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On board account privacy


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I actually wouldn't mind so much a stranger seeing what I spent. I do not know them and they do not know me. I always charge my gambling on my room card and I did not want my "friend" to know my personal business. The first time I accepted it as a mix-up, but it happened twice.


As far as what I would have liked. A more heartfelt apology. More than a shrug and an oops?


Ok, when your friend went a second time he could have made sure it did not say LINDA before he accepted it. Maybe he wanted another peek.



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There are lots of comments and questions, but most are just blah-blah-blah by various folks. (not meant to an insult to anyone here)


Here is my question.

What should NCL have done about this?


What would you have done about it?


I don't think your question will ever be answered. Like you, this is the only thing I am curious about.

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In my experience guest services knowledge of the English language is extremely limited unless you speak to a supervisor.


Having sailed prior to the wonderful ships that have bill viewing on their TV. I went at least every 2nd day and have my bill printed. Two reasons, I want no surprises at the end of my cruise and to keep an eye on my expenditures.


They took my cabin number, printed it on their printer that the paper came out upside down. Then flipped it over as they handed it to me. Not once did they look at my name, or any place I seen that could have matched my photo. They didn't even double check to see that what they printed matched my cabin number. I also seen the exact same approach for everyone in front of me that had the same request.


Also while on the subject of customer service practices, a funny story to us, but possibly a worrying story to some. The first morning at sea, DH went to grab a bite for breakfast, when returning to our cabin forgot his cabin # and of course they are not written on the room key. He sheepishly went to the front desk to find out what room he belonged in :D. Now here is the part that may worry some. All he did was give them his first and last name and they gave him his room number, no need for ID, did not hand them his key card.


Remember they take our pictures at embarkation, Im darn sure they saw his picture before they gave him anything.


I say that because I lost my id while i was in St. Thomas. Long story short. When they finally let me through the gate and on the ship...the only thing I could give them was my name and room number...but they could verify my smile :)

Edited by tiffygirl
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What a waste of energy! What could you personally be hiding thats so confidential, maybe that your an alcoholic and drinks are showing on your bill.


Talk about a waste of energy. Making assumptions about someone you don't even know. We used to say "That's not very nice."


Some people, especially introverts like myself, are just very private people, no matter what it's about. And that is their right. It would be nice if more people would be more considerate of others right to be who they are, without having to justify it to people they don't even know.

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I currently own (and have owned others) a business with customer interaction often. Sometimes things do not go right - often because of other customers, etc.


Some people just want SOMETHING to be done, but they do not know what. And in all reality, no matter what is done is not good enough. After all, you CAN NOT CHANGE WHAT HAPPENED.


Sadly, people want the "incident" to totally disappear. It can not.


Life happens. Some people do not get that.

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I don't know. I'm trying to weigh the amount of "harm done" so I can then judge the amount of apology that would be sufficient. For me, we all being subject to making errors frequently, a "oops" or a "sorry 'bout that" , for what damage was done, as I do my weighing (I can't see any actually), would be more than sufficient for me. But, my life is mostly an open book it seems. As another mentioned, I don't recall any personal info being on those statements. But then, I'm not really a fanatic about "ooh...oooh...ooooh, he/she saw my social security number". I'm probably dumber than dirt, but my VISA card number is floating around every business both locally and in cyber space....including it having been seen by every minimum wage store/liquor store clerk around. In conclusion, I don't know what to say, really.

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A lot of people on the ship know what you ordered at the bars - starting with all the bartenders.
The OP's issue is apparently her casino bill, and I can definitely understand why someone might not want fellow gamblers to see that. Whether it's a big deal to you or not, it was evidently a big deal to the OP. And she is not asking for anyone's head or her next cruise for free (which she will probably get anyway, what with her out-of-control gambling problem etc. ;)), maybe just a proper acknowledgment that this shouldn't have happened, twice.
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I don't know. I'm trying to weigh the amount of "harm done" so I can then judge the amount of apology that would be sufficient. For me, we all being subject to making errors frequently, a "oops" or a "sorry 'bout that" , for what damage was done, as I do my weighing (I can't see any actually), would be more than sufficient for me. But, my life is mostly an open book it seems. As another mentioned, I don't recall any personal info being on those statements. But then, I'm not really a fanatic about "ooh...oooh...ooooh, he/she saw my social security number". I'm probably dumber than dirt, but my VISA card number is floating around every business both locally and in cyber space....including it having been seen by every minimum wage store/liquor store clerk around. In conclusion, I don't know what to say, really.


Hahaha , you said it all :D Mole hill .

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I currently own (and have owned others) a business with customer interaction often. Sometimes things do not go right - often because of other customers, etc.


Some people just want SOMETHING to be done, but they do not know what. And in all reality, no matter what is done is not good enough. After all, you CAN NOT CHANGE WHAT HAPPENED.


Sadly, people want the "incident" to totally disappear. It can not.


Life happens. Some people do not get that.


VERY well said

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The OP's issue is apparently her casino bill, and I can definitely understand why someone might not want fellow gamblers to see that. Whether it's a big deal to you or not, it was evidently a big deal to the OP. And she is not asking for anyone's head or her next cruise for free (which she will probably get anyway, what with her out-of-control gambling problem etc. ;)), maybe just a proper acknowledgment that this shouldn't have happened, twice.


This is exactly the point. I gamble what I can afford to lose and it is my only vice. But I do not wish friends/family to know what I spend in the casino. What bothered me was the shrug and "oops" factor. It cannot be un-done I understand that. I was only looking for more empathy.


Again, if the amount was released to individuals I do not know it would not have mattered. The fact is that this has been brought up several times since we arrived home.

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The OP's issue is apparently her casino bill, and I can definitely understand why someone might not want fellow gamblers to see that. Whether it's a big deal to you or not, it was evidently a big deal to the OP. And she is not asking for anyone's head or her next cruise for free (which she will probably get anyway, what with her out-of-control gambling problem etc. ;)), maybe just a proper acknowledgment that this shouldn't have happened, twice.


But the OP stated they did get an apology from the front desk & corporate after the cruise, but I'm gathering the deliverer of the apology at corporate wasn't "sincere sounding" enough to satisfy the OP.


IMO where this should have been handled was right on the ship to the hotel director. I agree whether it is important to me or you or anyone else really is not the issue, the OP was embarrassed by this mistake.

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This is exactly the point. I gamble what I can afford to lose and it is my only vice. But I do not wish friends/family to know what I spend in the casino. What bothered me was the shrug and "oops" factor. It cannot be un-done I understand that. I was only looking for more empathy.


Again, if the amount was released to individuals I do not know it would not have mattered. The fact is that this has been brought up several times since we arrived home.


I understand your embarrassment at this information being out by those you don't want to know it. But if this has been brought up several times since you arrived home. I think you may want to re-examine your friendships.


On a side note. Would you want your mother to have this information? If the answer to that is no. She was in your cabin and as another poster noted if you are on a ship with TV account capabilities, its very easy to "click" on the wrong name on the screen and your mother bring up the account or whoever else you share a cabin with. You may want to rethink the location you get your fun money from. Your onboard account may not be the best place.

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I understand your embarrassment at this information being out by those you don't want to know it. But if this has been brought up several times since you arrived home. I think you may want to re-examine your friendships.


On a side note. Would you want your mother to have this information? If the answer to that is no. She was in your cabin and as another poster noted if you are on a ship with TV account capabilities, its very easy to "click" on the wrong name on the screen and your mother bring up the account or whoever else you share a cabin with. You may want to rethink the location you get your fun money from. Your onboard account may not be the best place.


I already have re-examined this friendship. And yes my mother knows exactly how much I spent. This is why I was rooming with her.

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I already have re-examined this friendship. And yes my mother knows exactly how much I spent. This is why I was rooming with her.


Well I was just using your Mother as an example, as anyone you decided to room with in the future. It was just a piece of advice, that's all.


But I'm glad you are re-examining this friendship, because a true friend would not do something to embarrass another on purpose (especially repeatedly), that's just mean.

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I already have re-examined this friendship. And yes my mother knows exactly how much I spent. This is why I was rooming with her.


Now that you have logged back on....can you PLEASE answer the question that so many of us want to know....


What is it that you are looking for? What is it you expect? If you are just venting, I could understand, but you obviously are not.

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Again, if the amount was released to individuals I do not know it would not have mattered. The fact is that this has been brought up several times since we arrived home.


I think THIS is the REAL issue! Perhaps a friendly "talk" with the friend would help this problem. Let him know you really would prefer not to hear about it again or to hear your friends hear about it. Easy for me to say-I don't have to do it - but I really think HE is the problem....not NCL. My 2 cents....

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Now that you have logged back on....can you PLEASE answer the question that so many of us want to know....


What is it that you are looking for? What is it you expect? If you are just venting, I could understand, but you obviously are not.


Check out post #19, the OP already answered that question when I first ask her about what she was looking for.


"As far as what I would have liked. A more heartfelt apology." Unfortunately "heartfelt" or "sincere sounding" is only in the ears of the listener.

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Well I was just using your Mother as an example, as anyone you decided to room with in the future. It was just a piece of advice, that's all.


But I'm glad you are re-examining this friendship, because a true friend would not do something to embarrass another on purpose (especially repeatedly), that's just mean.



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Check out post #19, the OP already answered that question when I first ask her about what she was looking for.


"As far as what I would have liked. A more heartfelt apology." Unfortunately "heartfelt" or "sincere sounding" is only in the ears of the listener.


Ohhhhhhhhhh. Now I understand.

Sounds to me from the OP's recent posts, she is more angry with the "friend"

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"As far as what I would have liked. A more heartfelt apology." Unfortunately "heartfelt" or "sincere sounding" is only in the ears of the listener.
I think we can all tell the difference between and an "oops, sorry [immediately forget about it and move on to the next thing]" and an "oh my goodness, I'm so sorry [trying to put myself in the other's place and understand what harm I may have caused and how to correct it, if possible]" and several different levels in between.


For the person working the front desk, this was probably no big deal and a "*shrug* oops sorry" probably seemed enough. I can't really blame them. It has taken us a while in this thread to understand why this mix-up was so embarrassing for the OP. And it turns out that it's not entirely NCL's fault, but NCL could have easily avoided the whole situation with some basic privacy/security measures that should probably have been in place to begin with.


Linda, it sounds like your friend may be an a—hole, and you're going to have to deal with that (although then again, friends tease each other all the time, and occasionally they strike a nerve without meaning to be hurtful). NCL made a mistake, which turned out to be a big mistake for you, but keep in mind most cruise passengers could care less who sees their onboard account, so the staff at GS don't treat this as highly sensitive information. Maybe they are wrong to do that, and this thread may encourage them to take a closer look at their privacy policies. I'm really sorry you're going through this! *immediately forget about it and move on to the next thing* ;)

Edited by hawkeyetlse
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I think we can all tell the difference between and an "oops, sorry [immediately forget about it and move on to the next thing]" and an "oh my goodness, I'm so sorry [trying to put myself int the other's place and understand what harm I may have caused and how to correct it, if possible]" and several different levels in between.


For the person working the front desk, this was probably no big deal and a "*shrug* oops sorry" probably seemed enough. I can't really blame them. It has taken us a while in this thread to understand why this mix-up was so embarrassing for the OP. And it turns out that it's not entirely NCL's fault, but NCL could have easily avoided the whole situation with some basic privacy/security measures that should have been in place in the first place.


Well that "oops sorry" initially was my words not the OP's. And I doubt anyone going to the front desk would get "oh my goodness, I'm so sorry" since as I said earlier any of my dealings with the front desk there is limited knowledge of the English language and anyone knows that if someone has limited language they do no add the flourishes and therefore it would just come out as "I'm sorry" and yes would move on from there, because seriously what else could they do, the damage was done, her friend had seen it.


As for corporate, you are on a telephone and the apology would have probably been on a more professional "well I'm sorry this happened to you" period. Again nothing else could be said or done, the damage was done.


I feel for the OP, I really do. But the time to look for a more heartfelt apology and to be assured it was not going to happen again, would have been on the ship with the big guy himself.


I certainly think it is all the front desk's fault that it happened but at this point and time, look at your friendships and move on, because if they bent down and kissed her feet it wasn't going to fix the damage that has already taken place.


As a wise poster quoted the other day on these boards "When you can’t change a situation, you can always change your attitude about it!"

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