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Curves - Weight Loss


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I love Curves..had a measurement done on Friday..I'm up to 25.5 lbs lost and 16.5 inches..a little backwards but still success..and finally am losing inches in the waist..due to the great advice I received..I walk our rail trail religiously 4 four times a week and lost a total of 3 inches on the waist!! I do WW combined with Curves and it seems to be working..only 30 more lbs to go...and my cruise in December is looking real good right now!! Keep up the great work ladies..
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Great Job! We are all so proud of you! Yahoo! Your weight loss and inches lost is fantastic! And, 3 inches lost on your waist! Yahoo! I knew that you could do it! Keep up the walking on the rail trail....it definitely makes a difference and walking is so easy to do.

I'm still in my same holding pattern....been at the same weight now since the end of May....not up and not down. But, I'm not really trying at this point. I mean, I need to get back on track and try to lose, but I'm so busy I can't get to Curves. Hopefully tomorrow I'll make it there. I just came back from a 5-night cruise on the Voyager of the Seas to Canada. I went last week and it was fantastic. I had a great time. (I wore one of my $5.00 gowns on formal night !) I ate whatever I wanted, I only used the stairs and not the elevators and I didn't gain any weight. Didn't lose and didn't gain. But, now I've got to get myself into a weight loss mode again...I'm sailing to the Caribbean on the Mariner of the Seas in 8 weeks and I would like to lose about 8 pounds before then.....so I'll feel comfortable in a bathing suit.

Once again, great job Can'tWaitforDecember....keep moving....keep walking!
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=sandybrown]Hi everyone, today was my 3rd visit to Curves and I love it!!!!!!!!!! Doing weight Watchers for the last 2 weeks so hope it works better for me with going to Curves too:D Learned alot from reading everyones posts, We are going on 1st cruise in Feb. and I would like to lose 30 pounds:p My thighs are screaming today:eek: Got to go get ready for work, till next time Lani[/color][/size][/font]
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[quote name='cdncruzer']I have been a Curves member for only 3 months now. Lost about 6-7 inches..not as much weight (maybe 6 lbs) as I would have liked but I'm trying to be optimistic. I was too nervous to weigh/measure in this month but have continued to work at it and hopefully next month will show some positive changes. I have to say that I have enjoyed other benefits of working out. I am down one size in some, but not all my clothing and I generally feel alot better. I seem to have less aches and pains (back and shoulders) and my DH says I snore less! (I'm not sure what the snoring connection is but hey! whatever works!) Hearing from others helps.. so thanks to all.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I enjoyed your post.
I joined July 13, and have gained a couple lbs, but lost 8.5 inches. Why it's not showing up in my clothes yet is a mystery to me, but I remain optimistic. I figure even if I never lose any weight (even though I know I will eventually) and even if I stay the same size (which can't really happen if I keep losing inches..), at least I am giving myself those 30 minutes of good cardio three or more times a week. OK, three times, I just PLAN to go more, but haven't gone but three times a week yet.
One of my Curves ladies said she only lost 4lbs but went down 3 dress sizes and total of 47 inches!! That's cool!!
I'm going to Florida in a few weeks and will go to Curves there too!
Anyway, hearing from others with similar results and such helps me keep motivated. So thanks and every one keep posting.
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[quote name='Tobintemp']My Curves has all of the machines, and we go around twice. It take 30 minutes.[/QUOTE]

We used to go twice, but they got more machines so we now go ONCE around plus three more machines and three more recovery stations. We have something like 22 machines.
We also do not have Curves BUCKS, but they give away shirts and a lot of other stuff with all kinds of contests, like now is BACK to School, and you get a report card and you get stars for doing things like coming three times a week, reading DIANE (which is free at my Curves), or sharing your school photo. Then there are silly trivia questions that get you more stars, and at the end of the month you get raffle tickets for each star and they will pick winners for all kinds of prizes.
They also have birthday gifts for members, you get a water bottle after your 12th visit, and today they had member appreciation packs which were full of all kinds of good coupons and samples.
I've only been a member since mid July so I don't know what all else they may be doing....but the MaryKay lady comes once a week, and she gives gifts to those who lost the most each month.
Our hours are 6AM-8PM m-f and 7-12 on Saturday.
Makes it very convenient. ;)
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well girls, curves finally opened this week in my town and i have joined. i had my first official workout yesterday. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for all of the posts. This thread was very helpful in making my decision. I can't wait to report back with good news on my progress!
Thanks again for the inspiration!:D
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MLGgh....OMG...:eek: ... you have 22 machines??? We just got 2 new ones last week bringing our total to 13....which means we now go 2x around. I can't think of 9 more areas of my body to punish!

However I would like to see more belly buster machines working my abdomen as that is the one area I was most concerned with reducing. It is also the area responding the slowest.

We also did the "Back to School" report card thing. On "Wacky Wednesday" (every Wed we go around the circuit the opposite way) we had "Spirit Days" and did fun stuff like hat day, crazy hair day, inside out day, fun frames, pajama day, etc and earned extra stars for prize draws. It was a hoot to see how others would dress...especially the staff!
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[quote name='cdncruzer']MLGgh....OMG...:eek: ... you have 22 machines??? We just got 2 new ones last week bringing our total to 13....which means we now go 2x around. I can't think of 9 more areas of my body to punish!
However I would like to see more belly buster machines working my abdomen as that is the one area I was most concerned with reducing. It is also the area responding the slowest.
We also did the "Back to School" report card thing. On "Wacky Wednesday" (every Wed we go around the circuit the opposite way) we had "Spirit Days" and did fun stuff like hat day, crazy hair day, inside out day, fun frames, pajama day, etc and earned extra stars for prize draws. It was a hoot to see how others would dress...especially the staff![/QUOTE]

YES, there are 22 machines, but not 22 DIFFERENT ONES :-)
They have a big loop around the room, and there are two of some machines. You go around once plus three more machines and three more recovery stations.
We are not doing Wacky Weds (reverse order) for awhile until everyone gets used to the new circuit with the 22 machines. They could skip them completely as far as I'm concerned, going in reverse makes it more difficult to get on and off some machines and move quickly to the next station.
Talked to an employee and found out these things: they do NOT sell any tee shirts, said that corporate frowns on that, they do use them and other items as incentives often. They might start the Curves Bucks later, but are not enthused about it, as this is a big center and the paperwork would be ridiculous. They also have the six week classes in the evenings, didn't sign up this time cause I would miss two of the six due to travel. Maybe next time.
Yes, I do like the extended hours of 6-8 weekdays, nice flexibility--if I want to spend more time on a few machines I go in mid afternoon cause there's hardly anyone there. This week only on Sat. instead of 7-12, they are open 7-2 because it is the one year anniversary of the center. I can't go that day though, other commitments.
I don't know about those dress up days, they sure would be funny, but I used my trip to Curves as stop one on my errands, head to the grocery from there, sometimes to the movie rental, or to one of the other shops in the TowneCenter, sometimes pick up a salad. I'd hate to do those things in my PJs, LOL!! In fact I doubt that I would drive to the Center in my PJs or with my hair messed up to be funny! :-)
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I went last night even though I could think of several "excuses not to". Glad I did. Felt better afterwards. We are getting better hours too. They are going to start opening at 6 am on M,W,F so that should help me some.

We don't have nearly that many machines. Our machines are all "older". We go around 3 times.
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MLPgh-thanks for the reply! After I posted I thought...DUH! ...double machines...

Too bad...so sad...I did not win any merchandise in the back-to-school draw.

Our curves does NOT sell ANY merchandise or use Curve bucks.They prefer to use merchandise for incentives etc. For one of our draws I had my eye on a t-shirt with a CDN flag on it (which sadly, again, I did not win). I thought it would be cool for my next cruise (cuz this time I plan to exercise;) ). They laughed when I asked if I could buy one!

Our first incentive give-a-way is on your 100th visit (silver gray Curves bag)....quite a long time to wait. There are many random draws but also many members.

General question to all....How many members in your Curves?
We have 500+
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Our Curves has over 600 members and for a small community of 6500..not too bad..we also have another health club that has quite a few members.

Went to Curves last night after only going 1 time last week. Real life invaded my work out time, meetings for work and visiting with my son..today..feel a little stiff..wonder if that is age or just my body telling me to get to Curves more often!

I didn't win any of the drawings this month..but thats okay..my real prize will be some more inches off this body and weight loss when I measure next week.

Good luck to everyone this week..Phillis
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I've been going to Curves with my mom approx. 5 times per week for the past month, and would love to see the chart with the number of reps recommended! Our local Curves do not have that. I haven't noticed any weight loss yet, but really just want to tone and maybe lose 5 lbs. Shift it from my belly and butt to a more desirable place :o)
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Sunshine: Look back on this thread for the page with the number of reps for each machine posted.

Can'tWaitforDecember: You are doing better than I am....I didn't make it to Curves at all during the month of Sept. I barely went in August. So far, here we are at Oct 8th and I haven't gone yet. Uggh. I'm terrible. I've still maintained my weight loss by walking occassionally on the dreadmill and starving myself. I'm cruising in 28 days and would like to lose 5 more pounds. I know that I'll put the major push on during the last week and not eat much so that I can lose the weight. How many days until your cruise? I take it you are sailing in December? I forgot...which ship will you be on?

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Hi Kimberly,

I'm sailing the Carnival Legend, December 21st..eight days of cruising with my two sons ages 19 & 17, who are starting to appear to be as excited as I. We are starting to look at our excursions and where we'd like to visit. It will be a little harder as we'll be going into ports on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day so the excursions will be a little limited. I don't mind..sitting on a beach and drinking margaritas, while its 20 or less in Maine is my idea of a great day!

I do think you're girls getaway is a great idea!! And its coming right up!! Lucky you..I still have 72 days to wait....

I went to Curves twice this week..I had a little surgery on one leg..so I couldn't exercise for a couple of days..I am glad they will be open on Monday when I can get back into the swing of things..real life seems to always to interfere with all our workouts...Our Curves is offering a six week weight loss program that includes their shakes and a high protein diet..I'm still pretty successful on WW so I don't think I'll do..and I tried one of their shakes once, ick! THe diet they will be doing is in the purple paperback book you can get when you give three people for them to contact. I am also really thrilled that the Curves in our area is doing a promotion for mammograms. If you bring in your statement that you've had a mammogram this month, they will waive the membership fee..what a great incentive and a really nice thing to do to promote breast cancer awareness!! WOW!

Well maybe this week we can all get to our Curves three times...good luck everyone! Phillis
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I made it to my regular location once this week but also went once while in another town. I am going to try to go 5 days this week. I can tell I haven't been going as much lately. I have really got to get back on track.

I have a question that I don't know how to phrase.....On the arm machine that you pull down do you sit with your back to the machine or with your back to the "inside of the circle"? At our location we sit with our back to the machine but at several other locations in other towns I have seen people sit with their back to the "inside of the circle"/people. Which way do you do it? Which way do you think works better? What do you think are the benefits to each way? Thanks.
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I sit both ways. I do one way on one round and the other way on the next round. It seems to work different muscles doing it that way plus I do not get bored. I also raise my legs up and down in time with my arms. That helps tighten my tummy muscles. I have been going 4-5 days a week now and it has made a difference rather than just the 3 days. 3 days I was maintaining, with the 4-5 days I am losing inches faster. Hope this helps.
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Jodie...thanks for the info. I agree I do much better when going more than 3 days per week. When I first started I went a minimum of 5 and usually all 6 days each week but work and other scheduling conflicts haven't given me the opportunity to go as much. I am hoping to get back to that again though. I think it really does help.
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