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LOST LUGGAGE ** Please help!!!**


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I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to insult you. I'm just trying to discover what you would like them to do.


You say it may not be their fault but it's their problem and then go on to say that regardless of what their policy is they have the authority to make goodwill gestures as they see fit. So my question is should they give people something over and above their policy amount every time something happens or should it just be to certain people and if so, how do you determine who is deserving?


If you haven't asked them for anything, why would you think that they would do anything more than what they are supposed to? I would agree with you if it were a situation that could be directly attributed to something they did. Since there's really no way to tell that and it's very likely the bags were taken by someone else at the terminal, I wouldn't expect them to do anything else. However, if you feel they owe you more, you need to ask for more. You need to tell them what you think is fair and why.


I think you have been calm and patient but you also seem to expect people to read your mind and do something without making a request or asking for a specific resolution.


Once again you're making assumptions and accusing me of things that aren't true.


"I expect people to read my mind?" Did you see copies of my letters, emails or hear recordings of my calls? I have been very clear about how I feel, about what I think is poor customer service and what I think is reasonable restitution for both parties. Just because I haven't shared them with you doesn't mean I haven't been crystal clear with Celebrity.


This post was to ask for help when we were in Rome and I was desperate to find our bags. We had a lot of support and advice and quite a few people asked us to keep them posted. So step by step, call by call I have done so. I certainly wasn't expecting to be accused of thinking I am special.


As for who deserves a goodwill gesture or who doesn't, that is always a judgement call. I make them everyday - perhaps if you don't it's difficult to understand and you need everything to be black and white. It isn't. You look at all the facts and frankly you decide if you want to go beyond for that case of not. I feel strongly enough to pursue this and that is my choice. If your luggage ever gets lost I guess you'll be happy to get the $300 - and that is your choice.

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While I certainly agree with you concerning how this was handled and resolved, especially on the customer service end, how should they deal with the issue?


They did include the information about the maximum reimbursement level.


If they were to reimburse actual value how do they really handle it?

Most insurance covers depreciated value, not replacement costs.


You really cannot prove what was in the bags, only that you had receipts for items you purchased. Receipts have two problems. First, I suspect most people don't keep receipts for clothes and other items that would be in the bags. Second, if someone had receipts just providing receipts does not prove that the items were in the bags. Someone could just take receipts for the most expensive components of their wardrobe and send it receipts even if the items were not in the bags.


Taking that into account actual reimbursement is really not practical from a corporate point of view.


Clearly the 300 per person limit is not good either.


So what should their policy be. Especially in a case like yours were it is not just one bag getting lost, but instead both of your bags.


If they were to stay with a fixed cost what should be a reasonable level.

If one was to look at providing reasonable reimbursement (not top of the line or high end products), one would see that a suitcase, 7 days clothing, a suit, etc would run around $800 to $1000. Even if you assume depreciated value on average it would still be atleast double what their current level is.


I agree with you! What is the solution? There is no easy answer.


Sadly there are many people who would take advantage and embelish what they had in their bags. I can't tell you how many people I talked to who suggested I list a "Rolex" in my bag - it's sad, especially when you're fighting to get only a fraction of what you lost. Now you know why policy levels are so low.


I could come close to proving what was in my bag - I am a little OCD when it comes to packing and I actually had an excell spreadsheet of clothes and outfits (including shoes) for the entire 18 days that I sent someone on cruise critic for a laugh before the cruise. I also have pictures from our trip showing every piece of clothing on that list and reciepts for almost 80% of it as well. Even I wouldn't go through that trouble! :p


I think if the policy limit was more in line with reality that would help. Beyond that I have no answers...this is not my area of expertise. But I do know customer service and I definately have suggestions (which I have voiced to them) on how this could have been handled better.

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Mel- I really feel for you- for many of us women, $300 wouldn't even begin to cover cosmetics/toiletries alone not to mention outfits and shoes!


I always live in fear of lost luggage. I was surprised to read Paul's post about the lost piece of luggage on arrival at San Juan since we just came from that port and it seemed much less chaotic than Miami.


When we disembark in Rome next year I may bring my big suitcase with me in the morning since we won't be flying home immediately and I don't want to end up like you! The non ship porters are always eager to help you get your stuff through immigration and customs and really speed up the process.


I don't know if this is relevant to your situation but I do want to point out that the luggage tags that are given out for disembarkation are very flimsy. Our son's big suitcase ended up without a tag a few days ago and was placed in a row with unidentified bags at the San Juan port. Also, last year in Miami, we went on a bus tour of Miami after disembarking. A woman on the same bus excursion was missing a smaller bag and had to go back onto the ship and look for it! It was placed in an area of suitcases that were missing tags. Two of these flimsy tags per piece of luggage may not be enough!! I recommend googling luggage tags- Amazon via a Canadian company sells some plastic covers specifically for the long, thin Celebrity/Royal Caribbean style tags. Place 3 or 4 of the flimsy disembarkation tags into these plastic inserts and hang them all over your bags. Or, if don't have the plastic covers, go to Guest Relations and get 5 per bag (or more) and plaster them all over the suitcase! Placing them around handles isn't safe because they tear so easily.


I understand that you also had i.d. all over your luggage (just as I do) so that's no excuse but I wonder if they (ship and non ship port personnel) conveniently decide to overlook i.d.s and claim things as "lost."


To everyone that can't find their luggage in the port disembarkation area, insist on going back onto the ship and looking for it there!


Someone mentioned social media. Wendy Perrin, Conde Nast Traveler magazine travel expert, tweeted an airline recently re: her husband's lost luggage and got an immediate response. Maybe start tweeting Celebrity?


Thanks for the tips - I will look into the thin plastic covers for boarding when I have to send my bags with a porter. For the disembark my bags will stay with me!


I did fight (read CRY) my way back on the ship. And let me tell you they did NOT want me on there. But as soon as my frustration turned to tears they just wanted me away from them. Guest Relations simply called the port and told me what I had already been told - our bags were not on the ship or in the warehouse - fill out the form and we will call you when we find them. Ugh! I am not exaggerating when I say that my server was more helpful and concerned when my steak was over cooked in the MDR.

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I think this thread is proof that one needs travel insurance and not depend on the cruise line when baggage is lost.



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Good point. The overage with cruisecare is up to $1500 which is clearly a more reasonable level then the uninsured level.

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These are your words.


"I know many people disagree and that's your perogative. I personally feel this now becomes a problem that Celebrity should be involved in resolving. How they do it and what that resolution looks like - who knows?! I do feel it should be more than a cheque for $600 and "have a nice day."


"I haven't "asked" for anything. I am simply not satisfied with how this has been handled."


I obviously am not understanding you and also not making myself clear. These are the things you have said and in your own words you say you don't know what the resolution should be and that you haven't asked for anything. These are the comments I was responding to.


I am not accusing you of anything, just trying to be helpful. I have had lost bags before and of course have done everything possible to maximize my return. No one would be "happy" with $300. a bag.


Between insurance that is provided by the credit card I use and an annual travel policy that I carry, my bags are insured for considerably more than that.


If the cruise line had done something that you could hold them solely responsible for it would be a much easier task to receive something more substantial. Because the terminal is involved it makes it more difficult. It's not like having something damaged on the ship where it's obvious who's fault it is.


It's all well and good to say the customer service is bad and they should just decide to do something but they do have to have some kind of policy. From your description of what has happened since the beginning it seems they have done exactly what is done whenever a bag goes missing. They take a report and then start checking. It usually takes a while but most of the time the bags show up. I'm sure they expected them to be found.


As far as if and how they should provide compensation for something like this, everyone who's bag goes missing in the cruise terminal has dutifully put on their luggage tags and put the bags outside the door, just as you did so your circumstances would not be unique in this case. I guess the argument would be that they should just always offer more than what the policy states for goodwill. In that case, rather than having a policy, they should just have someone arbitrarily decide what each person should receive.


My only suggestion to you is that you need to let them know "exactly" what you want and hope they will offer you something.


I wish you the very best.

Edited by Ma Bell
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I wouldn't hold my breath, BUT my boyfriend's nephew once flew to Europe for a Med cruise. He missed a connection and got rebooked. Ultimately he made the cruise but his luggage didn't. Kept in touch with the airline and kept expecting the luggage to show up at the next successive port of call but it never did. Cruise ended, he flew home, settled with the cruise line (Royal, but I don't recall how much they gave him). Anyway, his case too, was closed. About 3 months later his bags showed up out of the blue. They had all kinds of tags and stickers indicating that they had followed him all over Europe but always a day or two behind him. I guess ultimately they were sent back to the cruise terminal or the US and obviously just sat in some "unclaimed luggage" area. Eventually though, he got them, so there is always that chance. :)



Hope this happens to the OP, I keep coming back to this thread waiting for a happy ending.

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I have great sympathy for Mel&Ken and understand that Celebrity are, however slowly, responding to their plight, to the letter of their policy.


This thread is being kept going by Mel&Ken to keep those of us who wish to know the final result of the lost luggage debacle up to date.

Questioning the intricacies of what might or might not have been said or how one statement may be interpreted six different ways I think is beyond the scope of this thread.

Mel&Ken please keep us all posted and please do not feel as though you have to explain or defend yourself on my behalf.

Chin up, h.

Edited by middlehaitch
bad grammar
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Unless you can prove that the cruise Line was negligent, their liability is limited to the contract of carriage which states:



a) Baggage Limits and Prohibited Items. Each adult Passenger is permitted to carry onboard the Vessel or check-in only the wearing apparel and personal effects reasonably necessary for the cruise, including suitcases, trunks, valises, satchels, bags, hangers containing clothing, toiletries and similar items. In no event shall any Passenger bring on board the Vessel or check-in, or in connection with the RCT Land Tour, any illegal controlled substances, fireworks, live animals (except under the terms of Section 12.d below), weapons, firearms, explosives or other hazardous materials, or any other items prohibited by applicable law or Carrier policy. Carrier reserves the right to refuse to permit any Passenger to take on board the Vessel or on any mode of Transport any item Carrier deems inappropriate.

b) Liability for Loss of or Damage to Baggage. Unless negligent, Carrier is neither responsible nor liable for any loss of or damage to Passenger’s property, whether contained in luggage or otherwise. Liability for loss of or damage to Passenger’s property in connection with any air or ground transportation shall be the sole responsibility of the provider of the service and in

accordance with applicable limitations.

c) Limitation of Liability for Lost or Damage. Notwithstanding any other provision of law or this Agreement, Carrier’s liability for loss or damage to property during the RCT Land Tour portion of a CruiseTour is limited to $300.00 per Passenger. Notwithstanding any other provision of law or this Agreement, Carrier’s liability for loss or damage to property for the cruise (or for the cruise only portion of a CruiseTour) is limited to $300.00 per Passenger, unless Passenger declares the true value of such property in writing to the address specified in Section 10.a below and pays Carrier within 10 days of final payment for the cruise, a fee of five percent (5%) of the amount that such value exceeds $300.00. In such event, Carrier’s liability shall be limited to its true declared value, but not exceeding $5,000.

d) Limited Carriage. Carrier does not undertake to carry as baggage any tools of trade, household goods, fragile or valuable items, precious metals, jewelry, documents, negotiable instruments or other valuables, including but not limited to those specified in Title 46 of the United States Code, Appendix Section 181. Each Passenger warrants that no such item will be presented to Carrier within any receptacle or container as baggage, and hereby releases Carrier from any liability whatsoever for loss of or damage to such items when presented to Carrier in breach of this warranty. In no event shall Carrier be liable for normal wear or tear of luggage or property, or loss of or damage to jewelry, cash, negotiable paper, photographic/electronic, medical or recreational equipment, dental hardware, eyewear, medications or other valuables unless they are deposited with Carrier on the Vessel for safekeeping against receipt (RCT does not accept valuables for deposit). Carrier’s liability, if any, for loss of or damage to valuables so deposited shall not exceed the amounts indicated in Section 3.c above.


I'd just move on at this point. Someone likely stole your baggage.



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These are your words.


"I know many people disagree and that's your perogative. I personally feel this now becomes a problem that Celebrity should be involved in resolving. How they do it and what that resolution looks like - who knows?! I do feel it should be more than a cheque for $600 and "have a nice day."


"I haven't "asked" for anything. I am simply not satisfied with how this has been handled."


I obviously am not understanding you and also not making myself clear. These are the things you have said and in your own words you say you don't know what the resolution should be and that you haven't asked for anything. These are the comments I was responding to.


I am not accusing you of anything, just trying to be helpful. I have had lost bags before and of course have done everything possible to maximize my return. No one would be "happy" with $300. a bag.


My only suggestion to you is that you need to let them know "exactly" what you want and hope they will offer you something.


I wish you the very best.


I have not demanded a specific dollar amount from Celebrity. I am trying to be reasonable and flexible and I have suggested several options, all of which I would accept and think are fair. In that regard I have no idea what that final resolution would look like.

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Unless you can prove that the cruise Line was negligent, their liability is limited to the contract of carriage which states:



a) Baggage Limits and Prohibited Items. Each adult Passenger is permitted to carry onboard the Vessel or check-in only the wearing apparel and personal effects reasonably necessary for the cruise, including suitcases, trunks, valises, satchels, bags, hangers containing clothing, toiletries and similar items. In no event shall any Passenger bring on board the Vessel or check-in, or in connection with the RCT Land Tour, any illegal controlled substances, fireworks, live animals (except under the terms of Section 12.d below), weapons, firearms, explosives or other hazardous materials, or any other items prohibited by applicable law or Carrier policy. Carrier reserves the right to refuse to permit any Passenger to take on board the Vessel or on any mode of Transport any item Carrier deems inappropriate.

b) Liability for Loss of or Damage to Baggage. Unless negligent, Carrier is neither responsible nor liable for any loss of or damage to Passenger’s property, whether contained in luggage or otherwise. Liability for loss of or damage to Passenger’s property in connection with any air or ground transportation shall be the sole responsibility of the provider of the service and in

accordance with applicable limitations.

c) Limitation of Liability for Lost or Damage. Notwithstanding any other provision of law or this Agreement, Carrier’s liability for loss or damage to property during the RCT Land Tour portion of a CruiseTour is limited to $300.00 per Passenger. Notwithstanding any other provision of law or this Agreement, Carrier’s liability for loss or damage to property for the cruise (or for the cruise only portion of a CruiseTour) is limited to $300.00 per Passenger, unless Passenger declares the true value of such property in writing to the address specified in Section 10.a below and pays Carrier within 10 days of final payment for the cruise, a fee of five percent (5%) of the amount that such value exceeds $300.00. In such event, Carrier’s liability shall be limited to its true declared value, but not exceeding $5,000.

d) Limited Carriage. Carrier does not undertake to carry as baggage any tools of trade, household goods, fragile or valuable items, precious metals, jewelry, documents, negotiable instruments or other valuables, including but not limited to those specified in Title 46 of the United States Code, Appendix Section 181. Each Passenger warrants that no such item will be presented to Carrier within any receptacle or container as baggage, and hereby releases Carrier from any liability whatsoever for loss of or damage to such items when presented to Carrier in breach of this warranty. In no event shall Carrier be liable for normal wear or tear of luggage or property, or loss of or damage to jewelry, cash, negotiable paper, photographic/electronic, medical or recreational equipment, dental hardware, eyewear, medications or other valuables unless they are deposited with Carrier on the Vessel for safekeeping against receipt (RCT does not accept valuables for deposit). Carrier’s liability, if any, for loss of or damage to valuables so deposited shall not exceed the amounts indicated in Section 3.c above.


I'd just move on at this point. Someone likely stole your baggage.



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And that would be your right to do so if this was happening to you.


For now its my family going through this and I am doing what I feel is best for us. Some people feel the need to quote policy and express their opinion that I am being unreasonable and that is their right. Please keep in mind that I haven't asked whether people think I should pursue this or not - I have already made that decision for myself - I am simply keeping those who asked updated on the result and I will continue to do so.

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I have great sympathy for Mel&Ken and understand that Celebrity are, however slowly, responding to their plight, to the letter of their policy.


This thread is being kept going by Mel&Ken to keep those of us who wish to know the final result of the lost luggage debacle up to date.


Questioning the intricacies of what might or might not have been said or how one statement may be interpreted six different ways I think is beyond the scope of this thread.


Mel&Ken please keep us all posted and please do not feel as though you have to explain or defend yourself on my behalf.


Chin up, h.


Thank you for your kind words. I will keep you posted! :o

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And that would be your right to do so if this was happening to you.


For now its my family going through this and I am doing what I feel is best for us. Some people feel the need to quote policy and express their opinion that I am being unreasonable and that is their right. Please keep in mind that I haven't asked whether people think I should pursue this or not - I have already made that decision for myself - I am simply keeping those who asked updated on the result and I will continue to do so.


I don't think you are being unreasonable and it really isn't any of my business...I just hate to see anyone suffer. Celebrity would have to make a policy exception to cover your expenses; and since your issue has been publicized, they likely won't in this instance because if they cut you a check, in fairness, they would feel as if they would have to for the thousands of other folks whose baggage was mishandled and/or lost. i only wish you and your family the best of luck.

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I don't think you are being unreasonable and it really isn't any of my business...I just hate to see anyone suffer. Celebrity would have to make a policy exception to cover your expenses; and since your issue has been publicized, they likely won't in this instance because if they cut you a check, in fairness, they would feel as if they would have to for the thousands of other folks whose baggage was mishandled and/or lost. i only wish you and your family the best of luck.


Funny...some people think a public forum is the only way to get their attention. I don't necessarily think I won't get anywhere because of this post - but I do think if I was on here trashing them and trying to deter business that would hurt my chances. Why try to appease someone who is clearly never going to give you business again?!


Thank you for your best wishes!

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I received an email from the Office of Michael Bayley!!!


It's from an assistant of course but that is to be expected.


For anyone who thinks I feel I am "special", you'll be happy to know that it starts off with reminding me I am a "Classic member of our Captain's Club". That struck me as funny as my status really isn't a factor here - or at least I didn't think it was. :rolleyes:


It basically acknowledges my concerns, apologizes and explains the next steps. My email and attachments have been forwarded to the Executive Team of the Luggage Department for review and they will respond accordingly. Considering that is where I started I don't hold out a lot of hope in that case. But we shall see.


It closes by saying that my email will still be forwarded to Mr.Bayley as he likes to review all client feedback and for future assistance I should contact the Lost Luggage department.


It took about a week for the reply which considering it was a holiday weekend I think is very quick.


That's it for now!

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I received an email from the Office of Michael Bayley!!!


It's from an assistant of course but that is to be expected.


For anyone who thinks I feel I am "special", you'll be happy to know that it starts off with reminding me I am a "Classic member of our Captain's Club". That struck me as funny as my status really isn't a factor here - or at least I didn't think it was. :rolleyes:


It basically acknowledges my concerns, apologizes and explains the next steps. My email and attachments have been forwarded to the Executive Team of the Luggage Department for review and they will respond accordingly. Considering that is where I started I don't hold out a lot of hope in that case. But we shall see.


It closes by saying that my email will still be forwarded to Mr.Bayley as he likes to review all client feedback and for future assistance I should contact the Lost Luggage department.


It took about a week for the reply which considering it was a holiday weekend I think is very quick.


That's it for now!

I'd still keep up hope. Even though you started with the Luggage Department, sometimes when an issue is sent to them from higher up, they look a little closer at the problem and try to come to some resolution.


Good luck.

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Happy to see you have a courteous reply at last.

I think treating you as an individual, opposed to a problem, will help assuage any negative feelings this may have caused you ( and others) to have towards Celebrity.

Thanks for the update.

Cheers, h.



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I received an email from the Office of Michael Bayley!!!


It's from an assistant of course but that is to be expected.


For anyone who thinks I feel I am "special", you'll be happy to know that it starts off with reminding me I am a "Classic member of our Captain's Club". That struck me as funny as my status really isn't a factor here - or at least I didn't think it was. :rolleyes:


It basically acknowledges my concerns, apologizes and explains the next steps. My email and attachments have been forwarded to the Executive Team of the Luggage Department for review and they will respond accordingly. Considering that is where I started I don't hold out a lot of hope in that case. But we shall see.


It closes by saying that my email will still be forwarded to Mr.Bayley as he likes to review all client feedback and for future assistance I should contact the Lost Luggage department.


It took about a week for the reply which considering it was a holiday weekend I think is very quick.


That's it for now!


As I said, I'm sorry if I didn't choose my words well but I'm very happy to hear you got a response and hope it goes well.

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I am hoping someone has a connection for me - phone number or email.


We just disembarked from the Celebrity Reflection on our 11 day Med cruise today only to find both our suitcases are missing. Gone.


So all our clothes, souvenirs, shoes...everything. We put it outside our room last night and now its gone.


I am trying to make some calls here from Rome but every number on the Celebrity site is an 800 number and won't work from here. Does anyone have an actual direct line?


The staff believe as its both pieces it was just put on the wrong bus and will "turn up" but as its now been missing for 9 hours we're losing hope and just want to know we're not forgotten - that someone is watching for our bags.


Any help will be appreciated.



it will show up 3 months later, on one cruise,6 months later on another . Keep the faith...I wish the luggage could talk and give me its experiences!!

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I don't think you are being unreasonable and it really isn't any of my business...I just hate to see anyone suffer. Celebrity would have to make a policy exception to cover your expenses; and since your issue has been publicized, they likely won't in this instance because if they cut you a check, in fairness, they would feel as if they would have to for the thousands of other folks whose baggage was mishandled and/or lost. i only wish you and your family the best of luck.




No matter what the outcome is, I am sure you are pleased both with this turn of events and the comparative speed with which this evolved - as you have noted.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with your opening post and the next few. I think all the negativity you are feeling is the response to your subsequent more defensive posts, which I have to agree are off-base.


I am sure that if the same thing happened to me I would react the same way you have (although I suspect your letters to X are more thoughtful than I probably would have written). However, from a rational point of view, those responses are emotional. The reason I quoted Fogtown above is that I largely agree to his well-written remarks, except I would have emphasized the role of insurance.


In fact, as much as I hate to say this since I certainly feel your pain and understand your desire for a more reasonable settlement, I hope X does not give you any increase in the $600 settlement.


All the cruise lines make the $300 per bag loss limit well known, and experienced cruisers like you very likely did know about it. The role of insurance is precisely to make up the difference in this limit and real value. Now, I am not against self-insuring -- I don't buy insurance myself, and fortunately this has more than paid off over the years -- but those of us who make this choice are accepting the risk of having a loss. The cruise lines should not be forced to play the role of helping bail out those who self-insure.


You made the choice of self-insuring, and if the cruise line now helps cover your additional expenses, the message to all other cruisers will be terrible, in my opinion. This is not an issue of customer care -- as I said, you chose to take the risk, and, unluckily for you, your number came up.


Or maybe not. I too am hopeful that down the line you will get a surprise luggage delivery. And you do deserve a lot of credit for your willingness to stay on this thread.

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We just returned from a cruise on Celebrity Equinox and for the last 10 cruises have done the self-disembarkation and just carried our bags off the ship. After reading what happened to you I will definitely continue to do that. When we were coming back into the country in Philadelphia we were waiting for our luggage and someone else grabbed it with about 4 others and then just walked away. I happened to be in sight of the bag and thought it looked like ours so walked over there and checked the tag and it was indeed ours. We had been waiting and watching the carousel and when it got down to the final few pieces of luggage I started to panick.

I then looked all around the carousel and found our luggage. People are just idiots when taking off luggage and discovering that it is not theirs.

They should then put it back on the carousel so the correct person can claim their luggage.

I feel very sorry for you for what you have had to go through and for it to ruin your vacation when you spent so much money.

I hope that your further vacations will end better for you and that you will be able to get your luggage in a timely manner.

Our first 10 cruises we always put our luggage out the night before and I never worried about it. But as I get older and start worrying about just about everything I think it is a good idea to just carry off your luggage if you possibly can.

Good luck and I hope that Celebrity comes through for you with more money.

Safe and Happy travels.

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This is truly nothing personal, but I tend to agree with the person who said that if you chose not to buy insurance, or chose not to claim on your homeowner's, etc., that Celebrity really only should be liable for what their policy is. Think about it. The fact that you own more expensive items than many people should not be their concern. We always buy the insurance, and boy wouldn't I like to have back all those many hundreds (thousands over the years) of premium dollars back if I could just be reimbursed in full if something happened even if I had not bought the insurance.


You did choose to self insure.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with your opening post and the next few. I think all the negativity you are feeling is the response to your subsequent more defensive posts, which I have to agree are off-base.


In fact, as much as I hate to say this since I certainly feel your pain and understand your desire for a more reasonable settlement, I hope X does not give you any increase in the $600 settlement.


All the cruise lines make the $300 per bag loss limit well known, and experienced cruisers like you very likely did know about it.


I too am hopeful that down the line you will get a surprise luggage delivery. And you do deserve a lot of credit for your willingness to stay on this thread.


I guess we have a chicken/egg scenario here because I feel my defensiveness is in response to the negativity - not the reverse. But you're right, I am being defensive. Mostly because I didn't come on here asking "what should I do?" or "do you think this is how I should handle it"? My only reason for staying on this thread is to keep people updated and for that I get accussed of thinking I am special etc. Yes that gets me defensive. These are comments from someone who doesn't even know me (who has since apologized which I appreciate) and I don't respond well to that. In hindsight I should have just ignored it but I let it get to me.


You give me too much credit. Truth be told I had no idea of the $300 until our bags were lost. It never and I truly mean NEVER occurred to me that a cruise line could lose my bags just taking them off the ship. Not something I even considered to be a possibility. I worry with airlines and I pack accordingly. I literally breath a sigh of relief as I see my bag fall onto the baggage carousel - but the cruise, not a worry. I still can't even believe it happened. Even when i think of my luggage going missing I never think it would be for good - I just worry it would be gone for my trip or be late getting to me. Sadly I now know different.

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This is truly nothing personal, but I tend to agree with the person who said that if you chose not to buy insurance, or chose not to claim on your homeowner's, etc., that Celebrity really only should be liable for what their policy is. Think about it. The fact that you own more expensive items than many people should not be their concern. We always buy the insurance, and boy wouldn't I like to have back all those many hundreds (thousands over the years) of premium dollars back if I could just be reimbursed in full if something happened even if I had not bought the insurance.


You did choose to self insure.


I actually haven't chosen not to claim on my homeowner's insurance - I can't claim until I have a final settlement with Celebrity which I do not have at this point.


I am also not sure at what point I said anything about owning more expensive items than other people ( I sure hope I never said such a thing) but we are very simple people. We don't wear high end clothing or fancy brands. In fact most of the receipts I submitted were from JCP, Kohl's and Macy's from summer clearance. The only reason our bags contained as much as they did was due to the time spent abroad.


As for me not taking it personally.....I am working on it! ;)

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My mistake - for some reason I thought you were talking about some high end stuff (and I'm not going to reread 200+ posts to find out where I got that idea :)


A year and a half ago we bought a new dishwasher, we chose not to take the extended warranty, so after the first year was up - guess what. Gulp. Insurance is always a fine tightrope to walk.

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