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Liberty of the Sea Med Cruise Review with photo's Hopefully !

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Right - tonight we have reservations for Saturday Night Fever at 9.15 so quick coffee and back to the stateroom to relax a bit before we got ready for dinner.


We were on time - Maryland ladies on time - yeeehh - Cannot remember what we had but I know the Maryland ladies had fish - well they had fish every night except one night when one of them kicked off and had steak !


After dinner we wandered around ( you may notice that wandering is one of our main pastimes ) then went to the theatre - nobody checked reservations again - so we went and sat in the front row - next to a lovely couple from the deep south of the USA - she was wondering as it was a long show if it was a two glass of wine show ! ha ha

She had been shopping and showed me a hat she had bought for $10 - good value and I told John I could do with one as my head was getting quite hot when out and about and we were going on a tour the next day.


The show was fantastic as good as any westend musicial I had ever seen. It does say not suitable for children but there were quite a few little ones in and I think anything slightly adult went over their heads anyway.


After the show we went shopping - yes I got my 10 dollar hat do you like it ?




We then went back to the promenade for the Dancin in the Street with the show team - it was so much fun - it started at 11.15pm - don't worry if you missed it they show all this sort of stuff on your cabin TV the next day or so.


Tomorrow Rome - well Civitavecchia for Rome


THURSDAY - Breakfast came on time yehhhh - 9am on the dot.


and it is raining buckets outside - we docked so our balcony overlooked the gangway and believe me people were getting wet. The Port Authority had put on a FREE yes FREE shuttle bus again but they didn't seem as regular as other places.


We had booked an afternoon trip to The Bracciano Lake and a wine tasting and hoped the rain would ease - it did a bit - but we just had a lazy morning on board with a trip to the cafe promenade where the captain and a few of his officers were hanging around to chat to passengers and having a starbucks - he knows what coffee to drink. The doughnuts were still there so I tried a regular one but found it a bit heavy. I do this all in the name of research you know.


We had lunch in the Windjammer and it was very nice - at the next table was the captain and his officers again - so how funny was it that the head waiter came to chat to us to ask if we were having a nice lunch and would we like a drink ? ha ha - was the captain watching I don't think so. We noticed Shayling our assistant waiter working on the desert section so I went to have a chat and tried one of the chocolate cakes


Then it was time to join our trip - we were to meet on the shore - and the heavens opened but there was a coach there with someone on it with the door shut so I went over and yes it was our coach so we weren;t in the wet too long.


I was so glad we didn't pick Rome it would have been awful in the rain.


There was only about 25 on our trip so we were quickly on our way and I was pleased to note none of the dreaded earphone radio thingys - we went into the countryside and the rain stopped and we stopped on the lane leading upto the castle where Tom Cruise got married time before last !


This is as near as we were allowed - can you see it in the distance ?




Oh heck it's raining here now and I have washing out - back later with more around the Lake and the "Wine Tasting" which turned into a party

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Washing in - and dry - now where were we ... oh yes off to the Lake - we drove through some beautiful if damp countryside the guide was great explaining this is where the rich Italians summer in the very expensive lake side houses - we then arrived in Anguillara - a small pretty lakeside town but as it was 3pm everywhere was closed - except the cafe a fish shop and a shoe shop !


John spotted Crepe and now after Meringue this is his fav - so we ordered 2 and 2 coffee - now I love chocolate but even I was beaten by what arrived




This where I learnt when ordering coffee in Italy ask for Tall Coffee or you get a tiny cup of caffine !




there was a tiny bit of coffee in the bottom that blew your head off - this is the lakes shame about the weather




Now apparantly they like to eat Eel a lot as a treat in Italy and John spotted these live things in the fish shop




I didn't look - but I didn't mind these




then back on the coach off to the Wine Tasting at a local Winery -


More later have to go out now to buy food ! - yes my family do need to be fed at regular intervals

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Hey I'm back again - trying to thunder outside so cosy here sorting my review - before we go onto the wine tasting here is a picture of our wonderful gifts at the Meet and Mingle




nice hey ?


Anyway on with the Winery we went onto Cerveteri to sample the local produce and savour flavor of traditionally produced wine, olive oil and bread - well that is what it said in the tour descripton !


As we entered the building there was a table with bread with olive oil drizzled on it - two different hams - cheese and the biggest olives you have ever seen - honest they were like golf balls - well not quite but you get my drift. We were told to help ourselves to food and then go onto the wine table. We were given a sheet explaining the 8 yes 8 different wines and what they were etc also we were expected to try the Grappa !


Opps power flickered there and the thunder is so lound - I will save this bit and start another just in case I lose it all

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So to the wines - the girl behind the table poured the biggest measure you have seen at a tasting I would say more than half a glass - we found a seat around a barrel !- and decided if we managed to drink 8 measures of this we would all have to be carried onto the coach ! - we drank the first wine and cheated and went onto white wine number 3 - missing number 2 - I do hope we didn't miss anything wonderful !


We then drank that and I went back for Red number 1 - saying not too much to the girl but her English wasn't that good I we got an even bigger measure - at this point the tour guide came to ask if we were enjoying it - and I told her I didn't think I could manage all the wines - it was at this point she reveled the black bucket next to the wine table - we were supposed to be pouring away most of it ! oh dear oh dear ... The noise in the room was getting louder as we all got drunker - I noticed somebody had some rose wine my fav. so I went to ask about it and the girl told me to ask Pablo - he was the little man sat behind a counter on the other side - he gave me the biggest glass of rose and it very very nice - I think because at this point I needed coffee!


You could buy the wine and olive oil - or jams, or even bags of flavoured salt I bought some Lemon Sea Salt and a bag of rice with all the makings already in it for a risssoto.


We never got to the Grappa - but the sun had come out so we took a couple of photo's sorry if we look a bit flushed !


John eyeing up the Goddess of Grapes we think




And I haven't got a clue what I was eyeing up - you decide !




Then it was on the coach for a short journey back to the ship in lovely sunshine - you may have noticed no $10 hat - the weather wasn't upto it but tomorrow is Naples so I may get to wear it there.


On the coach back we were sat right at the front and chatted to the guide - she asked what our plans were for tomorrow and when I said maybe wander around Naples she looked a bit shocked and told us to be very careful - that worried me a bit but put it out of my mind.


We got ready and went to dinner - I think tonight was the night all the waiting staff sang Oh Sole Mia to us - but we could only hear it from where we were sitting but I snook across to try and get a picture you can just about make them out




I haven't said much about Jose our cabin attendant - only because we very rarely saw him - he made up the cabin in the morning and turned it down at night - we had more towels than the Holiday Inn ! - but we usually came back to the Towel creations here are a couple







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Yes it's Friday - it's Naples - and it is overcast - this is the view we woke upto this morning




We had docked right up against the port building - which looks a bit like a work in progress but I am not too sure they plan to do much more !


We had Breakfast in the cabin at 9am - sure I ordered it about that time so they were getting better.


Now you may wonder why we didn't do all the usual things like Pompeii - Capri etc from here - well I have an illness called Lupus and cannot get over tired or be out in the sun too long with total sunblock and of course $10 hats - but I try not to let it stop our fun and after all living in the UK we are only a couple of hours away from these sites anyway so we can come back at any time and plan to do just that. I just couldn't do a 9 hour tour with an early start in blazing heat ! - but I can have a good time. except in Naples


We decided to have the "Wander" we said we would do and went ashore - as we stepped out of the port building we were approached by what seemed a swarm of taxi drivers looking decidingly dodgy saying Pompeii ? you want Pompeii ? - we looked at the hop on hop off bus but didn't fancy it - so walked off the dock - turned right and saw loads of men trying to sell lots of tatty looking stuff - I felt them eyeing us up - and didn't like it - now I'm not a scaredy cat or anything but I just didn't like the atmosphere neither did John so we turned back and went for a coffee in a cafe just outside the port building entrance guess what it cost 6 euros ! - cheap date again.


We did take a picture to say we had been there




The waiter in the cafe was really nice - he explained he was from Egypt and spoke 6 different languages but couldn't get a job as a tour guide because you need to pay the right people ! - he offered to take us on a 2 hour tour but we thanked him and declined


We went back into the port building and was pleasantly surprised there were loads of wonderful very reasonably priced shops - including a wonderful Chocolate shop that sold everything chocolate including chocolate looking watches ! - I shopped boy did I shop I bought most of my gifts from this one shop - the assistant was very helpful explaining the different strengths of chocolate etc. There was a massive shoe shop and leather coat shop, everything you could want. I wondered if the authorities had thought about the crime problem in Naples and decided to give the cruise passengers a chance to spend their Euro's anyway.


This me Shopping



We then went back on board as tonight was Formal Night/white Night and I wanted to have lunch and take a rest.


Lunch up in the Windjammer was ok but we did find a lovely red coloured lemonade on the drinks stations think it was Strawberries and very refreshing.


We had bought an English newspaper in the terminal so we went back to the cabin and rested and read the paper.


We were soon getting ready for dinner - here we are all poshed up !








Off to Dinner then as we went out of the door - Jose the Cabin Steward shouted down the corridor - Now I thought he said "You both look very elegant " - John swears he said "You look like and Elephant " - cheeky

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I can identify with your love for chocolate and cake!!! One of my favorites in the Promenade Cafe is the Crumb Cake ( even if it is not chocolate!).


too true Realtor at sea that was the other one I couldn't remember the name of yes very very tasty ;)

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We went for dinner and I remember I had the Crab Mash with Jumbo Shrimp Skewer and it was very very good - infact I couldn't fault the food or service in the MDR at all - the food in the WJ was a bit hit and miss as to the heat of it.


It was so funny we had been sat for about 20 minutes and our Maryland ladies arrived - looking well - not very formal - but each to their own I always think it is only a suggested dresscode - but then one of them said - "Look at you all dressed up" - so I said it was formal night "Who said" she asked - so I told her it was on the Cruise Compass "I didn't see that " She said I think they had only done less than 7 night cruises before when there would only be 1 formal !


We had booked to go to the ice show but not until 11pm so after dinner we did what we did best wander ! Now the sea had got a bit rocky and tomorrow was a Sea Day - I think the clue that it was going to get rockier was as we were eating dinner the crew were collecting the deck chairs along the deck outside the dining room window and fighting against the wind !


here are a few more shots around the ship


John at dinner - you can see how close we were to the windows




Me enjoying my cabin wine




The Ben and Jerry suite above the shop - I think both cabins above should get the perks - I think we saw about a dozen customers all the time we were on board !



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This is a photo everyone takes I bet



and this one




We then went to the ice show and got a front seat down the side - again nobody checked or booking- maybe later in the season they may start doing it.


Now I must explain something here I have a big fear of masks - strange I know but I freak out if anyone comes near me with a mask on - and yes you guessed it the Ice stars wore a few masks - in fact one came right upto the two children next to us and I screamed too !


We were asked not to video or take any flash photography during the show as it could put the skaters off - and as it was a bit rocky the chances of them falling was quite high - I was annoyed to see lots of people taking photos and filming - how rude


Well we took two at the end during the bows






The show was very very good but wrap up warm my toes were freezing by the end of the show !.


Then to bed for our Sea day tomorrow - although I would haved loved one in the middle of the week - you didn't feel like you were at sea just on a massive Hotel - a wonderful one at that !

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Saturday - Sea Day -


We had a very rocky night but that doesn't bother us and our cabin being deck 6 midships was in the right place -


The pools were closed but I think the hot tubs were still open - some doors to the outside were blocked off because of the wind tunnel affect !


We had breakfast in the cabin and then after getting dressed went down to cafe promenade for a doughnut and people watch ! - don't you just love that ?


it was around 10am and the officers came along for a chat with the passengers,


There was supposed to be lots of things poolside today but obviously cancelled even the Belly Flop Competition but I am glad I don't like it at all - some love it I know but it is too Holiday Camp for me.


Some of the Dreamworks final appearances were today look who I got to cuddle




I also had a bit of a lie down




I reminded John where he was




and had a go at this




We had lunch in the windjammer and it was ok - and not very busy - maybe because of the sea conditions - We could have had a hot meal with all the veg or stirfry or a snack and it all looked very nice.


We then went to Guest Services to ask about a couple of Wow cards - apparently we should have been given them when we checked in as Gold C & A members - I explained that as we were check in at the airport that hadn't happened - so they found me two - I wanted to give them to Marion and Shayling in the dining room - I think they get a day off if they get enough excellents and Wows and Marion wants to go home so if we could help why not.


This is another bar we didn't go to but it looked rather nice




and John found another friend


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Some of our photo's might not be quite in the right order - so don't go thinking "she goes and changes her top in the middle of the day " - also I look a bit strange with Panda - well he is sort of a Mask isn't he !


Well it was time to Pack - all organised I was - what we wore for dinner that night would be our going home clothes and dirty underwear to go into the carry on - but John wasn't sure what he wanted to go home in so I told him well he carrys the carry on so please himself.


We decided to leave our toiletries as we are not allowed them on the flight.


We then went to dinner- we had a full bottle of wine left from our wine and dine package so asked the lovely Maryland ladies to join us in a drink - one of them was Tea Total but had a sip ! ha ha . After dinner we found Marion and gave him the wow card with a little extra tip inside he was so happy he had tears in his eyes and told me that I didn't know how much that meant to him - John went and found Shayling - and did the same - she was really happy - we bid them goodbye and our ladies - I still cannot remember if they ever did tell us their names !


Now we had spent over $150 in the gift shop so were given a ticket to win $500 worth of stuff and the draw was in the Jewllery shop at 10.15 - you had to be there to win - Guess what? - no I didn't win but I was 10 numbers off ! -


The prize was a big RC bag full of stuff including 3 watches - diamond earings - a teddy - a necklace - a bottle of Vodka books sweets and chocolate - we decided it would have been a lot of hassle to win as our cases were already packed and outside the cabin and we would not be allowed vodka in the carry on for the flight ! - hey well that was what we told ourselves !.

We went off to bed as our time to get off the next morning was 8.15am we had to meet in the ice arena -

I asked for a wakeup at 6am so we could be up and go to cafe promenade for a drink and a muffin or something.


It all went very well - in Barcelona Cruise terminal they had baggage belts with your baggage number on it and you just go to your belt and your cases are going around and around ! - We were number 27 - but our first tags were number 12 but when I checked the list it was wrong as we were not Self Disembark - We were passengers with flights after 12 noon with RC transfers.


We found our cases quickly and as we exited the door we were told to put our cases on a large van and go to a certain coach which we did and we sat there on that coach for about 40 minutes !


They waited until 3 coaches at least were filled up then we were taken to the airport - now think about it - our flight was not until 2pm - we were off to the airport at 9.30 in the morning - the check in wouldn't open until about 12 noon !


We got to the airport and it all the cases were lined up on the pavement and we were told to find them again ! - not best pleased with this we had already done one baggage claim this morning. I found one but couldn't find the other but I think somebody had pulled it away and then realised it wasn't there and brought it back because all of a sudden it was there !


Before we got off the coach someone came on and told us our flight would be from terminal "V" - I swear he kept saying "V" - what he meant was "Terminal B"-

We went inside and John read the boards for Leeds check in desk 65 to 69 he said - so off we trundle right to the other end of the check in hall and found ourselves at Ryanair - we were flying Jet2 - he had read the board wrong !


We should be at desk 14 and 15 right back were we started.


the queues were right to the door already - Jet 2 had 3 flights one to Manchester - one to Glasgow and one to Leeds and everyone was there !and we had to stand in that line for over and hour before they opened the check in and then about 30 min to get to the front. We were tired and thirsty so went to the coffee shop and guess what ?- we spent 6 Euros again on coffee and a doughnut !


We then went through security which was pretty easy - and to the section of the airport where our gate would be and had some orange Juice and a cake ! - well we had to didn't we !


The flight was on time and we were home by 7pm that night in our own home making a good cup of Yorkshire Tea


All in all it was an amazing time, We still don't know if we like these giant Ships - I quite liked the Grandeur for size with what seemed more outside space.


I thought the staff excellent and marked them as such on the survey.


Nothing was too much trouble.


Would have liked more people at the table for dinner - we met a couple on our first cruise who got engaged on formal night and we are off to their wedding in July we made such good friends of them.


We wasn't sure about the pizza place on the promenade - except for the almond bickies - but then I would like them wouldn't I - it was strange you could only get water there - so if you wanted a Hot drink you had to get it at the Cafe and take it over.


We didn't try all the bars as we arn't big drinkers - but they seemed to be fun places to be.


If we went again I think I would book tours in Naples - and to Cannes


And as I mentioned we were Gold Crown and Anchor and the perks book was in the cabin and I forgot to take it with me every time - so i put it in the 2nd drawer down for someone else to use - if they let them !


If you are cruising Liberty have a Fab time and try to pace yourself it is a very very busy port intensive cruise and you may burn out before Naples !


Hope you have enjoyed this first review of mine, and do feel free to ask questions - Now who was it going on sunday ? - I finished quickly just for you - if you see Marion and Shayling say hi from Mr John and Mrs Suzanne !

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great review so far Sue .....we were on this same cruise in 2011 on Liberty and loved it ! I agree about Villefranche we just loved it and would happily go back there. We are on Serenade later this year and Im disapointed that we are going to Cannes I would loved to back to Villefranche.

Looking forward to the rest of your review...I have subscribed so run everytime I get an update alert !!!...lol

Sandra x


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Glad you have enjoyed it Sandra I have never done anything like this before but it has been nice to remember the fab time. I know some people are super organised and make notes etc but I am on Holiday so don't take notes ! I have just written it off the cuff as I remembered it. Hope you enjoy Serenade she looks a lovely ship I think I might try that next - now John get out the Cheque book !

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Great review for your first one....I might try one when we get back from Serenade. As I was reading you review I was taken back to our cruise on Liberty she is a lovely ship but we didnt get to try everything on her because it is such a port heavy cruise.

Cant wait for October....we snagged a GS corner aft balcony (1st one!!)...it should be nice for the sail into Venice !


thanks again for the review Sue


Sandra x


Sent from my GT-I8160 using Tapatalk 2

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Great review for your first one....I might try one when we get back from Serenade. As I was reading you review I was taken back to our cruise on Liberty she is a lovely ship but we didnt get to try everything on her because it is such a port heavy cruise.

Cant wait for October....we snagged a GS corner aft balcony (1st one!!)...it should be nice for the sail into Venice !


thanks again for the review Sue


Sandra x


Sent from my GT-I8160 using Tapatalk 2


As the young people say here Well Gel ! about your GS - maybe one day John will write the Big cheque - ;) That trip into Venice is one I want to do too - please do write a review - I found them so interesting when planning this trip - enjoy


sue x

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Jet 2 had 3 flights one to Manchester - one to Glasgow and one to Leeds and everyone was there !and we had to stand in that line for over and hour before they opened the check in and then about 30 min to get to the front. We were tired and thirsty so went to the coffee shop and guess what ?- we spent 6 Euros again on coffee and a doughnut !




Now who was it going on sunday ? - I finished quickly just for you - if you see Marion and Shayling say hi from Mr John and Mrs Suzanne !


Many thanks for the review and thanks for finishing it before I leave home tomorrow (Friday) to sail Sunday.

Can you tell me a bit more about the return flight situation? We are flying back with Jet2 to Glasgow at 12.15 pm. Since there were so many people waiting in line for the 3 flights, did they call those forward separately or open up the desks for particular flights 2 hours before the flight times otherwise it would be complete chaos would it not? I don't fancy getting off the ship too early to have to queue for hours to get on a plane. Also did you check in online before you left for the return journey and if so, did they have a fast bag drop option like they do in the UK airports - sorry so many questions! Many thanks in advance for any info you can provide on the airport.


One final thing, I didn't realise that there was Starbucks coffee on board. Did you try any of it at all?



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Well that was easier than I thought - oven sorted... where was I ?


Oh yes - well it was time for lunch before our trip - so we headed for the Windjammer for our first lunch in there. There was lots of choices and we got a table quite easily but maybe because we were in port. John had a piece of pizza and some fries and I went for a Hot Dog - It was ok, but I liked fried onion with mine and they only had Sauerkraut ???


Waiters were walking around with coffee pots and lemonade and water - it seemed strange but they had changed the drinks stations so you had to ask for hot water or coffee no help yourself - maybe someone had burnt themselves ? who knows.


Anyway I checked out the cakes - good choice - had a piece of almond cake - only one honest.


We then went back to our stateroom to get our stuff together for the trip.


This was a tender port so we went down early thinking we might have a problem getting an elevator - but I can honestly say during the whole cruise we never had any problems at all.


We had to meet in the theatre and were given a sticker and then escorted down to deck 1 via the stairs ! - along the crew corridor and a fast past I did say hey slow down but he kept moving


We got on a tender straight away and were whisked to the port - now if I had my choice again I would have stayed in Villefranche - it looked so pretty.


We had chosen to do Nice and Eze as the week we were there it was the Canne Film Festival and the Monoco Grand prix - and I hate crowds so decided against it and talking to people who went to Monoco it was a good decision they were herded like cattle.


We went to our coach and met our tour guide - she quickly walked us up to our coach and we were on our way. Now I know she was French but her accent was quite difficult to understand and some people at the back of the coach asked her to speak up as you could not understand or hear her too well.


on our seats was a little radio thing with an earpiece which we were to use in Nice and Eze more about that later.


We drove along the beautiful road to Nice - here is the view




we stopped to take this - and then was on our way to Nice - it is very very pretty. we drove around whist she told us about the famous hotels - I think she was on commission because she kept repeating herself about how wonderful they are and we should come back and stay one day !


We then drove to a flower market area where we were to put on our earpiece radio things. Even at full volume I could not make out a word she was saying. She walked us down the market and all we heard was something like this "Over there..shhhhuuukk.. Shoes" " on the right . shhukkkk Flowers " - and it hurt my ears so we just followed her and gave up on the comentary. A lot of the other passengers did the same.


She then told us we have 30 min free time the toilets were over to the right and be back at the coach in time. Bye bye. !


We all went to the Loo - yes all the coach full nearly. It is 50 cents to have a wee wee in france and the Man on the door was not amused at many cruise passengers offering him 20 euro notes ! and we were all in together men and women ! - what an experience.


We then went and found a cafe for some real coffee - delicious and guess what only 6 Euros ! - it became a joke that I was a cheap date everytime we went ashore John spent 6 Euros on me !


We looked a a few shops bought some paper napkins with the advert for Fanny on them - well you had to didn't you and then back to the coach to to to Eze - now we had already decided I was not going to wear that head set again. My ear was really hurting.


So when we got to Eze which is beautiful but very steep we let her lead people up the hill and we hung about in the square and had two beers - yes you guessed it they cost 6 euros !


I spotted this




they are 10 a penny in the Riviera !


We then went back to the coach when they crowd came down the hill.... apparantly it was very steep and they couldn't understand a word she was saying - I think we had the best deal on that trip.


We then went along the Princess Grace road - here's the proof





And here is the lovely Liberty in the Sun




This is the view across the Bay in Nice - I want to go back and spend a few days in the area it is so pretty




I can say this trip was interesting to see the area but the guide wasn't up to par - there was another coach doing the same trip and they had a fantastic guide - just luck of the draw.


when we got back to Villefranche there was a market going on - as I say I wish we had stayed there.


Now it is lunch time and John wants some cheese on toast so will do some more later today.



Loving the pics!!!

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Many thanks for the review and thanks for finishing it before I leave home tomorrow (Friday) to sail Sunday.

Can you tell me a bit more about the return flight situation? We are flying back with Jet2 to Glasgow at 12.15 pm. Since there were so many people waiting in line for the 3 flights, did they call those forward separately or open up the desks for particular flights 2 hours before the flight times otherwise it would be complete chaos would it not? I don't fancy getting off the ship too early to have to queue for hours to get on a plane. Also did you check in online before you left for the return journey and if so, did they have a fast bag drop option like they do in the UK airports - sorry so many questions! Many thanks in advance for any info you can provide on the airport.


One final thing, I didn't realise that there was Starbucks coffee on board. Did you try any of it at all?





hi Karen just logged on so hope you can pick this up - they didn't call people forward they just opened 4 desks - it made no difference if people had checked in on line - if you had a bag drop you queued !¬! As for starbucks it is in the cafe promenade but you pay obviously I didn't try it but a lot of the officers were there buying all the time.


Have a great holiday - the airport is massive - but lots of little coffee places before and after security - and security was very quick hope you report back on your trip



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Had a couple of brownies and some other type of cakes and the first taste of the infamous coffee - wasn't impressed with the coffee so made some tea - oh dear the new teabags might be organic but they don't do what it says on the pack - i.e. make tea unless you add at least two to your cup... thank goodness I had brought some Yorkshire teabags with me and when my cases arrive ( more later on that one) I will at least get a decent cuppa.


Eee bye eck........Yorkshire tea.

You can take the folk out of Yorkshire, but not Yorkshire out of the folk :D

Was it hard water or normal variety?:)

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