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Teen "house arrest" on the Oasis

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[quote name='celebrity']There was a thread a few months ago re a girl that could not be found by her parents. I don't recall the entire story but when she was found, her father made her wear a t shirt that identified her as the girl that had gone missing. Does anyone else recall that thread?[/quote]

We weren't on that cruise but sometime similar did happen on a cruise we were on and we were woken up at 3:15 with the announcement. The captain said the cruise line would not take action and that it was up to the parents.

It is my understanding that the curfew just requests the teens to be out of the public areas but doesn't specify that they must be in their own cabin.

I agree that the parents should address the issue but I think putting them off the ship and banning them from the cruise line is a bit extreme. I think a stern warning would be in order.

I remember that video of kids throwing deck furniture overboard. To me, that much worse.
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[quote name='matj2000'][SIZE=3]Nobody here does not really know what happened, or if it is even true.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]But you will have 100+ posters bashing this kid & family and taking one side of the argument.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]So I prefer too look at things from the opposite point of view.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]What kind of discussion is it if everyone repeats the same thing?[/SIZE]


It is true - you don't know me, I could be making this up. But I am not. Why would I do that? And another cruiser has come on here and said they heard the 4 am announcements.

I have repeated what the captain said.
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I don't think we should judge unless we know all the facts. It is possible that the parents expected the kid in by 1 AM and when he did not show up they could have spent some time on their own searching for him. Perhaps after not being able to locate him they they informed the security people and they also instituted a search. Perhaps after a throrough search of all the public areas of the ships (and there are a lot of them) the decision was made to make the announcement. We have no idea what went on in the hours before the announcement was made so I woulkd not assume that the parents just went to sleep and suddenly woke up at 3:30 and discovered son was not in the cabin.
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[quote name='matj2000'][SIZE=3]Nobody here does not really know what happened, or if it is even true.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]But you will have 100+ posters bashing this kid & family and taking one side of the argument.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]So I prefer too look at things from the opposite point of view.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]What kind of discussion is it if everyone repeats the same thing?[/SIZE]

Your response is the definition of stirring the pot-taking the opposite opinion just to stir things up.
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[quote name='KathyPet']I don't think we should judge unless we know all the facts. It is possible that the parents expected the kid in by 1 AM and when he did not show up they could have spent some time on their own searching for him. Perhaps after not being able to locate him they they informed the security people and they also instituted a search. Perhaps after a throrough search of all the public areas of the ships (and there are a lot of them) the decision was made to make the announcement. We have no idea what went on in the hours before the announcement was made so I woulkd not assume that the parents just went to sleep and suddenly woke up at 3:30 and discovered son was not in the cabin.[/quote]

Doesn´t make one bit of a difference IMO. The actions of this young man (using hte term losely) resulted in a disturbance of several thousands. Those parents could be the most careing ones in the world, but at the end of the day their son failed and they are still responsible for his actions, so they need to be blamed as well.
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[quote name='knotheadusc']I'm curious. How does the ship captain enforce a "house arrest"? The Oasis is a huge ship. How would they know if the parents/kid complied?[/quote]

I would think they would station security outside of their door. Would be exciting duty for the poor security guy.:cool:
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[quote name='lady_cruiser']Too bad that Carnival can't follow Royal Caribbean's view on teen curfews. This is one reason we sail more on RCL than other cruiselines - security![/quote]

Obviously RCCL's curfew, like most things in life, depends on people following the rules. It really doesn't matter what cruise line it is. Bad or lax parenting can be found on any ship on any line.
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I just can not believe the number of parents that do not keep their children within arms reach! There is the story of two 12 year olds roaming a ship at 2 in the morning and put ketchup and mustard in the ice cream machine and now this one. And I am sure there are numerous others. And it is not just on cruise ships. It is in shopping malls, department stores and numerous other places. My parents never let me out of their site when I was a child. And if I pulled some of the stunts that children pull today, they would have spanked my behind. Children are not raised like that anymore. I have seen so many kids be so rude and disrespectful to grown adults out in public! That makes me so very angry! I want to spank their behinds myself, but the adults just ignore it. I raised my son to say please, thank you, yes/no mam/sir and excuse me. There is nothing wrong with that and he respected me and other adults! I totally agree with the Captain......PARENTS, RAISE YOUR CHILDREN!!! Sorry for the long post, but this really riles me! :mad:
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[quote name='KathyPet']I don't think we should judge unless we know all the facts. It is possible that the parents expected the kid in by 1 AM and when he did not show up they could have spent some time on their own searching for him. Perhaps after not being able to locate him they they informed the security people and they also instituted a search. Perhaps after a throrough search of all the public areas of the ships (and there are a lot of them) the decision was made to make the announcement. We have no idea what went on in the hours before the announcement was made so I woulkd not assume that the parents just went to sleep and suddenly woke up at 3:30 and discovered son was not in the cabin.[/quote]

I will repeat again: the captain said that the parents had not seen the child since dinner. Mother WOKE UP at 4 am. Child not in cabin. Public areas searched. Announcement made in public areas. Announcements made in all areas.
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[quote name='Paulxyz2004']Doesn´t make one bit of a difference IMO. The actions of this young man (using hte term losely) resulted in a disturbance of several thousands. Those parents could be the most careing ones in the world, but at the end of the day their son failed and they are still responsible for his actions, so they need to be blamed as well.[/quote]

Sorry but I disagree. If you have ever had teenagers and they always did exactly what you told them to do then we must give you the "super parent of the world" prize. I do not know what happened and neither does anyone else and I totally agree with the captain's actions but to automatically blame the parents for bad parenting is extremely unfair. Kids often make bad choices. It is part of being a kid and unless the parents were permanently attached to this kid with a very long cord there is no way that they could oversee him every moment. If, they did tell him to be in by 1 AM and he did not show up as instructed I fail to see why the parents are at fault, As I said none of us know what happened and unless we do heaping blame on the heads of the parents for stupid behavior by a 15 year old is very unfair.
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I only read the first two pages of replies, but I feel the punishment was too harsh if the boy was "only" in another cabin without his parents permission. Also, for those saying to "parent your children" obviously the parents reported him missing and was worried about him thus they probably set a curfew and when he broke curfew went looking for him and couldn't locate him before making the report. Punishing this family to cabin arrest was too harsh. So if a small child runs and hides from the parents at 2p.m. in the dinning room, are they going to get cabin arrest as well for not parenting their child? Teenagers don't always listen to the parents, and you can't blame the parents. Now if there were details not reported like underage drinking, etc. then that adds more to the story.
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[quote name='Arizona Cruz Chic']If I were this 15 yr old kid, the punishment of being sequestered in my cabin all day is nothing compared to how my parents would have punished me! :eek:


True, but sadly, Linda, that is a by-gone era. :(
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[quote name='KathyPet']Sorry but I disagree. If you have ever had teenagers and they always did exactly what you told them to do then we must give you the "super parent of the world" prize. I do not know what happened and neither does anyone else and I totally agree with the captain's actions but to automatically blame the parents for bad parenting is extremely unfair. Kids often make bad choices. It is part of being a kid and unless the parents were permanently attached to this kid with a very long cord there is no way that they could oversee him every moment. If, they did tell him to be in by 1 AM and he did not show up as instructed I fail to see why the parents are at fault, As I said none of us know what happened and unless we do heaping blame on the heads of the parents for stupid behavior by a 15 year old is very unfair.[/quote]

It´s fine to disagree with me. No super parent of the world prize needed because my choice was the best ever, to never have any little zombie. Who else would be ultimately responsible if not the parents? If attaching a chain to them is the only way to controll them they should do it.
I know I will hit a nerve with most parents and I can already see the response I shouldn´t voice myself as I don´t have kids and how good it is I don´t have kids. I can only agree with how glad I am to not have kids.
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[quote name='KathyPet']Sorry but I disagree. If you have ever had teenagers and they always did exactly what you told them to do then we must give you the "super parent of the world" prize. I do not know what happened and neither does anyone else and I totally agree with the captain's actions but to automatically blame the parents for bad parenting is extremely unfair. Kids often make bad choices. It is part of being a kid and unless the parents were permanently attached to this kid with a very long cord there is no way that they could oversee him every moment. If, they did tell him to be in by 1 AM and he did not show up as instructed I fail to see why the parents are at fault, As I said none of us know what happened and unless we do heaping blame on the heads of the parents for stupid behavior by a 15 year old is very unfair.[/quote]
The parents had not seen the child for at least 10 hours, of course part of the blame rests on them.
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[quote name='Paulxyz2004']It´s fine to disagree with me. No super parent of the world prize needed because my choice was the best ever, to never have any little zombie. Who else would be ultimately responsible if not the parents? If attaching a chain to them is the only way to controll them they should do it.
I know I will hit a nerve with most parents and I can already see the response I shouldn´t voice myself as I don´t have kids and how good it is I don´t have kids. I can only agree with how glad I am to not have kids.[/quote]

Just a quick one

have you ever done anything wrong?

if so was that your parents fault

You maybe an adult now but your still there child
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Last year on a Carnival cruise, talking to some dad, the subject of his kids came up..

He mentioned that he "had not seen his 15 year old daughter for 4 days..." I about fell off the couch when he said that.

I asked him about her..and, his response was..."Well, she is on the ship SOMEWHERE!" :eek:
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[quote name='reallyitsmema']The parents had not seen the child for at least 10 hours, of course part of the blame rests on them.[/quote]


but we do not know if that was the case all we know is hear say
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[quote name='missyk55']I just can not believe the number of parents that do not keep their children within arms reach! There is the story of two 12 year olds roaming a ship at 2 in the morning and put ketchup and mustard in the ice cream machine and now this one. And I am sure there are numerous others. And it is not just on cruise ships. It is in shopping malls, department stores and numerous other places. My parents never let me out of their site when I was a child. And if I pulled some of the stunts that children pull today, they would have spanked my behind. Children are not raised like that anymore. I have seen so many kids be so rude and disrespectful to grown adults out in public! That makes me so very angry! I want to spank their behinds myself, but the adults just ignore it. I raised my son to say please, thank you, yes/no mam/sir and excuse me. There is nothing wrong with that and he respected me and other adults! I totally agree with the Captain......PARENTS, RAISE YOUR CHILDREN!!! Sorry for the long post, but this really riles me! :mad:[/QUOTE]

I have a very respectful almost 13 year old daughter. She is allowed the freedom to go certain places & do things w/o an adult because she has earned a level of independence by being responsible & following the rules laid out to her.

I believe some kids can be given independence after proving themselves worthy. Obviously your examples are of children who haven't proven themselves. Don't paint all kids with the same wide strokes.

I believe kids can be given independence
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Dh and I were on that same cruise with 17 yo dd and 10 yo dgd we were in side by side cabins not ajoining. Yes our 17 yo was in by curfew that we set every night and knew what would happen if curfew was broken. I agree with the captain that parents need to parent and I am glad that they had to suffer punishment. I have already raised 3 boys and all of the kids knew the wrath of mom. So now maybe I need to call the resolution department to get a refund for being awaken because of a irresponsible teenager.

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Unless the captain specifically related the details of the incident in his announcement or during the question and answer session (child not seen for 10 hours, mother asleep at woke at 4 AM to find son missing) then the details of what occurred are pure hearsay and gossip as heard around the pool. I seriously doubt that the captain would go into the details of the incident as reported in the Original post.

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I've read too many posts that pertain to kids given free reign and end up ruining family vacations.


Since our kids will be just shy of 10 & 15 when we cruise, I'm telling you right now that they WILL NOT have the freedom to do as they please, when they please at ungodly hours. They WILL be in their cabin by a reasonable hour and if I find out they leave w/o my permission, they will not see their next birthday!


Fortunately, my kids are very well behaved, but that's because I am fairly strict and take my responsibilities as a parent seriously. I trust them to make good decisions as they know the wrath of Mom is not worth breaking the rules!


Parent your children people!

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personaly I think all kids should be banned or at least locked in their cabins from 5pm until 10am and then only allowed out under strict supervision :rolleyes::eek: just a thought





But honestly if you only noticed your child was missing at 4am I think your parenting skills leave a lot to be desired

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Oh stop being a fool. Why would the captain lie? Or are you saying I am lying?




You stated you where told the woman woke up at 4 am

You also stated that there was an announcement at 4 am


In your original post


So which statement is accurate?



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