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Acts of kindness you've experienced while cruising

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So we have a thread about pet peeves. What about acts of kindness you've seen?


We were in Belize when a girl named Kelly was severely injured by a pet monkey. She was bleeding all over her arms, legs and head and couldn't walk. (Found out later a tendon was torn.) She was covered crudely in bloody bandages.


She was lifted onto the tender and the tender then loaded. When we arrived at the ship, without any request, EVERYONE sat quietly in their seats waiting for staff to get her onto the ship in the rough water. It took quite a while. When she was safely aboard only then did others get up to go on the ship.


There was no line of immediate jumping-up-and-rushing-to-get-off cruisers. A lot of people commented on how polite everyone had been.

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The first day of my cruise on the Freedom I had quite a few "drinks of the day" and left my camera at the pool. When I realized it was missing I was really disappointed b/c I was visiting the Panama Canal and Costa Rica and had been anticipating this a long time. A crew member found it and turned it into guest services. I was able to go to guest services the next day and describe the camera along with a few photos that I had taken and I got it back! I found out his name, which I've forgotten now, but was able to leave him a nice tip and a written thank you. It's nice that people don't always suck. It was just a camera, but he could've taken it or just left it there and that made my trip so much more enjoyable. :)

I like this thread by the way...great idea.

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What a wonderful thread to start. Thank you.

It was on a small river ship, but on The American Queen, so many people, staff and cruisers alike, were so kind to my husband, who was disabled.

I've read comments from people on the other side of the pond, and hope we can dispel the image of 'rude Americans'.:)

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On my first & only cruise so far on the Valor in 2010 I had many passengers volunteer to take pictures of my mom & I together. We wouldn't even be looking for someone to do it, we would just be walking around taking pics of eachother by ourselves and almost everyday someone just volunteered to take us both together.

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I have recently had to stop eating gluten/wheat products and my first cruise since that time was on the Paradise in May. My waiter in the MDR was so wonderful, helping me every night understand what was in all the dishes. I was pretty much limited to ice cream for desserts. Our last dinner in the MDR was Mother's Day, and the pastry chefs had made a special chocolate heart shaped dessert for all the ladies, which Sergei knew would not be good for me. As a special surprise, he asked one of his friends in the galley to make me a flourless warm chocolate melting cake with vanilla ice cream and he presented it to me when everyone else got their chocolate desserts. It was an unexpected and pleasant surprise! :)Thanks for starting a positive thread.

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A few years ago while on a cruise, our son was rushed to the hospital in Louisiana.We were 2 days at sea, so no way we could fly back home. Our tablemates, from Houston, the gentleman was a dj for a major radio station had just been give a sattelite phone with free service for his buisness. He let us borrow it anytime to call home and even took calls from our daughter in law, any time of night or day,and brought the phone to our cabin so we could answer the call. This was when the calls home were $9.95 a minute. Don't know how much we would have spent, but it would have been a ton. Thankfully our son is fully recovered. We still stay in touch with Dave and his mother, communicating several times a week. We will be forever grateful.

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On my last cruise (trasnsatlantic) I was sailing pre-back surgery and had to use the elevators all the time. So at Dinner time, I made it a point to help other handicapped people (scooters and wheelchairs) get to the dining room faster. Get in an elevator going in the other direction- which was always empty - go up to go down or go down to go up! :eek::D

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You may have read this on another thread.


I had just gone cave tubing AND zip lining and was feeling it all over! Walking down the hall just behind me was the guy from the next cabin. I said "Man, I need a chiropractor, I ache all over!" He said, "I'm a chiropractor. I'll give you an adjustment." So he came in the cabin and gave me a great twist which helped tremendously. Nice guy!

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My dad was an above the knee amputee and he was not very steady on his prostetic leg, therefore, he used his scooter to get around everywhere. When on a cruise, fitting into an elevator could, at times, be a real challenge. There were times when we would wait close to 15-20 minutes for an elevator that he could get into. On one particular cruise, a group of six 15-16 year olds were in the elevator already when it opened for dad. Without hesitation, the kids exited the elevator and told dad that they would happily take the stairs. Also, any time any of them saw dad on the cruise, they would go out of their ways to say hi and to make sure he was able to manuver wherever he was. Those kids were a credit to their generation. Whenever I saw one of them with their parents, I informed the parents of what they had done and congratulated them for raising such wonderful young adults.

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DH and I always go on cruises with my parents. Mom is in a wheelchair. It is heart-warming and very much appreciated that most people on board will wait for her to go in the elevator first, squeeze thru narrow hallways first, etc. (We have encountered some people who just barge ahead or pile into the elevator so that we cannot go up or down together.)


To these kind-hearted and considerate people, I offer a great big thank you!

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While on the Dream in January, my mom and I were eating in the buffett and an elderly couple had just finished eating. The husband got up and immediately took off leaving his wife behind. The wife was having a difficult time getting out of her seat and a crew member happened to be walking by at the time with an arm full of dishes. He put the dishes down and helped the woman out of her seat and then helped her walk out of the buffett. Really wish I would have gotten his name.

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The guests offering to take pictures of the whole family happened daily for us too...and the favor was always returned :) And this one will be a shocker to some that think Carnival is only out for the almighty $$$.....

We won a free cruise for 4 in a Carnival.com "Build a Ship" contest by building a huge cardboard ship in our back yard and sending it in (followed by finals and public voting) Well, when we received the cruise certificate Carnival had upgraded our prize to a cruise for 5. They must have noticed in the picture that we have three kids. That saved us from having to book a second cabin and was super generous of Carnival ;)

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On our first cruise on the Jubilee we were crusing the Mexican Rivera. At the first port me and my DH; who uses a wheelchair full time, we window shopping in Pueta Varta and we did not notice the 6 inch drop in the sidewalk. Well you guessed it a minute later he was spread eagle on the ground. A group of about 6 guys from the ship and at differnet points along the sidewalk ran over and as quick as he fell they swooped him up and put him back in his chair.


I know on this site you hear a lot about the a**holes on the ship but I feel that there is way more good than bad. We have been hooked on cruising every since our first one and I feel that this random act of kindness by many strangers is one of the reasons.

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Lovely thread!


My husband and I cruised a number of times while he was battling cancer. After he died, two couples we'd met on cruises attended his funeral and many sent gifts when our twins were born after his death. But the best was a couple we met on our last cruise. My husband and the other husband, from Ireland, bonded quickly and we spent most evenings with them. My husband was jovial, but not well and clearly this would be his last cruise. On the final night, the man took off his silver Claddagh ring and gave it to my husband for good luck. I've kept it to give to my girls someday to show them how quickly their dad made friends.




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Our first trip to Roatan we brought two suitcases full of supplies for the local school and orphanage. We were bringing them off the ship and were stopped by police saying no luggage off the ship. We went to the customer service desk and found out that the new custom's officials were requiring taxes and POs on all luggage off the ships now...even for DONATIONS to the area poor. What a way to make a buck huh...


I was so upset I was in tears. My children were upset as well. My husband suggested we just pack as much in our backpacks as we could and deliver that. When the young lady heard that she said, good idea let me help. She gave us about 6 carnival totes and sent some of her friends that worked on the ship to our cabin that were going to the island. We loaded up about 12 bags and then our family and at least 10 crew members carried off the supplies one bag at a time and dropped them into the waiting trunk of our taxi. The policemen were full of thumbs up for us and while I knew it was breaking a local law, I was thrilled that we were helping those kids and not lining some local officials pockets!

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My SIL just returned from a cruise on the Valor. While in the casino one evening, she won a $150 jackpot on a slot machine. She inadvertently placed her cash winnings down next to the machine and got up to get a drink. While at the bar, she remembered she left the money in the open. She rushed back to the machine and the gentleman next to her was holding her cash in his hand waiting for her to return, not knowing when she would, if at all. He politely handed her the cash saying he was waiting for her to return. She was so grateful, she thanked him profusely and gave him $20. There still are honest folks in this world who like to sleep well at night.

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Not on the ship it's self but while in port in Cozumel, my Dh thought it would be ok to put his ziplock bag with his wallet in it , in his swim trunk pocket and twist it the pocket:rolleyes:. Needless to say it came out while he was in the water. It was turned in by a lifeguard with all credit cards, ID's, and $320.00. Needless to say we found him and gave him $80 for turning it in.


On the ship when I cut my leg very bad on a snorking trip in costa maya, was escorted back to ship to the infirmary, but they was out for lunch. So I went up stairs hobbling and all bandaged up to get something to eat, one of the staff members seen me and carried my plate back to the table and went and got me a drink and made sure my drink glass stayed full.:)


We got a letter from the caption thanking my DH, as he stoped and talked to DH and said something about his Army airborne hat, my DH gave it to him. I know my DH gave him something but he tanked him then and we was suprised to get the letter plus he stopped us as we disembarked.


I have always had nothing but great ppl at and around my table at dinner.


Have had a lot be rude but have had a lot me nice. I do not let the bad out way the good even if there is more bad than good. Always focus on the good and you will have a great time.

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On our December 2011 cruise to Hawaii, my mother in law passed away while we were out to sea. The guest services folks were so kind to us. They handed us a telephone anytime we needed to call home for arrangements, etc., and they wrote off the telephone expenses incurred from our son who was at home and had to get ahold of us with this news. For the rest of the cruise, many of the staff came up to my husband and asked how he was doing and expressed their condolences. I will never forget how much that meant to my husband and helped him get through the cruise until we could fly home.

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2 separate occasions, both on Carnival, and both were crew member oriented.


My H is a quadriplegic and uses an electric wheelchair...


Occasion 1: His footrest got caught in a closing elevator door on the Elation and sheared off the footrest (the elevator was faulty and the sensor to reopen the doors was not working - subsequently fixed). (luckily his foot wasn't sheared off! :eek:) Anyway, we took the footrest and H to the purser's desk, and maintenance was called. H & I were escorted deep into the 'belly of the whale' and into a machine room where 2 maintenance workers welded his footrest back onto the chair! Better than new! :)


Occasion 2: Also happened on the Elation (we love that ship!). Formal night. I was getting ready when H noticed a button on his dress shirt was missing. Inside the shirt was an extra button so off he went to the purser's desk to see if they had a needle & thread. They went above and beyond...one of the guys behind the desk took H into an office and the guy actually sewed the button on for my H! :)


I personally prefer to read these feel good stories than all the complaining ones, so keep 'em coming!

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It wasn't on Carnival, although I have always had great sailings, but when DH and I went on RCI Voyager of the Seas, it was our first cruise alone and first 7 day cruise. We were seated at a table for 8. Well first night no one shows up but us. The wait staff was so nice and we just sat there and eat at our big table. Second night same thing. the Matre D noticed and from then on everynight he came over and spent time with us while we ate. No one ever shared that table with us, but we had the best time with the staff. One night was our anniversary and the Matre D came and gave us a cake. He was great. We got to know him well and it was nice that he made us not feel awkward. :)



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Wow great stories here, kinda feel like ours doesn't compare but I'll play.


Our first cruise was on the Fantasy & our room was on the Empress deck. We noticed that an older woman was always sitting at a table alone in the waiting area near the piano bar on Empress (where you board at embarkment) every time we passed through.


Laundry room was on Empress as well & after starting the load (yes we did laundry on vacation go figure :rolleyes:) I said hello to her while hubby was getting us some DODs. She immediately started talking about anything & everything ... it was obvious at that moment that she needed some human interaction. During the convo she explained that it took her about 30 min. just to walk from her room to the waiting area, where her family dropped her off every morning & picked her up at later in the afternoon/evening. Said her fam told her she moves too slow.


Hubby asked if she was thirsty & got her some nonalcoholic something. We chatted while the laundry finished. I sat with her while hubby first got the laundry, then got the woman a refill, and as we got up to leave, the lady thanked us profusely for keeping her company because nobody had talked to her all day & she hadn't seen her family for awhile. We made sure to stop and say hello or just acknowlege her presence every time we saw her after that.

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