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Kicked off Mariner in St. Thomas

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brilliant :rolleyes:



Next thread: Another good reason to leave the poopaloopas that fill the pool with feces at home







Is this really a problem? Feces in the pool???


Please tell me that this doesn't happen.

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On our very first cruise, we sailed the Carnival Victory. One night I was out on my balcony, and these little rugrats next door were emptying their waste baskets over the side of the balcony into the ocean. I was so upset I called down to the purser's desk immediately. Only a few minutes later, we heard banging in the hall and several security guards came up to the door. We shamelessly listened as they told the adults in the cabin that there had been complaints from neighboring passengers about trash being dumped into the ocean from their cabin. I personally heard one of the guards say that any further reports of littering in the ocean would result in the end of their vacation. There was quite a bit of screaming and crying after security left, so hopefully there was some spanking going on over there. The icing on the cake for us was the next day, there was a letter waiting in our cabin with an apology from Carnival and a discount for a future cruise. I wasn' unhappy at all, I just wanted them to stop throwing stuff into the ocean...

This was, of course, just my experience, I am sure there are others that are better and worse.

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I'm not sure either! I did find this Man Overboard List VERY interesting!



I was on 8/27/04 Voyager of the Seas out of Bayonne. A distressing thing happened. A woman jumped overboard on the next to last night of the cruise. It was really sad. I did see it posted in one media source, only- a local NJ newspaper (posted on these boards). If you search for the Meet N Mingle thread for RCCL, 8/27/04 VOS, you'll see a link there to the story.

This unfortunate incident was not on the list obtained on the quoted link. I don't know the origin of the information posted on that site, but I do know it is inaccurate. So- as with other info obtained on the Internet- take some of it with a grain of salt. Carnival may not lead the cruiselines in this area - or it may. You need all the facts to make a determination.

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I was on 8/27/04 Voyager of the Seas out of Bayonne. A distressing thing happened. A woman jumped overboard on the next to last night of the cruise. It was really sad. I did see it posted in one media source, only- a local NJ newspaper (posted on these boards). If you search for the Meet N Mingle thread for RCCL, 8/27/04 VOS, you'll see a link there to the story.

This unfortunate incident was not on the list obtained on the quoted link. I don't know the origin of the information posted on that site, but I do know it is inaccurate. So- as with other info obtained on the Internet- take some of it with a grain of salt. Carnival may not lead the cruiselines in this area - or it may. You need all the facts to make a determination.


Interesting that that incident was not listed on that site nor on the Events At Sea website :confused: I guess we'll never know!



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Everybody was extremely well behaved on the Voyager 9day this past week. There was one skirmish between a couple of drunk individuals late one night at the Vault, but they were easily seperated and dealt with by RCCL security and fellow passengers.


You could tell as the week went on that the security guys were loosened up a bit, realizing that there was a quality group of people on the cruise.

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Saw the title of this and just wanted to add my 2 cents. Didn't read through all the posts so don't know if this was already mentioned.


I was on the Mariner Feb of 2004. Some families got kicked off at St Thomas because their kids were involved in a group of kids that were throwing deck chairs overboard.


As a bunch of you mentioned, that would really stink paying all that money for the cruise and then having to pay more money to fly home after getting kicked off.

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As a bunch of you mentioned, that would really stink paying all that money for the cruise and then having to pay more money to fly home after getting kicked off.


Yes, it would. That's why parents should ensure that their children behave appropriately and why we adults should behave appropriately as well. If someone, adult or child, breaks the rules to the extent that they are kicked off the ship, then they deserve to have to spend a ton of money getting home.



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I threaten my kids on a daily basis about getting near the railing. We booked a cabin with a porthole because I was so nervous about the railing. My oldest, usually, thinks before he acts. My number 2 son does not always do so. He has some challanges and I just get so nervous.

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I think the captain did the right thing and I am glad to see that the rules were upheld. We have cruised on the Mariner twice and the last time at spring break 4/3-4/10/05 and although there were a lot of teenagers on board they seemed to be well behaved. I myself have a 15 & 17 year old, that have been cruise many times and are well behaved which I have never had a problem with. The only thing (imho) that could have been better controlled was the number of young drunks hanging out in the casino. Many of the kids who appeared to be just 18 if they were 18 that did not know when to stop. For the most part they were just having fun, but the thought of the time they were in the casino and the amount of time it took them to get to the state they were in, left me to wonder where the parents were and if they allowed this. I give my children a lot of liberty's on the ship however I do check in with them regularly just to make sure they are not out of hand.

Don't get me wrong for the most part these kids were not unrulely or misbehaving, they were very friendly and very wasted. I just leaves me to wonder if they parents were the same way or just not interested.

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Wow, that is so awesome they kicked them off. On our last cruise, (it was with NCL), they had a very similar no tolerance policy.


There was a couple two rooms down from us and they were constantly arguing and bickering. One night, it got really bad and we could hear things crashing around. Turns out the guy broke things in the room and punched the wall.


They kicked him off the boat that morning. It was crazy, they had a Mexican police boat come to the ship and pick him up! His wife was begging for them not to do it, but they made him go...she had to go try to bail him out or something.


It was very weird, but I was so glad they were gone.

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>>Today, we are reaping the rewards of the mind set of the 70's where self expression started. Today's school system is also experiencing the outcome of their educational policies of 10 to 20 years ago as the kids of that period are now parents.<<


Couldn't agree with you more!


If you don't have the intestinal fortitute to be consistent with your child, to carry out your threats (making sure to never make one you're not willing to carry out) and yes, to spank if necessary, then you're going to have a tough row to hoe, both now and in the teen years. Children should be under voice control by three or four at the latest. This kind of tough love through childhood produces children as young as 8 and 9 that can be trusted to act appropriately in nearly all situations. It produces teenagers that for the most part are a joy to be around and don't need to be watched constantly. They will already know what is expected of them and what the consequences of attempted coolness (read: stupidity) will be.


Perfect example: I wanted a car when I was 16--my parents said I could buy one but I had to pay for it, pay the insurance on it, any registering expenses, AND had to get--and pay for--a cell phone. This translated into me getting a job, and let me tell you--the real world doesn't give a monkey's bum about your self-esteem or your ability to concentrate because you broke up the day before. If you can't act like an adult in the adult world, you might as well stay at the state-sponsored day care centers we call high school. When I finally got it, my prarents told me they expected me to obey all traffic laws, etc., etc., etc., but the important thing was the cell phone. I had no curfew, but if I ws going to be out past 11, I had to call. I had to carry the phone everywhere, and if they called, I had to pick up. If they couldn't get ahold of me, my driving privliges would be revoked. :eek: It was so simple, so easy--and I never had a problem. Not once! I knew from experiance they would make good on their threat, and I wasn't willing to risk it.


Those parents and teachers like mine and like others on this thread who expect more from their kids are giving their them a HUGE step up over the parents who want to be thought of as cool.


I know this has nothing to do with the title post, but it's such a fun discussion topic!

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Is this really a problem? Feces in the pool???


Please tell me that this doesn't happen.

Happened on the Serenade. There was a sign up at the "netted" pool. The sign said "Pool closed due to a defecating." Rumor was it was an elderly person and not a child.
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I was on the Mariner Feb of 2004. Some families got kicked off at St Thomas because their kids were involved in a group of kids that were throwing deck chairs overboard.


As a bunch of you mentioned, that would really stink paying all that money for the cruise and then having to pay more money to fly home after getting kicked off.

Man ... it's been a long time since I was a "kid" ... but wow! If I had even caused my parents to get kicked out of an RV park ... let alone off a cruise ship where they paid big bucks for us to be there ... I hate to imagine what would have been my fate once we got home.


Let's just say I was raised in a strict Italian Catholic household. All it took for my father was that "look" ... and I knew it was time to knock off whatever it was I was doing.


I hope these kids that caused their entire family to get bounced from the ship are made to "suffer" for that. If it were me, I'd be grounded until I worked off every cent of my parents' lost vacation money (not to mention airfare home). Hopefully, these kids will be made to reimburse the family too. It's the only way they will learn their lesson.


Blue skies ...



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Thank goodness they had good parents that flew them home. I would have been up for leaving them in St Thomas and me finishing my cruise. Only kidding. That air fare was expensive I bet.


Yep, me too! I probably would catch the flight home from St Thomas and leave the kids behind to finish the cruise - attached to the anchor!

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These parents probably blamed the cruiseline for kicking them off and will probably sue for their cruise fare. That's what parents do these days. Blame everybody else and sue.


LOL, you're probably right!


I said something to a few of the teens (and pre-teens) that were running up and down the hall (10th floor on NOS), it didn't help. However when we spoke to neighbors to next day we decided to both report it the next night. That seemed to work...until the last evening :(


It's unfortunate that some parents decide to use the ship as a babysitter.



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On our Voyager Cruise a couple years ago there was a kid who got caught sneaking pot back onto the ship from Jamacia. He ran through the scanner but forgot his picture was still on the screen with his room number. They caught him on the ship and locked him in his room for the rest of the week.


At the end of the cruise the Miami Police got him from his room and he got arrested and charged 3000 for the damage to the room he did. RCCL did a great job of keeping it quiet. I asked why he was not in the Brig and someone said that there was 3 of the staff in there for fighting or some goofy thing

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Man ... it's been a long time since I was a "kid" ... but wow! If I had even caused my parents to get kicked out of an RV park ... let alone off a cruise ship where they paid big bucks for us to be there ... I hate to imagine what would have been my fate once we got home.


Let's just say I was raised in a strict Italian Catholic household. All it took for my father was that "look" ... and I knew it was time to knock off whatever it was I was doing.


I hope these kids that caused their entire family to get bounced from the ship are made to "suffer" for that. If it were me, I'd be grounded until I worked off every cent of my parents' lost vacation money (not to mention airfare home). Hopefully, these kids will be made to reimburse the family too. It's the only way they will learn their lesson.


Blue skies ...




Oh do I know that look! My father was full blooded Sicilian, and to add, my Sicilian Grandmother also lived with us.

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First off let begin by saying I love RCI and I have a 19 y/o son who started cruising last year on his 18th BD. He has been on 3 cruises with me this past year and we are set for another in September.


I think maybe part of the problem with the older teens could be RCI's drinking age. They can drink at 18 as long as you are in international waters (which is not enforced). The parents do have to sign their permission for them to drink. I do sign the waver as he and I will have a beer or 2 together during the cruise, I also monitor the seapass account. To date he has not purchased any drinks without my permission. On our next cruise to Alaska he will NOT be able to drink as the drinking age for that cruise is 21, this does not bother him in the least. I must say tho, that RCI does do a good job of carding the drinkers. He was only able to drink wine or beer (no specialty drinks) and they did stick by that. I will most likely take some flack here for allowing him to drink a beer or 2, but it is o.k. I know he is a great kid and I did well raising him, I am also not niave enough to think he and his friends don't have a few every now and then (I know I did at 19) but if I thought for one second he would abuse the privledge of being able to drink I would never let him in the first place. Incidently on the cruise is the only place I let him partake in an adult beverage.

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What does drinking have to do with throwing deck chairs overboard or breaking into the closed bars? These actions are just vandalism and criminal behavior.


Recently four local teenagers were caught after they egged the high school. The police caught them on the video at the nearby Walmart buying the eggs! The neighbor kids broke into my house for the fun of it. Same nieghbor kid caught riding with his friends in a stolen car...his response "What's the big deal?" Nothing to do with drinking, they are just criminals, pure and simple.

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Been off the board for awhile, but I can add a bit to the original story. We were on this cruise, and my 15-year-old son spent a lot of time in the teen area. He came in the first night talking about one guy who was antagonizing people (thankfully not my son) and trying to pick fights. On the first or second night, he butted his head against a window in the teen area and broke it. My son said he was real nasty. The real story about the fight is the son of the family that got kicked off the ship was baited into a fight by this kid. My son came in the day after the family got kicked off talking about it. The kid who was antangonizing others ended up with a black eye, but did not get kicked off. I don't know if the fight was in an elevator or not, but it was definitely visible from the promenade. Several teens had witnessed it while there. While my son did not witness the fight himself, he heard multiple reports about it.


I believe RCCL did the right thing in kicking off the kid (and family by extension), but from what my son said I'm sorry they didn't see the need to kick off the other kid as well. My guess is the real story didn't come to the surface when they were sorting everything out. The kid who got kicked off was in the wrong, but as usual there's more to the story...

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