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Serenade of the Seas picture heavy fun review–12 day Med cruise incl DIY port trips!

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Oh Stef!! I didn't know Tarik had got lost!! You'd talked about the 'unplanned' off-road trip and how cool it was and I obviously saw Tarik's busted knee but I didn't know he'd got lost!!! Bless him with all those languages :(


We lost Liam a couple of years ago in Pompeii - all the streets looked the same but it was the only time I've been grateful for crowds because the tour guides were able to talk to each other on their walkie talkies until he was found - a real scary 20 minutes!! :eek:

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OMG! As a mother of two (now grown) children, I can't even imagine the panic and anxiety you went through. Even though I knew that Tarik had to have been found (or you wouldn't be so happily reviewing your wonderful cruise), I still had my heart in my throat just reading your story, and sympathizing with your incredible worry. Glad to hear it all turned out okay (well, minus the injured knee)!

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I agree totally about the noise. We have just got home from the Serenade. We were in 8086 just across the hall from you and it is so noisy! Loved the location and my teens slept through it but I had to sit and read on the balcony untill the music finished at 12 before I could get any sleep.


Crap. We're in 8086 on Jewel next year and I booked it b/c everyone says the balcony and location are AMAZING. How did you feel about the balcony? I'm ok with wearing earplugs at night so maybe that could be our solution.

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Wow, I would have been in panic mode for sure, Stef!!! Sounds like you guys handled it all very well. Too bad Tarik ended up with the nasty knee, but like Tanja, he'll remember for the rest of his life where he got that scar!

I just wanted to compliment you on your writing!!! I would never have guessed that English was not your first language! Great review, enjoying it immensely!

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I am enjoying your review immensely! Do you live near Cloppenburg? That is where 5 of my 8 great-grandparents came from!

Thank you for your review and thanks for giving a kid a chance by taking him into your home. I admire the both of you for taking on a teenager!

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Bless him with all those languages :(


Hi Carol,


If he would have just used a bit of those languages, none of this would have happened. Of course the guy at the wrong checkpoint told Tarik as well "WRONG WAY" when he passed it by mistake...He does know the english words "wrong" and "way"...how hard can it be to combine these two?



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he'll remember for the rest of his life where he got that scar!


Hi Mizsuzee,


a friend of mine once said: scars are like tatoos with a story attached to them...I think that's so true!


If anybody asks Tarik where he got that scar he can say along the crater of an active Volcano in Italy:D..pretty cool,he?...he could just leave out the uncool part with tripping over a rock after getting lost and crying:o!


thanks for the compliments!



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I am enjoying your review immensely! Do you live near Cloppenburg? That is where 5 of my 8 great-grandparents came from!


Hi jameybano,


Welcome to the review! Thank you!


We're also living in Lower Saxony, but to Cloppenburg it would still be a three, maybe four hour drive.


We live right by those mountains in the fairytale of snowwhite...you know with the 7 dwarfs and all... I just haven't figured out yet if we're on the dwarfs' side ot the mean stepmom's side:D.



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Salerno (last part)


After Tarik had patiently endured his lecture, all of our moods started to get a little better again. I guess we all just had to get it out of our system. Actually we were a little proud to have managed this scary situation without completely flipping out.


So now we took the offroad bus (gah!—another driver and the seat in the last row) back to the bus changing station. The ride down seemed to be a lot bumpier than the way up, but maybe the passenger seat next to the driver is just better cushioned. It didn’t bother us at all though. When we changed into the other bus we had the pleasure of meeting our fabulous tour guide again, who talked some more to us all the way down to the drop off station at the main entrance to Pompei.


Crap! I forgot all about that – since we took this bus instead of the planned one we were dropped off at the wrong entrance. Now we had to walk a much further stretch to get to our train station to Salerno. Sigh, I really didn’t feel like walking anymore today. We still had enough time though and so we very slowly started to stroll along. And guess who we saw?



Humpelchen! He was well and unharmed enjoying his Siesta.



To the Pompei regular train station from the main entrance to the archaeological site you stroll along this pretty street




And look –-- Hollywood?



It takes about half an hour to get to the station. Here we just missed the 14:52 slow train to Salerno. Saw it leave…but this was actually a good thing, since now we could buy Tarik some food at the adjacent store. His little hiking adventure left him starved! We took the food onto the platform, since the next train was to arrive at 15:10…we didn’t want to miss that one as well.



Knee already forgotten and after this meal back to good spirits.



Well – it turned out he had lots of time to finish his pizza and guzzle the coke.


See the train sign? Now look at the actual time on the clock behind it. Yup, we seemed to have an issue with delayed trains during this journey.


Even later, the train still hadn’t arrived. Now they just switched the sign to the next fast train ahead at 15:56. Watch out! This train doesn’t say Salerno! It goes to Sapri and just happens to stop in Salerno on the way.




This train was almost on time and we got seats to sit.


The train ride was an extraordinary experience, since it didn’t have any working lights in our compartment…shortly before you reach Salerno, you ride through a pretty long tunnel. It was suddenly pitch black! I never experienced something like that before. You’d feel the movement of the train, hear the noises, but no vision whatsoever… Cool stuff! Only lasted a bit though until the first people turned on their phones and their touch screens lit up. Now it felt more like a slumber party. Really cool trainride!


Back in Salerno we just hopped on the shuttle bus to return to the ship right away…I was once again desperately craving a parma and brie sandwich from the park Café!




Thoughts on Pompei and Vesuvio


Tanja was blown away by Pompei and she definitely wants to return to have a full day of exploring it. I thought it was pretty mind blowing myself, but I don't really feel the need to see it again. With the Volcano it was the other way around. I absolutely loved it and would love to return to take it all in without the stress we had. Tanja liked it too, but isn't drawn to do it again. We liked the whole feeling of southern Italy. We especially liked the attitude of the people -- passionate, yet not stressfull and super friendly. They just seemed to really enjoy their lives. A great place to live I guess -- but I'd be too chicken of the volcano...it's overdue, you know.




Stuff I learned in Salerno:


Try to not loose the child ever again!


The offroad tour to Vesuvio rocks -- if you're into adventure stuff.


See Pompei early and leave once the hordes get there.


Pizza can cure a hurt knee.


Never rely on a train to be on time.

Pandas rock -- but wait -- I knew that already!



More to come!

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Leaving Salerno


Once we returned to the ship I ignored my hunger and we went down to the medical station right away.



It’s only open 6 hours a day? I must admit that I was disappointed…I always saw on the deck plans that RCI had a medical facility. It made me feel safe, just like having your own hospital along with you. I just assumed that it would be open 24/7. Of course that’s a lot to ask and I was always impressed because I assumed they did it anyway….but oh well – I can’t complain, I never needed it.



All your basic needs are covered here – too bad this machine only works with US money.


When we entered the waiting area with Tarik, the people waiting there let us pass, since they waited for a prearranged consultation with the doctor. I guess you get called in by name? We advanced to the counter and the nurse? behind it looked at Tarik’s knee. No questions about sea pass cards, insurance or anything. She just checked with the doctor in another room and then she told us it’s just an abrasion (no kidding). She handed us some bandaids, disinfectant and antibiotic ointment for free and sent us on our way. Okay – guess we’ll clean and disinfect it ourselves in the cabin. We were okay with it, but I’m sure there could have been other cruisers who’d be taken aback by this.


Tarik was very brave during the procedure though. It does sting, we know. Maybe he wanted to prove that he can act more mature than previously on that volcano. Of course he would never admit that.


After finally gulping down my parma and brie sandwich we relaxed a while until dinner time.

The show of the evening was an Italian Tenor. His name was Ugo Paliotto and he was from Naples. Sorry, the pictures didn't turn out.

We did enjoy the show. His singing was very pleasant, yet not spectacular. Nothing to blow your socks off. But after such an eventful day, we just enjoyed it nonetheless, while our minds wandered freely. It was a wonderful show to wind down with a romantic Italian flair.


Later that night they had the white party on deck.



That’s us, getting ready to roam around all dressed in white.


The party wasn’t supposed to start until 23:45. We decided to use the time for a romantic walk on deck before that. It was a beautiful full moon night. The moon shone bright and it’s soft light reflecting on the water was breathtakingly beautiful. It was very romantic and we stood here for quite some time enjoying it silently. We did try to capture this moment in a picture…but the moon looks like a spotlight and the light on the water looks unspectacular. Plus we had to start giggling, since it wasn’t so easy for Tanja to capture both of our heads and the moon in the middle with just a blind shot in our direction from her outstretched arm. I think this was the fifth try.



sigh – just trust me, in real life this really was a magical place.


After our little rendezvous under the moonlight, we headed over to the pool. It still wasn’t 23:45 yet. We decided to relax on two loungers meanwhile



They started to prepare tables with funky cocktails. They where light blue and had a dark blue swirly thing down in the bottom of the glass. Looked real impressive and glamorous for a minute or two, but started to be annoying the longer you had to look at it. Plus they were pretty expensive…I forgot just how much.


By the time the waiters were roaming around to sell those cocktails the music hadn’t started yet. We were so comfy on our sunbeds, that we both simultaneously half fell asleep (it was a long day). We noticed, smiled and decided to ditch the party to go to sleep. Tarik was already long knocked out after this day.


So if any of my fellow cruisers have actually attended the white party – this would be a perfect time to post your experiences.


More to come!

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Day 6 – First seaday


Ooops, why didn’t anybody tell me I had a mistake in the description of the shows? Today was Jane Curry, which we liked so much. The day when I wrote about her it was actually Paula Randall singing as a Tina Turner impersonator. We’re not even home for a month and I’m already mixing things up. Sorry for that. Gotta keep writing the rest of all our adventures before I start to mix up even more by mistake…. So today I’ll tell you about the Paula Randall show…but no... wait… I found her act on youtube…see for yourselves.



We’re not really Tina Turner fans so we left early, but I think she got the moves down pretty well, doesn’t she?


Anyway, back to day 6. We could have slept in today—but by some magical alarmclock in my head I started to wake up early every day – something rather untypical for me.


Tanja can get up in the mornings and be as awake as ever right away. I usually resemble the walking dead. Can’t convince my eyes to open all the way, my voice slurs in an undecipherable mumble and don’t even try to ask me anything within the first 5 minutes…my brain takes at least this long to even take notice somebody said something in this zombie stage. Well, but this cruise wasn’t usual. I woke up awake as can be! Strange feeling, but very nice actually since I can’t really say I enjoy being a zombie each morning. I used the jogging path and the gym and felt like I had enjoyed half of my vacation day already once I went to the first coffee round with Tanja to the WJ.


Ever since the cruise I have not been out jogging once I must admit and the kilos (YES –PLURAL!:eek:) I gained during the cruise have still increased afterwards… I really need to get back into “normal” eating habits or you won’t recognize me again if I ever write another review of a future cruise.


But enough of that. The day was fun, I told you about the Meet and mingle party (which was today) already. I also enjoyed the Salsa class today, but it didn’t blow me away like the Tango class. That was a real treat for me. Tarik loved the free Arcade hour and used it till the last second. Other than that… rock climbing, mini golf, swimming, hot tub….rough life on the cruise ship:D.


Let’s see, what did I forget?

Oh yes, there was the first show in the Centrum!



They had a bunch of people dressed up in these costumes, dancing in the middle of the Centrum. Oh, and the guy with the glasses is Flavio, one of the activities managers. Real fun guy!


The actual fun part about this show (or as a matter of fact of all the Centrum shows) was the aerial part.



This was a nice choreography and was fun to watch. I didn’t care too much for the costumes on the solid ground, but those guys up in the air were neat.


Next stop will be Venice…and since this will be quite a large topic to cover, you’ll need to give me at least two days to prepare for it:eek:. On Sunday we’ll be gone celebrating a 50th birthday…so I am afraid you all might have to wait until Monday for the new posts. Hang in there!


Next up: Venice!

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Crap. We're in 8086 on Jewel next year and I booked it b/c everyone says the balcony and location are AMAZING. How did you feel about the balcony? I'm ok with wearing earplugs at night so maybe that could be our solution.


The balcony and location was fab. I did try earplugs but I could still hear the rock music! It really depends if noise usually stops you sleeping. My two girls fell asleep no problem. It was only me found it hard. It also depends if you want to sleep before midnight?

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Hi Emma,


Lol -- you were very pleasant! How could you have thought for one second I could think of you as a nightmare? I'm not quite easily tempted into such harsh descriptions of anybody -- but that family just was one tiny bit too much. No worries -- it it none of our CC friends. I do have pictures of them (to remain a constant warning in our private family vacation photo book) -- but because I want them to keep their privacy I won't post them.


You all were wonderful and it was so much fun to be on a cruise with "known" faces. Thank You!




Aha, thanks Stef, was lovely to seen faces we knew!



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Even though I, too, knew you had found Tarik (or why else have you been writing such an upbeat review), my heart was in my throat until he was found. I remember you mentioned his yellow hat in an earlier post and how it would become important. Phew!! I have three daughters and have lost them all at one time or another. The youngest (she's 25 now) would run off in a huff someplace. She disappeared once in a local mall and once at Disney World. It's a universal parental nightmare!!


Looking forward to the rest of your cruise!

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Feels good to have a "real" mom assure me that we didn't overreact!

I must say you sound "real" enough to me. Families are made in the heart as well as by blood :) As for overreacting, I most likely would have been the one with the torn up knee as I ran around frantically LOL Sounds like you handled this like an old pro.


I wanted to let you know that like many others, I am really enjoying your review! It is all the details you share that make it come alive. One of the first things I do each day when I turn on my computer is to see if there is an update. Great way to start my day with a smile! Thanks for taking the time to share this all with us!

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Stef, we just left the Serenade this morning - same Venice itinerary as yours - and I'm so looking forward to reading your review and reliving the unbelievable cruise! You have a wonderful way with words and descriptions.




We were too overwhelmed by everything on the first two days to find a bulletin board. We wanted to find out if there was a FOD meeting – “Friends of Dorothy”….meaning other gay or lesbian fellow travellers. We didn’t know if we missed it already, or if there would be one scheduled at all. We knew that you’d have all kinds of meetings like the “friends of Bill W” on nearly every RCI ship. So Tanja was brave enough (unlike me) to go up to guest services to ask about a gay/lesbian meeting… or meetings in general….and find out if there was a board, where meetings would be announced. The lady wasn’t too friendly. She told her they wouldn’t have ANY meetings and NO such board. I’m so upset we don’t remember her name! Tanja came back telling me this. I was a little shocked and surprised…no meetings for FOD … okay --I can live with it … but no meetings at all….and no board? We were very confused and a little intimidated.


It's funny you mention guest services - we had a disappointing experience with one of the women as well, really the only truly negative part of the cruise. Perhaps it was the same person!


And guess what - the ice and water dispenser in the back of the Windjammer is still out of service as of a few days ago!! :D

Edited by windjamming
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Hi new2cruise,


Thanks! Feels good to have a "real" mom assure me that we didn't overreact!




Oh Stef, foster moms, adoptive moms, step moms, "second" moms as well as bio moms are all REAL moms in that we all love and care for and try with our utmost to do the best by the kids in our lives. We all make mistakes (hundreds of them, some bigger than others!), and we all are just flying by the seat of our pants because there was no "motherhood" school to go to. Sounds to me (not that I'm an expert, mind you!) that you and Tanja seem to have a natural understanding of how to care for kids and deal with the inevitable ups and downs of a family. The kids that pass through your doors are very lucky to have you two! You are very REAL!

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thank you all for your kind words! I still envy all biological parents though who had the pleasure to see their kids grow from an infant...plus I envy them about their time to practise parenthood until their kids reach the teens:o. But then again -- we have the pleasure to get a kid that you can talk to right away and not having to change diapers at all:D.




PS: pictures for Venice all sorted...looks like there will be 13! Venice posts...I'll start with them tomorrow. Off to celebrate a birthday.

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Subscribing so I don't miss any of this wonderful review. Thanks so much. You are proof that planning ahead is so important. To just "go with the flow" in these ports means you miss so much. I, too, am a planner, and I have learned much from you.


P.S. Tarik is a doll!:)

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Stef, we just left the Serenade this morning - same Venice itinerary as yours -



And guess what - the ice and water dispenser in the back of the Windjammer is still out of service as of a few days ago!! :D


Hi Windjamming,


LOL-- their "temporary" sure is lengthy:D.


Happy you enjoyed your cruise!



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