. I am POLY1985.

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Sorrento is pretty small…and there’s an entire area, close to the main square, that is nothing but little shops and such…where you can find limoncello, jewelry, leather bags – just about anything and everything. We wander the narrow passage – pedestrians only - for awhile, having fun in doing nothing but window shopping:




I've mentioned before how fun it is to just wander down the narrow little passageways that are all over Europe - and Sorrento's no exception. This is the main shopping area - albeit touristy - but still a heck of a lot of fun to explore.






Leather belts or bags, perhaps??? Made of fine Italian leather, no doubt....





Or perhaps you're more into jewelry? This little display certainly got Mickey's attention....





Of course, you might be interested in pasta...we ARE in Italy, remember!





All good pasta must have some fine wine to wash it down with....





I can't get over the size of the lemons here....!



Following my nose (it always knows), I happened upon a candy shop (of course I did), where they were handing out FREE samples of chocolate balls filled with limoncello liqueur. Well. Who am I to say no to chocolate? With limoncello? That's FREE?! I took one bite, and although it was strong (duh. It's limoncello.), it was delicious.


I immediately popped a ball into Too-Tall Taylor's mouth, and it was quite sadistically funny to watch the expression on his face when he "hit" the limoncello.


Um. He's not a fan.


Remember my face when I tasted ouzo for the first time? Yeah. He sorta' looked like that.


That just means - more chocolate-covered limoncello balls for ME!!! Yes. I bought a box. And I enjoyed every single one of them.


We soon left the little shopping area, with more time to kill...so we explored some more...and what did we find???

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Just popping in to say again how much I'm enjoying your TR. It's so much fun seeing the places we were and the places we didn't go to (our trips were slightly different - Dubrovnik, Corfu, Toulon and Venice) but Rome, Florence, Pompeii were the same. After seeing how hot it was in June, I'm glad we did our trip in Oct/Nov. I know you had to do it at that time for the Klingons.

I saw in your previous post that you're also a Disney expert. We really do have alot in common. We took our Klingons (DS17, DS21) to Disney in June. It was my 9th trip. Are you on the DIS boards? I have a TR going on there. I am POLY1985.


Sounds like a similar cruise we did in 2009 - although we didn't do Toulon. And you're right - I WISH we could have done a fall trip, because the heat was brutal. I can't imagine how the August travelers are going to fare!


Yes, I AM on the DIS boards! I'm KCSherri...I've yet to post a trip report, although I really wanted to after our last trip (Mickey and I did a 2-week Mother/Daughter trip last year). I'll have to check out your TR! I love reading others!


I could probably STILL post a TR from last year, as I took extensive notes (as usual!). :D

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Hey...here is a video of Giada (from The Food Network) when she visited Santorini...you get to meet Anna in this video, and she also visits The Dolphin Taverna, where we had lunch! You can see the video HERE.


Thanks to Brainy Brad, who is reading this review and is acting as my editor. :rolleyes:

Edited by KansCocoa
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Hey...here is a video of Giada (from The Food Network) when she visited Santorini...you get to meet Anna in this video, and she also visits The Dolphin Taverna, where we had lunch! You can see the video HERE.


Thanks to Brainy Brad, who is reading this review and is acting as my editor. :rolleyes:


Uh huh. So Brad coerced you into putting a video of Giada on your review? Maybe we SHOULD have completed the "swap." He and Steve have a lot in common.

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Uh huh. So Brad coerced you into putting a video of Giada on your review? Maybe we SHOULD have completed the "swap." He and Steve have a lot in common.


Hey, you guys have your eye candy, I have mine...!



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