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Fascination Man Overboard 8-27-12? (MERGED THREADS)


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I don't think anyone is blaming Carnival or the USCG. The blame is being placed where it belongs, on the action of one individual. This was not an accident nor an act of nature. It was an intentional act by one person that altered the vacation of 2000 people not associated with him. And as such, it is perfectly natural for the passengers on board that ship to be disappointed, or angry.


They'll get over it, but for right now, anger isnt something they should be flamed for.


I think this is a very fair comment and one I agree with 100%.

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I don't think anyone is blaming Carnival or the USCG. The blame is being placed where it belongs, on the action of one individual. This was not an accident nor an act of nature. It was an intentional act by one person that altered the vacation of 2000 people not associated with him. And as such, it is perfectly natural for the passengers on board that ship to be disappointed, or angry.


They'll get over it, but for right now, anger isnt something they should be flamed for.




Some have kept silent so as not to inflame an argument that can never be "won" by those on either side. Much like a political argument, there are no "winners" and you'll be hard-pressed to change anyone's opinion. :cool:

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Why is she not entitled to feel as if her cruse was ruined? From her perspective, it WAS. Who are we to invalidate her feelings? For crying out loud, she said she sympathizes for the loss, but her vacation WAS ALTERED - that is a fact, whether others here want to acknowledge that or not. Her feelings are valid to HER just as yours are to you.


As far as my other comments, If you didn't get the analogy, I'm sorry



It is not a correct analogy, to compare someone who inflicts intentional pain on a child is not in the same category as one who leaps overboard for unknown reasons to ME. The pedophile damages a child for life.


So no, I do not understand the analogy you posted about. Sorry.

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I don't think anyone is blaming Carnival or the USCG. The blame is being placed where it belongs, on the action of one individual. This was not an accident nor an act of nature. It was an intentional act by one person that altered the vacation of 2000 people not associated with him. And as such, it is perfectly natural for the passengers on board that ship to be disappointed, or angry.


They'll get over it, but for right now, anger isnt something they should be flamed for.

The people here doing the chastising are sitting home in their armchairs, fingers on the computer keys saying "their cruise would not be ruined". I think if THEY had been on a specific cruise for a specific port, they would too be upset. My cruise port on Dream was cancelled because we couldn't control the winds that day. I had been to the usual islands, but booked specifically for Roatan, the port I didn't get to. Mine was weather related, very very disappointed, but is was an act of nature. That was an expensive cruise to repeat all the usual ports. The case for their sailing was not for passenger safety, it was caused by an irresponsable person.

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Is there a button here to hide all the posts that are personal attacks and only show the posts that have information about what happened?


Not that I've found but there is an ignore feature. Nice thing about ignore, there is an option so you can read what the person says on other, less contentious threads.

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I just have to add my 2 cents. I wasn't going to, but I've read most of this thread, though not all, and I haven't seen this mentioned. If it has, I apologize.


Somewhere back a lot of pages it was mentioned that this guy had been to Iraq twice. These soldiers come home with some major mental issues, called PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorders. Example, I have a family member that just got home from Afghanistan. He was only there 6 months, but he was a driver in the convoys and he saw a few of his fellow soldiers die and get seriously hurt by road side bombs. He cannot drive a car here now because he has flashbacks and will swerve or hit brakes for no reason. He says in his mind, he sees he is back in Afghanistan.


I don't know how the whole incident happened, or got started, but in his mind, as he was running from security, he very well may have been flashing back to war time. In his mind, he might have been running from the enemy, and felt there was no choice but to jump ship. He may not have even known he was on a ship at that point. Nobody knows what was going through HIS mind. War does nasty things to a mind, and it's sad that people jump to conclusions without knowing anything about the situation.

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I just have to add my 2 cents. I wasn't going to, but I've read most of this thread, though not all, and I haven't seen this mentioned. If it has, I apologize.


Somewhere back a lot of pages it was mentioned that this guy had been to Iraq twice. These soldiers come home with some major mental issues, called PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorders. Example, I have a family member that just got home from Afghanistan. He was only there 6 months, but he was a driver in the convoys and he saw a few of his fellow soldiers die and get seriously hurt by road side bombs. He cannot drive a car here now because he has flashbacks and will swerve or hit brakes for no reason. He says in his mind, he sees he is back in Afghanistan.


I don't know how the whole incident happened, or got started, but in his mind, as he was running from security, he very well may have been flashing back to war time. In his mind, he might have been running from the enemy, and felt there was no choice but to jump ship. He may not have even known he was on a ship at that point. Nobody knows what was going through HIS mind. War does nasty things to a mind, and it's sad that people jump to conclusions without knowing anything about the situation.


It's been covered.


Unfortunately, as yet, no one knows what happened, it is human nature to speculate, oh and on the PTSD theory, I guess that could be jumping to conclusions too.


And on the same score he could just have been drunk, assaulted his girlfriend, ran from security and did something irreversible by jumping over.


Not everyone who sees action suffers from PTSD, I speak from experience....................

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It's been covered.


And on the same score he could just have been drunk, assaulted his girlfriend and did something irreversible by jumping over.


Unfortunately, as yet, no one knows what happened, it is human nature to speculate, oh and on the PTSD theory, well that could be jumping to conclusions too.


Not everyone that sees action has PTSD, I speak from experience...............


I didn't say he definitely has PTSD, or that everyone that has been to war has it. I said it was a possibility, and before knowing what happened and just deciding he was just an idiot, it's best to wait for all the facts before jumping to conclusions. He very well may have just been drunk and an idiot and jumped. I don't know, but I'm not going to decide one way or the other and pass judgement on him.

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I still believe that unless Aquahound is going to tell us something (:D) then we may never know the full story ever.


I did a search for the person who fell/jumped in January and could not find anything updated (it could be out there somewhere for all I know).


Technically we will never really know the whole truth, since the gentleman who jumped is the only one who knows what was going through his head.

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I just finished reading this thread, and here's what I have to say:


Aquahound: Say NOTHING until you have all the true facts and are allowed to release them to the public. 10,000+ posts is nice, but you accomplish nothing by giving hints, etc. Sorry, it is what is it. No disrespect intended.


My father committed suicide when I was 19, but he used a gun. Yes, he was depressed, and I know the reason (this is why I don't talk to much of my family). I have yet to visit his mausoleum in 35 years after putting him in there, and I am only now starting to forgive him.


Why this fellow did what he did has not yet been proven. Or have I missed something? Yes I read about the escape from security, etc.


That being said: Water is not "soft". Yeah, I was in the water business, and I know what "hard" and "soft" water is, but this is different, as it was stated that this fellow jumped from 87' (if that is true) off a ship perhaps doing 20 knots.


87' is like jumping off an 8-9 story building, and unless you are a professional diver (think of those cliff divers), you are at best landing on to a grass surface, while your body is moving at 20 knots! Your body will deal with sudden deceleration plus the impact itself. You will very likely be knocked unconscious, possibly with internal injuries, and will then drown. The life ring will mean nothing. I am not saying such a jump is not survivable, but unless you hit the water right, and preferably the ship is not moving, you are done for. At that height, water is not a huge pillow of softness, and you have to think of G forces and sudden deceleration, which can tear up organs in your body.


It's not the fall that kills you, it is the sudden stop that does.


As to those using humor in this thread: It's understandable, especially if it was not a suicide. Who in their right mind would jump off a ship from that height? If it turns out to be a suicide, then I would refrain from humorous comments.


So far it appears to not be a suicide, but who knows?


I'm not making any jokes.


Hint: Don't jump off high on a ship when at speed, it will very likely kill you!

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I lost more than a port. We spent a ton of money on this cruise. Time waiting to go, saving, preparing, being excited only to get on the boat and be disppointed on the very first morning we woke up. Like i said sont tell me how to react. U werent there and dont know how we felt.


:confused: I just can't figure this out. "A ton of money was lost"?? How? If anything you saved money by not going to Key West, which by the way is one port that I would never leave the ship for again, by not spending money on cheesy souvenirs that will end up in a garage sale box :D. Seriously, Key West is a quick and cheap day trip from Southern Florida if it really was a "must do" on your bucket list.


Life happens but how you choose to handle it is what counts. It is what it is. You were still on a cruise. You were with your family. Try the glass 1/2 full theory...it might improve your life a little. ;)


P.S. I missed the one port that I chose my cruise for in 2010. Hurricane Richard messed up our stop. Yep, I was a bit disappointed but it was out of my control. Just gives me an excuse to do a repeat!!

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:confused: I just can't figure this out. "A ton of money was lost"?? How? If anything you saved money by not going to Key West, which by the way is one port that I would never leave the ship for again, by not spending money on cheesy souvenirs that will end up in a garage sale box :D. Seriously, Key West is a quick and cheap day trip from Southern Florida if it really was a "must do" on your bucket list.


Life happens but how you choose to handle it is what counts. It is what it is. You were still on a cruise. You were with your family. Try the glass 1/2 full theory...it might improve your life a little. ;)


P.S. I missed the one port that I chose my cruise for in 2010. Hurricane Richard messed up our stop. Yep, I was a bit disappointed but it was out of my control. Just gives me an excuse to do a repeat!!


As for someone who is sitting at my desk and has missed a port that I wanted to go to, I was disappointed. We ended up going to Nassau AGAIN. Yuck! It didn't ruin the entire cruise for me, that is all I was saying. We were trying to avoid Hurricane/Tropical Storm Tomas. Stuff happens and yep, I will be going to three new ports this coming year!


As far as money spent, well I never booked my cruises to go to ONE special port and I know the money we lay down for our cruises. But I was on a ship, enjoying the cruise that we were having.

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I promised myself that I would refrain from this thread but I just can't hold back


The whole situation stinks. A man lost his life and a family is reeling in pain because of his actions.


Thousands of people will have this man's death as a memory of what should have been a wonderful vacation. This is one memory I would prefer not to have from my vacation.


The people on that cruise who had their children with them had a job to help explain what happened and help their children understand how a person's death can affect not only their families but many other families.


Thanks for your service Sgt Kemp and I can only hope that you weren't committing a crime when you were being chased.

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Here in Key West? Yes, everything was open by Monday afternoon. Heck, places like Sloppy Joes didn't even close during the storm.

You have to love Sloppy Joe's. Question. Are any of the media outlets covering this? Sounds like a great case for Nancy Grace:eek:.

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I was on this cruise with my husband and four friends. We were awakened in the middle of the night (2:32 a.m. on my bedside clock) by a PA announcement from the captain that a passenger was observed by companions and crew going overboard and the ship was turning around for search and rescue. We were concerned for the passenger and looked out our window to try to see what was going on outside but really saw nothing except search lights coming from above us--we were on deck 7. About 8:30 in the morning the captain announced that the passenger had not been found and the ship was released by the coast guard to continue with our cruise; however, our itinerary was being modified to miss Key West and instead go to Freeport. We were disappointed because we had looked forward to the Key West visit, but it certainly did not "ruin" our cruise. We were sorry to hear that there was a couple on the ship who were planning to be married during the Key West stop, so I'm sure it was a great disappointment to them have this change in the itinerary. Nevertheless, we enjoyed the beautiful weather we had and our time onboard the ship. Attitude is everything--if you decide that you will have a good time regardless of unforeseen complications, you will still enjoy the cruise.


I'm on this forum to try to get more information about what really happened and have read about half of the posts. Please, could the FACTS of what events led up to the young man's jump from the ship be reposted for those of us who didn't have time to read through all the posts.

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The people here doing the chastising are sitting home in their armchairs, fingers on the computer keys saying "their cruise would not be ruined". I think if THEY had been on a specific cruise for a specific port, they would too be upset. My cruise port on Dream was cancelled because we couldn't control the winds that day. I had been to the usual islands, but booked specifically for Roatan, the port I didn't get to. Mine was weather related, very very disappointed, but is was an act of nature. That was an expensive cruise to repeat all the usual ports. The case for their sailing was not for passenger safety, it was caused by an irresponsable person.


You are right, I'm sitting in an armchair, while typing but I can say we missed the first port a couple of years ago. My 5 and a 1/2 yo GD was sad that we would miss the Aquarium in Noumea. Fortunately, the promise of an ice cream cone set things right.


The following year the ship was 13 hours late in leaving Sydney and thus I missed seeing the Opera house and sailing under the Harbour Bridge in daylight. I wasn't sure if I would EVER get back and have another chance. We did get to Noumea this time, though.


I will have another chance to sail past the Opera house on Carnival Spirit next March but not under the bridge as the Spirit is too tall. I still consider myself lucky. I understand the disappointment when things don't go as planned. I don't understand hostility towards a deceased soul.

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28 pages now, and the same things being said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over and over and over and over and over and over and said over and over and over and said over 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Awesome, thanks for bumping it and keeping it going LMAO

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I was on this cruise with my husband and four friends. We were awakened in the middle of the night (2:32 a.m. on my bedside clock) by a PA announcement from the captain that a passenger was observed by companions and crew going overboard and the ship was turning around for search and rescue. We were concerned for the passenger and looked out our window to try to see what was going on outside but really saw nothing except search lights coming from above us--we were on deck 7. About 8:30 in the morning the captain announced that the passenger had not been found and the ship was released by the coast guard to continue with our cruise; however, our itinerary was being modified to miss Key West and instead go to Freeport. We were disappointed because we had looked forward to the Key West visit, but it certainly did not "ruin" our cruise. We were sorry to hear that there was a couple on the ship who were planning to be married during the Key West stop, so I'm sure it was a great disappointment to them have this change in the itinerary. Nevertheless, we enjoyed the beautiful weather we had and our time onboard the ship. Attitude is everything--if you decide that you will have a good time regardless of unforeseen complications, you will still enjoy the cruise.


I'm on this forum to try to get more information about what really happened and have read about half of the posts. Please, could the FACTS of what events led up to the young man's jump from the ship be reposted for those of us who didn't have time to read through all the posts.


Here is a link to the CC news story, seems to be the one with the most detail that I have seen. http://www.cruisecritic.com/news/news.cfm?ID=4965


But another person who was on the cruise had a different story; she heard that the guy was in the casino, fighting with his girlfriend. Was chased by security, fell from one deck down to the Lido deck and then grabbed the life ring and jumped overboard. There may be more detail but I'd have to read all 30 pages again to find it... :)

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So if an obese person or a life long smoker chooses to have the big H on your cruise would you blame them too for a medical emergency? Technically in most cases was thier own fault? Or those that bring along the almost dead guy or the cancer patient that had 3 months left?


Wow it's key west you weren't going to see the sunset celebration anyway and certainly not a place to bring kids??? Certainly more for them to enjoy on the ship..

Sorry but as a parent I try my best to not make anything ruin a vacation.


Get over it already....


She booked the cruise and was looking forward to Key West. As for not being a place to bring kids, maybe you should point that out to the cruise lines that bring tons of kids there as well as families that go vacation there. Kids not belonging there may be your opinion but it would appear that it is hardly shared may many.

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The people here doing the chastising are sitting home in their armchairs, fingers on the computer keys saying "their cruise would not be ruined". I think if THEY had been on a specific cruise for a specific port, they would too be upset. My cruise port on Dream was cancelled because we couldn't control the winds that day. I had been to the usual islands, but booked specifically for Roatan, the port I didn't get to. Mine was weather related, very very disappointed, but is was an act of nature. That was an expensive cruise to repeat all the usual ports. The case for their sailing was not for passenger safety, it was caused by an irresponsable person.

It was caused by a dead person... comparing loss of a port due to weather with a person who is dead makes no sense to me...

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