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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome!


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Good to hear you are on the mend Jeff, I'm feeling more human today...at last!


You know, we are old enough and wise enough to quite simply ignore and move on from such folk who feel the need to be nasty and indeed very sarcastic and l do hope Terry will ignore their comments and continue to post his pics for us to enjoy here on the cooler.


Sophia :)


Lovely of you to say. I guess I over-react because I do know where this leads. These pollutants kill the sensible posters away. Then in time we have nowhere.


I'm feeling a bit more pukka, but I don't mean to whinge but I haven't noticed you apologising for giving me this virus. You could have stopped posting when you knew you were infectious. I've read about computer viruses and I have clearly caught one from you.





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Jeff, glad you are feeling feisty.


Spin.....don't encourage him....he's better when he has man flu..;)


Looking forward to hearing about your Spirit voyage...I'll be on her for the first time next April and am delighted to have heard today that the lovely HD Flavio may be on board with us.


Sophia :)

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Lovely of you to say. I guess I over-react because I do know where this leads. These pollutants kill the sensible posters away. Then in time we have nowhere.


I'm feeling a bit more pukka, but I don't mean to whinge but I haven't noticed you apologising for giving me this virus. You could have stopped posting when you knew you were infectious. I've read about computer viruses and I have clearly caught one from you.






Ha ha.....as if Jeff....I think it only fair that l share my viruses....why should l be the only one to suffer...:p :rolleyes:


We are all cool on the cooler and all are most welcome to join in ...a wee respite for them perhaps....



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Ha ha.....as if Jeff....I think it only fair that l share my viruses....why should l be the only one to suffer...:p :rolleyes:


We are all cool on the cooler and all are most welcome to join in ...a wee respite for them perhaps....




On an earlier note.


I'm afraid I haven't really shared the sense of loss about Linda Bellingham. The story is sad, but to be honest she wasn't someone I admired.


Lynsey De Paul we recently lost and I did admire. I never knew her through her career but did know her quite well when we were both around 17ish. I use to go to and eventually worked as DJ at the Country Club at Belsize Park. She use to go there every night i was there and was immensely popular. She was always eye catching. We use to dance sometimes, but when I started DJing she'd hang around the decks bossing me around and insisting that she would choose my records. She was so keen I showed her how to use and mix the decks and left her to it. I'd get paid and she worked. This only lasted for a few months and we lost touch.


She was a very highly talented lady. It's funny how many of our decent composers were jewish ladies. Carole King being the real queen.


Musings of an old fart that seems to have more memories than current experiences!





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With regard to retirement plans enjoy life. Not jumping into anything as yet various friends keep saying are you getting a dog or will you join husband on the golf course. I may do some consultancy work with a medical practice three or four days a month (management accounts etc). Booked a couple of trips at the weekend late April Philadelphia,Washington and Boston had BA companion voucher to use. Feb 2016 South Africa few days in Capetown then 10 day cruise followed by four days Shamwari Game Reserve. Looking forward to the Explorer in Antartica beautiful scenery,penguins etc etc decided to do this trip before we get too old!! Retiring slightly earlier than planned as husband retired seven months ago and I thought why not join him. Looking forward to cooking,gardening long lunches with friends and feet up with a good book when the weather is bad.All I wish for is good health for us both.

Excuse typing on IPad.



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Hi there .... just a note to say "hello" and welcome to the environs of the cooler. Intrigued to hear about your light travel Europe trip. And why does someone inOrlando yearn for California?




Hi Jeff, thanks for the welcome.


California is a different way of life and different weather, both of which keeping tugging at my heart.

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Glad you're feeling better Sophia and Jeff - sorry I meant to post earlier to send you both my best wishes.


I'm another supporter of Terry - have followed his posts for quite a few years and always find them interesting and appreciate the time he takes to share his time with us.


Take care all,



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With regard to retirement plans enjoy life. Not jumping into anything as yet various friends keep saying are you getting a dog or will you join husband on the golf course. I may do some consultancy work with a medical practice three or four days a month (management accounts etc). Booked a couple of trips at the weekend late April Philadelphia,Washington and Boston had BA companion voucher to use. Feb 2016 South Africa few days in Capetown then 10 day cruise followed by four days Shamwari Game Reserve. Looking forward to the Explorer in Antartica beautiful scenery,penguins etc etc decided to do this trip before we get too old!! Retiring slightly earlier than planned as husband retired seven months ago and I thought why not join him. Looking forward to cooking,gardening long lunches with friends and feet up with a good book when the weather is bad.All I wish for is good health for us both.

Excuse typing on IPad.







You sound like you HAVE A PLAN!


You are amongst a few who cherish the BA 241's and I do hope you are in F and are coming down to Heathrow to enjoy the Concord Room. So far as the rest is concerned it is great to have another "cooker" join us here. I've been trying to get the quality of cooking up on the threads but .. for example .. Sophia always has an excuse about not cooking. We currently have two trips planned using the 241s - both long stays in Singapore and I'm just about to release a fruther 241 and a further in a couple of months so that will be a couple more trips.


Last night on TV there was an adorable little black puppy labrador. All big clumsy black paws and I so miss the smell and antics of a puppy, but we vowed no more and that is where we currently are. I wish someone would deliver and rent puppies by the day.



Hi Jeff, thanks for the welcome.


California is a different way of life and different weather, both of which keeping tugging at my heart.



You are really naughty to invite strange English Blokes to riffle through your travel bag ..... you naughty, naughty girl! I couldn't help notice (did I mention I was a bloke? :D ) that you are a size 10. Very healthy!


On my very first date with wifey (last Century) she moaned that she culd nover find trousers that fitted. Basically size 6 was too small and 8 too big. What she didn't know was that I had a secret weapon. I use to work as child labour in my dad's factory in the East-end and had learned to both "cut" ie using those Eastman /Wolf cutters that you shouldn't let near any child but also how to make and grade patterns. You can imagine how keen she was for a second date when I said I'd cut her a size 7 trousers. Well, she was of course mine from then on. And did those trousers fit. I can see them now .... anyway let's change the subject quick because I am ill. :D


Glad you're feeling better Sophia and Jeff - sorry I meant to post earlier to send you both my best wishes.


I'm another supporter of Terry - have followed his posts for quite a few years and always find them interesting and appreciate the time he takes to share his time with us.


Take care all,






Yes, hopefully Terry will be back soon.


I do not know whether there is any sympathy going spare anywhere but I am feeling really sorry for myself. Yesterday I felt a bit better but today I guess nature thought me too smug and I still have a rather upset plumbing system. Just to make things even happier, nature though it would have a bit of fun and has done something to my foot. I did nothing. Not even look at it. But I can barely walk on it. But what use to be a 10 second warning to get to the loo, now has a serious impediment in that I do not hobble quickly.


Wifey, who I thought would be absolutely full of sympathy for me thinks this is terribly funny. Every time I make a dash to the Mens Room hoots with laughter. It ain't fair Karin. :(

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Good Day Coolers,


Thanks for the good wishes Karin. Feeling a bit worse for wear today, think l over did it yesterday when l was feeling perky, so I'm resting up again...not that l need any excuse to do that!!


Jeffers....Ms Sophie indeed ain't cooking much right now...I'm hoping to win the big euro millions tonight so l can employ a chef....:D

You are just using me as a scapegoat.....Mrs Jeff is quite right to retain her sense of humour and giggle at your man flu antics.....:rolleyes:


I'm so pleased that my local butcher bakes the most delicious savoury pies so it's a steak and ale today with dauphinois and petit pois....cherry cheesecake to follow.


Sophia :)

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Sorry Jeff and Sophia that you can't seem to shake your ailments.


(I did have a chuckle at your 10 second warning Jeff - can just imagine it and I don't blame Mrs Jeff for finding it amusing ;) but I do hope you find out what's wrong with your foot.)



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Sorry Jeff and Sophia that you can't seem to shake your ailments.


(I did have a chuckle at your 10 second warning Jeff - can just imagine it and I don't blame Mrs Jeff for finding it amusing ;) but I do hope you find out what's wrong with your foot.)






I can put up with the total lack of sympathy. It's when she starts humming the theme from the "Great Escape" when I start to struggle up and make my hobble-dash to the throning room. No bleedin' feelings!



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Good Morning....


Still trying to shake off this awful bug, I feel as though I've been put through a mangle!!

Should have been starting my trip today but glad I cancelled and I'll not dwell!


Lunch down at the local today, feel like a good meal instead of just pickings....and they do the most delicious fish n chips which for some reason I'm craving for :rolleyes:


Hope you're feeling better Jeffers......



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Good Morning....


Still trying to shake off this awful bug, I feel as though I've been put through a mangle!!

Should have been starting my trip today but glad I cancelled and I'll not dwell!


Lunch down at the local today, feel like a good meal instead of just pickings....and they do the most delicious fish n chips which for some reason I'm craving for :rolleyes:


Hope you're feeling better Jeffers......





I am SoapyGal,


So sorry to see you're still in the middle of it. These things do seem to take longer. You did the right thing canceling.


I made wifey some kebabs yesterday ... I still wasn't facing proper food but felt she'd sugffered too long. She enjoyed it. Lamb kebabs, turkish salad, rice on pitta with tzatziki and some chips. A proper English meal! I still had soup ..... :(


I do hope Terry comes back soon to his old muckers ..... :confused:





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Been among the missing again due to the dreaded leaves that are taking over my life and other tasks like painting and hanging pix and all the usual day to day chores to say nothing of last weekend and watching Bda get hammered by Gonzalo.


Sorry to hear, S, the bug prevented you going on your trip and, Jeff, you too succumbed to some nasty little thing. Hope you're both on the mend now.


Another big week ahead of us as we have to have 5 trees felled that are causing problems with a wall that might collapse onto pedestrians so I'll probably be AWOL again....


Just wishing we could decide on a cruise for 2015 - decisions decisions.



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Good Morning All,


Still trying to shake the dreaded off and muster up some energy to get up and go...even more so now as it looks like the move will be mid November...:eek:


Mary, I was saved from having to sort some trees out here by the sale...good luck with yours! Right now the land is covered with leaves....something that I won't miss!


A big ugly skip now sits on my drive, gardener made a good start yesterday clearing the garage and stables out...the more room one has the more junk one keeps....and the place is now starting to become cluttered both in and out with boxes, although the majority will be packed up by the removers.


Next cruise is April....but hoping for a relaxing week away in January still...BA currently have a business/ first sale on so it's all very tempting!


Happy Weekend

Sophia :)

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Good Morning all!


Mary, good to see you still progressing ..... and having those trees done. I'll never forget the big storms when we sat in the car a safe distance from the house and watched a dozen trees one by one full over onto our house ..... no trees close is good trees!



Sophia, good to see you progressing!


If you fancy a short break in Dublin before your trip off to Miami next April not only will your stay be free but you will potentially make a very large saving on your trip.


There is an even better deal on offer at the moment BA ex-Dublin offering return Business Class from around £950 to MIA via LHR and the current price ex-LHR is around £1950 ex-London on the current special sale. As you know this means that you hop over to Dublin for a weekend, fly back to T5 and on to MIA but end your trip back at Heathrow. Your fare and weekend might be a couple of hundred quid so you'll have a bit of an adventure and save around £800.


Any good?




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Thanks for that Jeff, I've looked at the route but there's not a lot in it and it would actually be easier for me to check right through from Manchester to Miami. The F fare is very good but I'd have to book a return as the open jaw back from Lisbon is mega bucks with naff flight times!


Now the fun bit....my easiest option for the Lisbon return is with SleazyJet into Liverpool.....I dread the thought but it would mean I could have a day and night in Lisbon post voyage...as opposed to hanging around LHR for hours :eek: and when I move it's a quick half hour home from the pool. TAP fly direct into MAN but bad flight times also....as they fly before the ship docks!


Enjoying this planning considering l should have been shopping in New York today.....:rolleyes:



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May I suggest a pause for thought. :)


You seem to be resorting to type and thinking like someone against the clock and in a rush. Why not think about all that travel again but from the viewpoint of somone not in a rush. In other words, with times to dwell at each bit. Rushed time is always wasted time. It is always stressed time. The time contempalting it and fretting is also wasted. Build in more down time. You're away from home and all that this is, enjoy it. Maximise it.


Only a suggestion from someone on their first bottle of Pecheur for two weeks .....



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Morning all...Sophia, is the BA sale just for Europe, or is it also for USA?

Looking for flights back from Rome next May.

Hope you and Jeff are better.

Mary one thing I don't miss is raking leaves. But the flip side is that we don't get the fall color, we get "nuances" of season change. Today it is in the high 60 degrees F. Cool enough to wear a long sleeve tshirt.

Enjoy the day all!

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