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Allure Questions & Infant Cruising Questions


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Getting nervous now! Ability to book shows and dining just opened up (less than 7 days ago) and already I've missed out on booking the Dreamworks breakfast.


There are 7 of us in our group, and all our reservations are linked, yet when I try to make reservations for the third cabin, it states that pre-cruise planning isn't available yet because the sail date is too far in the future. Huh?


I was able to make Dreamworks reservations for 2 persons on one date, and 2 on another...but yet no way to get them all on the same date.


What are my chances of the 7 of us going to the Dreamworks breakfast on the same date? Should I keep trying to reserve online? Any suggestions would be welcome!


This is the first time we'll be traveling with an infant (1 year old), so I have some practical questions:


1. How do you bathe them without a tub? Sink is too small as is the shower stall.


2. I am told a pack 'n' play will be brought to the room...is this really sufficient? Any recommendations on what I should bring for infant sleep purposes?


3. What were the 3 things you wish you had remembered/thought of to bring for cruising with an infant?


4. Any Allure insider cruising tip? That discovery you made that you didn't know about and want to share?


5. What was your favorite free dining spot and why? What was your favorite yum there?


6. Is there a formal tea service any day?


7. I have to be frugal, but what would you say is totally worth paying for? That amenity, activity, food/drink that was worth the fee?


8. What did you figure out/discover on day 5 that you wish you knew on day 1?


9. Does the ship ever feel "crowded?"


10. What was your favorite quiet spot?


I haven't had much time to research all that Allure has to offer (we strictly booked this trip based on it being THE largest ship sailing) and would appreciate any information you can share.



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This is the first time we'll be traveling with an infant (1 year old), so I have some practical questions:


1. How do you bathe them without a tub? Sink is too small as is the shower stall.


3. What were the 3 things you wish you had remembered/thought of to bring for cruising with an infant?



Bring a blow up bath tub - they fit perfect in the shower.


Bring more than enough diapers and wipes. Bring extra sippy cups or bottles - whatever your child is using so if you lose one, you're not up a creek. Disposable bibs with the little pocket at the bottom to catch food. Little amusements for the dining room.


Have a great time!




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2. I am told a pack 'n' play will be brought to the room...is this really sufficient? Any recommendations on what i should bring for infant sleep purposes?


You should bring a few sheets for the pack n play (softer ones as the pack n play surface is hard as a rock), and blankets - they dont really provide anything else besides the pack n play


3. What were the 3 things you wish you had remembered/thought of to bring for cruising with an infant?


Diapers, wipes, baby food, bottle warmer, very comfortable stroller that baby can sleep in, sun screen, sun hat, multiple bathing suits...but read the posting on travelling with infants


4. Any allure insider cruising tip? That discovery you made that you didn't know about and want to share?


Port side, stern on deck 14 takes you out to the viewing spots above the bridge. Amazing views


attend the fisher price babies at sea events - very well done and lots of fun for your baby (can try out new toys and meet other babies)


the h20 zone has a seperate pool for kids in diapers. Lots of fun to hang out and enjoy the sun/weather




5. What was your favorite free dining spot and why? What was your favorite yum there? We loved the main dining room and the wj. Wj is great for kids.


6. Is there a formal tea service any day? Not that i am aware of


7. I have to be frugal, but what would you say is totally worth paying for? That amenity, activity, food/drink that was worth the fee? Maybe one or two professional shots from the ship's photographer, internet time to stay connected


8. What did you figure out/discover on day 5 that you wish you knew on day 1? Rock climbing and flow riding are so much fun!!!


9. Does the ship ever feel "crowded?" not usually - just a few times


10. What was your favorite quiet spot? Deck 14, stern, port side - see above


i haven't had much time to research all that allure has to offer (we strictly booked this trip based on it being the largest ship sailing) and would appreciate any information you can share.


You will really enjoy the ship, and your baby will as well.





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Getting nervous now! Ability to book shows and dining just opened up (less than 7 days ago) and already I've missed out on booking the Dreamworks breakfast.


There are 7 of us in our group, and all our reservations are linked, yet when I try to make reservations for the third cabin, it states that pre-cruise planning isn't available yet because the sail date is too far in the future. Huh?


I was able to make Dreamworks reservations for 2 persons on one date, and 2 on another...but yet no way to get them all on the same date.


What are my chances of the 7 of us going to the Dreamworks breakfast on the same date? Should I keep trying to reserve online? Any suggestions would be welcome!


This is the first time we'll be traveling with an infant (1 year old), so I have some practical questions:


1. How do you bathe them without a tub? Sink is too small as is the shower stall.


2. I am told a pack 'n' play will be brought to the room...is this really sufficient? Any recommendations on what I should bring for infant sleep purposes?


3. What were the 3 things you wish you had remembered/thought of to bring for cruising with an infant?


4. Any Allure insider cruising tip? That discovery you made that you didn't know about and want to share?


5. What was your favorite free dining spot and why? What was your favorite yum there?


6. Is there a formal tea service any day?


7. I have to be frugal, but what would you say is totally worth paying for? That amenity, activity, food/drink that was worth the fee?


8. What did you figure out/discover on day 5 that you wish you knew on day 1?


9. Does the ship ever feel "crowded?"


10. What was your favorite quiet spot?


I haven't had much time to research all that Allure has to offer (we strictly booked this trip based on it being THE largest ship sailing) and would appreciate any information you can share.



Oh my!

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Cruising with a toddler (at 1, they are more toddlers, than infants!) is more than doable.


The "duck tub", a blow up tub will fit in the shower and can be used on deck for splashing if there are no pools for diapered ones.


Go to the dining room...much easier than the buffet. They will dote on your child, and there are plenty of "mashable" foods and finger foods to keep your child busy.


This ship will give you tons of "exploring" opportunities...you can stay busy for days just checking out this and that!


Go! Enjoy! Call a representative on the phone and see about getting your character breakfast thing straight!

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Thanks! I saw that Duck tub on Amazon, so I'll get it.


Also, thanks for the tip on the dining room. I didn't even think of the mashable foods! I was wondering how dining would be with an infant, and it's probably a lot less crazy than a buffet where you have to juggle stuff and stress.



Thanks for the bedding tips. I definitely don't want to deal with a sleep deprived cranky kid and will definitely be going to the kiddie pool and babies at sea events.


And, I look forward to checking out your "spot!"

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Just get in the shower with your child or sit them on the floor and let the water run (of course with you standing there watching). Becareful this may turn into their favorite activity. Relax with your kid, at one they will be "in charge". Some nights they will be happy to sit through dinner and some nights you or dad will be getting to leave the dinner table early. Your child will find many places on the ship they love. Lots of the art will attrack their attention. The crew and most passengers will pay them lots of attention.


My 8 year old when on her first cruise on the Majesty at 4 months (she was lucky, the minimum age now is 6 months). She is a bonus baby and is going on her 5th cruise in March. Between 4 months of age and 2 she went on a cruise, went to rome, hawaii, canada, and cancun. The more kids travel the more relaxed travelers they are. We don't hesitate to travel with our daughter anywhere now. She knows the drill at the security line and where all the fun stuff is on the ships. It also shows in school, when they talk about Rome, Paris, Normandy, etc she can give a first hand account.

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Getting nervous now! Ability to book shows and dining just opened up (less than 7 days ago) and already I've missed out on booking the Dreamworks breakfast.


There are 7 of us in our group, and all our reservations are linked, yet when I try to make reservations for the third cabin, it states that pre-cruise planning isn't available yet because the sail date is too far in the future. Huh?


I was able to make Dreamworks reservations for 2 persons on one date, and 2 on another...but yet no way to get them all on the same date.


What are my chances of the 7 of us going to the Dreamworks breakfast on the same date? Should I keep trying to reserve online? Any suggestions would be welcome!


This is the first time we'll be traveling with an infant (1 year old), so I have some practical questions:


1. How do you bathe them without a tub? Sink is too small as is the shower stall.


2. I am told a pack 'n' play will be brought to the room...is this really sufficient? Any recommendations on what I should bring for infant sleep purposes?


3. What were the 3 things you wish you had remembered/thought of to bring for cruising with an infant?


4. Any Allure insider cruising tip? That discovery you made that you didn't know about and want to share?


5. What was your favorite free dining spot and why? What was your favorite yum there?


6. Is there a formal tea service any day?


7. I have to be frugal, but what would you say is totally worth paying for? That amenity, activity, food/drink that was worth the fee?


8. What did you figure out/discover on day 5 that you wish you knew on day 1?


9. Does the ship ever feel "crowded?"


10. What was your favorite quiet spot?


I haven't had much time to research all that Allure has to offer (we strictly booked this trip based on it being THE largest ship sailing) and would appreciate any information you can share.




I have a couple random responses:


If the dining reservations just opened up, I'm surprised that you have had trouble making reservations for the character breakfasts. Since you are trying to book for multiple cabins, try giving Royal a call to make those reservations. Their online booking system is very tempermental, to put it nicely. Worse case scenario, you can always make the character breakfast reservations once you board the ship. There will be a notice posted in the daily cruise Compass.


As for bathing, we brought a blow up tub and put in on our balcony. I filled it up with warm water by shuttling back and forth to the bathroom with our ice bucket. It was like a private spa for our then one year old. He loved it.


Since we live in Florida, we brought our own pack n play with us. But, in the end, I don't really think that it was necessary for us to do so. The one the ship provided looked sturdy enough and in good shape. But, I would recommend bringing your own fitted pack n play sheet and mattress pad. Otherwise, your stateroom attendant will use a folded up a queen size sheet.


For bedtime and naptime, I played a white noise app on my iphone. On the Allure, the alarm clock has two docks for iphones/ipad touch. The white noise adequately drowned out any noise coming from the hallway or the adjoining staterooms, not to mention the noise my wife and I made as we crept about the cabin. You also might consider bringing a night light and/or a mini-flashlight for middle of the night diaper changes and your own trecks to the bathroom.


Three infant/toddler related things I was happy that I brought with me are a full sized stroller (great for naps and holding the diaper bag), dish soap for cleaning bottles and pacifiers, and a dvd player/ipod for playing videos for our toddler during mealtime.

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Great tips...white noise...wouldn't have thought about that. I'll take your advice about the stroller...I was actually looking into buying a small umbrella fold up one, but will just stay with the one we have.


Dish soap. Good one!


These are wonderful tips I'm getting. My list is getting longer!

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I did call the cruiseline...the two breakfasts were fully booked.


I'm not going to worry about it now, because after reading some posts, the characters don't go all over, so it may be a lot of nothing and there are supposedly many other character opportunities throughout the cruise.

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Whether you use the nursery or not, GO to the nursery and Kids Area on the first day and check it out:

- The nursery have bags of toys (age appropriate) that you can "check out". You can either keep the same one for the whole cruise (we did for our then 17 month old) or go back and swap it for a bag of different toys. This is VERY useful!

- There is a good sized (for a cruise ship) indoor central "soft play" room. Ok, it isn't amazing by land standards, but their are walkers and big play things. You need to stay to supervise your child.


Don't forget the baby/toddler splash pool in the H2O Zone.


We used the "Pack and Play", the room steward put a sheet on it. We used "Gro Bags" (baby/toddler sleeping bags) at home, so our 17 month old just slept in that.


Take all "must haves". We took a big supply of nappies, nappy disposal bags, wipes, ready made infant formula (I used it until he was almost 2 and it meant that I didn't have to get milk during the cruise) and "healthy snacks" (in the UK we get lots of "Organic, no sugar, no salt, no additives or artificial flavours/colours" snacks like biscuits, rice cakes, crakers etc).


Have fun, we certainly did on Oasis - will be back on the boat this weekend (with our now 2 year 7 month old) :)

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I wholeheartedly agree with Boo Boo's suggestions. Your child will enjoy the infant splash area immensely. Consider bringing some small water toys with you for that area.


And definitely bring some Arm & Hammer diaper disposal bags. They will keep your stateroom odor free and your stateroom attendant will be much appreciative too!

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You can arrange with the head waiter to have pureed food brought to the table every night. They did it for our granddaughter when we cruised with our DS, DIL and grandkids. The head waiter offered it the first night and was very accommodating.

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You can arrange with the head waiter to have pureed food brought to the table every night. They did it for our granddaughter when we cruised with our DS, DIL and grandkids. The head waiter offered it the first night and was very accommodating.


This is great. Would have never guessed!

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