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Has anyone ever witnessed fellow cruisers...


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was getting my information from this thread and a couple of other ones where more information was shared by you.


I am glad you have so much extra money( 5,000.00 ) to give the needy ... maybe you should have spent some of this for extra help ..so your "mentally challeged" " clients" wouldn't have gottem drunk and spent all of "your" money.



Maybe next time you can bring your nanny to help keep you "clients " inline.


BTW ... you can say whatever you want, that doesn't make it true. When you post crapp on another threa some people remember.


Troll on !


Donoiv I'm sure you must be sitting back smiling thinking, "Mission accomplished!"


Now back to the original thread.

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Yeah, note to self if I ever remarry, fly or drive to the wedding destination and save the cruise for the honeymoon.


Me too or get married on the cruise with everyone there.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ~ sign the awesome Gailerina!

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I thought you were a teacher in the nanny thread????



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ~ sign the awesome Gailerina!


Why do so many folks continually try the "gotcha game?" Yes, I AM a teacher in that thread and this one too.


Why don't you focus on what this thread is about or just skip posting?

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Pickle this is why sometimes I am afraid to post or start a thread. Instead of just enjoying the thread or helping some people just turn it for the sake of turning things and attacking the thread. This is why I am careful about telling people about this site. I warn them first so that they can be prepared for the posts. Especially since people don't read the OP.

The only time I have seen or had a problem on a ship it was on an RCCL ship. Some woman was saving about 20 chairs in the theatre. A couple of rows. My first cruise I had no idea about chair hogs. I sat down and right away she was on me about her seats. I didn't know what to do as she was screaming and yelling right in my face. I got up and moved. Won't do it now though. Too bad.


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Why do so many folks continually try the "gotcha game?" Yes, I AM a teacher in that thread and this one too.


Why don't you focus on what this thread is about or just skip posting?


I'm not playing a game! I was trying to understand why you were saying clients when I thought I read you were a teacher. I could have been wrong so I was checking.


I can only hope these women would not students since I doubt you would put yourself in the trouble of Ben g unethical on taking students on a trip.


I also understand you may have a summer job so the clients can be from there. Though it sounds like you may be one if those few teachers not struggling since you have a nanny but again i could be wrong.


Do not ASSUME you know why I am asking something. You are no mind reader.


But from your posts on CC I would say you are a woman with a bad entitlement attitude who seems to want to be mean and rude to people because you lack the ability to act like a proper adult.


It seems from reading this and other threads is that CC is not the problem, you are.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ~ sign the awesome Gailerina!

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Pickle this is why sometimes I am afraid to post or start a thread. Instead of just enjoying the thread or helping some people just turn it for the sake of turning things and attacking the thread. This is why I am careful about telling people about this site. I warn them first so that they can be prepared for the posts. Especially since people don't read the OP.

The only time I have seen or had a problem on a ship it was on an RCCL ship. Some woman was saving about 20 chairs in the theatre. A couple of rows. My first cruise I had no idea about chair hogs. I sat down and right away she was on me about her seats. I didn't know what to do as she was screaming and yelling right in my face. I got up and moved. Won't do it now though. Too bad.



I stayed away for almost a year and recently began posting, but I see it's the same way here at cc. The ones who complain the most about me are the ones who follow my threads religiously.


There are many people though who have posted in the vein it was intended instead of making this a personal vendetta about me.


When you say you won't to it now, how would you handle the situation differently? Just ignore the screamer or scream back? Sometimes people become even more unhinged when you yell back or try to defend your position.

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I'm not playing a game! I was trying to understand why you were saying clients when I thought I read you were a teacher. I could have been wrong so I was checking.


I can only hope these women would not students since I doubt you would put yourself in the trouble of Ben g unethical on taking students on a trip.


I also understand you may have a summer job so the clients can be from there. Though it sounds like you may be one if those few teachers not struggling since you have a nanny but again i could be wrong.


Do not ASSUME you know why I am asking something. You are no mind reader.


But from your posts on CC I would say you are a woman with a bad entitlement attitude who seems to want to be mean and rude to people because you lack the ability to act like a proper adult.


It seems from reading this and other threads is that CC is not the problem, you are.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ~ sign the awesome Gailerina!


Go away.

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Go away.


Interest fact....I don't have too :) The whole freedom thing. I'm not the one causing issues on the board anyways....


I believe you started this thread to have another YOU thread around. But my belief does not make it fact :)


I also believe you like causing problems for attention. People see your name and remember it and that is not a good thing. I'm just a random poster no one remembers :)


It seems to me that others have noted you were someone who caused a disturbance on a shop before. You may not have seen it that way but very few who cause issues do. They look at the world through distorted glasses.....



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ~ sign the awesome Gailerina!

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LOL to funny people like me. ummm I have never lost someone or let them stay out all night with out finding them or let young girls who need to be watched drink and flirt and party in a bar. I still think charges should have been pressed. You put those girls in huge danger by not keeping a good eye on them. So yes you do start drama. you are like a train derailment one just has to look.

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LOL to funny people like me. ummm I have never lost someone or let them stay out all night with out finding them or let young girls who need to be watched drink and flirt and party in a bar. I still think charges should have been pressed. You put those girls in huge danger by not keeping a good eye on them. So yes you do start drama. you are like a train derailment one just has to look.


What drama did I start here? I can recall another thread asking what is the most outrageous thing you've seen on a cruise and that wasn't considered drama. It's folks like you who cause drama and blame me, but I can take it, no problem. I remain polite and move on.


Why are you so focused on my clients. These young women had case plans that were made by managers and the rest of their team and they set the paramenters. When working with people with disabilities, rarely does anything happen in a vaccum and I'm not the decision maker. So nope, no charges filed, these young women are their own guardian, are not wards of the court, absolutely free to make their own mistakes, just like you, they are adults who happen to have disabilities. Really, with disability rights, things have really changed from the dinosaur age.


People with disabilities have an absolute right to drink, get drunk, have sex, get married, have children, just like you. They are adults who happen to have disabilities. They are not children!


They did not cause any fights on the ship, so back to the thread my dear lady.

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No, seriously. She was like "These are my clients! I am responsible for them! How could you let them drink so much on the first night???? Can't you tell that they shouldn't drink on vacation??? Where is John Heald? I want to file a complaint! THESE ARE MY CLIENTS! Don't let them off the ship without me!!!"


Believe me... it made for quite a spectacle and quite a trip!


I am at a loss. What type of clients were they and why did she think it was her job to control them. Was she still trying to sell them something? Were they developmentally developed and she was responsiable? Need more infomation. That could be a whole different thread.

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I am at a loss. What type of clients were they and why did she think it was her job to control them. Was she still trying to sell them something? Were they developmentally developed and she was responsiable? Need more infomation. That could be a whole different thread.


You are so right, that was a whole different thread and I posted in February when I did my review. Why it's being discussed here when it doesn't in any way relate to this topic is beyond me.

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I am at a loss. What type of clients were they and why did she think it was her job to control them. Was she still trying to sell them something? Were they developmentally developed and she was responsiable? Need more infomation. That could be a whole different thread.


Please note the above post is written tongue in cheek, it is not based in fact. I even chuckled myself when I initially read it.

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You are so right, that was a whole different thread and I posted in February when I did my review. Why it's being discussed here when it doesn't in any way relate to this topic is beyond me.

When I got to the next to last page and the whole incident was mentioned, I understood. I asked the question before i got that far trying to make sense of it. DONIV was not helpful and did not fully give this topic a chance. I would imagine him to be about 14-16 the way that he writes and acts. I do not know about other post you have started. I know some I have read we really disagree with. But I don't see anything wrong with your original post and certainly no need for vindictiveness from other threads.

If I had seen that post in February, I would have had some questions. That is why the dialog seemed familiar to me. Early in my career I served as a QMRP in a group home for DD adults. So I know how that situation is handled. Yes, they do have rights. I think I also caught that it was not you but another helping you that was angry. Is that right? I would imagine that their functioning level was higher than group home and that they were adults.

But know that, if all were allotted to your credit card, the situation could have been controlled that the sail and sign card if it were set up. Why did your assistant get so angry at the cruise staff? Without knowledge of the whole incident and circumstances I would not make judgment about the incident, but sure would have a whole lot of questions.

I hope you have a great weekend.

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I totally agree! I was just sitting around on a Friday night, thought I'd start a thread to just get people to share what they had seen on cruises and it was going great. Somebody always has to interject some nonsense.


Well, I was having fun on this Sat night reading it until all the crap started. It has the potential to be a good thread. On the plus side, I have found more people to add to my ignore list and the OP isn't one of them :rolleyes:

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I am shocked that so much trouble start on a cruise and it seems it's mostly over seats. Carnival really needs to step up on this to prevent any seat saving.


It also seems like there are a lot of bullies on this site. That's sad because I'm sure the people who are going out of their way to pick on this picklebongo poster would never support bullying in school age children yet they deem it acceptable in a thread on the Internet. How sad.


As for you bullies, please stop. You aren't doing yourself any favor by acting like this. If you don't like pickle, just move on but stop the drama on here by ruining threads with your bullying.


I only did one cruise and that was this past March but my second cruise is over Christmas and I didn't see anything on it and I hope I don't witness anything on my next cruise either.

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I am going to choose to post in the spirit of the thread and disregard the drama... Maybe if enough people do that, the thread will continue... It's an interesting read to me...


I've only witnessed one verbal altercation onboard RCCL's Mariner in the solarium... Surprise, surprise... It was over a seat...


We are early risers...like, waiting for breakfast to open... We eat then settle in near the pool to watch the chair hogs set their stuff down, leave for three hours... Usually, by the time we get to the pool after breakfast (around 8:30ish), lots of chairs are already "saved"...


So one morning we were chilling and we hear shouting across the pool... Some lady (waaaay too old to be acting that way) is screaming at another woman about being in her chair which she fully admits she had saved hours before with her stuff...


We couldn't hear what the other woman was saying because she wasn't screaming:)... The screamer continues to insist the chair is hers... Finally, the other woman stands up and shouts: I don't know where your s*** is but it wasn't here when I sat down so get the f*** out of my face...


At this point another woman walks over to the screamer and points to a chair about 5 or 6 down from us and says very loudly for all of us to hear: is that your stuff over there?...


Screamer walks over to the stuff, looks through her bag a bit, gathers eveything and leaves the solarium...


A bunch of us just clapped as she was leaving, the woman who pointed out her stuff took a bow and we all just laughed...


The incident reminds me of another reason not to just leave your stuff on a chair for hours on end: you might not remember exactly where you left it!


I hope that if I were in the position of being yelled at by someone like that over a seat that I would have the strength to keep my mouth shut and just let the person go on and on like that... There are two possible outcomes: either the person is eventually just going to walk away because I am ignoring them OR they might put their hands on me... I figure either way, I've still got my seat because if they put their hands on me, the only seat they'll be saving is one at the airport going home when they get kicked off...

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...On the plus side, I have found more people to add to my ignore list and the OP isn't one of them :rolleyes:


Me too!!! And I find it curious that those that are accusing the OP of wanting to start drama are the very ones nitpicking each and every thing she says...but SHE'S the one wanting to start drama :confused:. This is EXACTLY why my post count is so low, while having been here for so long. This really reminds me of that middle school mob mentality and that one kid that is relentlessly harassed no matter what he does (wrong, right, or indifferent).

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A few years ago the comedian in the main theater stopped his show to ask that he not be video'd. A few minutes later, he told a person video taping his show, that he was serious and would stop the show altogether. He explained that is was copyrighted and he sends a lot of time removing unapproved taping off of sites like YouTube. The person stopped. I agree with the comedian. His jokes are from his created works. If they get recorded, then other comedians will use his material.

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Interest fact....I don't have too :) The whole freedom thing. I'm not the one causing issues on the board anyways....


I believe you started this thread to have another YOU thread around. But my belief does not make it fact :)


I also believe you like causing problems for attention. People see your name and remember it and that is not a good thing. I'm just a random poster no one remembers :)


It seems to me that others have noted you were someone who caused a disturbance on a shop before. You may not have seen it that way but very few who cause issues do. They look at the world through distorted glasses.....



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ~ sign the awesome Gailerina!


first chuckle of the morning ;)

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I remember another show incident...you know how they tell you to stay out of the aisles cause they will be used for the show...well in one production, the dancers run out in the audience and dance, sing or just come down the aisle, an audience member was trying to leave at the same time and accidently tripped a male dancer.


You could tell he was really pissed when he slowly got up and the cruiser tried to help him up and he roughly shook her off and she fled the scene. I was so embarrassed for her because she should never have been leaving during the show anyways.

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I am shocked that so much trouble start on a cruise and it seems it's mostly over seats. Carnival really needs to step up on this to prevent any seat saving.


It also seems like there are a lot of bullies on this site. That's sad because I'm sure the people who are going out of their way to pick on this picklebongo poster would never support bullying in school age children yet they deem it acceptable in a thread on the Internet. How sad.


As for you bullies, please stop. You aren't doing yourself any favor by acting like this. If you don't like pickle, just move on but stop the drama on here by ruining threads with your bullying.


I only did one cruise and that was this past March but my second cruise is over Christmas and I didn't see anything on it and I hope I don't witness anything on my next cruise either.


Your observation is so on point, it appears as though most stuff starts over seats. I do think there are certain types of people whereas if somebody moved their stuff or took their seat, they would simply move on and say I'm on vacation. Of course there are others that are wound so tight, no matter where they are, on a cruise, bus, theatre, they would have the same type of confrontation.

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MAn some people need avacation to get away from the stress of their vacations.


My biggest fault in life is not suffering fools gladly. I am the easiest going guy in the world , but if someone really ticks me off I go for the jugular. And that has to really take some doing. You have to hurt one of my kids to see that wrath.


I have been known to pipe up in restaurants, banks, drug stores ,movie theaters , and the like when some Knothead gets on my nerves . Again it takes a lot , but it does happen. *LOL*



But I can honestly say that on any vacation I have ever been on , I just let things roll off me. Now granted I have been lucky and never had any REALLY bad situtation happen to me or my family on vacation . But the little stupid things I would normally confront someone about in real life , I just laugh , shake my head and leave it at that.

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An whose fault is that? Do you seriously think I can control in which direction a thread goes?


At least they keep yours up, mine keep getting pulled down. Even comments like this get pulled down, I am interested to see how long this one stays...

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