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Importance of Using a Travel Agent.

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I think the most disappointing thing about this thread is that it has turned into a bit of a case of TA's beating on each other. This is a forum where I like to get information, and all I have learned is that I better be careful not to express an opinion that some posters don't agree with. IMHO it looks like Langdak04 and Mr. Cruise have tried to put forth some valuable information and have been taken to task for doing so.


I am sure I am going to get flamed for wading into the debate, but I have to say that this forum is the last place I would look for an agent, but the first place I would look for tips on how to find an agent that I enjoy working with. And I post as someone who despite being computer literate and fanatical about research, will still book with an agent every time, because I enjoy the planning stage of my trip almost as much as I enjoy being on holiday. Did I luck out and find a great travel agent??? Probably so, but that doesn't mean he is perfect.


Everyone needs to relax a little. Regardless of your own personal bias, this is supposed to be about communication of tips and ideas, and that's not what I am getting from any of the threads where the great TA debate surfaces.


Getting off my soapbox now, thanks for listening.

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You say, "Just because you have been proven wrong quite a few times over the past 3 or 4 days, dont go slagging me because i am canadian. You sit there an bash anything and everything, and if thats your perogative, so be it."


I say, name one! Or better yet, for those readers who may not know where the post is, post a link.



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You say, "Just because you have been proven wrong quite a few times over the past 3 or 4 days, dont go slagging me because i am canadian. You sit there an bash anything and everything, and if thats your perogative, so be it."


I say, name one! Or better yet, for those readers who may not know where the post is, post a link.




Sorry Peter, i dont have time to ruffle through other threads to post links just so i can proved you have been OWNED on a few occasions.


I am too busy to even worry about it, its an opinion based internet forum, i am sure the people who have read your brainless posts about different issues have realized that you dont know all that you figure you know.


I am done with this thread, Peter, if you would like to continue on and make a fool out of yourself, be my guest, but i am not going to lower myself to your level just to prove what i know is right.

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ChriSusan its unfortunate that i cant post the website address to either of my 2 agencies, i would love for you to have a look at them and compare them to what the cruise line sites have to offer, as our sites offer every cruise line, with every sailing in every destination and current updated pricing.


The site also offers a "book online" option rather then having to call directly into the office to request information or prices on sailings.


The site also lists current specials and different offers that we currently have and certain "bonuses" to booking on specific sailings.


Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in on this post. First it may sound like I am "flip flopping" I'm not. While I am a fan of using a TA for my cruise I also don't recommend blind trust. You should do research and have a clear idea of what it is that you are looking for and no what all of your options are and then choose what method of booking works for you.


2. I don't believe booking cruises are so complicated that they can't be booked online. Its like booking anything else. Know what you want, do your research, and book your cat/dates etc big deal. Its not that different from booking a hotel/car/ etc


3. If cruise lines want to stay competive and flexible they have to change their business model and give CONSUMERS what they are looking for as well as looking for ways to generate new revenue. what do they want depends

  1. Some want to only use the internet to do research but book with a TA
  2. Some like going to the TA or calling the an 800/web and getting glossy brochures so they can research and read at their leisure
  3. Others want to research book and leave a deposit etc online. They want an online experience that enables them to do everything. They don't want to talk to a person live
  4. PVP telephone sales. Then you have those who want something more personal but they don't want a TA nor do they feel comfortable using the internet for large transactions.

What you have described above is in my mind not anything out of the ordinary. It is what I have come to expect from a TA doing business today. If I am only interested in traveling on one particular cruise line having the ability to view other cruise lines doesn't matter to me since I don't want to travel on any other cruise line so I would just go to the cruise travel site (Many of which have specials pages or you can elect to recieve emails telling you of specials).

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ChriSusan its unfortunate that i cant post the website address to either of my 2 agencies, i would love for you to have a look at them and compare them to what the cruise line sites have to offer, as our sites offer every cruise line, with every sailing in every destination and current updated pricing.


The site also offers a "book online" option rather then having to call directly into the office to request information or prices on sailings.


The site also lists current specials and different offers that we currently have and certain "bonuses" to booking on specific sailings.


Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in on this post. First it may sound like I am "flip flopping" I'm not. While I am a fan of using a TA for my cruise (1. she is really good), 2. the cruise line didn't offer the best price


I also don't recommend blind trust. You should do research and have a clear idea of what it is that you are looking for and no what all of your options are and then choose what method of booking works for you.


2. I don't believe booking cruises are so complicated that they can't be booked online. Its like booking anything else. Know what you want, do your research, and book your cat/dates etc big deal. Its not that different from booking a hotel/car/ etc


3. If cruise lines want to stay competive and flexible they have to change their business model and give CONSUMERS what they are looking for as well as looking for ways to generate new revenue. what do they want depends

  1. Some want to only use the internet to do research but book with a TA
  2. Some like going to the TA or calling the an 800/web and getting glossy brochures so they can research and read at their leisure
  3. Others want to research book and leave a deposit etc online. They want an online experience that enables them to do everything. They don't want to talk to a person live
  4. PVP telephone sales. Then you have those who want something more personal but they don't want a TA nor do they feel comfortable using the internet for large transactions.

What you have described above is in my mind not anything out of the ordinary. It is what I have come to expect from a TA doing business today. If I am only interested in traveling on one particular cruise line having the ability to view other cruise lines doesn't matter to me since I don't want to travel on any other cruise line so I would just go to the cruise travel site (Many of which have specials pages or you can elect to recieve emails telling you of specials).

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I am glad I read your apology on the other board before I got to this one, because my oh my ....I most certainly did not mean to offend in such a way as to receive this response. I made an observation which apparently struck a nerve.


By the way, there are MANY TAs posting on these boards, I am one of the few, so your comment about sour grapes is totally ludicrous. Why would I care how many TAs post here. This is not a competition you know.


Take my pride and put it in my back pocket? :confused: What in the world is that referring to??? To quote one of my very eloquent students, "Who peed in your cornflakes this morning?" :(



If i was soliciting business i would be typing my agency web address in every post i make or posting my email address in every post i make until it got caught and removed.


Give me a break.


I have been looking over these boards for quite some time now and only recently did i sign up to offer my opinion, dont get mad because you were one of the only regularly posting TA's and now there are a few others who post as well.......if i must say....sounds like sour grapes to me.


Solicit your name all you want, i couldnt give 2 hoots about it, then you can deal with all the internet lurkers who email anybody and everybody for pricing and see who they can squeeze the most out of....not the kind of clients i want to deal with.


Take your pride and put it in your back pocket and realize this is an opinion board and not a competition to see who can get the most bookings off of an internet forum site.

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Do you have a fever????:)




Mellowgirl - I think we've found some common ground. Read their profiles; I think they might be in "cahoots" (secret language than Canadians don't understand). They both just arrived on the scene together. I think I need to watch these two very closely. Kind of like the old days with Paul.



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In my reply to langdak I meant to say I was one of the many, not one of the few. Sorry!


melody i know what you mean, but peter may question it and ask for further explanation :D or bring up micro/macro economics and Mr. Cruise again.

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Hello everyone,


Looks like there's a lot of activity on this thread. I just wanted to post this to bring certain things to the attention of those that feel I post on here to generate business.


First off, I have never disclosed my name, or location, or contact information, or employer or agency websites that account for almost all of our business. I prefer to remain anonymous, here to participate in these forums in a constructive manner just like everyone else.


In regards to comments about myself and Mike being "in cahoots", that's just not true. Just because I think that all of Mike's posts have been a positive contribution to these boards doesn't mean we know each other. In my opinion we are like minded people that have similar interests (professions included).



I'd like to see more debates and discussions and less bashing and negative comments. We don't have to all agree on everything, in fact that would be boring, but I'm fairly certain that we are all capable of being more mature on here.

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Hello everyone,


Looks like there's a lot of activity on this thread. I just wanted to post this to bring certain things to the attention of those that feel I post on here to generate business.


First off, I have never disclosed my name, or location, or contact information, or employer or agency websites that account for almost all of our business. I prefer to remain anonymous, here to participate in these forums in a constructive manner just like everyone else.


In regards to comments about myself and Mike being "in cahoots", that's just not true. Just because I think that all of Mike's posts have been a positive contribution to these boards doesn't mean we know each other. In my opinion we are like minded people that have similar interests (professions included).



I'd like to see more debates and discussions and less bashing and negative comments. We don't have to all agree on everything, in fact that would be boring, but I'm fairly certain that we are all capable of being more mature on here.


Mr Cruise i couldnt agree more, the stuff i have read that you have posted has been beyond valuable to the people asking questions around here.


I am in the same boat as you, yes i have disclosed my first name, but how many Mike's are there in the world? i am not a 1 of a kind


I have never posted my agency name, location or anything of that matter and i never intend to unless i am asked by somebody for further information, but never would i volunteer it, that is not why i am here.


And i also agree about the negative comments and the bashing, and yes i have been guilty a few times, i have no problem admitting that, but again, my main goal here is to help people out with the questions they have and i want people to feel comfortable with the answers i provide and anything i can be of assistance with.

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My wife and I are booking our first cruise today for our 5th anniversary.We had a good experience with this particular agency when we took our honeymoon to Puerto Vallarta, so we wanted to check with them on prices for this cruise too.


It turned out that the price the agent quoted us was exactly the same as the one on RCCL's website, so the decision to use the TA was easy. The appeal to me is that I get more accessible, more personalized service when using the TA. I can go sit in her office for an hour and ask all the questions I need to. I feel like I can ask about bringing drinks on board w/o getting a lecture on 'company policy'..


In short, I think that a TA is working for me, whereas a cruise-line CSR is working for them. If the price is the same - or even a bit more going through a TA, I'll always use them.

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My wife and I are booking our first cruise today for our 5th anniversary.We had a good experience with this particular agency when we took our honeymoon to Puerto Vallarta, so we wanted to check with them on prices for this cruise too.


It turned out that the price the agent quoted us was exactly the same as the one on RCCL's website, so the decision to use the TA was easy. The appeal to me is that I get more accessible, more personalized service when using the TA. I can go sit in her office for an hour and ask all the questions I need to. I feel like I can ask about bringing drinks on board w/o getting a lecture on 'company policy'..


In short, I think that a TA is working for me, whereas a cruise-line CSR is working for them. If the price is the same - or even a bit more going through a TA, I'll always use them.


What about if the price you booked at goes down? Will she catch it. If it goes down after final payment, will she be able to get RCCL to reduce your price - or better yet, is she possibly one of those "non-reputable agents" who really don't want your price to go down because they already have their commission?



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What about if the price you booked at goes down? Will she catch it. If it goes down after final payment, will she be able to get RCCL to reduce your price - or better yet, is she possibly one of those "non-reputable agents" who really don't want your price to go down because they already have their commission?




For heavens sake. Will the PVP call and tell you the price went down? Most cases when the price goes down and you are able to get the cabin price lowered or credits etc its because you the traveler are constantly looking at the prices/amenities being offered and you then decide to push the issue for the difference in fare in the form of lower price or onboard credits. RCCL/Carnival etc are not going to call and say hey guess what "that cabin you just booked last week is now available for half with a 2 cabin upgrade" you have to be proactive if that is what you want

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For heavens sake. Will the PVP call and tell you the price went down? Most cases when the price goes down and you are able to get the cabin price lowered or credits etc its because you the traveler are constantly looking at the prices/amenities being offered and you then decide to push the issue for the difference in fare in the form of lower price or onboard credits. RCCL/Carnival etc are not going to call and say hey guess what "that cabin you just booked last week is now available for half with a 2 cabin upgrade" you have to be proactive if that is what you want


Actually, fullash, since we're talking RCCL in this case: if the price goes down before final payment, they will automatically lower your fare. If the price goes down after final payment, sometimes they do (did me) and sometimes they don't.



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:) HA - he's just jealous b/c he didn't score in the 95% percentile!


melody i know what you mean, but peter may question it and ask for further explanation :D or bring up micro/macro economics and Mr. Cruise again.
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That's great and I appreciate your input. Sadly, you have left yourself wide open for an attack of the ANTI - TA! Have a great trip.:)




My wife and I are booking our first cruise today for our 5th anniversary.We had a good experience with this particular agency when we took our honeymoon to Puerto Vallarta, so we wanted to check with them on prices for this cruise too.


It turned out that the price the agent quoted us was exactly the same as the one on RCCL's website, so the decision to use the TA was easy. The appeal to me is that I get more accessible, more personalized service when using the TA. I can go sit in her office for an hour and ask all the questions I need to. I feel like I can ask about bringing drinks on board w/o getting a lecture on 'company policy'..


In short, I think that a TA is working for me, whereas a cruise-line CSR is working for them. If the price is the same - or even a bit more going through a TA, I'll always use them.

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FYI Peter,


The only conceivable instance in which any cruise line would contact a passenger offering them an "upgrade" or something extra for their reservation is because the cruise line has oversold the category or sailing and needs passengers to agree to move staterooms.


They do not contact passengers and give them anything unless they are in a position where they are forced to, regardless of how it is presented to you, the passenger.

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FYI Peter,


The only conceivable instance in which any cruise line would contact a passenger offering them an "upgrade" or something extra for their reservation is because the cruise line has oversold the category or sailing and needs passengers to agree to move staterooms.


They do not contact passengers and give them anything unless they are in a position where they are forced to, regardless of how it is presented to you, the passenger.


Here we go again. How would you know what a cruiseline would or wouldn't do for passengers who go directly to the cruiseline with their booking. You have never in your life done that. I have and have related those experiences in this post and others. I am giving the poster the benefit of an actual experience as opposed to your guess. It's obviously in your best interest as a TA to believe that the cruiselines wouldn't do that - but you're wrong - they do.



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Hi Peter,


I'm not disputing what you believe happend to your reservation, you're welcome to believe whatever you'd like.


And as Mike had previously indicated, each and every time a TA makes a reservation for a client, it is done by the TA directly with the cruise line on behalf of the passenger.


In a single week I more than likely make more reservations with various cruise lines than most people that don't use a TA do for themselves in a lifetime.


When the cruise lines call me, I get the straight story and as well as offer to my clients. (eg: sailing or category oversold, we'll give you ____ to offer ____ to your client for switching accommodations on board or sometimes sailing dates)


How I present it to my client is at my discretion.


For example, "Good afternoon Mike, how are you today? Oh, that's great! Well seeing as you are one of my favourite clients, I've got spectacular news for you. Due to our agencies rapport with "ABC cruise line", I was able to negotiate ____ and ____ for your reservation, and you also get a more desirable cabin location! Can you believe it?" ... etc.


Then client X is ecstatic that I got him a great bonus for his cruise that he wasn't expecting. The TA saves the day and the world is in perfect balance. :)


That's the reality Peter.

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:) .


I see what you mean Mellow, but I was just sayin' it like it is. It's all about delivery and perception.


I don't think it's wrong to do what I described, but I would be interested in reading others opinions on the subject as well. Well, most other peoples opinions, I can already guess one.

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Hi Peter,


I'm not disputing what you believe happend to your reservation, you're welcome to believe whatever you'd like.


And as Mike had previously indicated, each and every time a TA makes a reservation for a client, it is done by the TA directly with the cruise line on behalf of the passenger.


In a single week I more than likely make more reservations with various cruise lines than most people that don't use a TA do for themselves in a lifetime.


When the cruise lines call me, I get the straight story and as well as offer to my clients. (eg: sailing or category oversold, we'll give you ____ to offer ____ to your client for switching accommodations on board or sometimes sailing dates)


How I present it to my client is at my discretion.


For example, "Good afternoon Mike, how are you today? Oh, that's great! Well seeing as you are one of my favourite clients, I've got spectacular news for you. Due to our agencies rapport with "ABC cruise line", I was able to negotiate ____ and ____ for your reservation, and you also get a more desirable cabin location! Can you believe it?" ... etc.


Then client X is ecstatic that I got him a great bonus for his cruise that he wasn't expecting. The TA saves the day and the world is in perfect balance. :)


That's the reality Peter.


Well that should ease all of your client's minds. If you feel like it you'll call them, if you don't you won't; or if you forget, they'll never know. Wow, what service!


Here is what you have never done in your life - as a passenger, booked direct with the cruise line WHERE THE CRUISE LINE BOOKING AGENT GETS THE COMMISSION AND THE TA ISN'T INVOLVED IN THE TRANSACTION IN ANY WAY. So, I ask again, how do you know what the cruise line will or won't do when rates go down. I say, the cruise line will first take care of those passengers who booked direct with them (again, no TA involved in the booking) and then the bookings thru TA's who may or may not pass that along to their clients.



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Peter. I have to disagree with you. I just don't believe that the cruise lines are in the habit of playing favorites. Contrary to your view, TAs do bring the cruise lines much business - they are not going to "forget" to let us in on these things. As has been said, a good TA is going to call the cruiselines on behalf of the client.




Well that should ease all of your client's minds. If you feel like it you'll call them, if you don't you won't; or if you forget, they'll never know. Wow, what service!


Here is what you have never done in your life - as a passenger, booked direct with the cruise line WHERE THE CRUISE LINE BOOKING AGENT GETS THE COMMISSION AND THE TA ISN'T INVOLVED IN THE TRANSACTION IN ANY WAY. So, I ask again, how do you know what the cruise line will or won't do when rates go down. I say, the cruise line will first take care of those passengers who booked direct with them (again, no TA involved in the booking) and then the bookings thru TA's who may or may not pass that along to their clients.




Mr.Cruise - You say....

Then client X is ecstatic that I got him a great bonus for his cruise that he wasn't expecting. The TA saves the day and the world is in perfect balance. :)


I am a firm believer in NOT blowing smoke you know where....For some reason it bothers me that you are acting as if you did something spectaclular based on your relationship with the cruiseline, when in fact any agency could do the same thing. I guess I need to twist the truth so my clients will be impressed with all my "special" relationships with the suppliers. Being new to the industry, I obviously have some lessons to learn about the business..... I may not last because of it , but funny - I tend to prefer the truth to a lot of smoke.....

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Mellowgirl - The calls from the cruise line have to go out in some priority; they can't just blast these fare reductions or category increase offers out to all booked customers at once and whomevers call goes thru gets first choice. Maybe you're suggesting that those booked thru favored, big-time agencies go first. Maybe its based on their particular loyalty club (Captains Circle, etc.). Some group has to get first dibs - I think its those booked direct.



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