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New Cruisers Tackle Oasis (6/8-6/15/13)... A Photo Review

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S.A.M.J.R. Is that the end of your review? I have been checking back everyday, and some times twice a day, looking for more, I hope all is good with you!


What about the space center, how was that tour?


Thanks for reminding me. I have a couple days left on the review... I tried working on it this weekend, but my home computer would let me type about 5 words and then would hang. I got frustrated. Let's see if I can finish this thing off...

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Friday- Day 7- At Sea


Wakeup, then breakfast at Wipeout Cafe. In addition to normal breakfast stuff (eggs, hashbrowns, bacon, sausage, French toast, waffles, & fruit), they also had made to order omelets. There were only about 4-5 ingredients (ham, mushroom, pepper, and cheese), but still, they were fresh.





We then went to the’ Next Cruise’ area and got Next Cruise Certificates. In addition to a reduced deposit ($100/stateroom), we’ll also get OBC based on the number of nights of the cruise booked. Then it was on to Bingo (to use the free bingo package Anna won at the meet and mingle) in the Opal Theater.


Let me just say, I'm glad the Bingo was free, because I can't imagine paying to play bingo. I'm sure many people do, but it's just not my style. You have (at least) two options to play... buy a package, which gives you a sheet of six cards for each game (four games in a session), or buy a machine which I think gives you 30 cards for each game.


So, we get through the first game. A lady sitting behind us grumbles that the host is calling numbers too fast. During the second game she complains some more. The host sets his timer for 15 seconds between calls (it was 10). By the time we get to the fourth and last game, she (and her husband) is totally frustrated. She complains again that the host is calling too fast, so he does an exaggerated slow read. That just upset her more. She says she’s trying to keep up with 12 cards. To me, that was her problem. Not that the call was too fast, that she was trying to do too much. She ends up throwing her cards over the seats and walks out. After a few minutes (and some more calls), I picked up one of her sheets, and started working on it. Unfortunately, I still had two numbers needed when someone else got Bingo.


After that was a ‘behind the scenes’ Q&A with two dancers from Hairspray and Come Fly With Me, the rigging & sound managers from the shows, and Nancy Hill (Tracy Turnblad) and Jim J. Bullock (Edna). After the Q&A, everyone was invited on stage and they showed where all the set gear is kept for both shows. They use the most out of a very small space. We had a nice little talk with Jim J., and one of the dancers, but ran out of time before talking to Nancy.










For those of you interested… the Opal Theater actually extends up through deck 6 (Opal Theater Balcony seating is deck 5.


Another technical note... at least some of the sets are put into tracks and motors move things around. The stage folks said sometimes the motors jam, which cause the computer controlling them to freak out and mess up the show.


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We went back to the room and our departure papers were on the bed.




We were assigned to group 37 with a departure scheduled between 9:45-10.


We had lunch at the Wipeout Cafe.



Then I wanted to try the standup Flow Rider just to say I tried it. We hadn't gotten to it at all during the cruise. This is where my second RCI employee disappointment happened. I got in line (about 12 deep) and watched those going before me. Generally, if someone wiped out fairly quick, they were given a second opportunity. If someone last a while (1+ minute), they just got one shot. Then came my turn...




If you blinked, you missed it...



I ride the wave to the top, pick up the board, and indicate to the attendant I wanted to try again (single finger in the air). He shook his head and brought the next person into the waves. WHAT? The guy before me (as well as 10/12 before him) got a second chance, why didn't I? I wasn't about to wait another 30 minutes, gathered my stuff and left.


We went to the Solarium and sat in the cool pool a while, then went to one of the Infinity hot tubs. By the way, you want to impress folks... here's the 'on/off' switch for the hot tubs...




They should be on either side of the entry stairs. Hold your finger over the sensors and the jets should start. I found you had to hold your finger over them for about 10 seconds, even after the jets started, or they'd stop. YMMV.


We got out to dry off, and just as I was starting to doze off, Anna woke me up and said we needed to start packing. We went back to the room, changed, then started packing (got about 90% done), then headed to the MDR.


We met a friend on the way





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Then stumbled on a flash mob of Activities crew members and guests...



We got to the MDR and ended up at the same 2-top table with the same waiter and bartender from a couple nights ago.





After we ate, we went out to the promenade where one of the many "last night" parties was wrapping up.




We went to the "family" comedy show in the Opal Theater. It was the same comedians from the normal comedy show, but it was a "cleaner" version. We weren't that impressed with the normal comedy show, and even less with this version.


Then we went back to the room for our final packing so we could get our luggage out by 11pm.


This is a depressing sight...



One more sleep at sea. :(


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Saturday, Disembarkation


I woke up at 5:30 and Anna said we were at Ft. Lauderdale. I went out on the balcony and watched us close the last 5' or so before docking. After we showered and finished packing, we went to the Solarium Bistro for breakfast.


Then it was down to the Opal Theater to wait out our departure. One tip... no matter how late your flight is, request an 'off' time of before 9:00. For some reason, once 9 hit, there was a big slow down.


When they call your number, you head toward the gangway, insert your seapass one more time, and 'ding', you're off the ship. Of course, the crew's getting ready for the next sailing.




It didn't take long to see why things were going so slow...



From here you snake around, then go down escalators to the luggage area.




The empty space to the right is where luggage #'s 1-50(?) were. On the left is 51-99 (there are signs directing you). Find your luggage, then get in the que for customs (middle of the picture). Our number was called ~9:50, and we were through customs around 10:30.


We caught the Alamo/National shuttle to the airport (didn't need to show any ID or reservation number or anything), got our rental car, then hit the road.


It wasn't until the next day that I realized we forgot to claim our confiscated souvenirs. I sent emails on that Sunday, and called and talked to someone on Monday. I'm currently on hold because I still haven't heard from anyone.

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Final Ship Thoughts

I want to give my impressions of the ship. Obviously, it’s big. However, it’s very easy to get around (once you get used to things). You could be anywhere on the boat from any point in less than 10 minutes… closer to 5.


The service was excellent! With the exception of one waiter in the MDR, every employee we ran into was very personable. It was more than just a “Hi” as you passed them, they would ask about your day or make other small talk. And the thing is they were (at least seemed) sincere. Everyone was just so helpful and really wanted to make our stay enjoyable.


Crowds, as many have said, were only infrequently noticeable, mainly after shows. There never seemed to be much of a wait for anything… 5-10 minutes at most. Granted, we had our show reservations and would show up about 20-30 minutes before to pick out good seats. If you’ve put up with Disney World in the summer or at Christmastime, you’ll have no problem tackling Oasis.


There are a few things I think could be improved on. First of all is the price of the picture CD. 15 pictures for $200 (20 pictures for $250 I think and unlimited pictures for $300) is ridiculous. If Disney could figure out how to do their unlimited package (often hundreds of pictures) for $200 (<$1/image), and even the folks at Chankanaab have their picture CD for <$5/image, why is RCI charging $12-$13/image?


I also found it a little strange that when we were in the cabin, we couldn’t hear the Captain’s announcements. I understand they don’t want to disturb the guests, but we should have the option to hear the announcements without having to step into the hallway. The announcements weren’t on the balcony either. I would think it would be easy to put the announcements at least on the ‘Bridge’ channel on the TV. This way, if a guest wanted to hear the announcement (we could hear the ‘dings’ for the alert tones, but had to step into the hallway to hear the announcements themselves), you could simply change the channels on the TV.


I need to upload pictures from Kennedy Space Center, so I should be able to wrap this whole thing up tomorrow.

Edited by S.A.M.J.R.
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Final Ship Thoughts


I also found it a little strange that when we were in the cabin, we couldn’t hear the Captain’s announcements. I understand they don’t want to disturb the guests, but we should have the option to hear the announcements without having to step into the hallway. The announcements weren’t on the balcony either. I would think it would be easy to put the announcements at least on the ‘Bridge’ channel on the TV. This way, if a guest wanted to hear the announcement (we could hear the ‘dings’ for the alert tones, but had to step into the hallway to hear the announcements themselves), you could simply change the channels on the TV.



Its been a while since I've cruised but I remember a little switch (knob) in the stateroom that you could turn on to hear announcements. Maybe they did away with that on the newer ships?

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Saturday, Disembarkation


I woke up at 5:30 and Anna said we were at Ft. Lauderdale. I went out on the balcony and watched us close the last 5' or so before docking. After we showered and finished packing, we went to the Solarium Bistro for breakfast.


Then it was down to the Opal Theater to wait out our departure. One tip... no matter how late your flight is, request an 'off' time of before 9:00. For some reason, once 9 hit, there was a big slow down.


When they call your number, you head toward the gangway, insert your seapass one more time, and 'ding', you're off the ship. Of course, the crew's getting ready for the next sailing.



It didn't take long to see why things were going so slow...


From here you snake around, then go down escalators to the luggage area.




The empty space to the right is where luggage #'s 1-50(?) were. On the left is 51-99 (there are signs directing you). Find your luggage, then get in the que for customs (middle of the picture). Our number was called ~9:50, and we were through customs around 10:30.


We caught the Alamo/National shuttle to the airport (didn't need to show any ID or reservation number or anything), got our rental car, then hit the road.


It wasn't until the next day that I realized we forgot to claim our confiscated souvenirs. I sent emails on that Sunday, and called and talked to someone on Monday. I'm currently on hold because I still haven't heard from anyone.

Do you know if the folks that did the valet service have to go through the same line?

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Its been a while since I've cruised but I remember a little switch (knob) in the stateroom that you could turn on to hear announcements. Maybe they did away with that on the newer ships?


Yep. All the new ships have them too.

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Its been a while since I've cruised but I remember a little switch (knob) in the stateroom that you could turn on to hear announcements. Maybe they did away with that on the newer ships?


Yep. All the new ships have them too.

If there is a knob, we did not see it. We *DID* hear the PA announcements regarding the muster drill. It was the daily status announcements we could not hear.

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If there is a knob, we did not see it. We *DID* hear the PA announcements regarding the muster drill. It was the daily status announcements we could not hear.

We've been in staterooms that have knobs, and they work fine to allow the announcements to b heard in the stateroom. We've been in other staterooms that have knobs, and they have no effect on hearing the announcements.

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Post Cruise Report


Before we left the ship, I used Priceline to get as room at the Doubletree Suites in Coco Beach. We were only on the second floor, but had a good view...




We were able to watch ships sail from Port Carneval to somewhere. We saw Freedom, Disney, and I think an NCL ship. Saturday was spent doing a couple loads of laundry.


On Sunday, we purchased our Kennedy Tickets from the Concierge in the hotel lobby (saved $6 since he doesn't charge tax), then it was about a 30 minute ride to the Space Center.




Clouds were threatening all day, but held off while we were there.




The "Visitors" area of the space center really doesn't take up a lot of room. They have various attractions, including two IMAX theaters, and a lot of stuff on display.


The center opens at 9, we got there at 9:30. The concierge suggested doing the bus tour first thing, so that's where we headed. There's a free bus tour that takes you past the VAB (Vehicle Assembly Building) and to the launch pad (but not on Sundays) before dropping you off at a building dedicated to the Apollo program. There are additional tours (extra money) that give you more in depth looks at the VAB, the control room, and the launch pad.


The VAB...



Behind the VAB is a launch platform. The crawlers go under the platforms and "pick it up", then the rockets are positioned on the platform.





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Here's the back view of the VAB. The building to the left with all the glass is the control room. At the bottom of the picture, you can see part of the crawler track (this section leads to where launch platform in the previous pictures). They use river rock on the track because of the weight of the crawler, platform, and rocket.




A closer look at the control room...




As I mentioned, the bus tour drops you off at a building dedicated to the Apollo program.




This is a mural in the "pre-show" area of the Apollo building...




You see a quick video, then it's off to a theater where they've relocated the control room from the Apollo launch.




You relive the countdown to launch starting at T minus 3 minutes (notice the countdown clock & the time of day clock). Then it's off to tour on your own.


A Saturn V(?) rocket...




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The have some replicas and some actual equipment on display.


A lunar module...




Another view of the Saturn V from the 'top'...




Jim Lovell's flight suit from the Apollo 13 mission...




Spaceman Snoopy... NASA contacted Charles Schultz about using the iconic cartoon to help promote the space program.




There is another movie/presentation area that talks about the moon landing itself, and LOTS more stuff on display. Browse at your leisure, then you catch a bus back to the main area.


Opening later this year is a building dedicated to the space shuttle program. The Shuttle Atlantis will be on display outside and an External Fuel Tank and Solid rocket boosters are on display outside.





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One part of the Atlantis display is open... a shuttle simulator ride. For those who have been to Disney, it's basically like Star Tours, but they do more with G-forces.


Another big thing they're promoting is the 'Angry Birds Space Encounter'...




They had one section where you (kids) use slingshots to shoot stuffed birds at pig targets in teams. The team with the most hits "wins".




There was also a mirror maze that I thought was kind of cool, and some video game that there was a big line for. There were also Ipads set up to play Angry Birds.


We had lunch (drat, have to pay for stuff again), then saw both IMAX movies. One was about the Hubble telescope and the other was the international space station. They were 3D and included stuff shot in space. I almost fell asleep in the one for the Hubble until Anna nudged me.


We then walked around the 'rocket farm'. They do a good job labeling everything.





This is the service walkway used by the astronauts for the Apollo 11 launch.




They have a lot of mockups that people can get in... including this one of the Mercury capsule.




There's an entire building dedicated to the Mercury program. Included is the control room.




Compare that control room to one I posted for the Apollo launch earlier.


The Center opened at 9, we got there about 9:30, and we left about 4:30. While I didn't feel rushed, there was still a lot I wanted to read about. Fortunately, it wasn't crowded at all. I can't imagine going on busy day. I can see spending a second day (which IIRC, the tickets are good for two days) to "finish up".


However, the next day was our flight home. We were able to get on earlier flights and got home about 6pm.


It was a very enjoyable trip. Now we get to figure out how to afford to bring the kids next time.


Thanks for reading everyone! I hope I didn't bore you too much.

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The have some replicas and some actual equipment on display.


A lunar module...




Another view of the Saturn V from the 'top'...




Jim Lovell's flight suit from the Apollo 13 mission...




Spaceman Snoopy... NASA contacted Charles Schultz about using the iconic cartoon to help promote the space program.




There is another movie/presentation area that talks about the moon landing itself, and LOTS more stuff on display. Browse at your leisure, then you catch a bus back to the main area.


Opening later this year is a building dedicated to the space shuttle program. The Shuttle Atlantis will be on display outside and an External Fuel Tank and Solid rocket boosters are on display outside.






Atlantis is actually inside the bundling along with a Hubble telescope. My grand father worked for NASA for years. I was fortunate enough to see launches from the control building itself years ago when I was very young. Atlantis is suspended in the air inside the building with the cargo bay open

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Thank you for taking the time to post such a nice review! I really enjoyed the trip to the space center too! We haven't been there since 1989. So much has changed since then!


Glad that you had a good anniversary trip!

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Saturday, Disembarkation


From here you snake around, then go down escalators to the luggage area.




I think this is the first photo that I have seen of the luggage claim area in Terminal 18. I was trying to explain how things work on disembarkation day to a non-cruising friend and could not find a photo on the internet to give him an idea of the process. Thanks!

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Thanks for the detailed review! We enjoyed reading about Oasis of the Seas since we plan to cruise with it in September.

Did you have to make reservations for the Shows ahead of time?


We made reservations for the following shows:



Come Fly With Me

Oasis of Dreams

Comedy Show

Frozen In Time

Headliner (we never went to, but we had the reservation).


Hairspray was the only show above they didn't scan our sea pass to see if we had reservations. I think that's because they opened the doors late and relied on the 'honor system' (there were two lines, one for people with reservations and one without).


At 10 minutes (so I'm told) before the show, they'd open any remaining seating. So if you're in the 'standby' line, you might get in, but your seat choices won't be very good.

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