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LIVE from the Royal Princess - 30 days, Barcelona to Ft. Lauderdale - 9/27 - 10/27


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Hi Cruiserei! I will be joining you on the 10/29 Maiden Caribbean voyage after your TA and will look forward to seeing you as you journey on your 192 days of Princess cruises. Will they ALL be on the Royal? Please drop in on our Roll Call as well and if you're interested in joining any of the events we are planning on the 10/29 and 11/3 cruise, our coordinator for 10/29 is Bill from Australia (Ozpilot) who will be in your TA cruise. Pop in on the 10/29 Roll call and check us out and we can get you on the events list! I'm relatively new to CC also, so I'll try to get you a link to the Thread. Dave is my hero! He knows all this stuff! :eek:


Sorry! We will not be on the 10/29 cruise after the TA. We will be back on the Royal 12/29 for the New Years cruise. We always cruise New Years week. We like celebrating New Years on board. Perhaps we will meet some other cruise.192 days is from the past to the present.

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Question about Fabrizio..... We're planning a family land trip. How many passengers will his tour vehicle accommodate? Thanks for the info!:)


When we took private tours with him in Rome and Florence a couple of years ago he had vans that held 8 or 9 passengers. My cousin and her DH, my DH and I took the tours with just the 4 of us, and we had two wonderful days. We saw more in one day in each city that we could have even seen on a ship's tour.

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thank you guys for posting the time change for the meet and Greet. I'm in France and don't have the time to read all of this LIVE....but please keep reminding everyone that we are to meet at 10:30, same place and date.



I was shocked that they made such a change and notified me NOW. they were going to put a sign outside of the door of the Vista Lounge.....Oops, it's over.



Keep reminding. Thanks. Alice


Pia...have fun.

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Bob, 3 years ago, we were able to take non-flash photos in both the Vatican Museum, and in St Peter's. Absolutely no photos in the Sistine Chapel. I also had a unipod to steady my camera, but found out that was a no no, and were instructed to check it at the coat check room. That would have meant going all the way back there after our tour, since we would finish the tour at the other end of Vatican City, so Pat smuggled the thing in her coat sleeve through the whole tour. This year, she said I can not take my unipod to any museums (I think that was said under penalty of death, and a slow one at that!).


Enjoy your time at the Vatican, it is easy to spend an entire day just going through the Vatican Museums.






Thanks for the heads up about the camera situation. Will they give you any grief if you have a camera and just don't take any pictures (I really mean it, won't try to sneak one in:D).....



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Yep, I can't wait to see you, we will keep it small when we go with Fabrizio to Amalfi. The person we were going to bring is not welcomed, fab asked that we keep it small with only nice people, and so we will. More on that later. Hurry up and get here! Love ya,



I would leave today if I could. I'm ready!


It looks like we will be having a great kick-off party for the second leg next Tuesday night. It keeps getting bigger and bigger. Can't wait to see everyone! l cannot believe all the great people I have met over the past few TA cruises who are cruising with me again. Then there are all the people I haven't met yet but feel like I ready know. This is going to be the best cruise ever. I can just feel it.




I wholeheartedly agree.....:):):)



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Thanks for the heads up about the camera situation. Will they give you any grief if you have a camera and just don't take any pictures (I really mean it, won't try to sneak one in:D).....



i don't know which place you're wondering about, Bob, but I will tell you in the Sistine Chapel they take any hints of photographs very seriously. Standing next to us was a couple with smartphones. They had them in their hands with the palms facing up. Guards were over in a heartbeat to tell them "no photos." Not a problem in the Museum or in St. Peter's.

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Thanks for the heads up about the camera situation. Will they give you any grief if you have a camera and just don't take any pictures (I really mean it, won't try to sneak one in:D).....




Bob, there is absolutely no problem taking a camera in. They are just watching everyone like a hawk for flash. Many of the guards kept pointing at the camera, saying "no flash". I think the problem with the unipod is that it might possibly look like a rifle barrel?


But why would you want to take a camera but not take pictures? The museums are absolutely fascinating. In the "long halls" (I don't really remember if that is what they are called, but you'll know why I call them that), check out the ceilings. Absolutely amazing! Many of the art works in the Vatican are actually the walls and ceilings, rather than framed pieces of art.



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Good morning from Mykonos where it’s a docking day instead of a tender day. We always prefer tendering here since the boat disembarks you right in town. For those independent cruisers, you now need to pay $10/RT for a shuttle. Some of you may recall that we walked, both ways, two years ago. Not a good thing to do. There are no sidewalks or walking paths. You walk with oncoming traffic both ways. Anyhow, it’s a very short stop; only until 1:00, so I doubt we will get off at all.


Last night we went to see the non-production show What the World Needs Now. I say non-production because all they do is sing. The dancers are out there moving from side to side, but they aren’t doing anything. The singers are singing. It’s 50/60’s music, but not enough to hold our interest, and others felt that

way too. Afterwards we caught the tale end of the gameshow Where in the World Am I, and stayed to play the Yes/No game. I was selected for this one and sorry to say I only lasted 21 seconds. Bad. Really bad.


On board today is really a bunch of nothing. In the morning there’s trivia and The Incredibles on MUTS. In the afternoon Mamma Mia is on MUTS and there’s a whole lot of spa stuff to make you look younger, thinner, more beautiful, etc. And how to buy their stuff. I will look into the choir today, since one of you mentioned there might be new songs. Will advise.


Six of us are having dinner in the Crown Grille tonight so won’t have much time for evening entertainment. Good thing, because IMO there is nothing of interest. The theater has something called Fireworks on Four Strings, which I take to imply a banjo, guitar or violin player. Not sure which has only 4 strings. Vista will have a country and western night starting at 9:15 and MUTS is showing The Great Gatsby.


Time to go. Catch you when there’s something to say. I would also appreciate if you didn't turn this into a roll call. This is what I just saw this morning and it's not fair that I have to keep scrolling posts with private discussions and that other cruise critic folks have to do it too. Please take it back to the roll call. Thanks

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Pia, if you visit the enclave, can you post your thoughts on it. I had to chuckle regarding your comment on there being nothing onboard today.

I was also thinking the same thing last night regarding your comments about roll calls.

Enjoy your day!!

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Naples, Italy


We arrived a little late in Naples, disembarked by 8:15, and began our tour promptly with Fabrizio and our guide for Naples Santiago. It was a glorious day, sunny and clear with only a few clouds In the sky. After several days of rain, it was promising to see such a clear sky! The port was very busy, there were many cruise ships here and the crowds were large. It took awhile to get out of the congestion of people, cars, vans, and motorcycles but Fabrizio maneuvered us through the masses with ease, safety, and grace.


We stopped at several scenic lookouts along the coastal route as we headed north towards the Phelegran fields where ancient kings choose to build their vacation homes. This area is definitely on my radar to visit next time, it's seemingly undiscovered and filled with beauty and history. Today we only view it from above at a beautiful park called Pareo Viravuno ( my spelling here is off, I cannot read the guides writing and have little time to research it now, sorry).


The park was very nice, there were many runners and walkers taking advantage of its paths and scenic lookouts. Santiago showed us many volcanos which cover this area, Mt. Vesuvius of course looms to the south, and I had not realized how many more extinct and dormant volcanos that surrounded the area. After a nice walk, we stopped for rocket fuel (coffee) and the WC. Then we headed back toward Naples along the coast, viewing many mansions and lovely apartments that line the coast.


We stopped at an impressive Castle called Castel Dell' Ovo which was at the sea, it was an important fort for defense during the Middle Ages. We walked into it, guided expertly by Santiago who explained the details of its use both today and in the past. We climbed to the top and walked around the ramparts. You can take stairs or an elevator up if you like. From here we got some great pictures of our lovely ship!


Our next stop was our city walk, starting in the neighborhood of Spaccanapoli, a narrow street which essentially divides Naples and runs east to west. Today it's a pedestrian street but in the past cars were allowed, something that is boggling since the street is quite narrow! This street had its origins as an Ancient Greek and Roman street and is part of the original street plan and considered one of the best preserved from the ancient Roman world. It's quite congested today, and was probably congested in the past since it was considered the second most important east-west street in the ancient times.


We visited several beautiful churches along the street, each very different in style and purpose. The new Jesuit Church was massive and the bomb that destroyed a part of it was proudly displayed in one are of the church. There were many chapels within this church, many of them dedicated to doctors and healers. The dome in church had collapsed in the 1970's and was rebuilt to sustain earthquakes, being so close to tectonic plate boundaries and lots of volcanos.

We also visited Santa Chiara which was much more simple and reminded me of the missions of California. We were all quickly reaching our saturation point, that time when you are no longer able to take in another church after 4 days of touring in Europe.


It was time for a bit of shopping, I bought a lovely Cameo and some delicious dark chocolate at Gay Odin, a 19th century company which makes very good chocolate. I found myself a little nervous walking around the city, mostly because of dire warnings of thieves and robbery but of course nothing bad happened. I had also been warned by a grumpy old lady that the streets were filled with dog poo but this was completely inaccurate. I did see a dog relieving himself on the street but the owner cleaned up after the dog because there are strict rules in this city and fines for not cleaning up! Naples was very clean, and very much worth a visit.


We ate at a restaurant in the city, of course we all wanted Pizza, but the food was too salty for us and the pizza was not very good. We had been told that the lines for the famous pizzeria were too long, but next time I go to Naples I plan to wait on line for it.


After our leisurely lunch we visited the Capodimonte museum. I was expecting to see ceramics but instead we saw paintings lining the walls of the lovely and ginormous museum. We kept setting off the alarms, even our guide set them off, and the place was so large I wished I had a Segway to maneuver the great hall after hall. I realized we were all exhausted from traveling and touring 4 days in a row, and all I could think about was the sea day that I so badly needed! We all wanted to get back to the ship early, desperate for sleep and a hot shower. I rarely poop out while traveling, thankfully we didn't have far to go.


We all hugged Fabrizio goodbye, me knowing that I would see him again in two weeks so no tears this time! We schlepped up the stairs of the port, noticing how we were forced to walk by many many shops- up and down- and finally we were home on the Royal, exhausted and ready for a fun day at sea.

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Hi, Amelia, sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing your experiences. I have friends on this cruise, so it's nice to keep up through you. Wish I was on a cruise right now!

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Pia, if you visit the enclave, can you post your thoughts on it. I had to chuckle regarding your comment on there being nothing onboard today.

I was also thinking the same thing last night regarding your comments about roll calls.

Enjoy your day!!


Pia, another Enclave request--could you check and see if the Enclave is included if you have a spa treatment scheduled or do you have to pay the daily rate for the Enclave in addition to the spa treatment in order to visit? Many thanks!

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Naples, Italy


We stopped at several scenic lookouts along the coastal route as we headed north towards the Phelegran fields where ancient kings choose to build their vacation homes. This area is definitely on my radar to visit next time,...Thanks for the tip, will do this next visit.


We stopped at an impressive Castle called Castel Dell' Ovo which was at the sea, it was an important fort for defense during the Middle Ages. Also on the to do list for next time, thanks again.



We visited several beautiful churches along the street, each very different in style and purpose. We stumbled across Sansevero Chapel while walking around and were blown away by the magnificent sculpture of the veiled Christ. Its probably one of the most magnificent marble sculptures you can ever see, and easily rivals DaVinci's David or Michaelangelo's Pieta. We viewed it for nearly 30 minutes not believing there was not a cloth veil over the statue beneath. Put it on your Absolutely Must See list for Naples.


I found myself a little nervous walking around the city, mostly because of dire warnings of thieves and robbery but of course nothing bad happened. I had also been warned by a grumpy old lady that the streets were filled with dog poo but this was completely inaccurate. .....! Naples was very clean, and very much worth a visit. Our experience exactly, and we did walk down some off the path streets. I wonder if Naples is paying a price and has garnished an unfair reputation from Rick Steeves' opinions?


... of course we all wanted Pizza, but the food was too salty for us and the pizza was not very good. We had been told that the lines for the famous pizzeria were too long, but next time I go to Naples I plan to wait on line for it. Are there lines in Italy? We were on a pedestrian street in Naples at noon and wanted a pizza from a storefront business. There are many along this street, but only one had a rugby scrum in front and the others were empty. We muscled our way through the mob up to the counter, listened to what and how people ordered and placed ours. We were rewarded with the best takeout pizza we ever had, and took it and a cold soda to a stairway entrance leading into a church (closed for lunch of course) and sat on the stair to enjoy a pizza along with many other Napolitans. A wonderful memory!



Amelia, Sounds like a great trip. Enjoy the ship and the journey. Hope to cruise with you again in the future somewhere.

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Thanks for the snapshot of the aft view. My Dolphin aft looks might inviting. Can't wait till I step onto it on the 9th.....:):):)




Please, please, pretty please tell us all about your Dolphin aft room when you can. We're booked in one for the eastern TA next April. Can't wait!

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Aloha Pia and Amelia - just caught up with you - sounds like you are having a good trip - have either of you tried the glass walkway - Dennis wants to know how scary it is.:eek:


Hi Donna and Dennis,

Of course we tried the glass walkway, it was fun and definitely not scary. Ken has a bad fear of heights and he was fine. In fact, he goes out of his way to take it!


I've been so busy taking tours that I haven't had time to post about the ship. This segment is so port intensive and I am happily exhausted.


Hope you and Dennis are well,


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