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"Live from" ms Volendam to Alaska! My First HAL Experience

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LOL So basically we do the same exact thing, except I'm running around indoors and you outdoors. (By the way, I go to the red brick building because that's where all the crowd goes LOL) I'm the indoorsy type so I don't enjoy being roasted by the Sun :p, that is why I choose running around underground as opposed to walking outside ^^





Well, it is actually pretty hard to get roasted in the sun in Vancouver. Most of us aren't as likely to have the great sunny weather you had throughout your cruise.

Besides isn't it hard to get roasted in only 2 or 3 blocks?:)


Too bad the tunnel doesn't go all the way to Canada Place. That way your route would be fully protected from the sun...... and rain.


Also too bad they don't have an elevator at that glass box near Canada Place. I would be tempted to take the tunnel route then. :) ( We need an elevator for my friend Mike's wheelchair).

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your thread is actually rapidly on its way to the 33.000 views...wow...guess I'm not the only one checking the thread every day for new updates :)



At least twice a day for me, sometimes more. And double that per day when I want to show it to someone!

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LOL So basically we do the same exact thing, except I'm running around indoors and you outdoors. (By the way, I go to the red brick building because that's where all the crowd goes LOL) I'm the indoorsy type so I don't enjoy being roasted by the Sun :p, that is why I choose running around underground as opposed to walking outside ^^





Well, it is actually pretty hard to get roasted in the sun in Vancouver. Most of us aren't as likely to have the great sunny weather you had throughout your cruise.

Besides isn't it hard to get roasted in only 2 or 3 blocks?:)


Too bad the tunnel doesn't go all the way to Canada Place. That way your route would be fully protected from the sun...... and rain.


Also too bad they don't have an elevator at that glass box near Canada Place. I would be tempted to take the tunnel route then. :)


Well I'm quite fair skinned, and I wanna keep it that way. It's one of my distinct features c: so that means I roast easy and I dislike that. Actually yeah, everytime I've been there, it's been super hot o_o'


Another perk is the avoidance of traffic lights too, not crossing streets and dragging noisy luggage a couple blocks so farr o_o


I know right? :D a shame it's only stairway/escalator accessible!

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Hehe thank you c:


Ohh, I have to use flickr and create a url to make the image appear right on the forum. Click a photo in flickr and click"show all sizes".

Then when you have your picture of your desired size, right click the image and hit "open in new tab". Here you will have a URL to paste in the insert image thing that should work. Preview your post to check if it worked. :D


Thanks! I am not too up on computer things. I suppose any program that would create a URL would work then ?


I think I had something like that a couple of years ago. Someone on Cruise Critic sent a free way to do it. Lost it somewhere along the way.:(

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Thanks! I am not too up on computer things. I suppose any program that would create a URL would work then ?


I think I had something like that a couple of years ago. Someone on Cruise Critic sent a free way to do it. Lost it somewhere along the way.:(


Awh :( well this actually took quite a while to learn. I wound up making accounts for such random things, downloading such useless programs, to result in this method of picture uploading!


Yrah, you just need a URL for your picture (like you would get when you click "original size" for google images. You get a page with JUST the picture on it.

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Well I'm quite fair skinned, and I wanna keep it that way. It's one of my distinct features c: so that means I roast easy and I dislike that. Actually yeah, everytime I've been there, it's been super hot o_o'


Another perk is the avoidance of traffic lights too, not crossing streets and dragging noisy luggage a couple blocks so farr o_o


I know right? :D a shame it's only stairway/escalator accessible!


Actually.....looking at the map it is only one block further than the route from where you exit the red brick building. Then when you factor in that extra half block between the red brick building entrance and Granville, it is more like only a half block further outside. A short walk really.


Your problem is the sun.....mine is the crowds. :)

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Awh :( well this actually took quite a while to learn. I wound up making accounts for such random things, downloading such useless programs, to result in this method of picture uploading!


Yrah, you just need a URL for your picture (like you would get when you click "original size" for google images. You get a page with JUST the picture on it.


Ok...I will work on it.


By the way, I will be cruising out of Vancouver this Friday on the Amsterdam!:)

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Actually.....looking at the map it is only one block further than the route from where you exit the red brick building. Then when you factor in that extra half block between the red brick building entrance and Granville, it is more like only a half block further outside. A short walk really.


Your problem is the sun.....mine is the crowds. :)


Oh the woes of the easily burnt :( LOL


crowds are never really a problem for me :p


Ok...I will work on it.


By the way, I will be cruising out of Vancouver this Friday on the Amsterdam!:)


LOL okay.


:0! Really? :D I hope you have fun on your cruise! You simply MUST tell me all about upon your return (:

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We approach the foot of the staircase and see this painting:




Pretty, right?


We also saw this clock (these were the style of clocks that were used all over the place):




We arrived on deck 6 and see that nothing''s there. We slowly make our way to the elevators to go up for food on the Lido, but then, I see "the Neptune Lounge" on the map.


Hey! I haven't even seen that floor yet!


We turn back around and head up one more to deck 7 to check it out. We went up a floor and I checked out the map one more time. We turned the corner and saw a sign that said "Neptune Lounge ->"

So we followed it and happened upon this window encased room:




I took my first short of what it looked like inside:




Then immediately following, noticed this sign beside the main entrance:




Interesting c:


I continued then, to take as many pictures as I could (for you guys) through the windows:




It was filled with random tables, desks, sofas, chairs and computers.

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There was also an area with lots of snacks! (jealous* D:) to the left side:








To the right side, it looked like this (sorry my camera focused on the blinds o_o):




I finished taking pictures of the Neptune Lounge and we proceeded to the nearest elevators. Sis stopped and asked me what I was doing pressing the up button.


I looked at her quizzically and said: "O_o? Going up to the Lido for food, why?"


She looked at me like I was a weirdo and said: "... it's only one deck up.."


o_o Right. Oops. LOL


I giggled and sheepishly turned around to head up the stairs, feeling a little stupid.


Here's the nice painting I saw (I realized that this was the painting I often saw upon arrival into the Lido via elevator):




We climbed it and were met with relaxing sounding, traditional Indonesian music. :0 <3


I looked to the left and saw this thing:




I had actually seen them prepping for this special Indonesian feast this afternoon, which was why I suggested we come back upstairs.


This was actually one of my favourite and most memorable/relaxing moments of my whole trip (:

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I looked in front of me and saw an array of Indonesian goodies! :D




This was some super squishy probably-made-of-egg cake(?) extremely sweet roll of some sort. It had the texture of wet noodles er.. wet sponge cake. It tasted strongly of coconut. 5.8/10




A tapioca or mango pudding of some sort. Seemed.. odd, so we didn't take one. Doesn't look like any tapioca or mango pudding I've every had so.. eh o_o




This was a Coconut covered rice ball. I like rice, so I liked the rice ball ^^. It stayed together surprisingly well since it didn't seem like sticky rice. I'm not a huge fan of coconut, but I tolerate it, so it was okay. A bit excessive on the coconut shavings though. Still, 7.6/10




This one was one of my favourites. It was like a more condensed version of a sponge cake, though not even dry. It had a chocolate shell on top and it suited my taste :p 8.6/10




This one was my least favourite. It was awkward and squishy. It tasted of coconut and something else and had the texture of jell-o with too much water that had been sitting out in the Sun for 40 minutes. The texture was really gross. It also had a lot of coconut on, in and around it. 3/10




The usual fried bananas. I usually like fried bananas, but I find that all the fried bananas the ship made were kind of soft, so it as a little off putting. Still, 6.8/10

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This was their version of Rice Pudding. o_o// I don't think it's supposed to look so lumpy, nor is it supposed to have whipped cream & a strawberry on it. LOL I didn't get it so I can't say how it was.




This was also one of my favourite. It was their version of a crêpe, Indonesian style. It was filled with coconut and some cream that went along with it. Though the insides & coconut filling were VERY strong with coconut taste, I just loved the outside portion. It's taste and texture were soft, delicious and sweet. (: 8.8/10


And then here's a shot of a second plate of rice balls :)




Once we had gotten our food, we headed toward the seating area & to check out what kind of hot food was available. Sis first went and got us seats and put our plates down.




The layout looked really pretty, and the music really set the mood! The weather outside was beautiful and the sunlight was shining in through the windows c:




I went and checked out the hot food on both sides:



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and their names:






They also had a roasted big instead of the usual beef or whatever!






I even checked out the cold food area and saw delicious spicy spring rolls that I really wanted to eat,, but had no hands to carry any :,(



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They were spicy but REALLY good, like 9/10


They also had some mixed lemon fish or something that I mistakenly thought was lobster, or crab and ate o_o'




I grabbed it and started eating, then realized that it tasted kind of off. I went and looked at the sign and saw it was fish, hehe, silly me ^^' 8/10


Then here's the usual bread near the door:




and the welcome sign:




Later, there was a guy decked out in Indonesian garb taking pictures with people. It really set the scene how all the servers in the restaurant were also dressed up in the whole outfits! :D


We settled down at a 2 person table near our usual sitting area and put all our food down on the table:




(I got some awesome shrimp chips, 9/10! >:D)




They were soooo good!

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It came to me while looking at your pictures of the Dessert Extravaganza why this is such a fantastic review. You see the details, the small special things and you capture them and make them real. So many people photograph the array of cakes while you focus in on the decoration on one cake, or on a single cupcake or pastry. I think that's why we are all so enthralled. You've made this a personal voyage for us all. That, plus your obvious enthusiasm makes many of us wish the trip will never end.

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It came to me while looking at your pictures of the Dessert Extravaganza why this is such a fantastic review. You see the details, the small special things and you capture them and make them real. So many people photograph the array of cakes while you focus in on the decoration on one cake, or on a single cupcake or pastry. I think that's why we are all so enthralled. You've made this a personal voyage for us all. That, plus your obvious enthusiasm makes many of us wish the trip will never end.

Awh, you are so kind (: thank you for your thoughtful comment, it really made my day. And it's quite true! I've been known to notice many things that other people find irrelevant ^^' Haha.


Thank you again <3

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In an almost zen state, we listened to the music and examined the electronic flickering candles. We ate our pasta salad etc:




We happily ate as we gazed out of the nearby window:




and noticed that our scenery was rapidly changing! The ship had finally begun moving away from the dock and we were leaving Ketchikan.


I hopped out of my seat, scurried on along to the window and took some pictures of the passing scenery:






I sat back down and continued eating my food. I noticed that when I turned around, Sis was no longer there! 0_0


Oh well, I continued to eat my food. Soon enough, Sis came back with a plate of spring rolls that she knew I wanted, but didn't manage to pick up! :0 <3




I thanked her and happily began to dig in. c: While I ate it, I noticed outside the window this yacht that caught my attention:




We laughed at the thought that, if that little hut were the man's house, his yacht was bigger than it! ^^

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We merrily enjoyed our window of infinite scenes, and merrily ate away at our plates, I took one more picture of outside when I saw that we were now quite far away from Ketchikan:




After one more plate of pasta salad and shrimp chips:




We started to make our way out of the buffet. I saw this server lady that was dressed in very nice Indonesian clothing. I decided to take a picture of her, but insisted that Sis be in it. Hehe.. she is! Sort of..




We were about to leave the buffet, when I noticed the lobster-like dish. I grabbed one to eat quickly, was about to gobble it up, but then realized I had to first get a picture of it.


I awkwardly placed it on the ice cream counter and took a quick one:




We headed to the back of the ship through the back exit of the Lido to get some pretty pictures of the sea, and here they are :D




Bye bye Ketchikan! :D See you (at least) next year! (Yeah, I'm going on another Alaskan cruise next year, but this time, it'll be on Disney! It's going to be like a family reunion where ~20ish of my relatives from both here & China are coming! :D)



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This guy was looking so intently through his binoculars, I really thought there was something special over there! :p Notice how the railing in front of me is missing? This was the broken railing I had to take windy pictures on in Ketchikan! Look at how scary it is! D: Gosh!




The weather was really pretty out here! The exit to the back out of the Lido looked so nice!






The weather was really outstanding. I took about 10 pictures of Sis before we started heading back inside. Sis was getting really annoyed at how long I was taking though >_>





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Sarah, many people have already stated how excellent your review is, but I just want to add my compliments to you - what a fantastic job!


Thank you so much for the huge effort and thought that you have put into this endeavour, to say that it is of epic proportion is an understatement.


Your photos give real life to the commentary and the whole comes together in delightful package that was a treat to follow.


I have been sitting up in bed since 4.30 this morning reading through the review, and guess what?? In just 5 hrs or so we board the Volendam at Canada Place to do the same cruise! I am so keen to get on board and 'relive' the experiences that I feel I have already shared thanks to your extraordinary efforts.


If you should so choose I believe that you could have a bright future in journalism/photography as your work is captivating.


Thanks again for a delightful review.


Graham, Melbourne Australia.

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