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Electronic Cigarettes....are they allowed anywhere on the ship?


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Just want to pass along one FACT. Smokers CHOSE to start smoking and become hooked on cigarettes and they CHOOSE to use ecigs as the way to quit (as opposed to a lot of other options, all of which have been proven to work). An alcoholic has a disease and does not use lite beer or half strength drinks to stop drinking. Draw your own conclusions. Of course I will get called all kinds of nasty names for pointing this out, mostly by people who are choosing to kill themselves and think they have the right to take others along with them. It really is sad that otherwise civil people cannot discuss things in that manner when it comes to this topic.

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I really want the person who claimed a nicotine allergy to come back and explain


Why ???? Just for the sake of starting an argument ???? Perhaps it is a personal thing not to be discussed. Allergies can cause problems that are difficult to diagnose and identify.


That is like asking the "vapers" why they don't just quit.

Edited by swedish weave
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Just want to pass along one FACT. Smokers CHOSE to start smoking and become hooked on cigarettes and they CHOOSE to use ecigs as the way to quit (as opposed to a lot of other options, all of which have been proven to work). An alcoholic has a disease and does not use lite beer or half strength drinks to stop drinking. Draw your own conclusions. Of course I will get called all kinds of nasty names for pointing this out, mostly by people who are choosing to kill themselves and think they have the right to take others along with them. It really is sad that otherwise civil people cannot discuss things in that manner when it comes to this topic.


Alcoholics choose to drink. Drug addicts choose to do drugs. However, when they wish to stop they go through detox and rehab. Smokers choose to smoke, yes. But there is no detox or rehabs that I'm aware of. An addiction is an addiction is an addiction.



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I smoked for years. Currently vaping for over 2.


I am not happy with going into a smoking section to vape. Drives me nuts.


That said, non-smokers/non-vapors should not be exposed to clouds of vapor. Vapor that has not been proven to be 100% safe. Vapor produced from concoctions that may have been mixed in someones basement with god knows what. It just isn't considerate. Some of these devices can produce clouds so thick, you can't see through it. All types of flavoring from menthol to cloves and even bacon.


I do wish, and actually think it will happen, that they would have a bar designated for us vapors.

Edited by Tutankhamen
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mine does not resemble a cigarette in any way shape or form. Nicotine addiction is the hardest addiction to break. why the hell should I expose myself to the second hand smoke you folks are so adamantly against? it isn't smoking in any way shape or form, it doesn't put off "fumes" it releases water vapor. Incidentally the same water vapor you exhale with each breath from your lungs. And how is my using something that bothers no one lacking in common courtesy? Do you believe folks on the nicotrol inhaler should only be allowed to use that in the "smoking areas" because they are the same thing

Have to ask why one should be exposed to the smells of the scented e-cigarettes? The smell of the e-cigarette I had to endure for a few minutes, before I left, was awful...worse than cigarette smoke.


As I've said before, I'd be all for e-cigarettes outside the smoking area, if and only if, NCL would make a rule that they have to be unscented.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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I really want the person who claimed a nicotine allergy to come back and explain

I was curious with regard to allergy, so I googled it. FWIW, I'm not allergic, smoked for 16 years (3 packs a day for the last 5 of those years), have been clean for 33 years now. But here is what one site said:


Cigarette smoke allergy: Cigarette smoke allergy refers to an adverse reaction by the body to cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke allergy is not considered a true allergy but a sensitivity as the smoke is an irritant rather than an allergen. People with other allergies tend to be more sensitive to cigarette smoke. More detailed information about the symptoms, causes and treatments of Cigarette smoke allergy is available below.



The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for cigarette smoke allergy includes the 10 symptoms listed below:

  • Burning eyes, watery eyes, cough, hoarseness, shortness of breath, wheezing, runny nose, congestion, sneezing and headache.

The list of treatments mentioned in various sources for cigarette smoke allergy includes the following list. Always seek professional medical advice about any treatment or change in treatment plans.

  • Avoid exposure to tobacco smoke
  • Bronchodilators for asthma symptoms

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Have to ask why one should be exposed to the smells of the scented e-cigarettes? The smell of the e-cigarette I had to endure for a few minutes, before I left, was awful...worse than cigarette smoke.


As I've said before, I'd be all for e-cigarettes outside the smoking area, if and only if, NCL would make a rule that they have to be unscented.


Read my post above. I agree, my ecig should only be used in a controlled space.


However, to be devils advocate in regards to your post......using the argument about the smell is a little silly. I agree, some of them smell bad, some good. Just like perfume. I want NCL to control Ecigs because of the vapor produced. If they are going to go around and smell vapor and ban the flavored juice, then why not send them around sniffing people for perfume. HECK, there was a guy at uptown grill who smelled like he hadn't showered in a week.

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Read my post above. I agree, my ecig should only be used in a controlled space.


However, to be devils advocate in regards to your post......using the argument about the smell is a little silly. I agree, some of them smell bad, some good. Just like perfume. I want NCL to control Ecigs because of the vapor produced. If they are going to go around and smell vapor and ban the flavored juice, then why not send them around sniffing people for perfume. HECK, there was a guy at uptown grill who smelled like he hadn't showered in a week.

I was responding to gemsm who said: why the hell should I expose myself to the second hand smoke you folks are so adamantly against?


Why because the smell was sickening sweet and made two of us disgusted enough to leave. You can go sniff anyone you would like, we are discussing e-cigarettes not other offensive smells.

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I smoked for years. Currently vaping for over 2.


I am not happy with going into a smoking section to vape. Drives me nuts.


That said, non-smokers/non-vapors should not be exposed to clouds of vapor. Vapor that has not been proven to be 100% safe. Vapor produced from concoctions that may have been mixed in someones basement with god knows what. It just isn't considerate. Some of these devices can produce clouds so thick, you can't see through it. All types of flavoring from menthol to cloves and even bacon.


I do wish, and actually think it will happen, that they would have a bar designated for us vapors.






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Just want to pass along one FACT. Smokers CHOSE to start smoking and become hooked on cigarettes and they CHOOSE to use ecigs as the way to quit (as opposed to a lot of other options, all of which have been proven to work). An alcoholic has a disease and does not use lite beer or half strength drinks to stop drinking. Draw your own conclusions. Of course I will get called all kinds of nasty names for pointing this out, mostly by people who are choosing to kill themselves and think they have the right to take others along with them. It really is sad that otherwise civil people cannot discuss things in that manner when it comes to this topic.


Actually those other options have been proven not to work. The patch has a 10% success rate. Nicotine gum and lozenges 8% success rate. Chantix and Zyban 18% success rate.

When it is proven that vapor from an e-cigarette is harmful to anyone who breathes it second-hand (current research says it is not) then I will be concerned about "taking others along with me" however a good majority of us are using e-cigarettes to QUIT SMOKING so we don't choose to kill ourselves.

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Why ???? Just for the sake of starting an argument ???? Perhaps it is a personal thing not to be discussed. Allergies can cause problems that are difficult to diagnose and identify.


That is like asking the "vapers" why they don't just quit.


No its just sheer curiosity. How did they determine that said person was allergic to nicotine? WOndering if that person can no longer eat tomatos, potatos, eggplant, or peppers since all contain more nicotine then my e-cigarette liquid.

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I was responding to gemsm who said: why the hell should I expose myself to the second hand smoke you folks are so adamantly against?


Why because the smell was sickening sweet and made two of us disgusted enough to leave. You can go sniff anyone you would like, we are discussing e-cigarettes not other offensive smells.


If you don't see the correlation between smelling an ecig and smelling perfume, then our discussion together is over. You suggested that NCL "have a rule" in regards to unscented ecig. This would entail them walking around and sniffing vapor. My point was, if banning smells is the solution, then why stop at ecigs?


Also, we agree more then you may think. I don't use mine in public non-smoking areas. I don't want to deprive others of having clean, vapor/smoke free air to breath. Same reason I do not bath in cologne before heading out. Same reason I don't lift my leg in public after eating a can of beans. Ecigs interfere with peoples right to have clean air to breath. It interferes with the ambiance to have clouds of vapor traveling in the air. The batteries can EXPLODE. These are not toys. They are not regulated. They are not FDA approved. We do not know the dangers of using them.....and that is not including all the variables. Like whats in the liquid? What is the wick made of? Is the wick burning?


Please my fellow vapors, use these in a way that they don't interfere with other people. Just because we made the poor decision to smoke, doesn't mean people need to be exposed to our crutch to kick the habit.

Edited by Tutankhamen
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I was responding to gemsm who said: why the hell should I expose myself to the second hand smoke you folks are so adamantly against?


Why because the smell was sickening sweet and made two of us disgusted enough to leave. You can go sniff anyone you would like, we are discussing e-cigarettes not other offensive smells.


Well I don't like to be around people with bad breath, people who stealth fart, people with perfume (most of which are highly irritating for my allergies) etc...but I don't ask NCL to ban these people to only being able to fart, breathe, or wear their perfume in the smoking area because that is just plain stupid

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Just saw this link on facebook and hope all you e-cig folks can open it. I'm a reformed smoker, quit cold turkey 15 years ago. I don't want any smokers of any kind in my space.


I don't either...Hence why I think it is absurd to make me vape only in smoking areas.

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I smoked for years. Currently vaping for over 2.


I am not happy with going into a smoking section to vape. Drives me nuts.


That said, non-smokers/non-vapors should not be exposed to clouds of vapor. Vapor that has not been proven to be 100% safe. Vapor produced from concoctions that may have been mixed in someones basement with god knows what. It just isn't considerate. Some of these devices can produce clouds so thick, you can't see through it. All types of flavoring from menthol to cloves and even bacon.


I do wish, and actually think it will happen, that they would have a bar designated for us vapors.


I think that would be great...Also I think that vaping should be allowed anywhere outdoors. The vapor dissipates so rapidly outdoors that it is less harmless then car exhaust. I do think the FDA should create regulations for the manufacture of e-juice so that the same ingredients are in all e-juices. With over 200 different brands they can't really do a whole lot of consistent testing. However the tests they did do at drexel university concluded that the vapor from e-cigs while not as clean as air, is cleaner then the air in LA.


You get more carcinogens from the air on deck from the smokestacks then e-cig vapor. Also I can vape in a crowded room or an airplane without anyone even knowing I am doing so...Its the main reason why I think the vaping in the smoking area rules are stupid...especially for those of us that quit smoking

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If you don't see the correlation between smelling an ecig and smelling perfume, then our discussion together is over. You suggested that NCL "have a rule" in regards to unscented ecig. This would entail them walking around and sniffing vapor. My point was, if banning smells is the solution, then why stop at ecigs?


Also, we agree more then you may think. I don't use mine in public non-smoking areas. I don't want to deprive others of having clean, vapor/smoke free air to breath. Same reason I do not bath in cologne before heading out. Ecigs interfere with peoples right to have clean air to breath. It interferes with the ambiance to have clouds of vapor traveling in the air. The batteries can EXPLODE. These are not toys. They are not regulated. They are not FDA approved. We do not know the dangers of using them.....and that is not including all the variables. Like whats in the liquid? What is the wick made of? Is the wick burning?


Please my fellow vapors, use these in a way that they don't interfere with other people. Just because we made the poor decision to smoke, doesn't mean people need to be exposed to our crutch to kick the habit.

We are discussing e-cigarettes, not perfume, body odor, etc. And yes, if NCL were to make a rule that they may be smoked if unscented, then it would be NCL responsibility to make sure that everyone abides by the rule.

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Well I don't like to be around people with bad breath, people who stealth fart, people with perfume (most of which are highly irritating for my allergies) etc...but I don't ask NCL to ban these people to only being able to fart, breathe, or wear their perfume in the smoking area because that is just plain stupid

Well, good thing that NCL has a rule against e-cigarettes anywhere except where regular cigarettes are allowed, so we don't have to worry about the smelly scents from them.

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I think that would be great...Also I think that vaping should be allowed anywhere outdoors. The vapor dissipates so rapidly outdoors that it is less harmless then car exhaust. I do think the FDA should create regulations for the manufacture of e-juice so that the same ingredients are in all e-juices. With over 200 different brands they can't really do a whole lot of consistent testing. However the tests they did do at drexel university concluded that the vapor from e-cigs while not as clean as air, is cleaner then the air in LA.


You get more carcinogens from the air on deck from the smokestacks then e-cig vapor. Also I can vape in a crowded room or an airplane without anyone even knowing I am doing so...Its the main reason why I think the vaping in the smoking area rules are stupid...especially for those of us that quit smoking


Agree. Out on deck, for a stroll, not sitting next to other people.....I would take a drag of my ecig. Not when standing next to someone. Not while passing by people.


The problem with the juice and devices is that there are so many people experimenting with builds (coils, batteries, juice mixes and wicks) that we have no idea what is in the device making the vapor. They can explode. They can burn. Whats in the juice is just a guess.


Bottom line, if you are in a public area and someone is around you and can see and smell what you are doing, time to put it away or find another location. Just wish it could be a small bar on the ship.

Edited by Tutankhamen
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If you don't see the correlation between smelling an ecig and smelling perfume, then our discussion together is over. You suggested that NCL "have a rule" in regards to unscented ecig. This would entail them walking around and sniffing vapor. My point was, if banning smells is the solution, then why stop at ecigs?


Also, we agree more then you may think. I don't use mine in public non-smoking areas. I don't want to deprive others of having clean, vapor/smoke free air to breath. Same reason I do not bath in cologne before heading out. Same reason I don't lift my leg in public after eating a can of beans. Ecigs interfere with peoples right to have clean air to breath. It interferes with the ambiance to have clouds of vapor traveling in the air. The batteries can EXPLODE. These are not toys. They are not regulated. They are not FDA approved. We do not know the dangers of using them.....and that is not including all the variables. Like whats in the liquid? What is the wick made of? Is the wick burning?


Please my fellow vapors, use these in a way that they don't interfere with other people. Just because we made the poor decision to smoke, doesn't mean people need to be exposed to our crutch to kick the habit.



I love your posts. I'm not against e-cigs, and I really couldn't care less if someone wanted to smoke 20 packs of anything per day, I just don't want to have it inflicted on me against my will. It's inconsiderate, like other "consideration violations" you mentioned. Yes, people wear too much perfume and fart in elevators. It doesn't make that right either.

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We are discussing e-cigarettes, not perfume, body odor, etc. And yes, if NCL were to make a rule that they may be smoked if unscented, then it would be NCL responsibility to make sure that everyone abides by the rule.


Well, good thing that NCL has a rule against e-cigarettes anywhere except where regular cigarettes are allowed, so we don't have to worry about the smelly scents from them.


I feel like your just being silly at this point. You are hypothetically discussing banning only smelly ecigs on NCL. I mention, and other mention in a hypothetical way that NCL then should ban perfume. The point seems to mystify you....so......


Moving along from you.


Good day!

*******READ BELOW******

Edited by Tutankhamen
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I love your posts. I'm not against e-cigs, and I really couldn't care less if someone wanted to smoke 20 packs of anything per day, I just don't want to have it inflicted on me against my will. It's inconsiderate, like other "consideration violations" you mentioned. Yes, people wear too much perfume and fart in elevators. It doesn't make that right either.


I guess that is where I am confused...What exactly is getting inflicted on you? Do you have an issue with people walking by you with steam billowing off their coffee as well? This is why I am having a hard time with the entire "its inconsiderate" idea.

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Agree. Out on deck, for a stroll, not sitting next to other people.....I would take a drag of my ecig. Not when standing next to someone. Not while passing by people.


The problem with the juice and devices is that there are so many people experimenting with builds (coils, batteries, juice mixes and wicks) that we have no idea what is in the device making the vapor. They can explode. They can burn. Whats in the juice is just a guess.


Bottom line, if you are in a public area and someone is around you and can see and smell what you are doing, time to put it away or find another location. Just wish it could be a small bar on the ship.


That is fine if that is your choice but it isn't mine. Of course I never saw a problem with smoking in open air venues either as long as I don't blow it directly in someone's face.

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I love your posts. I'm not against e-cigs, and I really couldn't care less if someone wanted to smoke 20 packs of anything per day, I just don't want to have it inflicted on me against my will. It's inconsiderate, like other "consideration violations" you mentioned. Yes, people wear too much perfume and fart in elevators. It doesn't make that right either.


In a perfect Tut world, CC would have a like button.


How anyone can sit in a theater/lobby/elevator/eatery/stores and puff on an ecig is beyond me. A little consideration goes a long long way.

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Well, good thing that NCL has a rule against e-cigarettes anywhere except where regular cigarettes are allowed, so we don't have to worry about the smelly scents from them.


Funnily enough I vaped in my room the entire week on my last cruise even though it was forbidden and nobody was the wiser...Nobody noticed that I was vaping in most indoor bars either.

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