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New dining room and bar menus have been requested

Bill Leiber

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All inclusive means all inclusive, not inclusive of some but we charge for all others. This is not what I signed up for. Bill, this is not your fault. Don't feel like we're shooting the messenger.:(

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As far as I know, Azamara never used the term all-inclusive.


They may have said more inclusive, but I'm not even sure that's what was said.


Glasses of wine had already been complimentary at lunch and dinner. Soft drinks and bottled water had already been complimentary. Gratuities had already been included.


The new benefit was bottom shelf alcohol to be complimentary, plus the AzAmazing evening.


Many of us feared we would not ever choose that bottom shelf booze, and surely I would not ever drink Jim Beam, so I was correct to be skeptical. I might try a Peach Shnapps and I have been known to drink an appletini. I might even try a Long Island Tea (did I get the name right?). I know that most beers are ok for me, and in fact I often choose a beer when I don't care for the wine they're pouring, e.g. in Celebrity's Elite lounge.


But no Azamara employee ever said "all-inclusive", as far as I can remember. For good reason.

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The program is all ready out I spoke with azamara Le club voyage and they have the list of what is included, were more then willing to share it and I posted it a couple of pages back. I thought the list was good and there were many options of choices of drink. I am sure some will not agree with Azamara choice but I personally thought it was more then ok.

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I don't think Bill's last post has done him or Azamara any favours, especially considering what one of our fellow correspondents obtained from Le Club Voyage, a couple of days ago.


It beyond belief that any organisation should announce a new promotion without knowing what's included, unless of course they've changed their minds, which in itself would be a PR disaster.


I used to cruise the mainstream lines, but last year tried Regent and hope to book on Seabourn this April. Price is very important, but of more importance is that what is advertised actually takes place. My wife could become loyal Azamara clients, but not if we feel we have been cheated. I hope we don't.


Just because a very low percentage of cruisers post, it doesn't mean that that number are unrepresentative of actual feelings. It may well be that many of the people interested in this promotion are Brits and it's well known that very few Brits know about CC, compared with the rest of the world.


There is a big cruise show in London, this weekend, so I hope Azamara's staff have been well briefed.

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The program is all ready out I spoke with azamara Le club voyage and they have the list of what is included, were more then willing to share it and I posted it a couple of pages back. I thought the list was good and there were many options of choices of drink. I am sure some will not agree with Azamara choice but I personally thought it was more then ok.


Agree, I might moan on about my better whisky but really all I want is what azamara are doing and making the card and chit a thing of the past, most of the time ;)


I have a feeling that there are 2 strands of management at work, the RCL bosses and the Azamara management. Its the same with 'boutique' hotels, they have some autonomy but the overall owners can interefer at any time.


Those that have booked recently at the increased prices, with reduced value on shorex, are the ones stuck in the middle. As I have never booked a ship tour this is less of a problem for me.


But you know, I am sure we will all have a fabulous time on our cruises and I have been told that once you get spoiled by azamara, all other cruises lose a bit of sparkle;)



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As far as I know, Azamara never used the term all-inclusive.


They may have said more inclusive, but I'm not even sure that's what was said.


Glasses of wine had already been complimentary at lunch and dinner. Soft drinks and bottled water had already been complimentary. Gratuities had already been included.


The new benefit was bottom shelf alcohol to be complimentary, plus the AzAmazing evening.


Many of us feared we would not ever choose that bottom shelf booze, and surely I would not ever drink Jim Beam, so I was correct to be skeptical. I might try a Peach Shnapps and I have been known to drink an appletini. I might even try a Long Island Tea (did I get the name right?). I know that most beers are ok for me, and in fact I often choose a beer when I don't care for the wine they're pouring, e.g. in Celebrity's Elite lounge.


But no Azamara employee ever said "all-inclusive", as far as I can remember. For good reason.


Hello May B,


With respect 'all inclusive' is exactly how the new enhancements are being advertised by TA's here in the UK and so obviously people's expectations are high. I personally am looking forward to seeing how long the list is for premium products at value prices.


I do not think the CC community should be treated any differently from any Azamara guests but to post the information on the website a couple of days before the launch of this programme is launched is pathetic . Are they making it up as they go along?

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Spursgirl is right and as I recall the words all inclusive were also used in some of Azamaras own marketing.


I did not read that as ALL everything inclusive, I read it in the same way as AI is in many hotels, that certain top shelf brands would not be included. The trouble we have now is the absence of the list officially, though clearly it exists, coupled with the new mention of packages has set hares running.


Packages make me wonder if the middle shelf brands are also excluded which is not pardon the pun, in the spirit of the interpretation of AI in the UK and I wonder how long before someone drags in the advertising standards people.


For the moment, I think the list should come out ASAP and it should not be wrapped up in the hype of a revenue enhancement product. However, I am still hopeful from what we know about already that I will be having my occasional evening tipple free of additional cost and I will not be drinking Tesco paint stripper

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Spursgirl is right and as I recall the words all inclusive were also used in some of Azamaras own marketing.


I did not read that as ALL everything inclusive, I read it in the same way as AI is in many hotels, that certain top shelf brands would not be included. The trouble we have now is the absence of the list officially, though clearly it exists, coupled with the new mention of packages has set hares running.


Packages make me wonder if the middle shelf brands are also excluded which is not pardon the pun, in the spirit of the interpretation of AI in the UK and I wonder how long before someone drags in the advertising standards people.


For the moment, I think the list should come out ASAP and it should not be wrapped up in the hype of a revenue enhancement product. However, I am still hopeful from what we know about already that I will be having my occasional evening tipple free of additional cost and I will not be drinking Tesco paint stripper


I agree with the last 2 posts. All UK adverts for Azamara cruises - and there are many adverts - say "all inclusive". However, I too was not expecting top-shelf alcohol, just something standard and branded. I was, and still am, hoping for cocktails made with standard brands to be included. As we are boarding the ship (Quest) next Wednesday for its first "all inclusive" cruise, it's crazy that this is still up for debate.

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Spursgirl is right and as I recall the words all inclusive were also used in some of Azamaras own marketing.


I did not read that as ALL everything inclusive, I read it in the same way as AI is in many hotels, that certain top shelf brands would not be included. The trouble we have now is the absence of the list officially, though clearly it exists, coupled with the new mention of packages has set hares running.


Packages make me wonder if the middle shelf brands are also excluded which is not pardon the pun, in the spirit of the interpretation of AI in the UK and I wonder how long before someone drags in the advertising standards people.


For the moment, I think the list should come out ASAP and it should not be wrapped up in the hype of a revenue enhancement product. However, I am still hopeful from what we know about already that I will be having my occasional evening tipple free of additional cost and I will not be drinking Tesco paint stripper


Those of us in the UK know full well that Azamara has been hyped as AI, so Spursgirl is quite right.

I do wonder if the list that Le Club has given out, is now being revised. I can think of no other reason why they will not just publish the details of the new program.

It is farcical. As uktog says they should publish ASAP.

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When I read "inclusive" I do not interpret that as including the very best wines, champagnes, etc., that can cost hundreds of dollars. On the other hand, I do think it would help all cruise lines that offer such "inclusive" perks to re-think their language so that it cannot be subject to so many interpretations. Perhaps they will have to include a caveat spelling out what the word actually means. Even then there could still be some confusion because we sometimes see only what we want to see. Additionally, I have a hunch that the majority of people cruising with Azamara will not be as upset as some of the posters on this thread.

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Clearly people who have been cruising Azamara for years, will probably stay loyal, but with the natural changes of demographics, all cruise lines will be hoping to attract new customers.


This marketing shambles may have the opposite effect, as clearly there are a number of new clients who, judging by posts on here, only represent a very small percentage of Azamaras clientele, will have booked cruises specifically due to the all inclusive nature.


I wouldn't expect premium drinks to be included, but would expect all cocktails, and a good selection of wines and spirits.


My wife and were attracted to this cruise, by the all inclusive 'tag', so I hope we're not left discussing issues with this policy, as opposed to what an excellent product Azamara represents.

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I noticed today that reference to the included drinks (quoted as "selected" on the US site and "select" on the UK site) seems to have been removed from the websites. It was front and centre before. Watch this space, but Azamara really should have done better putting the message out.




There's a small paragraph about it under 'deals' but as you say, it has been removed from the banner headline.


Presumably the 'fine wines', previously enjoyed with meals, will still be the same, as Azamara wouldn't want the majority of their clientele (who don't read CC) being unhappy.

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There's a small paragraph about it under 'deals' but as you say, it has been removed from the banner headline.


Presumably the 'fine wines', previously enjoyed with meals, will still be the same, as Azamara wouldn't want the majority of their clientele (who don't read CC) being unhappy.



That is what we are hoping for, the included wines were very palatable, so we will be very disappointed, if the standard of wines reduces.

That would certainly not be an upmarket improvement.

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Clearly people who have been cruising Azamara for years, will probably stay loyal, but with the natural changes of demographics, all cruise lines will be hoping to attract new customers.


This marketing shambles may have the opposite effect, as clearly there are a number of new clients who, judging by posts on here, only represent a very small percentage of Azamaras clientele, will have booked cruises specifically due to the all inclusive nature.


I wouldn't expect premium drinks to be included, but would expect all cocktails, and a good selection of wines and spirits.


My wife and were attracted to this cruise, by the all inclusive 'tag', so I hope we're not left discussing issues with this policy, as opposed to what an excellent product Azamara represents.


I am a loyal Azamara cruiser and have loved every one of my 7 cruises with them and also look forward to my next voyage in May.


Frankly, I was perfectly happy with the status quo. However the hype generated by Azamara coupled with advertising of all inclusive cruises (including an advertisement in a UK national newspaper today for a Journey July cruise) generated certain expectations.


Like everyone, I certainly do not expect premium drinks to be included. However, neither do I expect middle ranking drinks not to be included.


All of this conjecture can be avoided by Azamara publicising the list. I for one am finding it very disconcerting that this appears to be such an issue for them and cannot understand why the company is acting in such an unprofessional manner.

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I am a loyal Azamara cruiser and have loved every one of my 7 cruises with them and also look forward to my next voyage in May.


Frankly, I was perfectly happy with the status quo. However the hype generated by Azamara coupled with advertising of all inclusive cruises (including an advertisement in a UK national newspaper today for a Journey July cruise) generated certain expectations.


Like everyone, I certainly do not expect premium drinks to be included. However, neither do I expect middle ranking drinks not to be included.


All of this conjecture can be avoided by Azamara publicising the list. I for one am finding it very disconcerting that this appears to be such an issue for them and cannot understand why the company is acting in such an unprofessional manner.


If I was a new customer and couldn't get definitive answers to such questions, I wouldn't book until I could. Maybe they are losing business as a result of their intransigence.

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That is what we are hoping for, the included wines were very palatable, so we will be very disappointed, if the standard of wines reduces.

That would certainly not be an upmarket improvement.

The daily wine selection will continue. Of that I'm certain. No reason they'd do away with them.



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The daily wine selection will continue. Of that I'm certain. No reason they'd do away with them.




It is more the quality of the wine that I am concerned about.

We have always found the daily wine selection perfectly acceptable, but I do wonder if the included wines will not be of the same quality.

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I noticed today that reference to the included drinks (quoted as "selected" on the US site and "select" on the UK site) seems to have been removed from the websites. It was front and centre before. Watch this space, but Azamara really should have done better putting the message out.




Phil, I think that Azamara should do a much better job of putting most of their messages out. Like perhaps, thinking things through a bit better before making announcements, and policy changes. There does seem to my thinking to be a lack of attention to detail and long range consequences.


And Bill, I think that it's unfair to refer to those who question the wisdom of Azamara's current directions as "cynics"; skeptical, yes, I will certainly admit to that, but I hardly think that I and some of the others are cynical. Most of us are experienced cruisers who thought that they really had a perfect "fit" with Azamara, only to find the Line going in another direction to where they want to go. Speaking for myself, I want the small ship, outstanding service, creative cuisine, and interesting itineraries that we have experienced on all of our Azamara Cruises. I am willing to pay the freight for that. I could care less about unlimited cheap booze and wine, and an included evening shore experience with 692 of my closest friends. I am not willing to pay the freight for that, because those are not the things about Azamara that I value. I realize that you have to do what you have to do to fill the cabins, but I submit that it should be possible to do that without revising your customer base and driving away your previously satisfied and enthusiastic repeat cruisers. The goal should be to add to your existing base, not to enter into a war with Crystal, Oceania, and Regent. At least that's what I think.


In a sense, you ( Azamara ) should be happy that your customers do question your policy changes and decisions, that strongly implies that people are involved with Azamara and do care what happens and which way the Line goes. If we didn't care, we'd simply take LP's advice and K*ss Off. Is that really what you want?



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Phil, I think that Azamara should do a much better job of putting most of their messages out. Like perhaps, thinking things through a bit better before making announcements, and policy changes. There does seem to my thinking to be a lack of attention to detail and long range consequences.


And Bill, I think that it's unfair to refer to those who question the wisdom of Azamara's current directions as "cynics"; skeptical, yes, I will certainly admit to that, but I hardly think that I and some of the others are cynical. Most of us are experienced cruisers who thought that they really had a perfect "fit" with Azamara, only to find the Line going in another direction to where they want to go. Speaking for myself, I want the small ship, outstanding service, creative cuisine, and interesting itineraries that we have experienced on all of our Azamara Cruises. I am willing to pay the freight for that. I could care less about unlimited cheap booze and wine, and an included evening shore experience with 692 of my closest friends. I am not willing to pay the freight for that, because those are not the things about Azamara that I value. I realize that you have to do what you have to do to fill the cabins, but I submit that it should be possible to do that without revising your customer base and driving away your previously satisfied and enthusiastic repeat cruisers. The goal should be to add to your existing base, not to enter into a war with Crystal, Oceania, and Regent. At least that's what I think.


In a sense, you ( Azamara ) should be happy that your customers do question your policy changes and decisions, that strongly implies that people are involved with Azamara and do care what happens and which way the Line goes. If we didn't care, we'd simply take LP's advice and K*ss Off. Is that really what you want?




Ed, I agree with everything you wrote here but have to say I have a feeling that Azamara head office really does not care what anyone thinks on Cruise critic and feel we do not represent the majority of the Azamara customers and that we are a loud minority or as Bill stated that some on here are Cynical and skeptical.


I wrote in an earlier post that Azamara is looking for a different clientle and demographics and if they lose some the repeat customers that is acceptable loss for them Larry P stated that so if the head man is saying that do you believe that anyone is going to listen or do anything I do not believe so. Azamara is going in a different direction and each of us on here has to decide if that is the direction we want to go or not and if not then as he stated there are other cruselines out there.

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We are going to the London cruise show this weekend and will be booking another cruise, either at the show or immediately afterwards. It should be interesting to hear what Azamara have to say about their enhancements. We may book with them, but after reading this thread, more likely we'll either return to Regent or try Seabourn.


Forget about whether or not Cruise Critic clients are valued, my difficulty obtaining information from Azamara or their agents has left me feeling underwhelmed.

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In the meantime, I've shared a summary with Larry Pimentel and his management team of your 33 conversations on the thread describing your frustrations and inferences about the new program. Interestingly, 50% of the 122 "replies" came from five posters or 15% of the participants who are skeptical about the new program without ever seeing the new details. Of course, how could they not be, since we haven't shared that information.


I'm hopeful that when all of you finally have the opportunity to review the new program you'll reconsider your cynicism




I have contributed to this thread but in such a limited way that I do not think that I qualify for membership of the "15% of the participants who are sceptical" club. Surely Bill your decision to analyse the replies takes "cynicism" to a new height. Cynicism?? How about the number of times that you have announced "next week" you would provide more details and the next week... and the next week. Is that not being cynical?

Personally with the amount of alcohol that I consume, the contents of the drinks package bothers me not one iota; nor would it bother me if Azamara went completely dry. I am concerned however at Az. treatment of established customers who are probably the best ambassadors that you can have to spread the word of the excellent onboard treatment Azamara provide.If they move on you'll probably have the same ambassadors going around saying that Az. onboard service is terrific but avoid the company at all costs because of the attitude and "service" provided by the onshore employees of the line.

They are probably cynical enough to shrug their shoulders!

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Interestingly, 50% of the 122 "replies" came from five posters or 15% of the participants who are skeptical about the new program without ever seeing the new details. Of course, how could they not be, since we haven't shared that information.


Surely Bill your decision to analyse the replies takes "cynicism" to a new height.

I tried not to be critical but wait to see what the result was. I agree that prejudging is unwarranted. But the statement quoted above from last night and the decision to withhold anything from us after the operators at Azamara had the 5 page document in hand just pushed me over the edge. Yesterday was an overall frustrating day unrelated to this isssue, and the tone of the statement just caused me to lose all patience.:(


I look forward to the on-board experience about which many of you rave.

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