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Carnival Splendor 6/10/13 ... a ramble

Cyber Kat

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Thanks to everyone for the compliments and for following along as I ramble!


I LOVE Half Moon Cay. They could park the ship there for the 3 port days and just ferry me over each day and I'd be a happy camper. I don't think I'm alone in this!


So sadly, we sailed away from Half Moon Cay ...


Once again, we ambled about the ship. There were times, we'd check out the shops or we would look for our photos in the "Pixels" area. We stopped for sushi - or I should say I stopped for sushi and DH and DSis - just went along for the ride - neither being a fan of raw fish, rice and seaweed.


We spent some time on the balcony just relaxing with a drink before getting ready for dinner. We were real lazy this cruise. We didn't do much in the way of activity.


Once again, we headed for the El Mojito bar for our pre-dinner drink. It was convenient to the cabin and the Gold Pearl, the service was great and there was a window to look out at the water.


We had considered getting the Cheers program, but it was a bit much for my sister and she was in our cabin. It might have been a break even situation for DH and I, but I had $150 in Cruise Cash Bar from my Carnival MasterCard, so I think we spent less than if we had the Cheers. The kicker was the port days - we didn't spend as much on drinks on the ship for those days.


Anyway 8:15 we were off to dinner, to be joined once more by the friendly ladies from Queens.


I'm looking at the menus from Zydecocruiser's web site, and I think on the Splendor they swapped day 5 and 6. Check it out because there is great food porn there - and as I said, I was too busy eating to take pics :)



This night, I started with the Wild Mushroom soup - one of my favorites, but I think all the Carnival soups are yummy. Once again, I tried something I've never eaten before - Oysters Rockefeller. I always thought the oysters were raw - I eat raw fish, but not raw shell fish - but I read a recipe and they were cooked, so I thought I'd give them a try.


They were okay, but there was too much breading and not enough oyster.


I had the Red Snapper for a main course and it was good. I liked pumpkin and scallion hash that was served with it and the fish was nicely cooked.


I really liked all of the side dishes that they served with each entree. They were very creative and delicious.


DH had the filet mignon and braised short rib - which he liked very much! Yay - finally something he liked besides the bacon sandwiches!


My sister had the fried chicken and it smelled fantastic. She said it tasted as good as it smelled!


I think had the Warm Chocolate melting cake for dessert that night.


I'm going to do Nassau and our sail in to Nassau in a separate post because I have a LOT of pictures.

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I woke up early that morning, as I often did. I get up at 5am for work every day, so sleeping until 5:30 or 6 is a treat! The ship was doing things, so I couldn't get back to sleep - I'm waaay to curious!


One of the things about being in the aft part of the ship is that you do feel changes. When we were sailing along at our customary 17 knots - there was a slight vibration and a gentle swaying. I got used to it right away and didn't really notice, but it might bother someone with motion issues.


This morning there was some muffled clunking and a slight change in the ambient sounds. I went out on the balcony to check. We had stopped to pick up the Nassau pilot. Cool!




I also caught sight of this Carnival ship sailing away from Nassau. I found out when I looked at the photos later that it was the Sensation. I guess she overnights in Nassau.




I also caught the beginning of the sunrise ...




And some interesting clouds over the island ...



And Atlantis towering over everything ...



And on the other side of the ship, the sun continues to rise ...



And that's 6

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For a port that's not my favorite, I ended up taking a lot of pictures. The sail in at dawn was just so awesome!


This is for all you sleepy heads - this is what you're missing!



Nassau light house ... there are 2 white specs in the center of this next photo. The tiny one on the horizon is the Carnival Sensation, The larger one is the RCI Majesty of the Seas We had 2 RCI ships in port with us that day. The Enchantment of the Seas came in later.




The sun was rising over Atlantis as we backed into the dock ...



I want this yacht! Must be nice to be rich ...



And here comes the Majesty of the Seas ...




We had planned to go out to the Sheraton at Cable Beach and do the day pass, but DH said he felt like he was getting a cold and he didn't want to do to much. My sister wanted to check out the shops, so that was our plan. A little shopping and some chilling on the ship.


We did Atlantis the last time - but not the water park - which is what I really wanted to do. It was sold out and the others who were with me, vetoed that idea anyway because it was expensive.


We did the beach/lunch/Aquarium/Digg package and it was a bit disappointing. The beach was beautiful but you had to pay extra for a chair. And the beach was mobbed with vendors selling everything from jewelery to hair braiding to scarves to water rides etc. We got tired of saying no thank you every 5 minutes and you can't ignore them. Some of them walk by, but some come right up to you to give their pitch.


We gave up and went to use our lunch coupons - which we could do at several venues. We had a lovely lunch of fish and chips (for me) and chicken and chips for my non-fish eating companions. There was a terrace with tables over-looking the beach and it was quite nice and the food was good. It was the highlight of the day.


We had a whole issue because I lost my admission bracelet, some unhelpful Atlantis employees and a kind of disappointing trip through the Digg.


But this was our last cruise, so I'm not going into more detail. We had a nice time this go-around.


I've got one more pic, so I'll leave you here with a shot of the dock before the Imagination arrived to dock next to us ...



I hate this 6 pics per post!

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One more and then I've got real life things to do ..


DH and DSis finally got up so DH and I headed up to the breakfast buffet and our usual spot on the rotisserie level. This is one of the best kept secrets on the ship. We often had the area practically to ourselves.


There is coffee and tea up there in the morning so you don't have to deal with the stairs and a full cup on your tray.


We were done eating by the time the Imagination arrived, so we went out to watch her dock - backing in. They do a much better job backing in a huge cruise ship than I have ever done trying to back into a parking space!




Carnival Imagination snugging in between the Splendor and the Majesty of the Seas ...



We walked around the ship a bit and took some pictures. Here is the aft pool with no one in it! Everyone grab your suits!



Atlantis from the aft of the Splendor ...



We waited for the mobs to die down a bit and we were able to get off the ship with no lines.


We headed around to the end of the pier to get some shots of the Splendor ...



This is our cabin and balcony. The door to the cabin is right over the R



You can see the 2 windows. The bed was on the angled part to the left (facing the ship) of the door.


And that's 6!


We headed in to town and did some shopping. I'll report on the shopping and post some Nassau pics in the next post.


Later ...

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Kat I went back on the posts some, but might have missed it, Where did the Muster drill take place, Outside or in different places? Iknow you had the heavy rains... My last 2 cruises on NCL were inside, and Carnival's 2 were where your supose to be OUT near your lifeboat.

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Kat, I have a question about Grand Turk. The dock looks pretty long to get to Margaritaville. Are there little carts or golf carts to get you there? I ask because my son is recovering from Leukemia and has some cardiac issues. FYI we do have a wheel chair for him to use for long distances.

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Kat, I have a question about Grand Turk. The dock looks pretty long to get to Margaritaville. Are there little carts or golf carts to get you there? I ask because my son is recovering from Leukemia and has some cardiac issues. FYI we do have a wheel chair for him to use for long distances.



It's not a long walk at all, i'd say it was about a 5 minute walk if that from the off ramp to margaritaville. and there's a little wall he can have a rest but it's not long (and I have short legs) :)

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I got excited when I started reading you were going to the Sheraton.....

and you didn't go. I am thinking of booking the Splendor with the PC, Nassua and Freeport...not big on these ports :( I have been thinking of the Sheraton and was hoping for a nice detailed review....on well!

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Kat I went back on the posts some, but might have missed it, Where did the Muster drill take place, Outside or in different places? Iknow you had the heavy rains... My last 2 cruises on NCL were inside, and Carnival's 2 were where your supose to be OUT near your lifeboat.


We were outside by the lifeboats, but it's covered by the deck above so we were sheltered from the weather.

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Kat, I have a question about Grand Turk. The dock looks pretty long to get to Margaritaville. Are there little carts or golf carts to get you there? I ask because my son is recovering from Leukemia and has some cardiac issues. FYI we do have a wheel chair for him to use for long distances.


No carts or anything - you have to walk. You might want to take the wheel chair. It's a fair walk. I'm not good at estimating distances - it felt like it took longer to go back to the ship than to get from the ship to Margaritaville :D


Perhaps these pics will help ...



This photo was taken from in front of the Welcome to Grand Turk sign



As was this ...



This was taken from the angled part of the dock




Hope that helps.

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I got excited when I started reading you were going to the Sheraton.....

and you didn't go. I am thinking of booking the Splendor with the PC, Nassua and Freeport...not big on these ports :( I have been thinking of the Sheraton and was hoping for a nice detailed review....on well!


I spoke with a number of people on our roll call who had been there and they all said the beach is lovely as is the pool. The day pass gives you access to both and some water toys.

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We have been to the Sheraton several times and were on the same ship as Kath. We chose not to go this time as the boys (grandchildren) wanted to just be on the ship with few people this time. The Sheraton is the only excursion I would take in Nassau. We have done Atlantis-our kids say it is boring and I say dirty and so not worth the money.

First getting to the sheraton --go to bay street and George st and take the #10 jitney--not the #10 A tho. Ride to the Sheraton--5 - 10 minutes. Go to the front desk and purchase day pass for all. I have been told that it is now 30.00 pp and half price under 12 y,o. Still worth the money. The pools are beautiful, you have access to water toys, the ocean, lounge chairs, hammocks, towels and changing rooms in the bathroom. The resort is lovely and small. The pools have never been crowded and we enjoy the drinks and the food there. Across the street there is a daquari place that makes yummy drinks. You don't have to have alcohol. Try it. I have not heard anyone that did not like it. They are building a complex next door now that is said to be one to rival Atlantis (like it used to be).

I got excited when I started reading you were going to the Sheraton.....

and you didn't go. I am thinking of booking the Splendor with the PC, Nassua and Freeport...not big on these ports :( I have been thinking of the Sheraton and was hoping for a nice detailed review....on well!

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Hi folks - is there a cigar bar on the Splendor? I'm thinking not as many have gone away - but one could hope :)


There is not - sorry! They do the Stogies and Jazz under the stars a few nights. I saw it in the Fun Times.

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I spoke with a number of people on our roll call who had been there and they all said the beach is lovely as is the pool. The day pass gives you access to both and some water toys.


We have been to the Sheraton several times and were on the same ship as Kath. We chose not to go this time as the boys (grandchildren) wanted to just be on the ship with few people this time. The Sheraton is the only excursion I would take in Nassau. We have done Atlantis-our kids say it is boring and I say dirty and so not worth the money.

First getting to the sheraton --go to bay street and George st and take the #10 jitney--not the #10 A tho. Ride to the Sheraton--5 - 10 minutes. Go to the front desk and purchase day pass for all. I have been told that it is now 30.00 pp and half price under 12 y,o. Still worth the money. The pools are beautiful, you have access to water toys, the ocean, lounge chairs, hammocks, towels and changing rooms in the bathroom. The resort is lovely and small. The pools have never been crowded and we enjoy the drinks and the food there. Across the street there is a daquari place that makes yummy drinks. You don't have to have alcohol. Try it. I have not heard anyone that did not like it. They are building a complex next door now that is said to be one to rival Atlantis (like it used to be).


Thank you to both.

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Got to keep this one short - sorry - got to work to support my cruise habit :D


We took some shots around the dock ...



Then headed to the shopping building by the dock. It has a name Festival or Fiesta or something like that. I forget.


The last time I came through there in 2011 - it was mobbed! This day, it was empty because everyone had already moved on.


I found this and had to take a picture ...



I need one of these!


My sister and I got earrings and I got some hot sauces and jerk seasoning for my cat/house sitter. She loves hot food - can't be hot enough for her!


Some shots of Nassau Town ...





DH went back to the ship and I took a short shopping trip with my sister. We went into a couple of "junk" shops - t-shirts, souvenirs, that sort of thing. Nothing much caught my eye. I was looking for some dish towels for a friend who collects them, but the only ones I found were $20 and I was spending THAT much.


My sister wanted to go to the Tortuga Rum Cake factory, so we headed there. We sampled some rum cake, she bought one and I found more hot sauce for my friend. It's Cat Island and it's made with Ghost Chilies - which I understand are VERY hot - maybe the hottest.


I headed back to the ship. It was too hot and too crowded ... a drink and the Mongolian Wok were calling my name!


Ships lined up at the pier



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This is my second try. I have no idea what happened to the first one I started. This is going to be a sort of review, kind of a stream of consciousness ramble. I'll try to keep things in order, but sometimes things will just come to me. Feel free to ask questions!


Day One


My cat woke me up at the usual 5am, so I decided to watch the ship come in on the NYHarbor web cam. It was nice to know that she had arrived safely and was docked at pier 90.




My DH and I arranged to have a limo take us to the pier because it works out a bit cheaper than parking there and it's so convenient. Just a great way to start a vacation. We were dropped off at about 10:15am. We planned to meet my sister at the snack bar on level 2, so we grabbed a seat to wait and watch all the poor people, whose cruise was over, leave the ship.


When my sister arrived a bit before 11am most everyone was off the ship and lines were beginning to form at the embarkation area. Because my sister is platinum, we had priority boarding, but they were just moving everyone right through. (there is not FTTF at NY yet) Security check went fast and they herded us off to the VIP Lounge. The one at pier 90 is nicer, but smaller than the one at pier 88 (unless they have redone it since the last time we cruised.) There were comfy chairs and couches arranged in 2 rooms with lemonade, water and cookies.


They told us to have a seat and that we would be called by name to get our the S&S cars - very nice - no waiting in line. We also met up with some others from our roll call. We waited maybe 15-20 minutes, then called us to board. "Everyone follow Rob," they said, and so we did! They moved everyone quickly through the S&S photo area and on to the boarding ramps - which were the old style ones where you have to climb a series of zigs and zags to the level of the main lobby deck. Such fun dragging suitcases up the steep ramps. It's an adventure!


I should mention that by this time the overcast day with the threatening clouds had decided to carry out the threat. It was pouring down rain. The Manhattan Cruise Terminal has apparently added a water feature - you enter the ship by passing through a waterfall.


Wet, but inside the atrium, we were greeted by the people with the maps, people with mops and a group from a local NY radio station WKTU. The KTU folks were playing music and they had a wheel you could spin to win a prize - t-shirts, tote bags, hats. A nice fun way to start our cruise!


We wanted to sign up for the Behind the Fun tour and the excursion desk was going to open at 12 noon. So we parked ourselves in some chairs and DH got us some drinks. There we were on board the Carnival Splendor (which does have a lot of pink!) before noon, with drinks in our hands! Let the FUN begin.




I'm going to stop here and make sure this sticks before continuing on. Stay tuned!



Hi Cyber Kat


You said you took a limo to the port, we are coming in from the Buffalo airport and would love to take a limo with our two granddaughters. Could you suggest someone. We're not sure which airport to fly into, any suggestions on that? We thought if we took a limo we could have him stop at a liquor store and pick up a couple of bottles of wine for our room.

Any suggestions would be helpful and if you don't mind how much did you pay for the limo?





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Hi Cyber Kat


You said you took a limo to the port, we are coming in from the Buffalo airport and would love to take a limo with our two granddaughters. Could you suggest someone. We're not sure which airport to fly into, any suggestions on that? We thought if we took a limo we could have him stop at a liquor store and pick up a couple of bottles of wine for our room.

Any suggestions would be helpful and if you don't mind how much did you pay for the limo?


We live in northern NJ so we took the Limo from our house. It's local company so I don't think it will help you much.


If you're flying in the day of the cruise, I think JFK is best. You could just catch a cab from there. I've heard people like Dial 7 - which is a car service you can contact to meet you. I don't know what it costs.


The limo cost us $132 each way with taxes, tolls and tip included. It would have cost us $280 plus tolls and gas to drive to the pier and park for 8 days. The limo was a great way to start a cruise. Picked us up at our front door and delivered us right to the entrance to the pier on level 2.

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Here is the obligatory photo of my sister and I by the Bahamas sign. There was a line to take this picture! And this was after everyone got off the ship earlier.





So back on the ship, I headed for our cabin to see what my DH was up to. I found him on our balcony taking pictures of this osprey that came for a visit. The seagulls were not at all happy. The osprey was not at all disturbed that they were screaming at him/her.




I was ready for some Mongolian Wok and DH wanted a beer, so we headed up to the lido.


The line wasn't bad for the Wok, so I attached my self to the end and chatted with the other people who were waiting. Picked out my noodles and my veggies. They didn't have the cellophane (my favorite) that day. They had lo mein (thin) and I think ho fun (fat). I took the ho fun, but I think I would have liked the lo mein ones better. The ho fun was too much noodle once they were cooked.


I did just shrimp this time with Thai barbeque sauce and once again the food was scrumptious! If you like stir fry anything, this is a MUST do. Bite the bullet - get on the line!


I headed for the bar by the adult pool, where DH had secured us a table. The DOD was a Mai Tai - which I love and was so appropriate with my Mongolian stir fry, so I had to have one!


After lunch we wandered around the ship and took some photos while the ship was fairly empty.




Red Carpet lounge.


I couldn't resist goofing around with the nekkid guys at the door ...



The Promenade ...



We patronized this bar on the forward port side of the mid-ship pool area ... The bartenders were pretty quick!




6 pics and I'm out for now

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