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Electronic Cigarettes....are they allowed anywhere on the ship?


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I don't think it's such obvious reasons, I think that is just wrong. And I am a non-smoker, have always been. Like I said, as long as they don't blow the vapor right into my face, I am fine with it. Kudos for trying to get off regular cigs, and a big razzi on NCL for making it tougher on folks trying to quit, using ecigs as their choice to help them.

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As a former smoker, I thought the e-cigaretts would be a great compromise for those smokers, so that they could smoke in places other than the smoking area. That is, until I was in Las Vegas two weeks ago. A woman sat down between me and another slot player and was smoking an e-cigarette. It had this sickeningly sweet smell, that caused both of us to leave the area; I would have rather had her smoke a regular cigarette. If they ever allow e-cigarettes in places other than the smoking areas, hopefully they will have a rule that they have to be unscented.

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As a former smoker, I thought the e-cigaretts would be a great compromise for those smokers, so that they could smoke in places other than the smoking area. That is, until I was in Las Vegas two weeks ago. A woman sat down between me and another slot player and was smoking an e-cigarette. It had this sickeningly sweet smell, that caused both of us to leave the area; I would have rather had her smoke a regular cigarette. If they ever allow e-cigarettes in places other than the smoking areas, hopefully they will have a rule that they have to be unscented.



Almost as bad as those horrid hippy-emo clove cigarettes.

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Well the fact that many if not most of the eCigs look EXACTLY like real cigs it would be almost impossible to monitor the use of eCigs. It has nothing to do with vapor v smoke or anything of the such. NCL is not doing anything to 'make it harder'. Smokers who choose eCigs can smoke them in the exact same places they can smoke regular cigs. Whether I am a smoker or non-smoker is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.


Anyone who thinks this looks like a cigarette needs new glasses ImageUploadedByForums1396535024.162133.jpg.f7de49b30d747062bfe1207a1055c44d.jpg



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Well the fact that many if not most of the eCigs look EXACTLY like real cigs it would be almost impossible to monitor the use of eCigs. It has nothing to do with vapor v smoke or anything of the such. NCL is not doing anything to 'make it harder'. Smokers who choose eCigs can smoke them in the exact same places they can smoke regular cigs. Whether I am a smoker or non-smoker is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.


The anti-smoking not-zis are so adamant that nobody on the planet should smoke.


Yet when smokers try to quit smoking, rather than encouraging them and trying to help, they want to banish the ex-smokers to an area filled with smokers, to use their electronic cigarette that should be bothering no one.


Would you have someone trying to lose weight and make them spend their day sitting in the middle of the buffett, because that is where eaters go?


Would you have a recovering alcoholic sit at a bar all day?


Would you have a person with a gambling problem spend their day in the casino?


So why send someone with an addiction to cigarettes to a place filled with the object of their addiction?!?!?!?


Personally, the unrealistic anti-smoking folks, would just find something else to complain about if every person on the planet quit smoking simultaneously. (they are just addicted to pushing their personal values on everybody else, because their lives are so devoid of meaning otherwise.)


They would gang up on people with BO, people with too much cologne, etc...:rolleyes:

Edited by bguppies
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Let's face reality !!


The E-cig users brought the restrictions upon themselves by flaunting the "vaping" in restricted areas and many by using E-cigs that looked like real cigarettes.


This made it almost impossible for any venue to enforce the non-smoking rules therefore restriction was the only viable means to control smoking.

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Let's face reality !!


The E-cig users brought the restrictions upon themselves by flaunting the "vaping" in restricted areas and many by using E-cigs that looked like real cigarettes.


This made it almost impossible for any venue to enforce the non-smoking rules therefore restriction was the only viable means to control smoking.


Hmmm...the non-smoking rules are still enforceable. The last time I checked smoking requires a product to be lit on fire. Vaping on the other hand is not smoking and it never has been.

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The anti-smoking not-zis are so adamant that nobody on the planet should smoke.


Yet when smokers try to quit smoking, rather than encouraging them and trying to help, they want to banish the ex-smokers to an area filled with smokers, to use their electronic cigarette that should be bothering no one.


Would you have someone trying to lose weight and make them spend their day sitting in the middle of the buffett, because that is where eaters go?


Would you have a recovering alcoholic sit at a bar all day?


Would you have a person with a gambling problem spend their day in the casino?


So why send someone with an addiction to cigarettes to a place filled with the object of their addiction?!?!?!?


Personally, the unrealistic anti-smoking folks, would just find something else to complain about if every person on the planet quit smoking simultaneously. (they are just addicted to pushing their personal values on everybody else, because their lives are so devoid of meaning otherwise.)


They would gang up on people with BO, people with too much cologne, etc...:rolleyes:


If you are going to make the parallel to an alcoholic then use the same recovery and just STOP smoking. All an ecig does is give your the comfort of something in your hands to stick in your mouth. There are lots of things other tan ecigs you can use to do that. Wow someone needs to deal with their anger issues.

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Hmmm...the non-smoking rules are still enforceable. The last time I checked smoking requires a product to be lit on fire. Vaping on the other hand is not smoking and it never has been.


Then why do people use them as a crutch? Why are they made to resemble cigarettes? Why are they designed to work to directly imitate smoking? If you want to use them go use them in the places they are allowed. Pretty damn simple. It is even laughable that you use the term vaping. It is still smoking and it still puts off fumes. The sad part about the smoking issue is that there is a small population of smokers who just plain do not give a rats butt about anyone other then themselves and their lack of common courtesy brings makes it worse on all smokers.

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The bottom line is that the answer to the OP is that these devices are allowed in the same places cigarettes are. It is basically because a lot of them do look pretty much exactly like a real cigarette and it would be a real PITA to be figuring out who was smoking the ecigs and who was breaking the rules (and we ALL know some people would take advantage of the rules if they were different). Also no one is going to change anyone's mind about smoking in this or any other discussion. People who are foolish enough to choose to commit suicide on the time plan should be free to do so as long as they don't take others along with them. Anyway, I'll let y'all discus this from now on. Whether you choose to puff away and stink of smoke or breathe clean air and live longer does not make a difference to me, I hope whichever choice you make it makes you happy! See y'all in another discussion...

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Then why do people use them as a crutch? Why are they made to resemble cigarettes? Why are they designed to work to directly imitate smoking? If you want to use them go use them in the places they are allowed. Pretty damn simple. It is even laughable that you use the term vaping. It is still smoking and it still puts off fumes. The sad part about the smoking issue is that there is a small population of smokers who just plain do not give a rats butt about anyone other then themselves and their lack of common courtesy brings makes it worse on all smokers.


mine does not resemble a cigarette in any way shape or form. Nicotine addiction is the hardest addiction to break. why the hell should I expose myself to the second hand smoke you folks are so adamantly against? it isn't smoking in any way shape or form, it doesn't put off "fumes" it releases water vapor. Incidentally the same water vapor you exhale with each breath from your lungs. And how is my using something that bothers no one lacking in common courtesy? Do you believe folks on the nicotrol inhaler should only be allowed to use that in the "smoking areas" because they are the same thing

Edited by gemsm
Sorry probably shouldn't have answered the hit and run *******
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Almost as bad as those horrid hippy-emo clove cigarettes.


Oh, ugh, I seriously have to question the sanity of anyone who smokes those nasty cloves and would have to extend that line of thought to anyone who would vape something similiar smelling. How they don't vomit, I'll never know.


Anyway, since NCL does read these boards, I wanted to add my voice, as an asthmatic non-smoker who is allergic to cigarette smoke, to those who argue that placing the same non-smoking restrictions on e-cigs is wrong. Whether the vaper (is that the correct terminology for he/she who vapes?) is a cigarette smoker trying to quit for their own health or someone just trying to improve the air quality in general, it is my humble opinion that punishing them by banishing them to smoking areas is the last thing we should be doing.


I hope NCL reconsiders their policy.

Edited by Cretia
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Wasn't gonna chime in here but what the heck...


As a former smoker of 20+ years and current vaper of 5+ years, I do have some experience in the matter.


E-Cigs literally saved my life. If it weren't for them, I would still be smoking. I started out on the strongest nicotine available and have since weaned myself to the lowest. I suppose I still vape because it satisfies my craving for nicotine and the physical act. That said, there's absolutely nothing wrong with them. They don't put off any disgusting byproducts. Water vapor and a slight smell maybe, depending on the liquid of the user.


I've vaped on airplanes, cruise ships, in movie theaters and all sorts of other places. Not once has anyone mentioned a thing.


If NCL's policy requires me to vape in the same place as smokers, I gladly decline. I can't stand the smell of smoke, smokers and places where it's allowed.


Discretion is the key here. Know when to vape and when not to. It's very easy to do without drawing attention to yourself.

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I've vaped on airplanes, cruise ships, in movie theaters and all sorts of other places. Not once has anyone mentioned a thing.


Most restaurants in my area won't allow e-cigs or vapping. The last time I flew which was in February the announcement about smoking now including e-cigs.


See, the problem I have with this....and yes, I smoked and have used the e-cig is this:


When I was using the e-cigg I didn't want to be with those smoking ciggs because I was trying to quite and seeing and smelling the ciggs was too much for me. It seems 'weird' to me to put those who are using e-cigg in order to try and quite to put them with those actually smoking ciggs.


However, when I was smoking ciggs and saw those who were using e-ciggs where I wasn't permitted to smoke only made me want to go to where I could smoke, and smoke.


One can't deny that the e-ciggs do have some type of smell. One can't deny that e-ciggs to have some type of 'smoke' or vapor.


Now they actually have something else that's not an e-cigg but is called vapering. These, also have 'smoke' or vaper that is highly visible and also has an odor.


I really don't have an answer but I do know that those using vapor or e-ciggs don't wish to smoke with those smoking cigarettes. And those that don't smoke don't want to see the vapor and endure the odor of the e-ciggs.


It's not an easy call no matter how you look at it because, in my eyes, both sides are right.



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The anti-smoking not-zis are so adamant that nobody on the planet should smoke.


Yet when smokers try to quit smoking, rather than encouraging them and trying to help, they want to banish the ex-smokers to an area filled with smokers, to use their electronic cigarette that should be bothering no one.


Would you have someone trying to lose weight and make them spend their day sitting in the middle of the buffett, because that is where eaters go?


Would you have a recovering alcoholic sit at a bar all day?


Would you have a person with a gambling problem spend their day in the casino?


So why send someone with an addiction to cigarettes to a place filled with the object of their addiction?!?!?!?


Personally, the unrealistic anti-smoking folks, would just find something else to complain about if every person on the planet quit smoking simultaneously. (they are just addicted to pushing their personal values on everybody else, because their lives are so devoid of meaning otherwise.)


They would gang up on people with BO, people with too much cologne, etc...:rolleyes:



Wow and you think non-smokers are hostile? Your post is scary.


I don't like smoke. But I respect smokers who follow the rules.






Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Wow and you think non-smokers are hostile? Your post is scary.


I don't like smoke. But I respect smokers who follow the rules.






Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


You have obviously never been a smoker and had to deal with the ANTZ

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Wow and you think non-smokers are hostile? Your post is scary.


I don't like smoke. But I respect smokers who follow the rules.


Not a smoker. (too cheap for vices)


But I am weary of the holier than thou non-smokers berating the smokers trying to quit..


I respect the level headed non-smokers and smokers who are willing to meet in a middle ground.

But many, if not most in these threads are just unreasonable.


DW was a smoker for decades and finally was able to quit.

Respect the heck out of her for how difficult it was and feel for those trying to help themselves.

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Did not read all 5 pages. I read enough to get the gist of it.

Still amazed at the attacks on these boards, even after 4 years.

So judgmental, controlling & critical of fellow humans...wow.

It would be nice if some people would mind their own snoots sometimes.


To answer the OP's question:

NCL currently regulates their usage the same as cigarettes....huge error on their part.


IMO E-Cigs should not be banned to smoking areas and here is why I have that opinion-----

Tomorrow will be my 3 month Anniversary since I quit smoking cigarettes.

I had smoked for, gulp, 39 years steadily and on & off during my minor years.

Gum, patches, cold turkey; I had tried them all.


I use an e-cig currently.

While some may resemble a cig, mine do not, the tip glows green, etc....

I do not & will not use the vapor, drug looking units, tho.....yikes.

People keep telling me that it does not bother them at all.......even diehard, aggressive anti-smokers.


The smell of cigs now makes me feel ill, it is a nasty, nasty smell now.

I would refuse profusely going to a smoking area to vape.

VAPING is NOT smoking. There is a huge difference! Study up, folks.

Story on e-cigs in my major metro newspaper just yesterday.

I know I will never smoke a cig again, I am done and only because .....I WAS READY TO QUIT......it is only then that it will happen.

No amount of bi****ng from anyone will help, makes it harder, actually.


Is it a crutch...if that's what some one wants to think, I do not care.

I like my crutch...at least for now......MYOB.

I like it and will continue to use it, when & where I see fit...I do have some common sense....even as someone who used to smoke :rolleyes:

I have not been asked not to do it by anyone, but again, I do it sensibly.

Edited by silvercrikhix
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Hmmm...the non-smoking rules are still enforceable. The last time I checked smoking requires a product to be lit on fire. Vaping on the other hand is not smoking and it never has been.

I like this argument. Smoking, by definition, is burning tobacco in some form of device, paper roll or pipe. Since e-cigs do not BURN any tobacco, the smoking regulations should not apply.

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I like this argument. Smoking, by definition, is burning tobacco in some form of device, paper roll or pipe. Since e-cigs do not BURN any tobacco, the smoking regulations should not apply.


Since NCL and many other cruise lines and land based venues have included E-cigs in their rules as restricted to certain areas or banned entirely, your arguments have no basis.


We must remember that they make the rules and have the right to enforce them regardless of what others may think about it.


Either accept the rules or suffer the consequences of violating them----- or go elsewhere.

Edited by swedish weave
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