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Skinny In Italy!


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Well - Superbowl is popular in Canada too - but no parties for me. I didn't even know what Rotel was - had to google it.


We did take my oldest daughter (26 now) out for her birthday yesterday.

Had curry chicken with naan bread - yummy. And a piece of chocolate cake.

Weighed myself this morning - no change - so that was good.

I'll be good today.


Enjoy the game.

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Morning! Up early to cook for the game (hosting 15 teenagers). Hungry and hormonal did not make for a good day yesterday, but I am getting set to exercise and already make a crock pot of chicken chili (what I will be eating). Sadly we bring my son back to college today - he had a long winter break. It is a bit easier this semester than last, but still hate to see him go. We are leaving later this morning, taking him to lunch (so salad and/or soup for me) then to the dorm to get him settled again.....then back home for the house full of teens. Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!



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Today will be a tough day. My sister is hosting a get together for the game. She's making pulled pork sandwiches with coleslaw, chicken wings (two different kinds) and another lady is bringing stuff to make a huge plate of nachos. :( I am bringing veggies and dip. She says I'll have to 'let it go' today, but I think instead I will save my points and try to nibble on veggies, and avoid the wings and the nachos. I'll have a small sandwich as my dinner. Oh, and with the glass or two of red wine I'll have lots and lots of water!!


I think I'm also going to try for an hour long walk today. It's icy here, so I often walk on the weekends at our local multiplex, where I can run up and down the stairs to rinkside once every circuit. That should buy me a few extra points as well.


Good luck everyone who is socializing today!! Remember, tomorrow is a brand new day as well, so even if we over indulge today, start fresh tomorrow.

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Hi Ladies :)


I am thinking of you on Superbowl Sunday! Good luck - and regardless of your intake today, tomorrow is new and fresh (and weigh in is not for a few more days:D). Enjoy your friends and family.


Ashley - I just noticed you are from Hawaii - me too! I left in 2005, but grew up there and spent 30+ years there.


It is Monday here, so I'm off to work :)

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Hi Ladies :)


I am thinking of you on Superbowl Sunday! Good luck - and regardless of your intake today, tomorrow is new and fresh (and weigh in is not for a few more days:D). Enjoy your friends and family.


Ashley - I just noticed you are from Hawaii - me too! I left in 2005, but grew up there and spent 30+ years there.


It is Monday here, so I'm off to work :)



Oh good - it's Monday where you are. Who won the Superbowl??????

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Hey all!! Proud of myself today, after our run 4 miles (furthest to date), instead of getting fast food (oh Teddy's Burgers) we came home and I had salmon salad (like tuna, but with salmon on an english muffin and a small salad.


I know its small but its a big deal for me, I always use exercise as an excuse to eat bad which counters my efforts.


Worldtrekker - My husband just got stationed at pearl harbor back in september, so we haven't been here long. Still trying to get used to the heat and humidity :)


Good luck to everyone on Superbowl sunday!! Have fun and remember you are allowed a cheat day here and there :)


Talk to you all next week!!

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Oh good - it's Monday where you are. Who won the Superbowl??????


LOL! Sorry, that information cannot pass the international date line. (plus you know by now already:) )


Ashley - I think that is great work! Teddy's Burgers are HARD to pass up:D


Have a great night ladies


- Alyssa

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You ladies are amusing. I like it.


Superbowl is over and I did just "okay" ~ I ate too much Rotel, very few chips, and filled-up on water water water ~ too much water, actually. Overall, my calorie count is below my goal today but I still felt stuffed for a couple of hours with all the water.


I filled my Phentermine prescription today but I've decided not to start taking it unless I quit losing... which better not happen.

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You ladies are amusing. I like it.


Superbowl is over and I did just "okay" ~ I ate too much Rotel, very few chips, and filled-up on water water water ~ too much water, actually. Overall, my calorie count is below my goal today but I still felt stuffed for a couple of hours with all the water.


I filled my Phentermine prescription today but I've decided not to start taking it unless I quit losing... which better not happen.


What dose of Phentermine did you get? I have a weight loss dr, that has prescribed them to me...and I cut them in half. I don't take them all the time, but they are great for taking the edge off hunger. You really have to drink tons of water with them!!


I didn't do horrible yesterday, but was over my calorie goal...I was hungry! :(


I am suppose to start back to Bootcamp class tonight but I really don't want to...I seriouly HATE exercise. BUT, I think I will give it a go...surely I can survive 4 weeks...then it is Vegas time for me!


Then concentrating on my May cruise!


Hope everyone has a great Monday!!

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What dose of Phentermine did you get? I have a weight loss dr, that has prescribed them to me...and I cut them in half. I don't take them all the time, but they are great for taking the edge off hunger. You really have to drink tons of water with them!!



37.5 mg. I took them in 2007 and lost nearly 25 pounds the first month! :eek: And back then, I didn't need to lose like I do now. I know all about the water thing. Thing is, they make me hyper and take away my sleep and the minute you quit taking them, you gain all the weight back. I'm not an advocate of taking them but I have them as my back-up... in case I'm not down 20 pounds by March 1st... but I feel like I will be... that's four weeks to lose 9 pounds.... I CAN DO THAT ON MY OWN!! :D

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What dose of Phentermine did you get? I have a weight loss dr, that has prescribed them to me...and I cut them in half. I don't take them all the time, but they are great for taking the edge off hunger. You really have to drink tons of water with them!!



37.5 mg. I took them in 2007 and lost nearly 25 pounds the first month! :eek: And back then, I didn't need to lose like I do now. I know all about the water thing. Thing is, they make me hyper and take away my sleep and the minute you quit taking them, you gain all the weight back. I'm not an advocate of taking them but I have them as my back-up... in case I'm not down 20 pounds by March 1st... but I feel like I will be... that's four weeks to lose 9 pounds.... I CAN DO THAT ON MY OWN!! :D


Totally agree!! That's why when I do take them I cut them in half...I have that sleep issue big time!!

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Hope everyone is having a great start to their week!!


I had an bruised or inflamed ball of my foot from wearing running shoes to the zoo and doing a lot of standing this weekend, so weird. Rested it yesterday and just did some pilates (all floor) yesterday and it feels fine today which is good. So I'm off to run soon :)


In case anyone is interested, I thought I'd share this website I use. Its called myyogaonline. I've only had it for about a month, but I think its awesome. They have tons of yoga/pilates and other videos. Did one of the pilates videos yesterday, only a 15 minute video, and my abs are so sore today. Need to do that more often. Then I did a good foam rolling video, its pretty great. The coupon code (tsfb1week) works for a free week. I found another that might work for a full month free (MY01MVP). Worth a try :)


Just thought I'd share :)


Keep up all the amazing work!!

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I kind of blew it on Sunday. Just too much fun at my sister's watching the game! But I was back on track on Monday, except of course for the rest of the wine left over from Sunday. Hah.


We'll see what Friday morning brings. I keep telling myself slow and steady wins the race, right? :rolleyes:

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Good going kasi1979!


We are in the middle of a snowstorm here. Lots of snow falling. Very pretty out there - but - will have to start shoveling soon.


I'm down 1 pound this week to 147. This was my original goal when I started this whole thing last September. Since then, I've reset my goal to 140. That may be a little too low - but will see in another few pounds. The difficult part will be maintenance. I will need to stay motivated.


Hope everyone else has a good weigh in today.



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I am down 0 pounds.


I don't like this. I had 2 "so-so" days this week and the remainder days were AMAZING! I am going to increase the exercise, the water, and lower the carbs. :o:( I am not going to let this discourage me...but encourage me to be stricter and exercise more!

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Down to 145. I will be getting x-tra exercise today and tomorrow shoveling he 2 feet of snow we are expecting. To commemorate Blizzard Charlotte (are they really naming them now?) I treated myself to a new shovel:(

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Feeling a lil discouraged myself as I am only down 0.4 pounds since last Friday... :( I know I really need to add in some exercise.


My goal for this week will be to lose 2 pounds...sticking with my calorie counting on My Fitness Pal and adding exercise at least 3 days!


MOTIVATION...Vegas in 3 weeks...Cruise in 99 days!!

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Morning ladies - I stayed the same this week which is certainly better than a gain as I had some rough days. Superbowl I was way over, then munched again Monday on leftovers and didn't track food. Back on track Tuesday, Wednesday at hospital all day for my mom's knee surgery then to our monthly mom's gathering for apps and wine (we meet once a month and make care packages for our college freshman). Back on track Thursday. Today is our 21st Anniversary...not sure what we are doing tonight.


Positives: have continued to exercise every day

Bummer: the day I was at the hospital I forgot to log in to MFP....so my log in days were set back to zero. I am crushed ;)...but seriously kinda mad at myself for not logging. I did add everything in the following day. I have NOT started daily weigh ins or my strength training.....


Ashley - hope you foot feels better.

Great loss Kasi!

Charlene - how awesome to reach your (original) goal!

Cate - good luck with the storm. I am in south Jersey, so we are expecting only 4-6" later tonight....raining now.


Here's to a BIG loss next week - have a good weekend!


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Hi all, Forgot to weigh this morning but I did remember a few days ago and I was down a pound, so taking that and I'm happy :) And I'm sure the chili dogs I ate last night would not have helped a weigh in this morning anyways.


This foot issue is not going away but I just don't want to stop with the running (I already paid for the race and I don't have time to halt training) UGH!! Going to try some foot pad things and see if that helps.


Good job to the ladies who had some losses. Any loss is a good loss, no matter how small.


Kay - No getting discouraged!! I read on MFP that your clothes are fitting better and that is huge!! Just keep it up and it will happen.


Charlene and Cate - stay safe in that snow!


Wendy - Happy Anniversary.


Good luck this weekend everyone!!

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Lost 2 lbs this week - which makes my net loss over the last two weeks 0 :rolleyes: Well - moving in the right direction anyway


Kay - one week does not reflect your success - you are doing great!


Kasi and Kate - great job!


Charlene - I am also amused they are naming blizzards now :) Great job in making your goal weight (the last few comfort pounds are the hardest IMHO)


Ashley - I'm going to try the website! I like exercise where I do not have to go to a gym - so much more convenient making it more likely I will do it


Summer girl - try the bootcamp! It made me feel so strong - even though it included many things I don't like (running...at 5:30 am...in the rain).


Good wishes to all the ladies this week! I agree with sweetpea - slow and steady - Italy (or whichever awesome holiday) is calling :D


- Alyssa

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Thanks for all the comments ladies. Still....


I'm frustrated today. :o

Dieting is not always fun and not always easy and I'm facing that head-on today. I'll report back tomorrow & I'm sure I'll be fine but I just want to say... to anyone reading our thread.. it's not always easy... some days... it's really, really, really hard... this is my first hard day in 39 days. I'll get through it though. I'm only 9 pounds away from being 20 pounds down since New Year's Eve. That's a good feeling.

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Thanks for all the comments ladies. Still....


I'm frustrated today. :o

Dieting is not always fun and not always easy and I'm facing that head-on today. I'll report back tomorrow & I'm sure I'll be fine but I just want to say... to anyone reading our thread.. it's not always easy... some days... it's really, really, really hard... this is my first hard day in 39 days. I'll get through it though. I'm only 9 pounds away from being 20 pounds down since New Year's Eve. That's a good feeling.


I totally hear you!! I had one of those days a little while back lest we not forget :) You work hard and you are allowed to be upset here and there!!

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Yup Kay - some days are HARD.


It feels like working all week, perhaps overtime, every day, then being told at the end of the week. "Well, you worked very hard this week, but you are not going to get paid. Now, if you work just as hard next week, you might get paid, but maybe not. Maybe just half." It makes me think, to heck with this, I'm quitting...and eating Doritos.


There are those days. Fortunately, they pass. Thanks for starting this forum so there is a place to vent when it goes poorly, celebrate when it goes well and anticipated weigh-ins to keep us accountable.



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