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---> !!ALLURE OTS REVIEW!! <--- Complete Pictorial Guide! [Jun 29, 2013]

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Here's some morning food porn for ya! Oh and a little preview to the view from our room.



Here is your first view from our balcony! Want to switch to the Starboard side yet anyone? Just wait until we get to the afternoon!!





Going down the escalators to exit ship for the first time! Now I wanted to say something awesome about debarking the ship on the Oasis class, its SUPER EASY. All you do is hit "Gangway" in the elevator and it takes you to the third deck, once you exit there are many signs pointing you to the direction to exit the ship. You just go down an escalator and they will scan your card, viola you are off the ship!






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Already starting to clear up a bit!




By the way, there are sign likes this and other types of directional signs located everywhere on the island making it super easy to find your way. It was really a nice little addition! 9266935996_24a01d7472_o.jpg

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I put this picture on here to mess with your heads! Can you guess what this is actually a picture of?




Here is what you will ride up the mountain in if you decide to do the Dragon's Breath Zipline!







I could get used to this!




And this! Fun fact: Palm tree's are my favorite!


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Don't miss this place!










This was just incredible, the mountains in the background with the haze and then of course the Caribbean Sea below!




Does anyone know what this used to lead to?




Unfortunately the gates to go out here were locked due to "rough seas" so I couldn't get any pictures from out here for you.


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I really don't know if RCI had food set up here for lunch or not because we walked through in the morning. This would be a really nice place to sit down and eat if they did have food up here! I do believe it was only a bar type deal though.





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Alright, I have to do a little editing to fully give you a good review of the Dragon's Breath Zipline so i'll be back sometime soon! Hope you like the pictures so far, they will get even better! :D

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Okay, I finished what I needed to get done but I'm extremely exhausted!! I have to get up again for swim lessons in the morning but I should be able to finish Labadee tomorrow in the early afternoon and then start working on Day 4!!


So while we have this small "break", how are you liking Labadee so far?! Way better pictures to come later!! :D:D


P.S. sorry this is taking forever!

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The esoteric island -



Some time passed and we got everyone together via the room phones. We all met on the dock towards the end. This was my first time actually having a good view of the ship from afar and I couldn't believe my eyes!! I have a picture from Jamaica to help explain what I'm about to tell you but you'll have to wait and see it tomorrow. I never, ever knew the ship was painted a light blue from the rescue vessels down. :O I couldn't believe after thousands of reviews and pictures, I never knew this!!



It's funny, I said the exact same thing when we got off the ship in Labadee. I turned to my husband and said, "hey, the ship is blue! why didn't we notice it before???" :D

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Gamba this is prob a dumb question but when and on what ship is your next cruise booked. I envy you living in Florida and being able to get on a ship anytime. We either have to fly or drive.

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Dragon's Breath

Flight Line!

Labadee, Haiti






Where to start?! Before this year, I have never zip-lined in my life. Back on our cruise on the Carnival Dream in 2011, we were supposed to stop in Honduras and do a zip-line adventure (you know, because there isn't a zip-line on a Carnival ship? =P I'm sorry, I had to!) although we couldn't dock due to a strong current. I was really excited for that too so unfortunately it wasn't until earlier this year that I ended up being able to zip!! It was last month at Greek Peak here in New York STATE, yes NY means the state not nyC! ;p My class and I were there for Project Graduation and it was awesome! Matt and I could not wait for this one in Labadee after riding the much more tame but not that tame zip-line at Greek! And by not so tame, I mean the Dragon's Breath is just faster, longer, and over water which makes it way better, especially since its in the Caribbean!


To sign in, go about 15-20 minutes before. Make sure you bring your ticket and give yourself enough time to sign a quick two page safety waiver. If your kid is under either 18 or 16 (sorry, I don't remember the age because I'm 18 now!!) they will need you with them. You will need to go to Dragon's Plaza and just look for a building near the beach with a line near it! =P But in all seriousness, it's super easy to find. You will then go to an open room with lockers (I never checked for the ones here but the lockers near the coaster were free so I assume these were too) and wait for your tour guide, they will then lead you to a room to get your harness and helmet. It is really an easy and fast process. The harness is very comfortable and even has two big pads near your bum so you can actually "sit" while going down. No need to worry about carrying the "wheels" on your back, they do it for you! So after you get your equipment, you will go back outside to another outdoor area and wait for your tour guide to give you instructions. They will take attendance and go over the basic, common sense rules and then you are off, walking to the practice run which is very close by. Beware, you will have to "hike" up a rather small hill to get to the practice one.


Your tour guide will line you up and show you how to "starfish" if it's a windy day, we unfortunately had to starfish but nonetheless it was just as fun! The practice run is very short and takes some time to get everyone through, they really put a lot of people in one group. I would stand near the stairs that lead to nowhere because that is where the caravan will pick you up to take you up the mountain.


You get to relax on a ride up the mountain, actually I'm not sure if you want to use "relaxing"! You will pass the compound that the workers on the island live in and then exit the guarded territory. It was kind of scary seeing the signs with the native language and a picture of a gun with a big red circle and line over it! I'm not sure how safe I felt as he driver put the "petal to the metal" but I trusted him! You have about a 2 minute ride through the jungle until you get to the gates to enter the area to walk to the platform. The road is slightly scary but nothing worse than the roads up here after the winter season! There is not much of a walk until you see the AMAZING, OMG, WOW, IS THIS REAL LIFE view!! The view is seriously worth the price, the ride is a bonus! =P The guide will line you up according to your weight and size then you will get a brief instruction and then everyones off! Once you get down after about a ride that lasts over a minute, you will get a picture taken, they will unstrap you and then you go return your equipment to the building you signed in.


I can't suggest this excursion more, it was just the best!! It probably lasted only an hour and it is totally worth it. I really wish I could do it again and I most likely will the next time I'm back in Labadee. If you are considering this zip-line, don't hesitate, book it now! Here are a few more pointers to help you out,


  • -They say you need "closed-toed shoes" but I saw many people wearing flip flops. I personally wore water shoes the whole day, they worked perfect for walking, swimming, and doing this excursion.
  • -You are allowed to bring any camera you want! I really wish I brought my camera with me but I just didn't feel safe with it plus I was bringing my GoPro that can take pictures.
  • -Helmets aren't required so I could use my head strap mount for the GoPro if you bring one, it worked PERFECT!
  • -Allow yourself at least 1 to 2 hours, it all depends if you're first on the zip-line like I was or last.
  • -The cost is $94 and is booked through RCI (either online in your cruise planner, on the ship at Guest Services, or even in Labadee). I suggest booking online to ensure you get a place at the time you want. The price seems high but I think its pretty realistic to be honest.


Here's where you sign in, can you spot the lockers?!




This is the compound you pass where the workers on the island live, they are gated too and seem to enjoy living here. Our tour guide was from London but seemed to love living here!




Like I said, I didn't bring my camera that I've been taking all the pictures you see here and instead took the picture you're about to see from my GoPro HERO 3 White Edition. P.S. I would go ahead and get the Black Edition, the quality is way better than the white! Anyway, LOOK AT THIS VIEW!!!!



SURPRISE! Well not really, I kind of gave it away when I mentioned the GoPro, lol! This is what I was working on last night that I told you about. This isn't the only surprise in Labadee or for the whole review though so stay tuned!


Dragon's Breath Flight Line POV!!!

Please change the quality to 720p HD for the best viewing experience, sorry the White Edition GoPro 3 just isn't very superb but will still do the trick.

Click the link below because I'm not sure how to embed a YouTube video on this message board!


Click here to view the video! ---->

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The pictures are beautiful!! :D




great review


Thank you!


You're doing a great job Mike!! Awesome review and pictures:D


Thank you so much! I absolutely loved your pictures of Labadee, especially the ones where the sun was coming down, just amazing! I have to look into an itinerary in the future that leaves Labadee later. I also want a cabana, they looked amazing but my mom couldn't justify the price.


Your photos are fantastic!! Labadee is one of my all-time favorite ports, and you are truly doing it justice. Thanks for the great review, and I am looking forward to more!


Thank you and mine too! Hope to see you stick around!


Fantastic Pics!!




It's funny, I said the exact same thing when we got off the ship in Labadee. I turned to my husband and said, "hey, the ship is blue! why didn't we notice it before???" :D


Haha!! My mom actually pointed it out first and I told her that I'm sure it was just the reflection from the water and until we got to the point where you could see the bow and bridge, I really noticed and was dumbfounded!


Gamba this is prob a dumb question but when and on what ship is your next cruise booked. I envy you living in Florida and being able to get on a ship anytime. We either have to fly or drive.


I was wondering the same thing, I didn't see his Breeze countdown anymore! I so envy him as well, hope I get to move there in 4 years!


Been on the Oasis and Allure already. I, too, just noticed the lower half of ship is blue!! thanks for keeping me on the "cutting edge" with your review. I love, love, love your pictures:D


Haha I really like it actually! You're welcome, glad you love them! Thank you, thank you, thank you! =P

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I love your review! You are doing an awesome job!


We were on Allure in February this year so I am familiar with the ship but we did the Eastern itinerary. We will be doing the Allure again next February but we are doing the Western itinerary.


I have been to Labadee twice before, and have done the zip line both times. I loved it! I will probably do it again the next time we are there. The picture you took at the top is amazing! I will have to remember my camera so I can take the same picture!

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Back to the story! After the zip-line, Matt and I went to get some food at one of the buffet's they set up at the island. I'm sure most of you know that the food comes from the ship so it is all complimentary. You use your seapass for drinks. Lunch was good, we headed back to the spot our parents were at and took a swim. We then headed to the other side to Barefoot since they checked it out and decided I was right! 8-) Matt's parents forgot about their coaster excursion and asked if we wanted to take their tickets, OKAY THANKS!! So we went to do the Dragon's Breath Coaster!! That was super fun, I would suggest doing that as well.


While standing in line, a lady goes "are you Mike?!" I was like yeah! I felt like a celebrity since that was the second time that happened and Matt was really confused! =P Anyway we talked to some awesome fellow cruise critic members (cruiser1616) traveling with their two kids. It was funny because we had just been talking a week prior on the roll call and I wanted to "steal" her sign "Michael" she made for her son. Did you know there is such a thing as magnet paper?! She printed out all of their names and made them in to magnets for the cruise, such an awesome idea, right?!


After that, we met our parents at the beach and eventually made our way back to the ship. I told my mom that she missed quite the view, remember the lookout? We kind of all split and my mom and I ended up going to the Solarium to relax for a few minutes and soak in the view. We went back to the cabin and I set up my GoPro for a little surprise you will all see shortly! My brother and Eric came over and we all went on our balcony to watch sail away. The weather went from cloudy in the morning to beautiful for sail away! I think Jeff and Matt were down in the Amber Theater paying Big Daddy Ca$h a visit at Bingo.


We got dressed soon after that because we were going to watch Chicago at 7:00 pm tonight, before dinner. I am not going to do a full review of Chicago or any of the other shows like I did with Ocean Aria. I will say the show was AMAZING!!! There is so much talent on that cast that it is just incredible. The show specifically on Allure recently won a bunch of Tony Awards, how awesome is that? Now I guess I'm not a normal "teen" since I like these kind of shows. Most kids in the club said they didn't really like it, mostly because it was "boring" for them. I love musical/theater type stuff so to me it was great. My brother, Eric, Jeff, and mom all thought it was very, very good! I don't want to spoil anything more for you!


Dinner was really good once again, I have nothing to complain about food wise for this week. We never had a problem with the food and always thought it was yummy! We have eaten from a McDonald's to a 5-star restaurant so I would say I have tasted differences in food and I just still have a really hard time trying to figure out why there seem to be many complainers about the food! I mean really, to have a bad meal most nights you must have a personal chef at home that makes some pretty exotic food!


After dinner we all went to the casino and it was my first time ever!! I brought $20 and came out with $47! I played only slots and I have to say it was pretty fun!


Everyone went to bed while Matt and I headed up to the Solarium for the ESCAPE party they were having (18 and over). It was a BLAST!!! Don't miss it if you're 18 or over. Matt saw his new friends he met from the night before when I went to bed and he introduced me to them. We ended up all becoming friends and hung out every night from there on out. Matt and I still talk to Andrea (girl we met from Florida) every day, she is so cool! But there was a ton of people there for the party in every age range. They have a live DJ and even dancers, it was just really high energy and lots of fun. Of course at like 2 in the morning we went to bed. If 2 am sounds late (or early, I wonder what you would say?! Haha) then just wait for the next night! =D


Alright here are the pictures then Day 3 is FINALLY done!!





My VIRGIN Labadoozie, it was really good but I mainly got it so I could keep the cup =)










Our spot




This area was awesome for the little kids!! They also Adventure Ocean set up next to the water area so you can drop your kids off, they looked like they were having a blast. When I walked by they were chasing the "teacher" with a hose and she was soaked, lol! This place was also good to get the sand off your feet =D


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