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Spring 2015 cruisers!!!!


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Thanks Ladies, you girls are AWESOME :D I decided not to walk today since I did my grocery shopping and all my errands as well. My DH also has us buying only organic products which is great but my budget was not liking it.... 200 bucks for the same foods I usually only spend 100. O well its all for better health right.


Cari~ Thanks for the break down of food I actually used your menu as a list today and I am going to try what you have been doing since it has worked for you.


Bahamma Mamma~ I LOVE prepping for a cruise LOL :p Atleast once a week but now that Im on my weight loss journey again and I don't think I can prep but once or twice a month. :(


Yall have a great night I'm off to do the dishes!!!!



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Hi everyone, I haven't had a chance to read all the post but I will. I've been on my weight loss journey for 6 months now. I've lost 25 lbs and 2 pants sizes. I stopped eating chips every night and changed my chocolate to sugar free chocolate. I've been watching my portion sizes and trying to make better choices. I don't deny myself anything that I really want, but I'll eat less of it.


About a month ago my DH bought me a treadmill for my birthday. I've been on it at least 3-4 times a week. I started off just walking, now I've started HIIT training. I'll walk for 2 mins, run for 1 min, repeating it about 5 times before I finish off walking. I just booked a cruise for Feb next year and my goal is to be able to buy normal size clothes for the cruise. I'm getting close, I bought my first ever regular size jeans last weekend. Never in my adult life have I been able to do that. I'd be happy to loose 20 more lbs, and thrilled with 40 more lbs. I think I can do it since I've got a year to do it in.



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Hello everyone. I just discovered this weight loss section. I am a WW member (lifetime), 68, had 1 knee replacement & should have the other one done. I fell 2/10 & bruised my tailbone so am unable to ride my recumbent bike now (I was riding about 3 to 4 times a week 20 min each time). Since I went back to WW in May I have lost 46 pounds. I still have about 50 to go. I am leaving on my first cruise on 3/18. I am determined to use the bike on the ship & the jogging (walk) track. The stairs may be too much at this time. I am glad there is some support for us poor souls cruising & trying to lose weight. My WI day is Thursday. Are there any WW meetings on the ship?

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What is a fitbit?

These upcoming cruises have me so motivated. I checked my weight this morning and as of this morning I have lost 20 pounds since Monday December 30th when I was weighed at my doctor.

How often do all of you weigh yourselves?


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That's a great loss! I started Jan 2 and only lost 11 pounds. Can't seem to get my exercise in!

I am really going at it this week as I leave for my cruise next week. The cruise will cost me about an 8 pound gain:eek: I will lose all but 2-3 pounds the first 3 days home. Keep up the good work!


I don't know much about the fitbit other than it goes on your wrist and records many different things. I think it can be synced with certain programs and apps also. Someone who has one will have more info here I'm sure.


I weigh myself every Fri or Sat

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Hi everyone, I haven't had a chance to read all the post but I will. I've been on my weight loss journey for 6 months now. I've lost 25 lbs and 2 pants sizes. I stopped eating chips every night and changed my chocolate to sugar free chocolate. I've been watching my portion sizes and trying to make better choices. I don't deny myself anything that I really want, but I'll eat less of it.


About a month ago my DH bought me a treadmill for my birthday. I've been on it at least 3-4 times a week. I started off just walking, now I've started HIIT training. I'll walk for 2 mins, run for 1 min, repeating it about 5 times before I finish off walking. I just booked a cruise for Feb next year and my goal is to be able to buy normal size clothes for the cruise. I'm getting close, I bought my first ever regular size jeans last weekend. Never in my adult life have I been able to do that. I'd be happy to loose 20 more lbs, and thrilled with 40 more lbs. I think I can do it since I've got a year to do it in.



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Welcome to the group and congrats on your 25 lbs loss so far that really is great. I believe you will be able to lose 40 lbs in a year as long as you stay motivated and on track. My biggest problem is falling off after celebration times like Christmas or birthdays were there is lots of food following and I cant seem to say no. Stay focused and you will get there. :D


PTangel~ Hello and welcome to the group there are a few of us on here that are WW members. I do not think there are WW meetings on board but I could be wrong and just have not heard of them. If not you could always check your roll call and see if any one is and yall could form your own meeting while on board. Just a thought. Sorry to hear about your injury and I hope your feeling better and can resume your exercise routine.


For those of you asking about the fitbit I am one that currently is using it. It is basically a bracelet that you wear at all times even in the shower that calculates your every step/calorie burned and even tracks your sleep patterns. You can also log your food and water intake and it will let you know how many calories you have left for the day or if your over and you should go for a walk or something. I love it so far.


Anyways I hope everyone else is having a great week!! My treadmill is calling my name so I most go get ready and get to walking... :p P.S. I am at 2.50 miles per day now :cool:


Talk with yall later



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Welcome to the group and congrats on your 25 lbs loss so far that really is great. I believe you will be able to lose 40 lbs in a year as long as you stay motivated and on track. My biggest problem is falling off after celebration times like Christmas or birthdays were there is lots of food following and I cant seem to say no. Stay focused and you will get there. :D




PTangel~ Hello and welcome to the group there are a few of us on here that are WW members. I do not think there are WW meetings on board but I could be wrong and just have not heard of them. If not you could always check your roll call and see if any one is and yall could form your own meeting while on board. Just a thought. Sorry to hear about your injury and I hope your feeling better and can resume your exercise routine.




For those of you asking about the fitbit I am one that currently is using it. It is basically a bracelet that you wear at all times even in the shower that calculates your every step/calorie burned and even tracks your sleep patterns. You can also log your food and water intake and it will let you know how many calories you have left for the day or if your over and you should go for a walk or something. I love it so far.




Anyways I hope everyone else is having a great week!! My treadmill is calling my name so I most go get ready and get to walking... :p P.S. I am at 2.50 miles per day now :cool:




Talk with yall later






I'm doing pretty good staying motivated. My big problem is when we go out of town. The closest big city is 5 hours away so when we do go I tend to eat really bad. Travelling to and from I usually eat really bad too. I'm heading home tomorrow after 6 days out of town. I did manage to get two workouts done while I've been gone, not that great but it's better then nothing. Thank goodness we don't go to Edmonton very often, I'd gain all my weight back! My goal is to be able to run by the summer so hopefully that will help me shed this 40 lbs. I'm really looking forward to be smaller on my next cruise!


I have to say I'm pretty bad with weighing myself too much. I'll usually weigh myself everyday. I really need to stop that cause it can be discouraging when you don't see any loss.




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I weigh myself everyday and log it in my excel sheet, for me it keeps me on track so if I go off program Friday and see my weight increase Saturday I immediately start eating clean again. I always found that weighing in once a week lead me to be blind to my little bites extra sips here and there so everyday works really well for me but I understand its not for everyone.


Everyone have a great day today is a hard one for me as I usually have dinner with friends every Wed night which usually includes cocktails but I think I may just stay home tonight because the weather is looking really bad right now. We shall see wish me luck!!:confused:



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I weigh each day as I find it helps me not put weight back on that I've lost, after a while I've got used to the daily fluctuations in weight so they don't worry me.

I've been doing pretty good with my food, a few pieces of chocolate here and there, but otherwise OK. Not so good with the exercise though, I went for a brisk walk and it has flared my arthritis up so I won't be doing that again! I'll need to find some gentle exercise I can do.


I have to say it's great finding this board where people understand the joy of cruising. I think half the fun is in the planning and looking forward to it. I'm already looking for 2015 lol!

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I weigh each day as I find it helps me not put weight back on that I've lost, after a while I've got used to the daily fluctuations in weight so they don't worry me.

I've been doing pretty good with my food, a few pieces of chocolate here and there, but otherwise OK. Not so good with the exercise though, I went for a brisk walk and it has flared my arthritis up so I won't be doing that again! I'll need to find some gentle exercise I can do.


I have to say it's great finding this board where people understand the joy of cruising. I think half the fun is in the planning and looking forward to it. I'm already looking for 2015 lol!



I'm looking forward to my next cruise too! My hubby thinks I'm nuts cause I'm always on the boards and checking things out. I'm a planner so I'll have the whole trip planned before final payment is due lol.




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I am the same way once we booked our Oct cruise within three days I had all shore excursions booked and hotels booked as we will be driving from Houston to Miami. I also looked up restaurants to visit along our route specifically ones that have aired on Diners Drive in and Dives cause I love that show. And since I managed to book and plan out this whole trip in three days I then booked our April 2015 cruise on Disney Line as well.. Whats a girl to do ;)



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I love that show too! If we were driving I'm sure I'd plan that out too. Unfortunately the only cruise port we could drive to is Vancouver and that's still 1580 km (980 miles) away from us. One of these days we'll take an Alaskan cruise and maybe drive, it would take my hubby a lot of convincing to get me in the truck for that long! How long is your drive Chel?



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WOW! Lots to catch up on!


I have been in bed all day...I think I have a sinus infection and an ear infection. I did my workout Monday night and got right into bed after. I went to work yesterday and slept most of the day in my office so I called out today. If I am still sick tomorrow I will goto the Dr.


We live in the sticks so it takes me 45 minutes to get to my Dr and I wasn't up for driving today.


I just wanted to check in and say hello. I am still here, just hurts to focus on the computer screen.


I will be back and active soon I hope. The hardest part is I always want to eat more when I am sick...its awful! I hope everyone is having a great week.

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Bahamma Mamma~ I'm so sorry to hear your not feeling well :( I hope you recover quickly.


Mistynight~ The port of Miami is 1,204 miles from my home and it would take a little over 17 hours driving nonstop but we are going to drive the first day from Houston to Tallahassee and stay the night and continue on to Miami and stay the night on Miami Beach the night before we sail. So for us its going to take 2 days but we actually did this same drive back in 2011 and we drove from Houston to Miami in one day it was brutal and we said we would never do that again.



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I weighed in today & lost 2 pounds! I am so thrilled. I want to be down by 50 pounds by the time I cruise March 18. I am down now 48.2 pounds. I think it is do-able. I also rode my recumbent bike yesterday for the first time since my fall for the full 20 minutes. I think I am back on track now. You guys inspired to get back on & try. Thanks.

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I weighed in today & lost 2 pounds! I am so thrilled. I want to be down by 50 pounds by the time I cruise March 18. I am down now 48.2 pounds. I think it is do-able. I also rode my recumbent bike yesterday for the first time since my fall for the full 20 minutes. I think I am back on track now. You guys inspired to get back on & try. Thanks.



That's awesome!!! :eek::eek::eek: 48.2!!!!!Congrats!! You have inspired me!!! I went to work today just so I could goto my WW meeting and I was only down .6...however, I have been in bed since Mon and haven't worked out. I can live with that...next week will be a big one I am sure.

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well it was great to weigh in this morning and see that I've lost 4.8lbs in my first week! :) so I'm really pleased with that. I'm going to do some more cooking today so I have meals ready to heat up - I find I do better that way.


I've averaged about 5000 steps a day this week so my goal for next week is 6000 steps a day.

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I've never been able to understand how you can gain weight when you're sick & not eating anything. Where does the weight come from.



Me either!! Maybe because when you are sick you retain fluid from all the congestion...just a guess...


I do have to confess that the antibiotics I am on are making me very hungry...I am sitting here typing and eating a bowl of frozen yogurt (kemps fat free) with bananas...6 points and worth everyone!!! :D


Jayne!!! THAT'S AWESOME!!!! Congrats on the HUGE loss!!! Can I come and sit next to you at your meeting next week? ;)


I am feeling a little better today. I still left work early to come home and nap. By 2PM I was worthless so I sucked it up and used the PTO to come home. I am still a little lightheaded so I didn't want to try and workout til that goes away...that could be dangerous! Maybe tomorrow I will try a light workout or go for a walk.


Keep up the great work ladies!!!!

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