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Waged War on My Closet and Won-The Sequel


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2 (or was it 3?) years ago in January I waged war on my closet. Instead of making excuses for why I couldn't wear things, I faced the reality I had gained a lot of weight and decided to not buy anything else until I lost the weight. I lost the weight, and ended up having everything I formerly loved altered, or if I couldn't salvage it I gave it away. Some things had brand new tags and were never worn and I finally wore them. For the "in between" times on the scale I discovered second hand stores and have a fabulous new designer wardrobe (see other thread, Second Hand stores, any fans?".


Learned a lot about want v need,being wasteful, quality, etc. I ended up carrying over the same principle to beauty products, household goods, food, and now am applying the principles to shoes. The purpose is to buy only quality, well made things , take care of them, and save a whole lot of money. I found a hair care line I like, and use only Christian Dior makeup. But I did use up all my odds and ends of things first. Shoes are a little trickier but am finding some stores that carry gently used Salvatore Ferragamo, Cole Hahn, etc. Stopped buying cheap flip flops years ago and buy only Havianas, which last me for years (and I live in flip flops here in FL). It seemed like for everything I couldn't use and gave to someone else, my reward was finding what I needed : good quality items for next to nothing when it came time to shop


End result 3 years later: Beautiful clothes ,more organization in the home, a better quality of life, less clutter overall, healthier living, and a whole lot of money saved for more important things: vacation. I'm not a cruiseaholic and last went on one 2 years ago (only 4 in my life) , but my new husband who has never been on one has suggested a quick Bahamas cruise (close to us in FL) which we are looking forward to sometime late spring.


My approach might not be for everyone, but I challenge all of us to live a healthier, prettier, new year! :) Gathina

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Great ideas. The New Year is a perfect time for overhaul.


I purge my closet at least once a year, some things are just harder to give up than others (for a while). My shopping mantra is…if I don't love it, I don't buy it, no matter how much "savings" I can realize. That $10 pair of pants or top is $10 wasted if it's not worn, or worn only once. My last years purchases were limited to a couple tops and shorts that I needed, rather than just wanted. Most of the things left in my closet are now things I really wear, not stuff that sits there with tags still attached.


My real downfall has been hair/beauty products. I don't buy what I can't use and don't experiment with new stuff, I just buy too much. I've been on a product "diet" for a year now, still using up what products I have. It's wonderful what I haven't spent this year. My product drawer and cupboard are slowly getting to the point where stuff doesn't fall out when opened.


I agree with your statement on quality shoes. A really well made pair of shoes can last years, a cheap pair may make it through part of a season…killing your feet in the mean time. I don't believe shoes should have to be "broken in", they should fit well from the first wearing. This is the main reason I don't shoe shop online, I have to try them on and walk in them for a while, I don't care that there is free shipping/returns, I don't want that hassle.

Edited by Happy ks
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What a great thread for the new year. I am guilty of buying to save money too, plus engaging in retail therapy, which only makes me feel better for a very short time.


I am slowly purging my closet of items that, while I may love them, or once loved them, I find I never wear them. I keep a large black trash bag in my closet. If I put something on, and take it off because I don't like the way it fits, looks, hangs, whatever, into the bag it goes. Some items that are good quality and lovely, I have offered on the Recycle thread here on CC.


I subscribe to the 333 Project blog. I'm not quite ready to take that leap, but the ideas are starting to filter into my brain.


As for shoes, I have way too many and that's mostly because I am hard to fit and even when they fit, due to multiple foot surgeries, they don't work for long wearing. When I turned 40 I gave myself the gift of never wearing shoes that hurt again. It's been very freeing.

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The shoe thing is the one I'm working on now but it's more challenging to find well made shoes that are not plastic. But I did purge out all the cheap made shoes so that's a start. I took the last two weeks off for the holiday and did the kitchen purging..not that there was a lot of junk food but a lot of odds and ends that needed t be used up : half a bag of noodles, cans of soup, odds/ends of different types of flour. I used up all that stuff by cooking creatively now have clean cupboards and got rid of almost all of the plastic-another waste-and using glass storage bowls, etc.



What a great thread for the new year. I am guilty of buying to save money too, plus engaging in retail therapy, which only makes me feel better for a very short time.


I am slowly purging my closet of items that, while I may love them, or once loved them, I find I never wear them. I keep a large black trash bag in my closet. If I put something on, and take it off because I don't like the way it fits, looks, hangs, whatever, into the bag it goes. Some items that are good quality and lovely, I have offered on the Recycle thread here on CC.


I subscribe to the 333 Project blog. I'm not quite ready to take that leap, but the ideas are starting to filter into my brain.


As for shoes, I have way too many and that's mostly because I am hard to fit and even when they fit, due to multiple foot surgeries, they don't work for long wearing. When I turned 40 I gave myself the gift of never wearing shoes that hurt again. It's been very freeing.

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Congratulations on the weight loss!


We moved into this house in 2004, and shortly after I realized what a clothes horse I had become. So I made a deal with myself that for everything new that came in, at least two things had to leave. I also decided to cut my clothing budget by 70% and put what I don't spend towards travel. I have 80% less clothing now, and what I do have, I love. I no longer shop because it's a good deal. I keep a running list of items I "need," which at this point are generally replacements as things wear out. I am also more careful to buy items that will mix and match with what is already in my closet.





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You ladies are doing great with your goals. I have too many clothes too so I'm staying out of the stores even when there are great sales. It's hard but once the sale is over I feel relieved.


I have nice pants & suits that may never fit me again that are just hanging there waiting for me to lose weight. I have been a very careful eater my entire adult life (avoiding alcohol, sugar, flour, rice, and pototoes). I think that maybe some of us just gain a size every 10 yrs and can't go back. Even at 130 lbs I can't get into many size 12 pants. So now when I buy pants I stick to Ann Taylor because they are good quality and stylish, and I know that they are cut for my body type. I even have classic black and beige AT slacks in a size up in case I gain weight.

Edited by royalcruz
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This thread got me to thinking and inspired me once again. Yesterday I went through my closet and got rid of 11 clothing items, plus 4 pair of shoes (none of them had been worn). The clothes, some of them I had purchased within the last 2 years, thought I loved them, but there was just something wrong when I'd wear them. My choice is to now just get rid of those items now, rather than wait 5 years and finally admit it. One of the tops would slide down and expose my bra straps, another one has a tie on the side and every time I wore it…just didn't make me feel good. A few items had stains that were obvious and well worn, I don't need around the house clothes, already have several items to wear. Those things went into the trash can.


The shoes, different story. They are all well made and fit, but I just can't wear heels any longer. I have nerve damage in my right foot and it's just not worth it. The shoes have been waiting for me for probably 3 years and I just have to get over it. Most of this stuff is going to my sister, she may get some use from it. If not, her housekeeper takes it to a women's shelter. I stopped donating to Goodwill when I found out about that, I really like the idea of women in dire need receiving free clothing and shoes as they rebuild their lives.

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This thread got me to thinking and inspired me once again. Yesterday I went through my closet and got rid of 11 clothing items, plus 4 pair of shoes (none of them had been worn). The clothes, some of them I had purchased within the last 2 years, thought I loved them, but there was just something wrong when I'd wear them. My choice is to now just get rid of those items now, rather than wait 5 years and finally admit it. One of the tops would slide down and expose my bra straps, another one has a tie on the side and every time I wore it…just didn't make me feel good. A few items had stains that were obvious and well worn, I don't need around the house clothes, already have several items to wear. Those things went into the trash can.




The shoes, different story. They are all well made and fit, but I just can't wear heels any longer. I have nerve damage in my right foot and it's just not worth it. The shoes have been waiting for me for probably 3 years and I just have to get over it. Most of this stuff is going to my sister, she may get some use from it. If not, her housekeeper takes it to a women's shelter. I stopped donating to Goodwill when I found out about that, I really like the idea of women in dire need receiving free clothing and shoes as they rebuild their lives.



If you have business style clothing--suits, jackets, slacks, skirts, business dresses, blouses, shoes, handbags, etc., consider donating to Dress For Success. This organization helps women join or return to the workforce by tearing down the barrier of not having suitable attire. Their clients must be referred by a social service organization so you know that the people receiving the donated goods are truly in need. Most locations have no paid staff and rely entirely on donated space, clothing, and volunteers.



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I would really like to work on the shoe thing for this year-like maybe keep no more than 10 pair of shoes...a couple of pairs of well made sandals, heels, a pair of boots, flats, and "all purpose" shoes (those are shoes that I consider slip on/off for airplane travel but also double as a good walking shoe and can dress up or dress down)


So that's my 2014 challenge. So far I've purged all the poor shoes out and given those to charity, so now looking for some well made LEATHER sandals and shoes. We had a Dolly Duz store here with great makes and brands but they went out of business. So far I found a pair of kitten heel buttercream color leather slip on style made in Brazil at Goodwill and they were like new for $10

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  • 3 weeks later...
I would really like to work on the shoe thing for this year-like maybe keep no more than 10 pair of shoes...a couple of pairs of well made sandals, heels, a pair of boots, flats, and "all purpose" shoes (those are shoes that I consider slip on/off for airplane travel but also double as a good walking shoe and can dress up or dress down)


So that's my 2014 challenge. So far I've purged all the poor shoes out and given those to charity, so now looking for some well made LEATHER sandals and shoes. We had a Dolly Duz store here with great makes and brands but they went out of business. So far I found a pair of kitten heel buttercream color leather slip on style made in Brazil at Goodwill and they were like new for $10


Gathina, I want you to know that your "war on your closet" inspired me to "negotiate" with my closet, though I am not yet at the point where I can give away stuff that I still like but never wear. However, all those things have been boxed up. If I don't go into the boxes for a few months, I **will** donate them.


Hopefully I can inspire you a bit -- along the "misery loves company" line :D


I went through all my shoes, and donated 4 pairs of Stuart Weitzman shoes and boots, and another pair of (can't remember the name, but made in France) boots. My mindset on these was I was releasing them to the universe for others to enjoy. Made it a bit easier. I wish you luck in your shoe challenge!

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Every January I wage war on my closet. I organize it so by the following year the items that have not been worn that year end up at the very end of the line. I'm January if it hasn't been worn it gets donated. I just finished my yearly round up of both mine and my sons.


Now I get to shop :-)

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Here's a good tip I picked up a few years back. Turn all of your hangers in the closet around so they are on the bar from the backside. When you rehang the item, place the hanger the traditional way. At the end of one year, everything that is still hung that way, you have not worn and need to pass on to someone else.


It was amazing what was not worn at all. I did keep any formal unworn items.

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Awww...thanks..at the start of the journey I was that way too..but when I saw how much weight I'd gained and all those beautiful clothes staring at me and the associated memories with them, I realized that I was really "caving in " and "accepting" I was destined to be heavy when I had NEVER been heavy.


But the war on the closet turned into something by far greater. I just purged all the plastic in the kitchen and invested in glass store n' lock containers. Even that helped-you can see what's in there, it helps with the organization kitchen wise, so the war on the kitchen is done.


War on the laundry: Used up all the odds/end of washing supplies and returned to using Shaklee which I used years ago.


War on the makeup and perfumes: Almost finished, and some very excited teen girls were thrilled to help out. Replaced with Dior and Laura Mercier.


War on hair products: Done. Settled on Aveda and John Brown products.


War on the cleaning products Same as the laundry


War on the shoes: still in progress. Have found some good ones in the charity shops but a size 10 is a problem. I am going to London again next month for business and along with my charity shopping spree I do there with every trip I am actually considering plunking down the money to buy several pairs of really well made shoes from Spain or Italy as the shoe selection is by far better (IMO). Then I'll buy the right products to diligently take care of them and make them last.


Gathina, I want you to know that your "war on your closet" inspired me to "negotiate" with my closet, though I am not yet at the point where I can give away stuff that I still like but never wear. However, all those things have been boxed up. If I don't go into the boxes for a few months, I **will** donate them.


Hopefully I can inspire you a bit -- along the "misery loves company" line :D


I went through all my shoes, and donated 4 pairs of Stuart Weitzman shoes and boots, and another pair of (can't remember the name, but made in France) boots. My mindset on these was I was releasing them to the universe for others to enjoy. Made it a bit easier. I wish you luck in your shoe challenge!

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This is a good idea for a post. Congratulations on your weight loss and healthier lifestyle!!!!


I like the idea of paring down, even though I'm in a similar situation and have actually been steadily rebuilding my wardrobe after a significant weight loss. (Was buying as I lost weight because I never thought I would start at a 12 and end up a 4! Never.) As a result, I blew through a couple sizes and barely got to wear some of the items. I've been trying to recoup some of the money by selling some things, but that is a slow process, and some people don't want to pay what I'm asking.


I'm finally getting to the point where I have a nice foundation of the basics, but it has been difficult - I had some things I REALLY loved that were years old, and I feel like I'm always trying to replace every single thing in my closet. Then, I rediscovered accessories (scarves, belts, jewelry :eek: )


Thanks for the reminder that less is more and that a few classic pieces go a long way!! Best of luck to all :)

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Congrats on the weight loss!


I just purged my closet and I plan to purge some more again in the near future. I am working on organizing my life better. You would think I would have better organizational skills since I have 3 kids and I am a full-time nursing student. :eek:

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So funny about the sales in stores comment made. I went to pay a bill last week, and the store was having an extra 50% off of clearance items. I told myself, I needed to pay my bill and just get out of there (though I confess I did browse the boots, but didnt cave). I have come to realize the want vs need battle. I dont need any clothes, or shoes. I have many. I reorganized my closet so I could SEE all I have. I added shelves to the ceiling. My shoes are all in clear shoe boxes because I want to be able to see them, and it annoys me when my shoes arent in order. I mean I spend money on them, inexpensive and expensive, and I am not simply going to throw them into the closet to overlap onto of eachother and get ruined even quicker than wearing them.

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Great thread! I'm constantly going through my closets and getting rid of things. BUT I have one big problem I don't know how to deal with.


I have absolutely no problem getting rid of cheap stuff I used to buy before. I took bags and bags to the thrift store.


I have quite a few good quality items (suits, skirts, evening dresses, etc) . Nothing fancy, no big names, just good quality materials, some of the suits were custom made by a good seamstress.


I've tried Dress for Success but was really turned off by the attitude of the people who accepted the donations (long story).


I've tried consignment shops, Ebay. It didn't work. Because these things are not high fashion labels it turned out to be too much hassle, too little return.


It seems I can't overcome this and as a result I have one full closet of clothes that I know I will never wear.

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I don't work in an office, so none of my clothing would be considered office wear.


When I give things away, i just go for it and don't look back. There's no such thing as an extra room or closet in my house, so whatever I have is staring me right in the face whenever I get into my closet for anything. Overcrowding helps the purging…a lot. And when it's gone, it's not mine any more, like a gift.


I should tackle my kitchen next. I do throw things out, but it still tends to build up. Especially things like spices, buy something for a recipe and use it once.


Makeup, hair supplies, cleaning supplies, don't have a problem with any of that. I use specific items and rarely vary. I used to be a makeup junkie, but no longer do that. I purged my hair stuff years ago and the only extra bottles and cans I have are the same items I buy in small quantity so I don't run out.


My husband would love it if I got rid of just about everything. He often talks about clearing the garage, I think it's fine because we can park both cars in there. He thinks it's a cluttered mess. So I ask him what he wants to get rid of…his tools, lawn tools, Christmas decorations, luggage, the washer and dryer or the trash cans (nowhere else to store those). Once in a while I'll try to get him to watch a "Hoarders" episode, that is torture for him.

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I think some of this is philosophical (or even spiritual?)..for me anyway. I have long believed in "sowing and reaping" principles (the principle is self explanatory)


One idea I read about on a blog once was to have a "come raid my closet"party. Essentially, all the invitees bring 5 outfits/bags/whatever , break out the wine and cheese and everyone goes home with 5 items. Swapping, basically....like a christmas cookie gift exchange


I thought it was a cool idea. You spell out the rules: "better made" items, everything should be clean, hung, folded, etc. You could even go one step further and maybe have people list what they are bringing. Just a thought?


Oh yeah-another thing-we bought an automated coin counter and as we're going through this process we started a cruise fund with all the loose change we found in everything...$42 since January 1!



Great thread! I'm constantly going through my closets and getting rid of things. BUT I have one big problem I don't know how to deal with.


I have absolutely no problem getting rid of cheap stuff I used to buy before. I took bags and bags to the thrift store.


I have quite a few good quality items (suits, skirts, evening dresses, etc) . Nothing fancy, no big names, just good quality materials, some of the suits were custom made by a good seamstress.


I've tried Dress for Success but was really turned off by the attitude of the people who accepted the donations (long story).


I've tried consignment shops, Ebay. It didn't work. Because these things are not high fashion labels it turned out to be too much hassle, too little return.


It seems I can't overcome this and as a result I have one full closet of clothes that I know I will never wear.

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Aldeya, sometimes women's shelters can used good used clothing. Second-stage housing in particular seems to have a need (where the women are getting back on their feet, need to find employment, etc)


Gathina, if only my closet was as organized as my kitchen :D I adore my kitchen, even though it is small. Every cabinet has built-in organization and I have two pull-out spice cabinets, one on each side of the stove. Did I mention I adore my kitchen? :D


One of the things I struggle with is the varying reasons I need clothing.


We cruise, so I need cruise clothes. (That's where I splash out, with really high-end stuff, overall)


We sometimes have a bit of a social life, so I need a few pieces of nice casual stuff for that. (Where we live "nice casual" is often a pair of clean jeans and a cotton blouse)


And then I need clothing for work -- where I ruin everything I wear, within usually only a few weeks of acquiring it.


I have pretty much stopped acquiring though I did get a lovely/useful cashmere cardigan recently. I'm wearing it for work, so it'll be in shreds by next winter :rolleyes:

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Yikes-you must have some job if you ruin clothes so quickly!!


My closet has a ways to go-I did buy all padded hangers, and even found some really nice padded hangers at the charity shops here that were really pretty and in perfect shape-just needed cleaning. I've been looking on pinterest a lot to get easy organization ideas.


It is kinda cool to see only beautiful clothes though, that I actually wear and like...hence, how I got hooked on the thrift and secondhand stores (from the other thread I started a few weeks ago)


If only I could just find shoes, now..for this trip in March to London am seriously thinking of blowing a wad on several pairs of leather shoes from Italy and Spain (in regular stores this time!)



Aldeya, sometimes women's shelters can used good used clothing. Second-stage housing in particular seems to have a need (where the women are getting back on their feet, need to find employment, etc)


Gathina, if only my closet was as organized as my kitchen :D I adore my kitchen, even though it is small. Every cabinet has built-in organization and I have two pull-out spice cabinets, one on each side of the stove. Did I mention I adore my kitchen? :D


One of the things I struggle with is the varying reasons I need clothing.


We cruise, so I need cruise clothes. (That's where I splash out, with really high-end stuff, overall)


We sometimes have a bit of a social life, so I need a few pieces of nice casual stuff for that. (Where we live "nice casual" is often a pair of clean jeans and a cotton blouse)


And then I need clothing for work -- where I ruin everything I wear, within usually only a few weeks of acquiring it.


I have pretty much stopped acquiring though I did get a lovely/useful cashmere cardigan recently. I'm wearing it for work, so it'll be in shreds by next winter :rolleyes:

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I cannot emphasize to you enough the value of really nicely-made well fitting leather shoes .... even at full-retail pricing. Go, try on some really nice high-end shoes and feel the difference the minute you put them on your feet. You will understand. Leather uppers, leather lining, leather soles. You will not believe how much better your feet feel at the end of the day. (from one frugal chick to another, ;) good shoes are worth the price)

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I have and do have a couple pair..but now am seriously going to go "whole hog"!!! And stupid me never took advantage when I was in Italy 3 years ago!!


I cannot emphasize to you enough the value of really nicely-made well fitting leather shoes .... even at full-retail pricing. Go, try on some really nice high-end shoes and feel the difference the minute you put them on your feet. You will understand. Leather uppers, leather lining, leather soles. You will not believe how much better your feet feel at the end of the day. (from one frugal chick to another, ;) good shoes are worth the price)
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When I retired I gained a little weight so I cut portions & joined the gym . I lost twenty -nine pounds and have maintained it for four years . I went through my closet and sold most of my large clothes ( mostly JJill or Talbotts ) on ebay . Of course I bought more clothes but I am really trying to just buy what I need & not impulse buys especially a shirt that catches my eye but no idea what it goes with .

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Congratulations! The one thing I am having a problem with is finding a decent pair of jeans-all the Levis I finally grew "back into" are now huge and/or getting worn to the point they are getting holes. I think the kind of Levis I like don't even exist anymore. I have one pair of jeans I bought in Italy in 2010 that I am now swimming in and I love them but hate to let them go..


When I retired I gained a little weight so I cut portions & joined the gym . I lost twenty -nine pounds and have maintained it for four years . I went through my closet and sold most of my large clothes ( mostly JJill or Talbotts ) on ebay . Of course I bought more clothes but I am really trying to just buy what I need & not impulse buys especially a shirt that catches my eye but no idea what it goes with .
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