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Reading about the Complaints on RCCL has me wondering


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I have read a lot of complaints about how people are not satisfied with the food, stateroom etc. Lets say Mr.Goldstein the CEO of the company went on a 7 day or so cruise and tried to disguise himself and checked into an Oceanview Stateroom 3422 on The Serenade Of The Seas how would he react to the following:


1. The stateroom is in disarray Picks up the phone and calls the stateroom attendant" Hey you need to get the explicit down to my stateroom its a mess". Do you know who I am, Or would Mr. Goldstein first introduce himself to his stateroom attendant and politely explain what is going on?


2. Mr. Goldstein is in the MDR and finds out his table assignment is off. Would Mr. Goldstein say"Bring me the Matre D' Right this second". I don't mean one minute I mean now". "Sir You know that I have emailed this RCCL Dining and they worked with me to get a table for 2 and now I am at a table for 12. Can you do the math?


Or Mr. Goldstein would say"Excuse me but would you be as kind as to check into why my request for a table for 2 suddenly became a table for 8 I realize you are busy but am happy to go along with my assigned table until one becomes available"?


3. The steak is so dry. The Headwaiter says So How is the steak. Mr. Goldstein replies" This steak is so dry I wouldn't feed it to my dog at home" Or would he say "I am sorry to be of bother but my steak seems to be over cooked I do realize you have a lot of tables to tend to but when you have the chance could you please see if they could make my steak medium rare"?


My point is too many people demand way to much, expect way to much and don't speak up right away when there is a problem. Heck if I had a bad meal you don't want to tell the Waiter the next morning unless you were sick.


If your stateroom attendant did not do a good job of cleaning your room its polite to be kind and speak to your stateroom attendant to see what happened and to see if he could clean it better.


I have seen a long line at Guest Services and have overheard people yell and scream at the poor Guest Relations Representative. When I have had an issue I say it in a nice and understanding manner and let them take their time to resolve the issue.


I try to fit into their shoes to see how I would like to be yelled at. If they say they are busy fine I tell them please call me when you have an answer.


I have had a Guest Relations Supervisor remember me from a previous cruise because I was nice. I even apologize if I have come off in an upset manner and they are so happy that I'm aware of my actions.


I have heard threats made to the Guest Relations staff and that they do not take lightly. If something is not working out I will take a deep breath and tell them what is wrong and if they are not listening I will come back later.


On my last cruise we were assigned a connecting stateroom for 4 without us accepting it. So I found out that there is a small chair versus a loveseat. I went down to Guest Relations and told the man working the desk my issue. He did not understand what I was saying and he refused to even go online or to come to the stateroom to see what I was trying to tell him. While I was upset inside I kept my cool and smiled.


I then took a deep breath and asked for his manager because clearly we weer getting no where. The Guest Relations Supervisor remembered me from my last cruise and helped me to get a new room with the loveseat as it would be hard to put one in due to the connecting door. Luckily this stateroom Supervisor was on the Serenade and knew exactly what I was talking about. I smiled and thanked her. When we moved to our new stateroom there was a Card with Chocolate Covered Strawberries and a Bottle of Sparkling Wine. It was such a nice touch.


I have worked in Customer Service and one thing that irks me is when people come up to me later to complain and not at the time. I can understand if they were busy and only had the time to call me later but if they do it in a tone that is upsetting I simply tell them we cannot continue this conversation until you can speak in a professional manner.


Clearly I know how hard the people work onboard the ship. They come from various backgrounds and culture. My Father and I love talking to these friendly workers about where they come from, their families etc.


We even like sharing photos from home, talking about life onboard the ship. I make it a point to say hi and smile to the maintenance crew to the security guard when I'm passing or walking around the track. They are so happy to see a customer enjoying the trip and I'm sure they like it when someone acknowledges them for their hard work . A Good Morning and Smile really do go a long way.


All in all it pays to be friendly to the people you meet. If you don't like a person you met you still need to be cordial towards them but not act mean.


I hope others agree with me regarding this post. With the Holidays coming up please come onboard with an open mind. If you set your expectations high as if Royal Caribbean is the Four Seasons then perhaps this is not the cruiseline for you.


I chose Royal because I love what I read and the people who sail on it for the most part are so friendly. The Crown and Anchor Society and Customer Service beats some hotels I have stayed at.


Remember if you don't keep an open mind or think everything is going to be like home then stay home. If you expect Mc Donalds in Paris then be prepared to pay the high price. But if you can visit local areas and eat where the locals do and picnic at ports then your vacation will be much better.


If an itinerary changes before or during your cruise take it in stride. You get to see a new place or experience something you wouldn't have had it not been for the change and it could be for your safety as well.


Be thankful you can cruise there are a lot of people around the world who see these big ships but can never get on one due to their finances.


I realize how fortunate I am to be able to cruise with my Father. I know some people who have lost their Father or Mother at a young age. We need to make memories and cherish every moment and not think about what happened or what is going to happen. Be in the moment and enjoy the fresh air. Go with the flow and you will really enjoy your cruise.


Please feel free to comment on my post. We need to comport ourselves like a CEO of a Company would. Just think how Mr. Goldstein deals with issues and how he communicates his wants and needs in a polite and professional manner. This is how we as members of the Crown and Anchor Society and Cruise Critic should present ourselves. Let's make an Oath


I (Username) will act with the utmost dignity while cruising and will be aware of my surroundings at all times and teach my Children to respect others and treat others as you would like to be treated I promise to speak up if there is a problem and to be kind and cheerful while a solution is being worked out".


BTW Remember our cruise ship is like one big Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. Remember to treat your fellow cabin mates like neighbors. If they are being loud then you can politely ask them to keep the noise down. If you see something that could be dangerous say something. If you see litter please pick it up etc.


Together we can sail Royally:)

Edited by travelplus
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Just a quick question...Why were you upset with the cabin only having a chair and not a loveseat :confused: Sounds like you may have chosen to book a GTY catagory..Didn't you know the cabin # and the specifics of that cabin when it was assigned to you :confused: At least you were moved and hopefully happy with the end results..Enjoy the cruises with your Dad..those will be some great memories :)

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Just a quick question...Why were you upset with the cabin only having a chair and not a loveseat :confused: Sounds like you may have chosen to book a GTY catagory..Didn't you know the cabin # and the specifics of that cabin when it was assigned to you :confused: At least you were moved and hopefully happy with the end results..Enjoy the cruises with your Dad..those will be some great memories :)


I think you missed the whole point of the post, which was: if something goes wrong, be polite and patient in addressing the issue (as the OP was) and it will probably be fixed to your satisfaction, if you are a reasonable person.


Practice the golden rule, is all!

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I always follow the rule of asking the customer service people (whenever I happen to need to need to talk with them) in a friendly manner. I have always gotten at least what I asked for and many times more because of my positive attitude when presenting a problem.


The best way to deal with issues is to not only present the problem, but then to offer a solution that is reasonable and acceptable to you that will be acceptable to the company also. For example if a steak is unacceptable in a restaurant just ask for another one. Do not demand three free meals.


A quick story. A few months ago we were at Disney World and had booked the "Art of Animation" resort in a family suite which has a separate bedroom and a living room with two queen sized beds in that room (one a sofa bed and one a Murphy bed). While I was checking in, they "upgraded" me to a higher level resort but it only had one sofa bed. I have two girls (17 and 21) who did not want to sleep in the same bed. So the options were either put us in a room in the new resort that had three beds, give us a roll-away, or put us back into the old resort. They put us back in the old resort, and the manager at the old resort gave us a credit of a night free because of all the "moving around" we had to do. I do not ask for it, he just did it because I was friendly and did not bitch at all.

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You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. :)


Yeah, its very cliche but its so true.


Excellent post OP!


I have found this to be true over and over again. Just recently, I was staying at a popular hotel in FLL before my recent Allure cruise. We had booked the most basic room and I suddenly wanted a room overlooking the port, but DH did not want to give up the king sized bed. We kept the original room. The porter walked us over to the assigned room and it had not been cleaned yet. He walked us back and the front desk person immediately upgraded us to the tower in a junior sweet room with the king sized bed. The whole time, I just kept going with flow and stayed very pleasant and nice.


It has happened to me in Europe too. Many years ago, a friend and I were traveling to London on a tour group. We landed in London at about 10AM their time and the hotel rooms were obviously not ready when we reached the hotel. They very nicely told us where we could put our luggage, offered a place to freshen up and told us what attractions were nearby. My friend and I left our luggage, freshen up and went to eat and to a museum. We returned about 6PM. In the meantime, so many others were complaining rather loudly. When we returned to the hotel, they had upgraded us to a very, very nice suite. And they specifically told us it was because we were so nice.


Why waste time complaining? You are on vacation!!!

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We have tried to teach our kids this too. It does no good to yell at someone or complain loudly. If your flight is overbooked who is the person behind the desk going to want to help more- the patient one is talking quietly or the person who is yelling at them.


Last cruise on another line we had the beat of music reverberating thru the hull of the ship at 1 am. Even my sound machine could not drown it out. I called the desk and just politely asked when it would stop. There was a special group on board playing in an area that is not usually open that late we were told. It would also happen the next night. So sorry... I said okay good to know ( the next night we just stayed out till they quit). Without asking we were given 10% of the cost of our cruise as obc and a nice bottle of wine. Did not expect it but it was nice.


Think about it...in your work isn't it the same way? We want to do more for those who compliment us or treat us with respect.

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I have read a lot of complaints about how people are not satisfied with the food, stateroom etc. Lets say Mr.Goldstein the CEO of the company went on a 7 day or so cruise and tried to disguise himself and checked into an Oceanview Stateroom 3422 on The Serenade Of The Seas how would he react to the following:


1. The stateroom is in disarray Picks up the phone and calls the stateroom attendant" Hey you need to get the explicit down to my stateroom its a mess". Do you know who I am, Or would Mr. Goldstein first introduce himself to his stateroom attendant and politely explain what is going on?


2. Mr. Goldstein is in the MDR and finds out his table assignment is off. Would Mr. Goldstein say"Bring me the Matre D' Right this second". I don't mean one minute I mean now". "Sir You know that I have emailed this RCCL Dining and they worked with me to get a table for 2 and now I am at a table for 12. Can you do the math?


Or Mr. Goldstein would say"Excuse me but would you be as kind as to check into why my request for a table for 2 suddenly became a table for 8 I realize you are busy but am happy to go along with my assigned table until one becomes available"?


3. The steak is so dry. The Headwaiter says So How is the steak. Mr. Goldstein replies" This steak is so dry I wouldn't feed it to my dog at home" Or would he say "I am sorry to be of bother but my steak seems to be over cooked I do realize you have a lot of tables to tend to but when you have the chance could you please see if they could make my steak medium rare"?


My point is too many people demand way to much, expect way to much and don't speak up right away when there is a problem. Heck if I had a bad meal you don't want to tell the Waiter the next morning unless you were sick.


If your stateroom attendant did not do a good job of cleaning your room its polite to be kind and speak to your stateroom attendant to see what happened and to see if he could clean it better.


I have seen a long line at Guest Services and have overheard people yell and scream at the poor Guest Relations Representative. When I have had an issue I say it in a nice and understanding manner and let them take their time to resolve the issue.


I try to fit into their shoes to see how I would like to be yelled at. If they say they are busy fine I tell them please call me when you have an answer.


I have had a Guest Relations Supervisor remember me from a previous cruise because I was nice. I even apologize if I have come off in an upset manner and they are so happy that I'm aware of my actions.


I have heard threats made to the Guest Relations staff and that they do not take lightly. If something is not working out I will take a deep breath and tell them what is wrong and if they are not listening I will come back later.


On my last cruise we were assigned a connecting stateroom for 4 without us accepting it. So I found out that there is a small chair versus a loveseat. I went down to Guest Relations and told the man working the desk my issue. He did not understand what I was saying and he refused to even go online or to come to the stateroom to see what I was trying to tell him. While I was upset inside I kept my cool and smiled.


I then took a deep breath and asked for his manager because clearly we weer getting no where. The Guest Relations Supervisor remembered me from my last cruise and helped me to get a new room with the loveseat as it would be hard to put one in due to the connecting door. Luckily this stateroom Supervisor was on the Serenade and knew exactly what I was talking about. I smiled and thanked her. When we moved to our new stateroom there was a Card with Chocolate Covered Strawberries and a Bottle of Sparkling Wine. It was such a nice touch.


I have worked in Customer Service and one thing that irks me is when people come up to me later to complain and not at the time. I can understand if they were busy and only had the time to call me later but if they do it in a tone that is upsetting I simply tell them we cannot continue this conversation until you can speak in a professional manner.


Clearly I know how hard the people work onboard the ship. They come from various backgrounds and culture. My Father and I love talking to these friendly workers about where they come from, their families etc.


We even like sharing photos from home, talking about life onboard the ship. I make it a point to say hi and smile to the maintenance crew to the security guard when I'm passing or walking around the track. They are so happy to see a customer enjoying the trip and I'm sure they like it when someone acknowledges them for their hard work . A Good Morning and Smile really do go a long way.


All in all it pays to be friendly to the people you meet. If you don't like a person you met you still need to be cordial towards them but not act mean.


I hope others agree with me regarding this post. With the Holidays coming up please come onboard with an open mind. If you set your expectations high as if Royal Caribbean is the Four Seasons then perhaps this is not the cruiseline for you.


I chose Royal because I love what I read and the people who sail on it for the most part are so friendly. The Crown and Anchor Society and Customer Service beats some hotels I have stayed at.


Remember if you don't keep an open mind or think everything is going to be like home then stay home. If you expect Mc Donalds in Paris then be prepared to pay the high price. But if you can visit local areas and eat where the locals do and picnic at ports then your vacation will be much better.


If an itinerary changes before or during your cruise take it in stride. You get to see a new place or experience something you wouldn't have had it not been for the change and it could be for your safety as well.


Be thankful you can cruise there are a lot of people around the world who see these big ships but can never get on one due to their finances.


I realize how fortunate I am to be able to cruise with my Father. I know some people who have lost their Father or Mother at a young age. We need to make memories and cherish every moment and not think about what happened or what is going to happen. Be in the moment and enjoy the fresh air. Go with the flow and you will really enjoy your cruise.


Please feel free to comment on my post. We need to comport ourselves like a CEO of a Company would. Just think how Mr. Goldstein deals with issues and how he communicates his wants and needs in a polite and professional manner. This is how we as members of the Crown and Anchor Society and Cruise Critic should present ourselves. Let's make an Oath


I (Username) will act with the utmost dignity while cruising and will be aware of my surroundings at all times and teach my Children to respect others and treat others as you would like to be treated I promise to speak up if there is a problem and to be kind and cheerful while a solution is being worked out".


BTW Remember our cruise ship is like one big Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. Remember to treat your fellow cabin mates like neighbors. If they are being loud then you can politely ask them to keep the noise down. If you see something that could be dangerous say something. If you see litter please pick it up etc.


Together we can sail Royally:)


Being a member of CC for only a short time, I read some of these threads and wonder "what are these cruisers expecting" or are we, when we travel, so "easy to please'. What I have come to realize, as you point out, is the attitude my DH and I take is,,,,,,REMEMBER THE GOLDEN RULE -- all the time, not just sometimes.


We have a problem, we discuss it softly and politely with appropriate person....we don't have an "entitlement" attitude. As has been stated....it is SO SO easy to be pleasant, if of course that is your natural habit. Smiles go a long way, little pleasantries go a long way.....I remember all the time, that MANY others may not have the ability to enjoy what I can enjoy.


I also know, that those making my vacation work HARD; some probably doing jobs, that I would not want to do.


I believe I get Royal treatment, because I give Royal treatment to those I meet....from staff to fellow travelers....it is part of my natural DNA, I guess.


Since we have cruised on RCCL for many cruises, we do come upon some of the same staff members over time....and viola -- they remember us...it has happened with the Maitre D' on several cruises, and several members of the Activity and Entertainment staff....and you know what -- it makes for a more enjoyable cruise. It becomes like 'old home week' with family.


And YES, we can all sail Royally!!!!!

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I agree with Ryano, you do get more flies with honey. Having worked in customer service, those that approach you with a smile and a question are more pleasant to work with. Those that demand and yell and abuse are unpleasant to work with and as a customer service rep you will give them minimal but polite service.

I also find that if you contact the right department when you have a problem you are more likely to get better response. For example, if the toilet doesn't flush, don't go to customer service, use the phone in your cabin and call maintenance. Often they can fix a problem without even coming to the stateroom.

And to put things in perspective, think of how many cruisers on any one ship. It they all have an issue, which is unlikely on RC, someone will be first and someone will be last.

Patience is a virtue and people should exercise patience when dealing with others.

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I'm also trying to figure out the loveseat and chair thing. I get the rest... really, really, really, really, really, really long speech about how being nice is better than being hostile... got it. No need point out the main message of the post.


I just have no idea why you have to grant permission to get a connecting room and why the chair/loveseat changes everything.


If you picked out your room, it shows the ones that are connecting rooms.


If you selected "guaranteed _____-class room" then you get what you get.

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On celebrity, the head butler delivered our morning coffee personally, because he liked seeing our smiles each morning. So much so that he insisted on bringing our coffee on disembarkation day. He told us our cash tip helped, but our smiles meant more to him.


Sent from my KFJWA using Tapatalk HD

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We should not only be polite while on vacation but in general as well. We are always so ready to make snide remarks or even be cruel online. Then in real life we will act like jerks to people just because they are in a position of service (waiter, hostess, etc.) Giving respect always helps no matter what position we are in unless they are zombies. Then you just shoot them in the head. LOL

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I'm also trying to figure out the loveseat and chair thing. I get the rest... really, really, really, really, really, really long speech about how being nice is better than being hostile... got it. No need point out the main message of the post.


I just have no idea why you have to grant permission to get a connecting room and why the chair/loveseat changes everything.


If you picked out your room, it shows the ones that are connecting rooms.


If you selected "guaranteed _____-class room" then you get what you get.


With a love seat, two people can sit on the sofa to watch TV or relax. Also, more room to "dump" things not in use. With only a chair, then you don't have those options.


To my knowledge, you don't give "permission" to be in a connecting cabin. This is something you need to be aware of to avoid when you book. I always make sure I do not have a connecting cabin for not only the chair/love seat reason but noise factor. Sometimes noise comes through under the door from the adjoining cabin. I, also check to make sure it is not close to a "white" area which could be anything from quiet electrical stuff to noisy ice machines dumping every 10 minutes or a staging area for room service. Another thing I avoid are quad cabins because sometimes the structure for the drop down bed structure can make it dicey getting in and out of the regular bed without bumping your head or shoulder.


Always have deck plans handy when you book to check the cabin location out they propose to assign you. If you don't have a brochure, you can bring up deck plans on the computer. Also, if you do a "pretend" booking, you can find out some of the available cabins. See one you like, then you can specifically ask for it when you book be it directly with the line or a travel agent.


Tucker in Texas

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I think this is one of the best posts I have read on CC. I completely agree with the OPs points and I am glad he wrote extensively enouigh to ge that point across.


To those that feel offended I guess I would suggest not reading this post or stop in the middle when your feelings get hurt.


I have cruised over 50 times on a variety of ships (which does not make me an expert) but I have to say I have never encountered anything that has made me wonder whether cruising is not something I really enjoy doing and will continue to do.

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I'm also trying to figure out the loveseat and chair thing. I get the rest... really, really, really, really, really, really long speech about how being nice is better than being hostile... got it. No need point out the main message of the post.


I just have no idea why you have to grant permission to get a connecting room and why the chair/loveseat changes everything.


If you picked out your room, it shows the ones that are connecting rooms.


If you selected "guaranteed _____-class room" then you get what you get.

That was exactly my point/question in my post #2...I "got" it also ;)

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I think you missed the whole point of the post, which was: if something goes wrong, be polite and patient in addressing the issue (as the OP was) and it will probably be fixed to your satisfaction, if you are a reasonable person.


Practice the golden rule, is all!

No I didn't miss the "point" after reading the extended version..I had a question..Maybe you didn't get my "point" :confused:

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A simple philosophy: When a customer brings you a problem, you take ownership. The fact that your wife burnt the toast that morning is not an excuse to not give a darn about the problem....Own it.


When an irate walks up to you and goes postal, they own their problem....they have made a decision to make someone else's life miserable.


We have been on cruises since the early 1970's. Many problems over the years, but it seems they all got solved...They got solved because not only do you bring the problem to the attention of someone who can help, but you offer realistic solutions....help them solve the problem not scream, rant, rave and act like a total idiot.

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The Golden Rule usually is understood and practiced by most folks, in our experience. Oh- there are complainers- but it seems we don't hear about the majority of non-complainers- just about the antics of the complainers.


When on a ship, we smile and practice the same diplomacy we do on land!

That way we all have more enjoyment.

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