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VIP/Who's Who Parties

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I really don't care who gets invited, or whether or not I do.

We are so different, Jim. I, too don't care who gets invited, but I do care that I am!

I like that free drink.

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I've never been a VIP on HAL, but I was on MSC.


There was a special cocktail gathering & dinner w/ the Captain - all very elegant, proper and glamorous.


Some were invited as guests of the line or personal friends & family of officers of the line. Others were invited as friends/acquaintances & business colleagues of Dick Sasso - and there was a former US Ambassador who was also a featured speaker on board.


From speaking w/ cruise staff on HAL, the same types of considerations are made: Who is of particular interest to the line, who might be of personal interest to the Captain, an officer or staff member - or who might be of importance or some note in their own right.


With limitations on numbers based on the availability of places at the Captain's Table on formal nights and the numbers of folks that he can reasonably be expected to easily socialize with, some who are invited on one cruise may not be invited on another as rank and protocol permit. If they are running low on "interesting" people they may fill spots with certain suite passengers or Mariners - but if someone like Julie Andrews is aboard with her entourage, you can bet that "Mr & Mrs Charming Deluxe Suite Passenger" will probably drop off the list...

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You are so right.


It reminds me of the country club mentality of "I can get in, but you can't NAH NAH !!!!


I think you meet so many wonderful people all over the ship that you don't need to go to a special closed door soiree.

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Yep, that's what I say when I'm not invited also! :rolleyes:





Yea but I mean it :)



Whats so hard to understand that some people (Like me ) don't need the big VIP galas to be happy and have a good time.


I have been to several of these affairs though not on a ship. I will not liie and say I didn't like the fancy food and beverages served ,and I did meet some nice people there. Also met so real bores who put me to sleep with their one upsmanship. But just because it was a VIP invitation only affair didn't add anything extra too it.


I have had just as good a time in a casual setting with some long time friends and family.

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Yep, that's what I say when I'm not invited also! :rolleyes:


Yes, I mean it too. Is it really so hard to understand why some people really just aren't into this sort of thing? I'm really not. Never was. I'm just not impressed. It has nothing to do with whether I'm invited or not, but a long time ago my DH and I looked at each other and said "Why are we doing this?". So we don't.


Doesn't mean everyone else shouldn't enjoy themselves. But I do still think it's a little too close to the "class system" and agree with Babyher that you meet just as many fun and interesting people all over the ship. We're in pretty close quarters ... I don't need a private party to meet people whose company we'll enjoy.

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I am with you all the way on this :)


I work with a woman who through her daughter, who's some big shot, goes to a lot of VIP affairs.


She will go on and on about who was there and what they were wearing and how this persons house was a mansion with 50 rooms and Blah blah blah .


But she never actually says she had a good time at the affair. She sounds more like a Hollywood gossip columnist reporting. I go to party and talk about how great it was to see old friends or meet someone really interesting, or a funny thing that happened at the party.


She is a nice lady, so I never have the heart to tell her that being the mother of a semi VIP doesn't make you a VIP yourself. :) After you come home and take off the fancy duds, you are still what you are. And that is what you should enjoy. YOURSELF!!! for who you are


Of course it is wonderful to have a little luxury every once in a while, but it shouldn't be the end all be all to ones existence.

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Those types of folks ARE annoying, no matter where they are.

I've had acquaintances who are the same way - telling us all about other peoples affairs, etc. - but have nothing to say about their own lives of any interest or consequence.

I guess my point was that if you get invited ot the VIP party, you should enjoy it for what it is: an opportunity for meeting people that you may have never met otherwise. But one shouldn't hold it against others who are invited - as you can see, it's all about who they know or who they want to get to know - all truly meaningless stuff.

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As I said in my first post on this thread - I dislike the notion that it is even considered a "VIP" function - just exactly who are the VIP's??? I've never run across anyone on a cruise ship that I would consider a "VIP", lol!


I think it's nice if HAL wants to do this, but I think because there is no rhyme or reason for the invites, it should be called something other than "VIP" - and the selection should be more than random. Personally, we've only attended twice, and I never even really knew what it was until I found these boards - also, I am not really all that impressed with the whole thing and we may attend or not, depending on how we feel that evening. We have not always been invited either.


I think it is unfair that not everyone has a chance to participate. It should be open to anyone wanting to attend - not just certain folks "selected" by certain staff. Maybe they should have one every night and invite a different group of passengers each night so that all may attend, if they choose to do so.


Just my two cents.

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That is a very nice idea, to have one every night so everyone can have a chance to enjoy :)






I understand what you are saying. I am certainly not against these parties, and if i was invited I would probably go. If i wasn't invited I wouldn't hate myself over it. But like you said, take it for what it is, a nice social gathering to meet nice people and have a few cocktails. If I have a good time meeting a celebrity, or a street car conductor, that is all the same to me, its the company that makes a party.


Food and booze help too *LOL* but mainly its the company

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That is a very nice idea, to have one every night so everyone can have a chance to enjoy :)






I understand what you are saying. I am certainly not against these parties, and if i was invited I would probably go. If i wasn't invited I wouldn't hate myself over it. But like you said, take it for what it is, a nice social gathering to meet nice people and have a few cocktails. If I have a good time meeting a celebrity, or a street car conductor, that is all the same to me, its the company that makes a party.


Food and booze help too *LOL* but mainly its the company


Babyher - The last one we attended (March 2005 on Volendam) DH spent most of his time talking to the bartender, lol! I knew an officer attending who I had gotten to know pretty well on the final voyage of the Noordam III and so I wanted to say "hi" and we went- other than that, they can be a little boring.


Some of the folks attending will do anything to avoid rubbing elbows with "riff-raff", and will only go out of their way to talk to those wearing a white uniform with the appropriate number of stripes. ;) Over the years, we've found that we aren't missing much when we don't get an invite. :)


It's fun to attend once or twice, especially if you know someone who will be there - if you get the chance, I'd say go - at least they pour a decent cocktail, which is always a plus.

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Your husband sounds like my kind of guy *LOL* The guy or gal makiing the drinks IS the VIP at those things *LOL*



I would certainly go if invited, No matter where I go, I manage to find someone nice and interesting to chat with, they just might not be one of the jet set or the "beautiful people" as they used to call them God I just aged myself with that line *LOL*

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Some of the folks attending will do anything to avoid rubbing elbows with "riff-raff", and will only go out of their way to talk to those wearing a white uniform with the appropriate number of stripes.

Of course, the really pretentious types are offended that they're expected to associate with "the help" ;) !

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I find the whole idea of these parties offensive. We've been invited to a few, but after the first one we never attended again. I know I'm in the minority and maybe it's because we don't drink, but I honestly think they're boring. We always meet plenty of wonderful people without these parties.


HAL may want to consider concentrating their efforts on offering the topnotch service their tried and true customers once enjoyed rather then inviting them to cocktail parties.


Please don't flame me:o ! I know this isn't a popular opinion and I completely understand why some of you enjoy the parties. It's just that to me it's reminiscent of the old days of several classes on ships ... separating the "upper" and "lower" classes. I find it a bit barbaric.

You go girl!!

While some people love it...and thats fine.....It would be the longest night of my life!:eek:

Put me on the don't invite list:p

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Most people like to display their status to others to impress or one-up over another. For some its getting invited to a VIP party, for others it is showing distain for VIP parties, for even others its displaying a list of all the cruises they have been on so that everyone will be impressed. Imagine what a world we would have if no one played status games.

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Yes, I mean it too. Is it really so hard to understand why some people really just aren't into this sort of thing? I'm really not. Never was. I'm just not impressed. It has nothing to do with whether I'm invited or not, but a long time ago my DH and I looked at each other and said "Why are we doing this?". So we don't.


Doesn't mean everyone else shouldn't enjoy themselves. But I do still think it's a little too close to the "class system" and agree with Babyher that you meet just as many fun and interesting people all over the ship. We're in pretty close quarters ... I don't need a private party to meet people whose company we'll enjoy.

Same here, Heather. We went to one on our 1st HAL cruise, but not anymore. Just not our "thing." I find them rather boring and prefer to use my time for better things. Doesn't mean a lot of folks feel the same way. For those who do enjoy, it's nice for them to have the opportunity to join in. The Captain's party on Princess is quite informative. The Captain welcomes everyone and gives some really interesting comments on the ship. We do try to catch those when we are invited. Do they have the same on HAL? I don't remember.

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Most people like to display their status to others to impress or one-up over another. For some its getting invited to a VIP party, for others it is showing distain for VIP parties, for even others its displaying a list of all the cruises they have been on so that everyone will be impressed. Imagine what a world we would have if no one played status games.

I love to see the list of ships folks have sailed on!!! And that list always provides the opportunity to ask questions of the poster regarding a particular ship!

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I was invited to the party on my 5/14 Zuiderdam cruise. I have never been invited to attend in my past HAL cruises.

It was nice, but it was post-dinner for us, so we were not hungry nor interested in drinking at that point!

We were invited because we were part of the CC roll call, and Mr. Deering took all our names and room numbers when we had our sailaway party. I noticed the members of a Red Hat Society group were also invited.


I remember a thread a while back about being invited to dine at the captain's table ... how is this any different, status-wise?

In that thread many people were thrilled at being singled out for an invite.

I don't recall anyone putting them down as status-seekers.


I've never been invited to dine with the captain. If I am in the future, I will be honored. If I am not, so be it ... I won't be envious of those who are.

And the same with the "VIP" party.

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Your opinion please.

We have noticed the last couple of years that people who are invited to the special VIP/Who's Who parties aren't all suite passengers. I have mentioned this several times when we have returned from our cruises.

I have no problem with non-suite passengers being invited as there are a lot of us in all categories who have been long time and faithful cruisers on HAL.

But what are your feelings about a first time cruiser on HAL being invited to these parties? Especially if you have cruised several times on HAL and aren't invited to the extra parties.



We had paid for a "Behind the Scenes" package when we sailed to Hawaii on the Statendam a few years back. We were in a mini, not a full suite. Part of the package was a "VIP" party with the Captain & officers. Perhaps this would explain why some passengers are at the party when they are not a "suite person." They have actually paid for it in some fashion. We didn't care one way or the other when we finally did book a full suite & were invited. We figured we still paid for it in our cruise fare.

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Having been invited to one or two, it always seemed to us that the friendliest and most sociable person there was HAL's on-board reservation rep. Not being VIPs, we've always assumed the reason for the invite was to encourage us to sign up for another cruise.

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Most people like to display their status to others to impress or one-up over another. For some its getting invited to a VIP party, for others it is showing distain for VIP parties, for even others its displaying a list of all the cruises they have been on so that everyone will be impressed. Imagine what a world we would have if no one played status games.


I'm sure this post doesn't pertain particularly to me, but it does encourage me to make very clear that I show no disdain whatsoever for these parties! I am only saying we don't enjoy them. Since we don't drink alcohol, free drinks don't entice us and they are simply not our cup of tea. But for people who enjoy them, I think they're fine.


I feel that way about just about everything. That's why we have vanilla and chocolate ice cream. If you like vanilla, I'm not going to push chocolate down your throat.


But I wonder why it is that what some people enjoy, others take offense at. For instance, in the above post PetRanger feels that when people list their cruises they're trying to impress others. I've never thought that. I always thought people are just trying to show the ships they've had the pleasure of sailing on. Some people like to go to "VIP" parties to meet others and I think that's great! Go and enjoy.


While I agree that some play "status games" and status is terribly important to them, I also think there are many other reasons for enjoying certain things. It's a bit cynical to suggest anything else.

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I was invited to the party on my 5/14 Zuiderdam cruise. I have never been invited to attend in my past HAL cruises.

It was nice, but it was post-dinner for us, so we were not hungry nor interested in drinking at that point!

We were invited because we were part of the CC roll call, and Mr. Deering took all our names and room numbers when we had our sailaway party. I noticed the members of a Red Hat Society group were also invited.


I remember a thread a while back about being invited to dine at the captain's table ... how is this any different, status-wise?

In that thread many people were thrilled at being singled out for an invite.

I don't recall anyone putting them down as status-seekers.


I've never been invited to dine with the captain. If I am in the future, I will be honored. If I am not, so be it ... I won't be envious of those who are.

And the same with the "VIP" party.


Oceanwench, I totally agree with what you are saying, I some how think this thread has other like this in the past has gotten way out of proportion and I don't think K wanted this to happen. This was what KK's original question was "But what are your feelings about a first time cruiser on HAL being invited to these parties? Especially if you have cruised several times on HAL and aren't invited to the extra parties."

I personally think this is just a nice gesture that HAL does and I am honored if I am invited and am not trying to be snooty which is my take on what many are trying to say it is. If we complain about this and HAL does really read these boards it could be one more thing they take away. If you get invited and don't want to go don't but some peaople do like to get a chance to talk to others as well as talk with some of the Officers.

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I have to say this thread has been a real eye-opener for me. I have almost always been invited to one of these parties but I had no idea they were supposed to be VIP parties. I'm certainly no VIP that's for sure. I think I just sort of thought they were another Mariner-type party.


Like Ruth and Yonnie I go for the free drink - that's if I'm in the mood for a drink - if I'm not in the mood I don't go and I sincerely doubt that the Captain, or anyone else, notices that I'm missing.:)


I'm not much of a cocktail party type anyway - I'm not really good at small-talk. It was easier when my husband was still alive - at least I could bore the heck out of him for an hour or so.:D

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