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Our Carnival Legend Pictorial Review--August 12-19, 2012


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Your families formal shots will be treasures for the future!

I've known others who will take cruises annually on the same ship, take formal family pictures, then compare the growth of the kids over the years.


We were booked on the Elation when Issac blew our plans away! Since we live on the west coast we found a great deal on an airline flight to fly to Hawaii with our 18 yr. old grandson! Fortunately we were given credit for airline and cruise bookings from our Aug. cancellation.


Generally we travel on Holland America lines, however our last trip and the one we are booking in April,2013 are on Carnival. I love the Legends decor!


Thanks to your pictures....we are looking forwards to a visual treat on the Legend!


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After the cooking demonstration, we made our way over to the Lido Deck to enjoy the sun and pools. As expected, the pools were crowded. We could not find any available chairs on the Lido Deck but there were plenty chairs available one deck up on the Sun Deck.




With the sun bearing down, the Sun Deck became extremely hot. My DS’s decided they did not want to take their shoes down to the pool area, so they made a run for it in their bare feet. The deck was very hot on their feet but they made it down to the Lido deck, where they were able to cool off their burned feet in the refreshing salt-water pool.


The Avalon Pool



At 1:30 we watched the Hairy Chest Competition, held stage side by the Avalon Pool. This was so hilarious to watch. One of the contestants was an elderly gentleman. He danced around…cane and all!




One thing we noticed about this cruise that was different from our previous cruises was the lack of live bands and Caribbean music played on the Lido Deck. I suppose this is all part of Carnival’s recent cutbacks. The music was either played by DJ’s or was simply recorded music playing hip hop, pop and rap songs. The music was really not that much different to what we would hear playing on the radio here. The closest Caribbean or island type music played was the occasional Bob Marley song. On top of that, the music played was always very loud. I know there are various opinions of this on the boards, but I really missed the Caribbean music on this cruise and lack of bands playing music during sail away from the ports of call.


We preferred the Camelot Pool, as this pool was less crowded than the Avalon Pool. Also the music wasn’t quite as loud here.


The Camelot Pool





One thing we liked about the pools on the Legend, was the shallow/wading area around the edge of the pool. This was a great place to soak up the sun while relaxing in the water too!





I still can't get over the fact that a cruiseline would play rap and hip hop on the Lido deck on a Caribbean cruise. I've probably cruised four different cruiselines to the Caribbean a dozen times and never heard that type of music. Always some type of Caribbean tunes or steel drums. Taking my first Carnival cruise on Legend in a couple of months and not looking forward to that part of it. Loving your review and photos though. Thanks for taking time to do it.

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Dessert included warm chocolate melting cake and...


...caramelized apples on puff pastry



Every evening (starting between 4:30-5:00 until 10:30), photographers are set up on both sides of the Atrium Lobby and on the Atlantic Deck (between the photo gallery and Odyssey Lounge) to take your picture. There are numerous background settings you can choose from or you can get your photo taken on the staircase. Of course, we never miss an opportunity to get photos taken when we are all dressed up—this is about the only time I can get my DS’s to dress up like this!


On the staircase in the Legend Atrium.



That night, we found a towel stingray on our bed.


(This would have been a good one for Grand Cayman!)




And so a relaxing sea day aboard the Carnival Legend comes to an end. Tomorrow is our first port stop.



Coming up—Cozumel and Paradise Beach!



WOW......your whole family looked incredible in your elegant night attire. Love to see everyone dressed up.

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We will be sailing with Carnival for the first time in November, on Legend. So happy to see your review and looking forward to lots more pictures!

Yes, there will be lots more pictures coming your way!


Just when I thought I could not get more excited !. Leaving this Sunday. Hope to hear about the cave tubing before then... have that booked and am so looking forward to it


Fantastic review and thanks for all the pics. Whooot cruise


No worries! I will be posting our cave tubing adventure later on tonight, so you will have plenty of time to read over it before you leave on Sunday. Happy Cruising!


I love reading your review! I am looking at staying at embassy suites airport in Oct with me,DH, MIL and DD. Did one of more of you use the sofa bed and was it comfortable enough for 1 night?


My eldest DS slept on the sofa bed. He said it was a typical sofa bed and sofa beds typically are not as comfortable as sleeping in his own bed--but for one night is was ok.


Fabulous review! Your pictures of the gods and godesses with explanations was really interesting. I leave Sunday!!


I wished I paid more attention to this when I was on the ship. I never really made the connection that these characters were gods and goddesses until I looked over my photos. Had I realized this on the ship, I would have checked out all the elevators to see what different gods and goddesses were in them! Have a great cruise!


I still can't get over the fact that a cruiseline would play rap and hip hop on the Lido deck on a Caribbean cruise. I've probably cruised four different cruiselines to the Caribbean a dozen times and never heard that type of music. Always some type of Caribbean tunes or steel drums. Taking my first Carnival cruise on Legend in a couple of months and not looking forward to that part of it. Loving your review and photos though. Thanks for taking time to do it.


This was the first time I was on a cruise that played this time of music and I can say that I missed the Caribbean atmosphere that is created when Caribbean and Island-type music is played. This was also the first time I did not hear any steel drums on a Caribbean cruise and I really missed that too.



Thank you everyone for your comments. I hope you will learn as much about the Legend as I have learned putting this altogether!

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Day 4--Belize





On Wednesday we arrived with cloudy skies in Belize. Belize is a tender port and in order to go ashore, one must receive an assigned tender number. Anyone on a private shore excursion, must meet in the Follies Lounge by 9:15am. Everyone in your party must be there to receive a tender number. All those booked on Carnival excursions had priority boarding. We arrived at 9:15 and received tender #5. We were asked to wait in the upper level of the Lounge until our number was called. Boarding went very quickly and we didn’t wait more than 10 minutes before our tender number was called. By 9:27 we were on the tender heading towards shore. The tender moves at a quick clip and we arrived onshore approx. 20 minutes later.


Departing the Legend and on the tender to Belize



Arrival at the Belize Terminal & Tourist Village



The Carnival Legend as seen from the shore


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Today we booked our cave tubing adventure with Cave Tubing R Us. We chose this company because they use tubes with headrests that link together--so there is no foot/armpit hanging on required! We also read wonderful reviews about this company on Trip Advisor. Once on shore we quickly met up with our tour operator Dave and Henry from Cave Tubing R Us. Henry led the way to a mini bus where 2 people were already waiting. Another group of 7 joined us shortly after. Dave welcomed everyone and greeted us all with great enthusiasm and excitement. He originally said he would be spending the day with us, which we thought would be wonderful, but then said he had to pick someone else up and took off.


By 10:05, we were on our way. Dave’s 15-year old son, Antonio also came along. We rode in the van through the countryside for about 1 hour to get to the Cave Tubing Park. Henry drove the van while another guide, Marcel pointed out sites along the way and provided information about Belize.




During the drive, we also watched a video presentation all about Belize…and…then...it began to rain.


Some sites along the way:

Belizean homes



The sleeping giant


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We arrived at the Cave Tubing Park in the rain—it was not a heavy downpour, but it was steady. We hiked for 5 minutes in the rain before crossing the river.


The start of the trail.



Crossing the river.



Then we hiked for another 35 min along a well-kept trail, through the rainforest, again in the rain--all the while carrying inner tubes over our heads. (They worked well as umbrellas!) Henry said the rain is actually nice, as it can get quite hot and humid walking through the rainforest.


Henry leads the way.



Our hike through the rainforest, did feel somewhat rushed. I could tell Henry really wanted to get ahead of the cruise ship crowd and other groups that were already ahead of us on the trail. Whereas other groups stopped along the trail to learn about different trees, plants etc., we walked passed it all. We didn’t even see the termite mound which we read so much about! We stopped once in a cave that had bats in it and Henry provided a narration about that—and that was it with the rainforest tour.





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Once we got to the river, the rain stopped. Our other guide Marcel, approached us holding out his hand to reveal live termites crawling all over it--this was kind of gross!


Marcel’s termite-infested hand!



The termites were much smaller than I imagined them to be. Marcel asked if anyone wanted to taste a termite. There was no way I was going to put one of those things in my mouth--but DH was brave and tried some. He said they tasted "minty". (I'm glad he didn't try to kiss me right after eating one of those!)


My DH tastes a live termite. That’s Marcel next to him.



Henry and Marcel divided the group up into two groups of 7 and linked our tubes together. Henry stayed with the other group, while Marcel was the guide for ours.


That’s the cave entrance over there on the right.



Ready to begin our tubing adventure!



Approaching the cave entrance—let the adventure begin!






More to come!

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Then with our guide and helmet light to illuminate the way, we enjoyed floating for 35 minutes through the ancient Mayan caves.


Entering the cave. Did you know the Mayans consider caves as an entrance into the underworld?



Floating through Xibalba which means “Place of Fright.”

During heavy rains, the water level will reach up to the top of this level.


(Those white spots on the left are helmet lights off in the distance.)


Our headlights reveal interesting crystal formations as well as stalagmites and stalactites.




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There was a small waterfall in the cave and Marcel made sure we all had a chance to go through it and experience the fresh, cool water.


Getting splashed by the waterfall.



We float past a sinkhole in the cave system.



Approaching the cave exit.



This is where the cruise ship cave tubing excursions get off…



…but we continue on.




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At the end of the cave system, we were able to get out of our tubes and go for a swim in the river. I noticed we were the only tubing group which did this--the other tubing groups remained in their tubes and continued floating down the river.


The water was cool, but refreshing.




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After swimming in the water for about 10 minutes, we climbed back into our inner tubes and continued down the river.




The boys also enjoyed jumping off a rock into the water below. There was a rocky overhang where jumping off was once permitted, but the park rangers no longer allow jumping from here, because someone got hurt. My DH was disappointed that this jumping spot was now off-limits, but Marcel pointed out a different spot where DH and the boys could jump safely instead. I do not think another tour company would have accommodated this request.




That’s the overhang where jumping once was allowed.



Between swimming, floating and jumping, it took us another 25 minutes to get back to the spot where we first crossed over in the water.


Heading back. It was a short 5 minute walk to the van.



Once everyone was back, Henry informed us that we have 45 minutes before we need to leave and if we like, we could check out the gift shop or eat lunch at the onsite buffet. As a group we decided that 45 minutes did not give us much time and we all passed on picking up lunch from here. We read many reviews on Trip Advisor about Dave taking his groups to a local place called Cheers for lunch. We were hoping that we could go there too. My DH asked about stopping at Cheers and Henry said we wouldn’t have enough time as it takes 30 minutes for them to prepare the food once you place your order. We were somewhat disappointed by that, but what can we do when time works against us?


Caves Branch Outpost Gift Shop and Buffet Restaurant



Dave showed up and thanked everyone for booking with him. Although we only met Dave briefly, we could see that he has a very dynamic, joking and outgoing personality. To us, both Marcel and Henry were much more serious and business-like. Although we still had a good time, I know our tubing experience would have been completely different and much more “lively” had Dave been a part of it.

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On our way back to port, we made a brief stop at a local supermarket/department store. We picked up a bottle of Cashew Wine—a traditional Belizean liqueur for $7.00. Marcel explained that Cashew Wine is a wine that gets you drunk twice because it ferments in your body after you drink it!


Leaving the local supermarket with our bottle of Cashew Wine.



After this stop, bottled water was offered to anyone who wanted one.

By 3:20, we were back at the Tourist Village and Tender Terminal.




We boarded a full and crowded tender and made our way back to the Carnival Legend.



Departing Belize.


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Approaching the Carnival Legend.





Once back onboard, it was directly up to the Lido deck for lunch! Even though the lunch buffet closes by 3:00 pm, there is never a shortage of food on a cruise ship. The Deli is opened until 11:00 pm and the Grill until 6:00 pm. Pirate Pizza and Swirls self-serve ice-cream is available 24 hours a day. Since it was after 4:00 before we could get up to the Lido, the buffet was already closed. I think this is the day I had a turkey sandwich on a country roll and my DH had the Reuben sandwich from the Deli. I also added coleslaw and potato salad from the Grill. It was all very good! I know my DS’s went to the Grill and had burgers, fries and chicken tenders—also very good! (Sorry, I did not take any photos of our lunches).


One of the beverage stations in the Unicorn Café.



Swirls self-serve ice-cream is located midship on each side of the stage by the Avalon Pool.



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Although the Fun Times mention the last tender to the ship departs at 4:00, we noticed that is was after 5 and the tenders still kept coming! We ended up departing from Belize at least 25 minutes late.


A tender returns to shore.



For the next 2-3 hours, the Carnival Legend navigated past numerous little islands and cays.



For the remainder of the afternoon, we relaxed by the pool on the Lido Deck. It is after 6:30 and the pool area is pretty empty—no problem finding a lounge chair at this time of the day!



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when we went cave tubing 2 yrs ago we had a private excursion that was great and we cose them because they left from a closer area with shorter walk. That was great plus they helped carry my tube at times, but the worst part was the feet/armpit hooking up because they put me as head person and my husband behind me and a whole bunch ofother people. He was fussing at me because i couldn't keep his foot from slipping but dang, i probably had 500lbs of people behind me. Also it was difficult in the cave to look straight with the helmet slippi g etc. We free floated afterwards which was great. The buffet lunch was awesome. I did get jealous when I saw the people with the headrest tubes! And i didn't know they hooked together! Definately worth extra money! Next time in Belize we will use them.

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Before dinner, we went outside on the Promenade Deck hoping to watch a Caribbean sunset. Unfortunately the setting sun was hidden behind a massive, but interesting, cloud cover. Oh well, we’ll try this again another night!




Dinner that night included:

Yukon gold potato cream soup.



Farfalle with roast turkey breast and green peas, available as a starter and…



…as a main entrée.


This pasta dish was very tasty and the cream sauce was soooo good!


Also on the menu was:

Braised lamb shank in a burgundy sauce...



and grilled, marinated pork shank.


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Around 9:30 (usually between dinner and dessert), the waiters sang and danced. They did not dance the first two nights but they provided this entertainment every evening after that.




Dessert that night included warm chocolate melting cake, butter pecan ice-cream and tiramisu.




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And now for some more ship photos:


The forward stairway.



Decorating each level of the stairway landing is a large mural with an ornate decorative vase on each end. The artwork on the forward stairways is made from embossed metal and depicts historical and legendary stories such as the Trojan Horse and Gulliver’s Travels.


The Trojan Horse.



Gulliver’s Travels.



Any idea what story this one tells?



One of the ornate vases.


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