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A Fond Farewell to......


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They would make a wonderful Christmas gift but I don't know anyone who I dislike enough to send one to. Other than that I can see no earthly reason why one would want one.


Teen kids of our friends love them.

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If I used the Buffet, a waiter who assisted by carrying my tray and who found me a place to sit.
Hi Jimsgirl,

As you don't use the buffets you'll have no personal knowledge of service in the Kings Court or Lidos, so I am here to share the good news :) .

You'll be pleased to learn (I'm certain) that, on all my cruises and crossings, I've seen stewards carrying trays for passengers* in the Kings Court or Lidos :) .

I have no idea whether they offered their services... or were asked to help... but help they did :) .


(*Sadly, the passengers following their trays were (it seems to me)... (almost always) foul-mouthed, over-made-up, "big-haired", short females aged somewhere between 120 and death. One (whom I saw, and heard clearly), on two sticks, shouted, to the young slow-walking steward in front, "no, not that table, I won't sit near those people, over there, idiot..." If others treat people like this, it may go some way to explain some stewards reluctance to take further abuse from passengers who've lost the politeness gene :mad: ).


All best wishes, glad to be able to deliver the good news :) .

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Well I even got those leatherete ( plastic) things on my very first QE 2 short cruise- and that was just kind of a sneak three day cruise from Southampton to Germany! I just wanted to have the experience and see the famous QE 2 for myself.

Anyway I quess 90 % of the this fancy stuff ends up in the trash anyway. I never used them after the cruise- Cunard did not pay well enough for playing their walking adverstising guy and showing the Cunard Logo all around. That is also the reason every fashion label get´s removed at once after I brought them home.


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They are still providing leatherette wallets in Queens Grill. These are from 2013.



OK OK whitewash,Who are you now? The picture looks vaguely familiar :rolleyes:

Hollywood B movies? ( of course this has nothing to do Cunard CC)

standards have been falling with our friend from the underworld:p or the world below,or ,damn... what is that name?

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I just wanted to keep my key card. Sad.


Hi Pushka. A suggestion: take a photo of your key card. It's much easier to store that rather than the actual card. Claiming that the card was lost, as has been suggested, will result in questions at the Pursar Desk: when was it lost, and how was it lost? I've heard that there has been occasions where a claim was made that a key card was lost in order to evade charges on his or her account, so these questions are necessary.


Obviously, anyone who loses their key card should immediately report it to the Pursar Desk because not only can the person in possesion of your key card run up charges (not easy to do, but it does happen), but more importantly, that person also has access to your cabin. The suggestion that you lie about losing your key card is an interesting one; but I think passengers should give serious consideration to the consequences before making such a claim. Just a thought. -S.

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(*Sadly, the passengers following their trays were (it seems to me)... (almost always) foul-mouthed, over-made-up, "big-haired", short females aged somewhere between 120 and death. One (whom I saw, and heard clearly), on two sticks, shouted, to the young slow-walking steward in front, "no, not that table, I won't sit near those people, over there, idiot..." If others treat people like this, it may go some way to explain some stewards reluctance to take further abuse from passengers who've lost the politeness gene :mad: ).


Since I discovered CC, I have wondered if the minority of posters who seem to have had nothing but trouble with Cunard are of the same ilk as that lady. "As ye sow, so shall ye reap", or something like that.


On our recent first cruise we had not one incident worthy of complaint. The only time we came close was when the one Cunard excursion we had booked started late. And that turned out to have been due to a passenger wandering off on the previous excursion, thus holding up our guide!



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I love reading the mostly extremely informative posts on this forum and listening to the experiences of the well travelled but what I do find sad is the personal attacks on those that dare to complain!!!


I will name jimsgirl and hopefully I am not causing offence by doing this but from my limited experience all those that complain about her have never met her?? (that might be incorrect)


However what I have seen is the number of very supportive posts submitted by those who have had the privilege of meeting this lady and that to me speaks volumes and also might give this person some credibility. Those that have met jimsgirl all speak very highly of her and perhaps we should accept we all have different standards of what may, or may not be acceptable?? We are all individuals and all have our own ways\beliefs??


Having said that I will also cite a popular person on this forum that was highly critical of a P&O cruise that they went on. By submitting this post on a P&O forum they got the same type of abuse (or maybe even worse) by forum members who had never met this person, were not on the exact same cruise as this person and yet the posts were extremely insulting, calling this person a snob, or claiming they were rude or arrogant, all said without ever meeting them. The few folks that did go on that exact same cruise were mostly supportive of the words wrote in the critical post.


I am enjoying reading about the days of yesteryear and am in the corner that finds it sad that these traditions are disappearing. It must have been so nice to have friends aboard for a farewell party and then have passengers 'manning the side' as the ship sets sail and disappears into the setting sun ;):)


If folks are critical of a service, or they write something we disagree with then why not listen to what is said and if we were there, then we can perhaps offer a differing experience?


apologies for the post and I for one am saddened about the demise of traditional teak decking :(

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Hi Pushka. A suggestion: take a photo of your key card. It's much easier to store that rather than the actual card. Claiming that the card was lost, as has been suggested, will result in questions at the Pursar Desk: when was it lost, and how was it lost? I've heard that there has been occasions where a claim was made that a key card was lost in order to evade charges on his or her account, so these questions are necessary.


Didn't happen to me. Also, you can't say with any certainty that such questions would be asked at all.


Obviously, anyone who loses their key card should immediately report it to the Pursar Desk because not only can the person in possesion of your key card run up charges (not easy to do, but it does happen), but more importantly, that person also has access to your cabin. The suggestion that you lie about losing your key card is an interesting one; but I think passengers should give serious consideration to the consequences before making such a claim. Just a thought. -S.


There are no consequences, only the satisfaction gained from keeping an item that one wishes to keep.

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OK OK whitewash,Who are you now? The picture looks vaguely familiar :rolleyes:

Hollywood B movies? ( of course this has nothing to do Cunard CC)

standards have been falling with our friend from the underworld:p or the world below,or ,damn... what is that name?


The past is a different country turquoise.....a message from the underworld. :)



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I found a card on an RCL cruise last year in the photo area where you insert the card to see your photos. Very easy to leave it somewhere. I can deal with the questions.


I actually did similar when I left the police force. Lost my badge. It just happened.

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I found a card on an RCL cruise last year in the photo area where you insert the card to see your photos. Very easy to leave it somewhere. I can deal with the questions.


I actually did similar when I left the police force. Lost my badge. It just happened.


Of course it does. I hardly think the Purser is going to instigate a full scale investigation or Royal Commission simply because a passenger says they've lost their card.

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Those that have met jimsgirl all speak very highly of her...
Quite right; I have read nothing but glowing reports from those who have met Jimsgirl in person, all say what a charming lady she is, which is great :) . I am looking forward to the day when I am lucky enough to count myself amongst their number; I would enjoy meeting her and having a chat :) , I'm sure we'd find lots to talk about.

I for one am saddened about the demise of traditional teak decking :(
Then book a crossing on QM2... :D ! (although, even on QM2 there are small amounts of plastic decking in one or two places. However, on QE/QV there is nothing but painted lino... )
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I just wanted to keep my key card. Sad.

Should Cunard just accept there are folks that like to keep memorabilia and just 'request' these items are handed in at the end of a cruise? I am certain my better half will be hoarding anything we can legally keep from our forthcoming cruise and whilst these 'plastic' made in China wallets might never be used again, they are a nice touch and I am guessing only cost the cruise company pennies. (how they get them is a separate issue) If folks don't want them or dislike the wine that is freely offered then we simply let the staff take them away? (question)


Hi pepper

Just read your post and if all goes well with our forthcoming cruise we will take up this cruising m'larky. The Queen Mary 2 sounds a lovely ship and whilst I have never been aboard her, I just feel she is too big for our style of cruising!! I cannot use a tender and is she limited to the ports she can visit by her size? Which might mean she is low down on my list of ships. This is not a criticism of this specific ship as no way can she be described as being the biggest cruise ship :)


I accept that folks will passionately defend a specific ship or cruise line but they have to accept there will be those that might have an opposing view. Removing teak decking is just soo wrong and respect to the designer of the Queen Mary 2, the Duke of Edinburgh and of course the Queen Catherine, at least they have this traditional type of deck. :)

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I don't know why Glojo changed the topic from leatherette wallets and keycards to Jimsgirl.


Easy to understand why if you think of this forum as normal conversation, which flows naturally from one subject to another. Get used to it.



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There are no consequences, only the satisfaction gained from keeping an item that one wishes to keep.


Tell you what, let's all decide we would quite like to keep the card and see how long this little fiddle lasts.


You come down hard on anyone who doesn't conform to the dress code (rule) but are quite happy to condone minor fraud to get past the room card one.



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Easy to understand why if you think of this forum as normal conversation, which flows naturally from one subject to another. Get used to it.




Subjects which have no apparent connection? A conversation about leatherette wallets turns naturally to Jimsgirl? A thread entitled 'A Fond Farewell to.....' in which the OP asks "What is your favourite memory of the old days?" is one in which the conversation will "flow naturally" to Jimsgirl?

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I can tell everyone that carrying trays for guests in the "buffet section" (whatever it is called on other cruiselines ) was a regular event as Jimsgirl mentioned earlier in this thread that Pepper responded to.

Our daughter frequently cruised with me when DH was unavailable and she often had her tray carried by staff. She was not disabled .The young staff were keen to converse with her as she was younger than most other guests.

However on a first trip on QM2 a few years ago, we noticed the reluctance of a member of Kings Court staff to do anything to help one middle aged lady using sticks who came to sit down near us at breakfast.... she asked a staff member if there was any orange juice( obviously not collected on her tray on the way round) and he pointed vaguely in direction of the help yourself areas and moved on swiftly.My husband went to get her what she wanted..no hardship... but that incident has remained in our memory because it was so different from our other experiences.

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Just a few comments


Plastic wallets - pointless


Key Cards - lost mine on QE, it was replaced immediately with no questions asked. I have to say that I have never heard anyone complain at the Pursers desk attempting to obtain OBC. Removing the auto-tip yes I have heard many people ask for an explanation/remove it/remove part/leave it on.


Jimsgirl - lovely lady, excellant company.

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Tell you what, let's all decide we would quite like to keep the card and see how long this little fiddle lasts.


You sound grumpy.


You come down hard on anyone who doesn't conform to the dress code (rule) but are quite happy to condone minor fraud to get past the room card one.




Minor fraud.....ha ha. Sigh.


Keeping your keycard, and getting another, affects no other passenger. Ignoring the dress code does impact on the enjoyment of other passengers.

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I don't know why Glojo changed the topic from leatherette wallets and keycards to Jimsgirl.


Actually, Glojo didn't! It evolved naturally via other people's comments. Follow the thread.


Your post was more of an interruption to the thread than Glojo's was. :rolleyes: (Just as my post is now an interruption!)

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Actually, Glojo didn't! It evolved naturally via other people's comments. Follow the thread.


Your post was more of an interruption to the thread than Glojo's was. :rolleyes: (Just as my post is now an interruption!)


Oh, so someone else was talking about Jimsgirl before Glojo started talking about her? Which post was that? I must have missed it. Which one are you talking about?


I saw a response from Pepper to Jimsgirl, but that's different. He was talking to her about the service in the buffet, not about her.

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Subjects which have no apparent connection? A conversation about leatherette wallets turns naturally to Jimsgirl? A thread entitled 'A Fond Farewell to.....' in which the OP asks "What is your favourite memory of the old days?" is one in which the conversation will "flow naturally" to Jimsgirl?


Yes. If I ever have the pleasure of dining with you I am sure you will find the conversation doing just that.



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Yes. If I ever have the pleasure of dining with you I am sure you will find the conversation doing just that.




Really? You chat about Jimsgirl at the dinner table? That's an interesting conversation starter.


I suppose it's more inventive than "So what do you do?" or "Are you married?", but I don't think anyone would know what you're talking about.


Well yours maybe.




And the rest.

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