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Attend muster drill on 2nd week of B2B?


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Hey we did what so many people always have said they want to do but never did...skip the drill. Hence the reason why this thread exists. Know the whole story before coming up with an opinion. This was the 6th time on the same ship this year. We know so many to the crew by name and more. We were at the same drill just 3 days before. Now anyone saying it was childish or inconvenient doing what we did We Are On Vacation. Lighten up. Anyone pointing fingers at me, there are 3 more pointing at you. Dont tell me you are a perfect lil cuiser thats never broke a rule in your life. Oh btw we also talked to the hotel manager about skipping and he said it was ok but they will still check our room which is why i said u still are required to go. We got an ok from the hotel director.... didn't mention that but people like to put their opinion before knowing the whole story. He told us that our room will still be checked (it may not be our attendant) but just tell them we were on th last cruise. We did what we did for fun.


I was wondering when someone would pull out this card. Regardless, thinking hiding under the bed would be a fun thing to do would indicate to me you need to consider getting a life.

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So how do you avoid having to go the the drill. Hide under the bed. Yep, that's what we did :D It was quite funny cause while under the bed we heard them knock on the door, open the door, take a few steps in (I guess to check the bathroom), then the door close.


That is one of the funniest things I've read on here in awhile!


Our last cruise, when we left to go to muster, the red tag was already in our door. Wish I had known before we stumbled out into the hallway!


Kevin C

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So was the cruise where the Hotel Director told you it was okay to skip the same one where you hid under the bed?


My thought is no. If you had an okay from someone, you don't hide. If you think you're right, you don't hide.


Everybody's on vacation, but Concordia showed that things can get messed up really fast on vacation and it's better to be safe than sorry, regardless of how many times you've been on a cruise. Just like when teachers participate in fire drills at schools when they are on the verge of retirement. You just do it because you're supposed to. No harm in knowing where to go in the interest of safety.


And I don't need or care to know what your situation is. They say it's mandatory, so it is. If I tell my daughter she can skip school, that doesn't mean they don't expect her to show up still.

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I was wondering when someone would pull out this card. Regardless, thinking hiding under the bed would be a fun thing to do would indicate to me you need to consider getting a life.


Got a life and love it. I shared this to give some a good laugh. Somehow this offened people. How i have no idea. Stay on topic and personal insults are not allowed.

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Let's see. Airlines make you have a safety drill for each leg. Sometimes you stay on the same plane. My company has a twice annual fire drill. The doors remain at the same place for the last 10 years. Don't see much difference here on a ship. It will just become a refresher course.

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We did a B2B and our cabin steward said we didn't have to go, but to just stay in our cabin. Since your cabin steward is the one responsible to let them know that all his cabins are emtpy, you would be fine. If they say you have to go, then just go. Simple as that.

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Hey we did what so many people always have said they want to do but never did...skip the drill. Hence the reason why this thread exists. Know the whole story before coming up with an opinion. This was the 6th time on the same ship this year. We know so many to the crew by name and more. We were at the same drill just 3 days before. Now anyone saying it was childish or inconvenient doing what we did We Are On Vacation. Lighten up. Anyone pointing fingers at me, there are 3 more pointing at you. Dont tell me you are a perfect lil cuiser thats never broke a rule in your life. Oh btw we also talked to the hotel manager about skipping and he said it was ok but they will still check our room which is why i said u still are required to go. We got an ok from the hotel director.... didn't mention that but people like to put their opinion before knowing the whole story. He told us that our room will still be checked (it may not be our attendant) but just tell them we were on th last cruise. We did what we did for fun.


Then you should certainly volunteer to be blindfolded and show all us naysayers that you can make it to your muster station crawling to get there, as the conditions for getting out in an emergency will never mirror anything you have done in a drill. I actually used to think that there was a space for me and my family in that lifeboat directly in front of my muster station, but we certainly found that not to be true during the Concordia fiasco.


And this logic confuses me further when I see people in their own homes can't make it out alive in a fire, yet they certainly have walked out of their homes a couple of hundred times with a much shorter escape route.


I wonder how many of these people, when showing their kids how to get out, showed them to hide under a bed. :rolleyes:

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I liken this to the person who says I have lived in this neighborhood for 10 years so I know the stop sign is there but chose not to stop because I have been doing it for years with no consequences and then hits and injures someone. Rules are in place for a reason.

Hey we did what so many people always have said they want to do but never did...skip the drill. Hence the reason why this thread exists. Know the whole story before coming up with an opinion. This was the 6th time on the same ship this year. We know so many to the crew by name and more. We were at the same drill just 3 days before. Now anyone saying it was childish or inconvenient doing what we did We Are On Vacation. Lighten up. Anyone pointing fingers at me, there are 3 more pointing at you. Dont tell me you are a perfect lil cuiser thats never broke a rule in your life. Oh btw we also talked to the hotel manager about skipping and he said it was ok but they will still check our room which is why i said u still are required to go. We got an ok from the hotel director.... didn't mention that but people like to put their opinion before knowing the whole story. He told us that our room will still be checked (it may not be our attendant) but just tell them we were on th last cruise. We did what we did for fun.
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Hey we did what so many people always have said they want to do but never did...skip the drill. Hence the reason why this thread exists. Know the whole story before coming up with an opinion. This was the 6th time on the same ship this year. We know so many to the crew by name and more. We were at the same drill just 3 days before. Now anyone saying it was childish or inconvenient doing what we did We Are On Vacation. Lighten up. Anyone pointing fingers at me, there are 3 more pointing at you. Dont tell me you are a perfect lil cuiser thats never broke a rule in your life. Oh btw we also talked to the hotel manager about skipping and he said it was ok but they will still check our room which is why i said u still are required to go. We got an ok from the hotel director.... didn't mention that but people like to put their opinion before knowing the whole story. He told us that our room will still be checked (it may not be our attendant) but just tell them we were on th last cruise. We did what we did for fun.


With all due respect, the whole story is that the muster drill is mandatory, and you didn't go. The rest really is irrelevant. And the fact that you are boasting about having to hide under the bed shows that you yourself recognize that you were doing the wrong thing no matter how you try to justify it. At the end of the day, the crew don't do the muster drill for fun. Its not like some little plan they have to get their kicks by making the passengers waste 20mins of their cruise for no reason. It does serve an important function and one would think we have all learned this from the Concordia.

I really don't see that anyone is 'offended' by you doing this, we mostly just think it is childish and irresponsible.

I do however agree on one point you made, and that is the blatant hypocrisy shown on this board. It really is very telling what rules some choose to follow and what rules they choose to jump on other people for breaking. All of them are there for a reason and we all just need to suck it up and follow them. But I digress.

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Hey we did what so many people always have said they want to do but never did...skip the drill. Hence the reason why this thread exists. Know the whole story before coming up with an opinion. This was the 6th time on the same ship this year. We know so many to the crew by name and more. We were at the same drill just 3 days before. Now anyone saying it was childish or inconvenient doing what we did We Are On Vacation. Lighten up. Anyone pointing fingers at me, there are 3 more pointing at you. Dont tell me you are a perfect lil cuiser thats never broke a rule in your life. Oh btw we also talked to the hotel manager about skipping and he said it was ok but they will still check our room which is why i said u still are required to go. We got an ok from the hotel director.... didn't mention that but people like to put their opinion before knowing the whole story. He told us that our room will still be checked (it may not be our attendant) but just tell them we were on th last cruise. We did what we did for fun.


If the crew gave you the OK, then fine. Carnival is the one that is responsible for ensuring that everyone is aware of the evacuaton procedures. In your situation, I could understand I just reread your original post. The part about hiding under the bed doesn't make sense to me. Putting that in there confuses people for no reason.

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We are going on our first B2B in a couple weeks on the Carnival Glory and have gotten a lot of great information about what to expect on the "turnaround" day from all of you who have done this. We are lucky enough to not have to change rooms and are looking forward to enjoying a cocktail as everyone boards. :cool:


One thing we don't know is if we will be required to attend the Muster Drill on week 2 since we will have done it on week 1. I am presuming that we will, but maybe someone knows for sure. Thanks!


When we did our b2b on the Miracle in 2009, our room steward allowed us to stay in the room during the muster drill on the second half of the cruise. On my recent b2b on the Imagination, I did not even ask, I just went to the drill. After the Costa Concordia disaster, they have gotten more strict about the drill.

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I was wondering when someone would pull out this card. Regardless, thinking hiding under the bed would be a fun thing to do would indicate to me you need to consider getting a life.


Amen!! "I'm on vacation" or "it's my vacation, too" just seem to be code words for immature, idiotic people who want to drag the rest of civilization down with them.

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On past NCL cruises, attendance was taken and a make-up session scheduled for those that missed the drill. Over Xmas we took our first Carnival cruise. When we arrived at our muster station, we were told to take a seat. No one asked for our name, room number, or had a clip board. Our experience was that on Carnival, the muster drill is optional.

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Yes you are required to go even though you already went to the drill on your first leg of the b2b. On that note, on my wife and I's last b2b we didn't go the 2nd time. Although our stateroom attendant knew we would be staying in the same room for the 2nd cruise they still check your room.


So how do you avoid having to go the the drill. Hide under the bed. Yep, that's what we did :D It was quite funny cause while under the bed we heard them knock on the door, open the door, take a few steps in (I guess to check the bathroom), then the door close.


Now I'm not condoning do this, but if you do hide in the room wait a few min after the drill is over. Don't just walk out your room right when its over like we did. We walked out the room and there were only crew and they all looked at us. All we could do is laugh because we knew we were busted when we saw every cabin had a plastic tag in the room key slot showing that each room was empty (see picture). :rolleyes:


I absolutely cannot imagine the kind of mind that thinks it is easier, less work, or "quite funny" to make the effort to SQUEEZE under the bed and stay there while they check the rooms. You couldn't pay me to lay on the floor of the cabin just to hide from the stewards so I didn't have to go sit/stand through a 15 minute SAFETY drill. Wow!!!

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Hey we did what so many people always have said they want to do but never did...skip the drill. Hence the reason why this thread exists. Know the whole story before coming up with an opinion. This was the 6th time on the same ship this year. We know so many to the crew by name and more. We were at the same drill just 3 days before. Now anyone saying it was childish or inconvenient doing what we did We Are On Vacation. Lighten up. Anyone pointing fingers at me, there are 3 more pointing at you. Dont tell me you are a perfect lil cuiser thats never broke a rule in your life. Oh btw we also talked to the hotel manager about skipping and he said it was ok but they will still check our room which is why i said u still are required to go. We got an ok from the hotel director.... didn't mention that but people like to put their opinion before knowing the whole story. He told us that our room will still be checked (it may not be our attendant) but just tell them we were on th last cruise. We did what we did for fun.


So you want people to believe that 1) the hotel manager told you you didn't have to go; 2) you and your traveling companions hid under the beds during the drills, AND 3) you crammed yourselves under the bed, where your LUGGAGE is supposed to be, on a dirty floor, because you thought it was FUN???? :eek::confused::rolleyes:

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On past NCL cruises, attendance was taken and a make-up session scheduled for those that missed the drill. Over Xmas we took our first Carnival cruise. When we arrived at our muster station, we were told to take a seat. No one asked for our name, room number, or had a clip board. Our experience was that on Carnival, the muster drill is optional.


Carnival is one of the few lines that does not take attendance, but an announcement is made several times by the cruise director that this is a mandatory exercise. It is definitely not optional.


But is seems in answer to the original question from the OP, if your stateroom steward tells you it's not required on a B2B, then it's not required, but it may be advisable.

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Being the original poster on this thread, I would like to thank everyone for their opinion. The question was a simple process question posed out of curiosity and grew into a long drawn out thread where other posters were being attacked. I was unsure whether I wanted to even ask the question because I see on other threads how they grow into something big and ugly. The name calling, and attacking that takes place on these message boards is typical bullying behaviour and I think all of you that attack anyone else for any reason on these message boards should be ashamed of yourselves. Stating something "IMHO" does not make it any less of an attack.


FYI, I will be at both muster drills unless my room steward advises me otherwise, which I guess I should have just kept to myself in the beginning, as that was my original thoughts going into this thread.


Happy cruising!

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I absolutely cannot imagine the kind of mind that thinks it is easier, less work, or "quite funny" to make the effort to SQUEEZE under the bed and stay there while they check the rooms. You couldn't pay me to lay on the floor of the cabin just to hide from the stewards so I didn't have to go sit/stand through a 15 minute SAFETY drill. Wow!!!


Being the original poster on this thread, I would like to thank everyone for their opinion. The question was a simple process question posed out of curiosity and grew into a long drawn out thread where other posters were being attacked. I was unsure whether I wanted to even ask the question because I see on other threads how they grow into something big and ugly. The name calling, and attacking that takes place on these message boards is typical bullying behaviour and I think all of you that attack anyone else for any reason on these message boards should be ashamed of yourselves. Stating something "IMHO" does not make it any less of an attack.


FYI, I will be at both muster drills unless my room steward advises me otherwise, which I guess I should have just kept to myself in the beginning, as that was my original thoughts going into this thread.


Happy cruising!

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Amen!! "I'm on vacation" or "it's my vacation, too" just seem to be code words for immature, idiotic people who want to drag the rest of civilization down with them.


Being the original poster on this thread, I would like to thank everyone for their opinion. The question was a simple process question posed out of curiosity and grew into a long drawn out thread where other posters were being attacked. I was unsure whether I wanted to even ask the question because I see on other threads how they grow into something big and ugly. The name calling, and attacking that takes place on these message boards is typical bullying behaviour and I think all of you that attack anyone else for any reason on these message boards should be ashamed of yourselves. Stating something "IMHO" does not make it any less of an attack.


FYI, I will be at both muster drills unless my room steward advises me otherwise, which I guess I should have just kept to myself in the beginning, as that was my original thoughts going into this thread.


Happy cruising!

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