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#My1stCruise - My Date with Destiny Journal / Review

Are you planning on sailing on Sunshine?  

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I joined cruisecritic after the suggestion of my cousin and have enjoyed the boards ever since. I have read a number of reviews and decided very early on I would be doing a review of sorts as well. If nothing else to document my experiences and to help others relive their cruise experience through my words & pictures. I hope you enjoy!


A little background on the cruisers:

Myself, (Anita - 25), Mom (Charlene - 61) and Mom’s friends – Evelyn & Doug (50/55). My mother has cruised before, once when I was very young with my father. She won a cruise to the Mexican Riviera through a radio show but for some reason opted for a different itinerary and ended up going to the Bahamas instead. She remembers enjoying herself, the “flea market” and being terribly sick due to motion sickness, but little else. My mother’s friends and I are all newbies to cruising. They travel together all of the time, but I couldn’t tell you the last time my mother and I were on a trip together – oh yes I can. My 4th grade trip to DC, this was our first (and my only) time on an airplane, and it was together LOL.



“Vacation” was just a word I heard others used and have really never been able to enjoy one for myself – so I was definitely looking forward to getting AWAY. I love to travel, but it would always be for long weekends and just to places in driving distance (Chicago, Nashville, Atlanta, etc.) My mother and I both work 60+ hour work weeks (and that’s on the low side) so we were both anticipating this vacation more and more as the time grew close. I do believe my FB & Twitter friends were getting just as excited for me as I was sure to post often about our progress to Embarkation.

We booked this cruise January 25th, with the intentions of booking a “birthday” cruise for my Mother. My cousin and I had thrown a surprise 60th themed birthday party for her and her twin the year before so I was looking for a way to “top” that, if possible. I was seriously considering two cruises, both were around or on my mother’s birthday (11/04) but when my (beloved) PVP contacted me via phone she introduced me to a cruise itinerary I hadn’t even noticed. So, I narrowed down the search and weighed the options:

1) Grand Cayman & Jamaica

2) Nassau, Half Moon Cay & Grand Turk.

My mother didn’t really have a preference while I have always wanted to go to Jamaica so I was a little biased, but then after reading reviews and talking to a few friends who had already cruised, I opted for the one with the most stops! I just KNEW I was going to love cruising and there was always “next time” for Jamaica. A little more on that later…


2011 “Birthday Bash” for my Mother and her Twin:



Cruising has ALWAYS been a dream of mine and to finally make that dream a reality is a feeling I can hardly put into words. Just 2 years before I had completed a Dream Journal and I’ll include a picture of my “travel” page – with a big ol’ cruise ship on it. Alas, 2 years later – a dream fulfilled.





I’ll first do a snapshot for those who like to skim and get the “facts” – but will do a day by day break down as well.


Flight Details:

SDF – 6:00a Arrive 7:24a ATL – 8:40a Arrive 10:40a MIA

MIA – 6:30a Arrive 8:28a ATL – 10:33a Arrive 12:00p SDF

Hotel Details: Holiday Inn – Doral Area

Address: 3255 Northwest 87th Avenue, Miami, FL 33172

Winning Bid: $60/night

Average Rate: $146/night

Check-in/out: 11/24 – 11/26

Pros: Free parking, close to airport, free 24 hour shuttle to/from airport, some restaurant options within walking distance. If you have a car – this is a very convenient place, Mall of Americas was close, not too far from expressway and port of Miami. The staff was VERY courteous, very accommodating and overall made for a wonderful experience. If I need to be in this part of Miami again on a visit, I’d definitely consider staying here.

Cons: No free breakfast, PC in business center was very slow – I had better service on my cell.

Shuttle to POM: We used the shuttle service suggested by the front desk (Nia) and for 2+ people it was $12/pp.





Vacation before the Vacation....






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Vacation before the Vacation


Friday, November 23rd, 2012 – Black Friday – It’s Finally Time!



Our luggage tags I decorated :)


My mother drove up from Nashville, TN and met me after I got off of work. I was so excited to see her! I had a few errands to run before flying out early the next morning, so we got started right away. My dad agreed to do dog-sitting duties, so we took my pup to his place, stopping to say hello to my sister on the way back.


Oh, did I mention I hadn’t officially packed yet? The one, who has a list for everything, including a weekend trip and what to pack, had NOT packed for my 8-day vacation. Everything was in a tub and out in the open, but I hadn’t put it in the suitcase just yet. I discovered early on that my adopted cat has separation issues – the last time I took a trip, she took it upon herself to mark my suitcase before I left. Needless to say, I was a tad nervous to pack until the last minute.




I was concerned with the 50lb weight limit, so we both used 2 suitcases each, leaving room in both for returning souvenirs / shopping.




I’m sure many can relate to the thought of not being able to sleep the night before you leave – and the same was true for me. I hadn’t been on a plane in 17 years, and I was thinking of everything and anything to make sure I hadn’t forgotten anything before leaving. The bed saw me after midnight, only to be back up at 3a.






Saturday, November 24th, 2012 – Can I Get A Window Seat?


Thankfully my good friend agreed to do crack-of-dawn airport duty. (Thanks JaKobi) He arrived right on time at 3:30a and helped to load our luggage, and we were off on our short drive to SDF.







It was finally real; we were FINALLY on our way! Nerves, excitement and a teeny bit of stress lingered in the air as I said my goodbyes and got checked in for our flight. We were flying Delta while Mom’s friends were flying US Airlines, they happened to be at the kiosk next to us, so I helped them get checked in as well. As we made it through TSA, we split terminals and said we’d see each other in Miami.

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We made the cleared list for the first flight and were seated quickly in Premium seating. I was fascinated by the whole thing, it was as if I was flying for the first time all over again and I couldn’t help but watch the sites go by. Juice and snacks were served and the next thing I know the captain was telling them to prepare for descent. I just knew we had to stop in Nashville for some reason because we hadn’t been in the air that long at all, but sure enough we were approaching Atlanta at sunrise. I told the man next to me, “you mean to tell me I’ve been driving 6hours to Atlanta when I could’ve been here in 45 minutes?!” He laughed and shared he’d have his day full of airports as him and his son were on their way to Japan!





Atlanta at dawn



A quick walk from B27 to B11 and we were seated at our next terminal awaiting our connecting flight. Mom was so pleased to find they had smoking lounges in the ATL airport. Again, on the cleared list, we boarded the next flight only to have a seat between us in the back of the plane. Comfortable and happy as a clam, we were on our way to Florida!





Happy as a clam, can't you tell?

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Saturday, November 24th, 2012 – Can I Get A Window Seat?



I remembered my friend saying she loved Delta’s cookies, so I was sure to grab some for her.



I was fascinated with the sites from the plane, so entertain me as I share some shots.









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Saturday, November 24th, 2012 – Can I Get A Window Seat?








And we're HERE!!!! Palm trees, sun and WARMTH in November





I have a dear friend from high school who is doing her residency in Florida so we planned to get together while in Miami. It was nice, seeing how I hadn’t seen much of her since she left for Miami. When you’ve known someone half your life and they’ve always been “right around the corner” it’s an adjustment for everyone involved when they’re 18 hours away. So, it was nice catching up with the “Doctor”.



She agreed to pick us up from the airport; she was just a phone call away after we picked up our luggage. We just knew Doug & Evelyn had beaten us to Miami and subsequently to the hotel, so we were in no hurry. Funny enough, there was a “cold front” hitting Miami when I arrived, but 65 was a far cry from 35 at home. I couldn’t wait to put on my sandals waiting on my friend outside of MIA. We decided to grab a bite to eat by the hotel, but then Cracker Barrel won over IHOP so to Pembroke Pines we went (Broward County). I must say, after reading so many reviews of hotels in the area(s) it was nice to see some of the places I had read so much about.




My friend & I at Cracker Barrel waiting on a table...

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Saturday, November 24th, 2012 – Can I Get A Window Seat?



I remembered my friend saying she loved Delta’s cookies, so I was sure to grab some for her.



I was fascinated with the sites from the plane, so entertain me as I share some shots.










Please hurry and post the rest of your review. I can't wait to read it! :D

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Saturday, November 24th, 2012 – Can I Get A Window Seat?


After a leisurely breakfast/lunch we made our way back to Doral area (to help those not familiar with the area, it was about a 25 minute drive). We finally got in touch with mom’s friends (Doug & Evelyn) who actually landed in MIA after us and caught a cab to the Holiday Inn instead of using the complementary shuttle. They said their fare ended up being $28.00. Google maps says that the airport is only 2.0 miles from the airport, so be aware of this if you decide to take a taxi – it was not a “cheap” option. We had all caught taxis in larger cities (NYC, Chicago, Las Vegas) but they were much more reasonable, in my opinion.



Holiday Inn – Doral Area

We arrived to a busy lobby and a Christmas tree in the process of going up. I’ve listed some pros and cons earlier, but let me just say this: the front desk staff was awesome! They were accommodating, friendly and helpful throughout my entire stay. Not only did they arrange accommodations for a double room after we purchased through Priceline (which they don’t have to do), but they were able to manage an early check-in, shuttle services as needed, etc.



So, at 2:00p on Saturday we were able to check in and finally relax for a bit after a long morning of airports. I’ve read reviews that said the hotel staff was rude, the room wasn’t clean, etc. however I did not experience ANY of this during my 2-day stay. As a matter of fact, it was quite the opposite. This is a viable option for a hotel, especially due to its proximity to the airport, and not too far from the port – but best if you have a car to get around.





The view from our hotel room...


In front of the hotel there is a local restaurant – Doug and Evelyn decided to have lunch there while waiting for an early check-in. They said it was decent; prices weren’t bad at all either. While driving earlier that day we noticed a Ruby Tuesday just up the block and decided to go there for dinner. It was a short walk up a half block and then across the street. At this point, I really just wanted to do back to the hotel and attempt the sleep I didn’t get the night before, but we decided to venture around instead. Right across from the hotel is a local park – we didn’t go over there, but it appeared to be a nice place to spend an afternoon should you choose. Now, a “block” from the hotel – and I use the word block loosely there’s a shopping center with a Dunkin Donuts and some other eateries, as well as a service station that was open late.





My first sunset in Miami...



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Saturday, November 24th, 2012 – Can I Get A Window Seat?


During our walk to Ruby Tuesday, look what I spotted... The Carnival Offices were everywhere, or so it seemed. LOL






Dinner at Tony Roma's was just as I remembered - delicious! Louisville only had 1 Tony Roma's and that shut down a few years ago, so it was nice to eat somewhere familiar (and close to our hotel). Our server was very personable and knew immediately we were tourists. I don't know if it was the summer gear in winter, or our KY accents, either way - she made for a pleasant evening.


Next up...Dinner shots


FYI-I take pics of just about everything, food included. So, for those who love those food "porn" shots - hopefully you'll enjoy this review!






After dinner, we returned to a completed Christmas tree up in the lobby... Very pretty!





And, although I only slept virtually minutes the night before, I was in MIAMI! And my dear friend wanted to show me around, so it was time to get gussied up and head out for a night on the town. Oh wow...The only pic I have is the "before heading out/bathroom shot" and I'll share, well, because I told you I love taking pics.



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Please hurry and post the rest of your review. I can't wait to read it!


Love the review, I am relving my Destiny cruise all over again. Looking forward to some food porn!


ch27088-Thanks, looking forward to sharing... :) I'm simultaneously reliving this as I post (now 4 months later, lol)


deedle7544-I'll have plenty as I go, trust! :) Thanks for checking out my review.

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Sunday, November 25th, 2012 – I Slept til When?!


Sliding in well after 4:00a, I only remember the shower feeling like heaven and walking to the bed. I don’t even remember getting IN the bed, or falling asleep for that matter. I had a wonderful time out and about with my dear friend and we were joined by another friend from undergrad who was also in Miami working on her Master’s degree. It was a mini reunion, one we’ll all remember. Apparently, I was out cold because my Mom, Doug & Evelyn had been out all morning and it was well after 1:00p before I was stirred from my coma.


The only thing I could think of (after waking up of course) was getting to the beach and getting my toes in some sand. I couldn’t tell you the last time I had been to a beach; I do believe I was too young to even remember. Every time I had visited Florida since high school, it was to Orlando or Tampa, or some other land-locked city. BEACH!! Must, see the beach!


So, as this was my only request, my friends happily obliged and off we were to head to Miami Beach.



Look at all of those Whale Tails!


Anyone on these ships that departed 11.25.2012?




Carnival Glory



NCL’s Sun



NCL’s Pearl


Driving down by Miami Beach, we decided to take in some sights. Again, I had the best tour guides (Thanks Tiya & Allisha).



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Sunday, November 25th, 2012 – I Slept til When?!



And finally, a much anticipated moment --- THE BEACH!







Let me take this time to share: as this was my first cruise, and first REAL vacation in quite some time... I wanted nothing more than to relax, unwind and put my toes in the sand... I'm so glad I had this opportunity, and ta-da...


The infamous toe shot:





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Sunday, November 25th, 2012 – I Slept til When?!


I was so excited.... I'm standing, with my toes in the sand, at the BEACH and watching ships head out to sea. If it wasn't real before, it certainly is now... I'm about to take #My1stCruise !! I could cry, I was so excited...


Anyhoo, here are a few more pics from the beach and the ships leaving POM....











My friend, Tiya and I...



My beautiful friends & awesome tour guides...

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Sunday, November 25th, 2012 – I Slept til When?!


My friends, the new Florida residents are dressed more for the season, after all, it is November. My friends are in sweaters, and I'm in a tank top with flip flops. I thought that was funny...Now, to get some grub on South Beach.





But first, a few more photos, of course! ...










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Sunday, November 25th, 2012 – I Slept til When?!


Ahh, South Beach...





I literally, could not get enough of the palm trees - so beautiful.






The Versace Mansion turned B&B


As we were walking along, we decided to stop at one of the many "happy hours" - a selected menu at a discounted rate from the restaurant's regular menu. I present to you, a suggestion from someone who's visited Miami a # of times, My first Cuban Sandwich... ((It was just okay, lol))




After searching in all of the South Beach shops for something very specific - A Miami University key chain, no luck. We decided to head on back to the hotel...After all, the morning will bring Embarkation day!!





Lastly, I did not have breakfast at the Holiday Inn-Doral Area, however I did order from their restaurant this night when we returned to the hotel. I had the chicken salad and Mom had the quesadilla.







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