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Breakaway, why such a boring cruise!?


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Oh well, I concluded that I might have the wrong idea about Bermuda :D, but still it does not wet my whiskers as yet, not for three days.

For us to fly all the way from Belgium to the USA, I still find it sort of a waste to get on a ship that stops at only one port (never done a cruise from the USA yet). But so to read there is a lot of interest in this cruise…Everything is still on the drawing board for us :D.

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Bermuda - three main areas:

  1. King's Wharf and South Shore beaches
  2. Hamilton
  3. St. George's


A morning at King's Wharf and the rest of the day at Horseshoe Bay or Elbow Beach

Hamilton...half day shopping and the rest of the day at the beach(es)

St. George.. a nice ferry ride over and back, and a day of history and eats.


:confused: I need more than 3 days there. :p

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Some thoughts:

1. It takes a special kind of person to declare a destination "boring" when one doesn't know anything about it and has never visited it before and makes no attempt to educate oneself before calling it "boring." ;)


2. Sheer economics of visiting Bermuda are better by cruise vs. those who say they would just do a land vacation. I just priced out a 2-night hotel stay and flights from NYC to Bermuda in September (when cruise prices are lowest and it's more off-season for Bermuda) and it's easily $1,000. For $1,020 (including taxes and gratuity), you get a WEEK-long vacation on a cruise ship that INCLUDES food, entertainment, and 7 nights of lodging. Bermuda is a very expensive place to visit and cruising there can make a lot more financial sense.


3. We got back from the Bermuda cruise earlier this month and easily filled our 3 days with visiting St. George's and the beach there, having a drink at the Swizzle Inn, visiting Hamilton and enjoying the shops/restaurants there, the amazing south shore beaches where you can basically find a private beach for the day, exploring the Royal Navy Dockyard area, and walking to a sea glass beach. I could fill another 3 days worth of things that we didn't get to do this time and look forward to a future Bermuda cruise.


I guess I'm just getting very annoyed with the posts each week where people ask why NCL would run a Bermuda itinerary, since 1) they're a company that's out to make money, so if they do something, IT MOST LIKELY WORKS and 2) most of the people who complain have never been to Bermuda nor done any research on it. I know, I don't have to read those threads any longer, and so I won't. :rolleyes:

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Some thoughts:

1. It takes a special kind of person to declare a destination "boring" when one doesn't know anything about it and has never visited it before and makes no attempt to educate oneself before calling it "boring." ;)


2. Sheer economics of visiting Bermuda are better by cruise vs. those who say they would just do a land vacation. I just priced out a 2-night hotel stay and flights from NYC to Bermuda in September (when cruise prices are lowest and it's more off-season for Bermuda) and it's easily $1,000. For $1,020 (including taxes and gratuity), you get a WEEK-long vacation on a cruise ship that INCLUDES food, entertainment, and 7 nights of lodging. Bermuda is a very expensive place to visit and cruising there can make a lot more financial sense.


3. We got back from the Bermuda cruise earlier this month and easily filled our 3 days with visiting St. George's and the beach there, having a drink at the Swizzle Inn, visiting Hamilton and enjoying the shops/restaurants there, the amazing south shore beaches where you can basically find a private beach for the day, exploring the Royal Navy Dockyard area, and walking to a sea glass beach. I could fill another 3 days worth of things that we didn't get to do this time and look forward to a future Bermuda cruise.


I guess I'm just getting very annoyed with the posts each week where people ask why NCL would run a Bermuda itinerary, since 1) they're a company that's out to make money, so if they do something, IT MOST LIKELY WORKS and 2) most of the people who complain have never been to Bermuda nor done any research on it. I know, I don't have to read those threads any longer, and so I won't. :rolleyes:


Yet you did read it AND I did make you look at the thread with my title (which was the point), you even decide to ignite some flames and are obviously a frustrated person…So yes I do consider myself to be a special person in that case, thank you.


It’s a forum or as you Americans call it a board, it’s for people to ask questions and get answers publicly…This is how I educate myself on the topic, I never flamed on the topic now did I, just asking a question!?


As I love cruising, the entire point of it (FOR ME as I stated in the OP)is that it moves around! In this case it does not for some reason that NCL decided…You might as well book a hotel for a few days, book a transfer, and then stay in another hotel for a few days….Why pay all that extra money for a ship when you are not going to be on it, or do everything to save a dime and go drink and eat ashore…if there is a public for this cruise, which I never questioned or doubted that there is, I still wanted to know what you all are looking for, my exact question even...And I respect and thank for all the awnsers.


I never looked up hotel prices in Bermuda, so I did not know that it is cheaper via a cruise, something I learned on this board…So it does work.


To us Bermuda is just not so popular, it would be like me saying lets go to Oostende…You probably never heard of the city, whilst I hope for you, you have heard of Brussels, Antwerp and most of Bruges…But that first city is just as beutifull.


And yes I did look up Bermuda on what it is and searched the board, thats why I specifically asked what people that booked this cruise are looking for for. What I read I would still not know why I would want to stay there for three days (paying for a cruise). My interest was the new modern ship and that it does what it was designed to do…MOVE. And this is my opinion...Not trying to push this or call anybody a special kind of person for booking this cruise.

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Hey all,

First time poster in the NCL board :D, Been looking to try something different than RCI next year.


You don’t have to agree or not on following :p, just some inside info into my head ;).

NCL EPIC...Now on the inside she looks really intriguing, however in MY opinion…The person that designed the outside or overall look of the ship should be exiled to the moon.


Now Breakaway is a different story, she actually looks like a ship and I am totally in love the way NCL took RCI Royal promenade idea and turned it around into the open deck waterfront, we also love spa visits, we are defiantly food & drink lovers and she is sparkling brand new…So Breakaway sounds and looks very appealing!


However, we are “young” (cough) people, whilst we don’t do a lot of excursions we do like getting off the ship and wondering around, to end up back at the pool, loads of drinking and eating, night life and waking up (slowly) every morning at new location...

When looking at the cruises Breakaway is going to do, it is SUCH a disappointment!


5 months of nonstop: NY->2 sea days->3 days Bermuda->sea day->NY…Really NCL!?


I have found a similar thread, but I am more interested on WHY NCL would take their newest most advanced, with new venues ship to do such a boring cruise, who actually wants to do this or what are their target passengers???


If you have booked this cruise, no offence intended but I am curious to what your plan is on this cruise. What to do 3 days in a row in Bermuda?


Now the tour she will be doing as of October 2013 looks better, but still not really my dream route.




You folks from the UK are often more knowledgeable than we from the US.

You might want to look into other cruise lines having better stopping points.

We have been to some close-in ports in Italy that were outstanding. HAL and Azamara have smaller ships (Currently, used to be average size) that dock in more interesting places.

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Love going to Bermuda---cruised on Celebrity and NCL --- but I got-ta tell - ya --- We (28 of us ) had the best time ever -- on the Spirit -- when she was here in NY --- 8 day --- Bermuda, St. Martin, Tortola, --- was the best -- miss doing that trip --- wish they would bring it back --- it would then do a six day to the Bahamas --- -- I did both -- --- that is why I cannot believe with the Megas -- why we do not visit other ports --- just maybe the ports can not handle the megas --- too bad --- really liked the smaller ships --- booked on #34 working on #35 ---

We enjoy cruising so much -- our son was married in Bermuda --- cruised over on the Dawn -- 7 days 7 nights of party --- then the beauty of Bermuda --married on Nine Beaches Resort ---

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You folks from the UK are often more knowledgeable than we from the US.

You might want to look into other cruise lines having better stopping points.

We have been to some close-in ports in Italy that were outstanding. HAL and Azamara have smaller ships (Currently, used to be average size) that dock in more interesting places.


Ummm, you do realize that the OP (the one you were quoting) has their location as Belgium. My geography may be a little off but is Belgium part of the U.K.?

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I think it's a great idea to have this ship out of NYC. There have been tons of posts on different parts of this board about people wanting a NEW ship out of NYC.


I personally don't care where it's headed, I just want to be on it. I figure this way if anyone tires of hanging out in Bermuda (which is lovely) they can stay on the ship and explore!

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I have been on 9 cruises to Bermuda from NYC on a few different lines. I can say that the age range is all ages from singles in their 20 to married in their 20's and up. I think it is because a lot of people only get 7days off and there is no flying if they leave from east coast. Longer cruises get a lot of retirees who don't worry about time off. I also think the ship is going to have so much to offer that people will come back to enjoy the ship without having to rush back before the ship leaves. I think it is a great idea to be in Bermuda, yes I love to gamble but with all the shows, dining options and just enjoying the ship it will keep people happy. Bermuda is beautiful I can't say how many times I wished I had more time in port. With 2 full days to enjoy the island and another day I see it as a win win for the cruise line and island. I say go enjoy and then make a decision

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You folks from the UK are often more knowledgeable than we from the US.

You might want to look into other cruise lines having better stopping points.

We have been to some close-in ports in Italy that were outstanding. HAL and Azamara have smaller ships (Currently, used to be average size) that dock in more interesting places.


Ummm, you do realize that the OP (the one you were quoting) has their location as Belgium. My geography may be a little off but is Belgium part of the U.K.?


Hahahaha :D. Well it is a neighboring country...That is WITH the north sea in-between us (Sadly as we have some good friends in the UK, would be sweet to get there faster :D).

Anyhow, like I said, I like the look of the ship and am interested to try NCL, only we mostly book the newer, massive & modern ships, so for NCL that’s EPIC and Breakaway...Whilst we do like Royal Caribbean a lot, after 4 cruises it time to try something different this is one of the options, as is EPIC or even do the massive Oasis class (last one is a lot more expensive and we do fear the service on that ship).

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Ow I had not even thought about the money loss due to staying three days in Bermuda, we would indeed spend more money ashore on drinks and food…That is very strange for a cruise linger to do indeed!?


For three days Bermuda, I would personally prefer to pay for a land based stay… Why pay for a cruise, which the entire point is that the ship actually moves around, instead of staying in only one place, like you to said.


For me, if they really want the Bermuda option in there, at least switch between one week Bermuda, every other week the Florida cruise.


Back in 2005, our family of young adults decided they wanted to go on cruise with us, and suggested Bermuda. Other than our first cruise from Hawaii, we were only familiar with New York so looked into departing from there. Turned out our final choices was the Norwegian Crown from NYC or the Norwegian Majesty out of Boston. The Crown made three stops in Bermuda, while the Majesty stayed all three days in St. George's, so we leaned toward the Crown. I made a list of pros and cons, and eventually decided on the Majesty because the cabin prices averaged about $300 less, and it made a big difference for most of the young family members in the group.


It was a great cruise with many lasting memories, but in the end, the biggest negative that was staying in one port turned out to be a big positive. Most of us were new to Bermuda, and after getting familiar with the port and the island, we learned quickly how to navigate the island and got to enjoy our stay using the ship as a hotel, coming and going 24 hrs/day as we pleased.


We will be taking our 4th cruise to Bermuda on the Breakaway, and will still have trouble planning which of the many things we would like to do. We enjoy the beach, so our plans will revolve around that, and there are so many to choose from. There are also many other activities to experience, museums, gardens, shopping, restaurants, etc., as the sightseeing is terrific, and the people so friendly and helpful. It will be difficult to choose new places over the ones we have already experienced, but we will likely blend the old with the new. And when you think about it, after planning a day based around a trip to the beach, there isn't a lot of time left in the day before you want to arrive back on the ship to enjoy all the Breakaway will have to offer in the way of food, drink, and entertainment. And if your heart desires, you can still get off the ship anytime you want to and enjoy the local atmosphere, which we have done.


The bottom line is we get to enjoy a few sea days to go along with our land based vacation, and could not be more pleased with this alternative.

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To the OP, the reasons we picked a May Cruise on the Breakaway out of NYC.


1) We get to drive to the port. Not having to fly is a BIG Motivator

2) Our first time on a BIG Ship, lots of shows/bars to try while on the ship plus things like climbing wall, etc.

3) We both still work so 1 week vacations are usually our limit

4) Bermuda was not one of our top destinations mainly because of the cost to fly there and stay there -which is why we have not traveled there yet (we are mid-old or mid-young :D) but we recently became Certified SCUBA Divers. Bermuda has tons of wrecks and the water will be reasonably warm in May. Also if you SCUBA you can't fly for approx 24 hours after diving; with the ship this becomes a moot point because we get a sea day on return.

5) So our plans for the 3 days, is to dive every morning and return to the ship around 1 pm. Clean up and then go out and visit the island. Have to admit it'll be nice not to have to make sure we are on the ship at a certain time for two of the nights.

5) I think the person who reference Bermuda is to NY area is like the Med is to Europeans said it the best.


Enjoy whatever vacation you decide but if you haven't been to the East Coast of the USA, I would fly to NYC with those cheap flights and rent a car and visit the East Coast. We have spent 20+ years just traveling on land from home and there is a huge amount to see and do. If you really want to cruise, I think the trips along the Eastern Seaboard (Boston, Newport, etc) would also be interesting.

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I haven't read everyone's response, but just responding with my thoughts for me.


We have never been to Bermuda but have always wanted to go. I hear it is absolutely gorgeous with pink sand beaches. I have done a little bit of research and will find it awesome to be able to go to a port and stay there a few days in order to explore the entire island. That will be a plus for us.


Also the thought of not being on any type of time frame and having to cut our visit short at any place because the ship is leaving, is also appealing. You can come and go as you like! :D


We are hoping to book a trip to Bermuda next May and I can't wait. However, I probably won't be doing the Breakaway. It's a little too expensive for my pocketbook right at the moment. We will be on the Dawn instead. :) Hopefully some time in the years to come, the prices will drop.

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I'm not sure if the "outdoor promenade" is such a great idea for the Norwegian Breakaway's itinerary. I guess it would work from May-September when the weather is warmer out of NY...but that's only 4 months that people could utilize the outdoor venues without freezing. Also NY waters become very rocky and windy during the winter and the promenade outer decks are usually closed off because of the wind and waves. The Breakaway consists of almost half the time at sea for most itineraries. During the cold months, this will for sure kill the outdoor experience. Maybe they should consider to have the Breakaway to depart from NY during the spring and summer months and then relocate her to depart from Florida for the remainder.

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I'm not sure if the "outdoor promenade" is such a great idea for the Norwegian Breakaway's itinerary. I guess it would work from May-September when the weather is warmer out of NY...but that's only 4 months that people could utilize the outdoor venues without freezing. Also NY waters become very rocky and windy during the winter and the promenade outer decks are usually closed off because of the wind and waves. The Breakaway consists of almost half the time at sea for most itineraries. During the cold months, this will for sure kill the outdoor experience. Maybe they should consider to have the Breakaway to depart from NY during the spring and summer months and then relocate her to depart from Florida for the remainder.


This was one of my thoughts to. We will have to wait until there are actual pictures of the finished waterfront area to see how they will solve this…I have felt water droplets going as high as deck 10 on a RCI ship during normal sea days, just due to a wave hitting the sides of the ship and the wind carrying it upwards.

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Over Labor day 2012 we had a great cruise from Boston to Bermuda on the Dawn. Three days in Bermuda was plenty for us. With so many other places to cruise to, I can't say that we will return to Bermuda anytime soon, it wasn't the most exciting destination we have visited.


Our favorite thing about cruising is waking up in a new place most mornings. That's not for everyone, others enjoy re-visiting the familiar.

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I understand and respect your opionion on that, but . . .


Your view of disappointment on that itinerary was my view of "Hey, get me on that ship to Bermuda now". I loved the itinerary, and booked almost immediately.:)






That is how they Sold me, you and thousands of others!

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SS Norway had an outdoor promenade and I really liked it. When in the indoor promenade on Explorer of the Seas, I felt like I was at the mall.


I sailed on the Norway the January before she was retired. It was chilly at night, but workable and so nice to walk around getting to see and hear the ocean. That's something we seem to be losing on many of the mega-ships.

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I am really excited about the Breakaway and the fact that it goes to Bermuda.


The ship looks like it's going to be amazing. I'm thrilled about so many aspects. We are looking to book one of the first cruises in May. Previously, we've sailed Carnival but we've found it to be kind of... boring. I can't be in the sun for long periods of time (I burn and I'm high risk for skin cancer) and we're not really "drinkers" by any means. I maybe have a handful of alcoholic drinks in a year. I've read so many bad things about Carnival since the changes made in June to their loyalty program. I've also noticed people stating the number of shows has decreased, the quality has decreased and the shows now last about 30 minutes.


I'm looking for something else.


We've sailed the Eastern and Western Caribbean along with the Bahamas. We have seen some beautiful sights but we've also witnessed poverty at it's worst and that's not exactly what I want to see on vacation. I understand it's part of life but having children trying to sell you items such as dead sea horses so they can take the money back to their family, is sad. :(


I've read great things about Bermuda and I've read that Bermuda isn't necessarily suffering from poverty. I'm looking forward to seeing beautiful sights without being depressed about children going hungry :o Trip Advisor also has a ton of "things to do" and see that look pretty cool :)

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I do see that most people that love this itinerary are from the USA...I would like to turn this question around, if this ship was in the Med (my part of the world) would you be on her if the cruise was from Barcelona->day sailing->3days Rome->back to Barcelona (I know very unrealistic, however still try to picture it :D).

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I do see that most people that love this itinerary are from the USA...I would like to turn this question around, if this ship was in the Med (my part of the world) would you be on her if the cruise was from Barcelona->day sailing->3days Rome->back to Barcelona (I know very unrealistic, however still try to picture it :D).


I think it is a very good question. And I'd guess that you would still get those that say yes and those that say no. Woud this hypothetical cruise be cheaper to stay and eat than Rome? If that answer was yes.


People like me and obviously you would say no. We cruise to wake up in a different spot every morning and like to catch glimpses of places around the world. If I want to visit longer in one area to see more of it, then I travel directly to that area.


Others that use the cruise for their hotel to visit longer in an area that they love would say yes. They would see this as the best of both worlds.


And yes it makes the most sense that the people that are from the U.S. (NY driving area) are the ones that love this itinerary because the ship you take is close to home and doesn't have the cost of flying. As well the largest population on CC is from the U.S.

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