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No dress up

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Right now, I think the posted list aboard disallows shorts, tshirts, swimsuits, flip flops and ball caps. Add jeans to that and then ENFORCE it, and I'd be a happy camper. I just don't think its asking too much to expect a guy to put on at least khakis and a collared shirt (golf/polo shirts have collars) for dinner, especially on "formal night." I can't play golf in tee shirts and jeans, and that's another leisure activity that I pay a lot for - and it doesn't seem to cause the outraged "I paid for it and I'll wear whatever I want to wear!" shrieks. Do I expect RCI to do that - in particular the uniform enforcement part? Sadly, no - heck, they don't uniformly enforce ANY of their policies, from my observations.

Never seen t-shirts on the disallowed sign outside the MDR. Tank tops, yes.

As for jeans, don't hold your breath. RCI has always welcomed jeans into their dining rooms. In the past when they did theme nights, they always included a Country Western night. I'm sure they expected people to wear jeans, khakis look terrible with boots and a silver buckle.

As for your golf club, I'm sure their dress code states collared shirts required, not suggested.



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Just a freiendly-natured rebuttal: Please do a search of these forums (I think it is possible again). It won't take long for you to find a statement like this (or words to that effect.


If you don't find anything, let me know and I'll make a complete retraction.

OK, I took your friendly challenge. Did a search within the Royal forum for "dinner" and "ruin." It returned several hundred results, and most weren't even related to dress codes and MDR. I went back through at least the last 6 months of 2013 (well before I joined), and the only hits I got were to you and Tommyg making the claim that people said it "ruined their dinner" and a couple different people saying "its not like it ruins my dinner" or similar.


So, back at least as far as 7-8 months before I joined - nothing... :)

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OK, I took your friendly challenge. Did a search within the Royal forum for "dinner" and "ruin." It returned several hundred results, and most weren't even related to dress codes and MDR. I went back through at least the last 6 months of 2013 (well before I joined), and the only hits I got were to you and Tommyg making the claim that people said it "ruined their dinner" and a couple different people saying "its not like it ruins my dinner" or similar.


So, back at least as far as 7-8 months before I joined - nothing... :)



I humbly make a retraction. :D


But you have to admit it is ridiculous for individuals to fall back on the old "bathrobe and slippers" or "wet bathing suit" when referring to those who choose not to dress formally. Hyperbole is overrated and ultimately ruins one's argument by rendering it absurd.

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I humbly make a retraction. :D


But you have to admit it is ridiculous for individuals to fall back on the old "bathrobe and slippers" or "wet bathing suit" when referring to those who choose not to dress formally. Hyperbole is overrated and ultimately ruins one's argument by rendering it absurd.

I'll defer back to jbond's earlier post, he gave several good examples of how both sides in this argument seem to be equally guilty of hyperbole.


I will say that in my training as an engineer, we were taught that its often useful to look at the "boundary cases" in order to test a theory or hypothesis. Thus I tend to find the argument valid when someone asks if bathrobes or swimsuits or underwear should be allowed. The point being made there is that we ALL favor a dress code of some kind, we just have different lines that we draw!

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I see lots of people looking nice and having a great time in EVERY MDR though! Sure, you see the occasional off-duty hooker or the bum on break from his busking corner... but I'd still rather sit near them than a few of the Geriatric Prom®-sters I've ran into over the years... 2 buckets of perfume and snooty as sin.


...and you knew she was off duty how? :D

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I'll defer back to jbond's earlier post, he gave several good examples of how both sides in this argument seem to be equally guilty of hyperbole.


I will say that in my training as an engineer, we were taught that its often useful to look at the "boundary cases" in order to test a theory or hypothesis. Thus I tend to find the argument valid when someone asks if bathrobes or swimsuits or underwear should be allowed. The point being made there is that we ALL favor a dress code of some kind, we just have different lines that we draw!


What's wrong with underwear? I wear it to every meal unless we are eating on the beach or by a pool with swimwear is the dress of the day.

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Did a quick search for "dinner dress code" and came up with a ton of posts....like this one....


Yes - it does impact my service and food because it is distracting.


I suppose it is because it shows lack of respect for other people, and I am "other people" so I feel insulted. Why should I have to change cruise lines? These doofuses buy the same ticket I do - and they are aware of the dress code just as I am. Let THEM change cruise lines.


"Doofuses"? How much more miserable can this person make themselves? Yet another person more concerned with others than they are with themselvs.


Gotta say, there's no way, regardless of how this person would dress, that I'd ever give him/her even the least amount of respect. I'd avoid this person like the plague if I were stuck on a cruise with them.

Edited by graphicguy
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Did a quick search for "dinner dress code" and came up with a ton of posts....like this one....


Yes - it does impact my service and food because it is distracting.


I suppose it is because it shows lack of respect for other people, and I am "other people" so I feel insulted. Why should I have to change cruise lines? These doofuses buy the same ticket I do - and they are aware of the dress code just as I am. Let THEM change cruise lines.


"Doofuses"? How much more miserable can this person make themselves? Yet another person more concerned with others than they are with themselvs.


Gotta say, there's no way, regardless of how this person would dress, that I'd ever give him/her even the least amount of respect. I'd avoid this person like the plague if I were stuck on a cruise with them.


Totally agree!


Another one of those "my point is so weak I need to result to name calling" people :rolleyes: Lame

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Totally agree!


Another one of those "my point is so weak I need to result to name calling" people :rolleyes: Lame

Yep - entirely too much of that - on both sides of the argument. Seems to happen more on internet forums, I doubt most of them would be doing the name-calling in a face to face argument!

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Glad to hear it! :) Because I don't think ANYONE has said that "MOST OF THE MEN WORE TUXEDOS ON FORMAL NIGHT." On the other hand, some have claimed that none did, and were corrected for that untruth!


What did the other guy say? "extremes to prove a point"?? ;)


I can't find it now... maybe the post got deleted... but there was an exchange earlier in the thread where someone was arguing this point. It was right after the part where someone posted the CC reviews for Liberty and Freedom. The poster said that most of the men on their cruises wore tuxedos on formal night.


That wasn't MY hyperbole. It was me refuting someone else's. No need to jump on me for it.


Another extreme and put down for the more elderly cruiser. With 2,847 cruises under your belt, I'm sure you must have sat next to many snooty Geriatric Prom®-sters wearing 2 buckets of perfume. Fortunately, I have far fewer cruises than you and so have not had that experience.:rolleyes:


It's not so much a put down, as a funny commentary. It's kinda fun to watch, but you see all these old people scurrying around pretending they are at the prom. My wife finds it cute and endearing. I think it's hilarious. The level of seriousness at the Geriatric Prom® is epic!


You can be a retired fertilizer scooper and homemaker mother of 8, but now you're Thurston & Lovey Howell!


Nerds do it all the with cons. It's fun and funny to watch.


...and you knew she was off duty how? :D


Um... errrr... a friend told me? I'M INNOCENT I TELL YOU!

Edited by poncho1973
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It's not so much a put down, as a funny commentary. It's kinda fun to watch, but you see all these old people scurrying around pretending they are at the prom. My wife finds it cute and endearing. I think it's hilarious. The level of seriousness at the Geriatric Prom® is epic!


You can be a retired fertilizer scooper and homemaker mother of 8, but now you're Thurston & Lovey Howell!


Nerds do it all the with cons. It's fun and funny to watch.

So all of that is not a putdown, huh? I'm thinking you must engage in them so often you don't even realize it, but that's definitely a large putdown. Hope you don't sit around laughing at people like that in real life, but I imagine you probably do - and rest assured, it reflects on you much more than on them... :rolleyes:

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So all of that is not a putdown, huh? I'm thinking you must engage in them so often you don't even realize it, but that's definitely a large putdown. Hope you don't sit around laughing at people like that in real life, but I imagine you probably do - and rest assured, it reflects on you much more than on them... :rolleyes:

Very well put. Couldn't have said it better.

If he does sit around laughing at people, I hope he does it discretely, otherwise on one formal night he might exchange his lobster dinner for a knuckle sandwich.

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Thank you!

So all of that is not a putdown, huh? I'm thinking you must engage in them so often you don't even realize it, but that's definitely a large putdown. Hope you don't sit around laughing at people like that in real life, but I imagine you probably do - and rest assured, it reflects on you much more than on them... :rolleyes:
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So all of that is not a putdown, huh? I'm thinking you must engage in them so often you don't even realize it, but that's definitely a large putdown. Hope you don't sit around laughing at people like that in real life, but I imagine you probably do - and rest assured, it reflects on you much more than on them... :rolleyes:


Having a little chuckle when I see this is a lot more polite than what some folks seem to think about people who don't wear formal attire. There have been some seriously nasty comments in these types of threads. Seriously.


otherwise on one formal night he might exchange his lobster dinner for a knuckle sandwich.


I'm pretty sure Jack Lalanne is dead. Unless I'm wrong, I'm not that worried.


On a more serious note, this is a sad comment. It's not like I said that I run up and push old people down the stairs or something. I said I find humor in people pretending to be at the prom. I didn't say they don't have the right, because I believe they should have an awesome time on their cruise. I just think it's a bit funny, like cosplay. Doesn't mean the people participating aren't having the time of the life... just it's fun to watch. I don't bully them, publicly shame them, post mean photos of them on the internet, or anything. I just chuckle and smile... oh and I use the term Geriatric Prom® with no anger, meanness or spite behind it.

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I just chuckle and smile... oh and I use the term Geriatric Prom® with no anger, meanness or spite behind it.

Just chuckle and smile.....and feel smug and superior.

As for no anger, meanness or spite, see previous sentence. Many of your posts on this subject are most definitely mean and demeaning. I assume from your avatar that you're a Bengals fan, that must really be tough, but explains your lack of judgement.:rolleyes:

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We are definitely not dress up people. I hate dresses...don't wear heals...an my husband boycotted ties years ago. We are not foodies but enjoy decent food. Can we still get decent food on the ship?


We stopped eating in the MDR after our second cruise (except for one breakfast in a cruise critic group setting). We have never gone hungry! The food in the Windjammer is very good. The Park Cafe in the Solarium also serves good food. We've never eaten in a specialty restaurant - I'm already paying for food, why pay again? :)

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Wow...when I asked the question. I didn't know I'd start such an uproar.


I have to say that I too found the "geriatric prom" comment funny as well. I'm sure I'll get yelled at for this, but then what can be expected from a person who willfully refuses to conform?

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Just chuckle and smile.....and feel smug and superior.

No where did I say it made me feel superior, nor was I being smug about it. I just enjoy it on a personal level. The rest is your inference.


I'll ignore the personal insult, which I haven't done to you and won't return.

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I fall into the category of those who don't care what anyone wears, but I have to say that the opportunity to have a dress up night is a lot of fun for us. I'm a computer programmer and almost never wear anything besides flannel shirts and jeans. When we go on a cruise we typically, at least one of the nights, dress up pretty nicely and I think it's a lot of fun. I don't really consider it like going to the "prom", but it's different from our regular routine. There is almost nowhere in Eugene, OR that suggests a formal atmosphere. Quite the opposite. So dressing up is different than our common routine and, we think, a fun change of pace. I love seeing my wife all dressed up. It's a super joy for me.


That said, I know that is not true for everyone and I don't care if everyone is dressing up or not. I think it's fun that it is "suggested" so we don't have to wonder if we're out of place that night or not.


I think they could get away with one formal night on a cruise. It would be just as fun for us to just do it once.


Cosplay on a cruise might be a little more strange than just dressing formally. I'm pretty open minded, but if saw a bunch of people dressed like aliens or super heroes I'd think that was a big odd for a dinner. I'd laugh along with them, but I don't think that style of dress is as common as a formal dinner on a cruise.


I seldom see anyone dressing less than respectably on any night in the MDR so I often wonder why there is such a heated discussion on this topic.




On a more serious note, this is a sad comment. It's not like I said that I run up and push old people down the stairs or something. I said I find humor in people pretending to be at the prom. I didn't say they don't have the right, because I believe they should have an awesome time on their cruise. I just think it's a bit funny, like cosplay. Doesn't mean the people participating aren't having the time of the life... just it's fun to watch. I don't bully them, publicly shame them, post mean photos of them on the internet, or anything. I just chuckle and smile... oh and I use the term Geriatric Prom® with no anger, meanness or spite behind it.

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I seldom see anyone dressing less than respectably on any night in the MDR so I often wonder why there is such a heated discussion on this topic.




There is this weird line in the sand (but only online, oddly)... "Do you wear formal wear? NO? Then you are some inbred mouth-breathing fool! I see you are sneaking in without pants, wearing just your dirty underwear and a smelly tank top! You are wearing a ball cap and have food on your face! Is that a Duck Dynasty tattoo on your cheek? YOU HEATHEN!"


The reality is that 99% of people who aren't in true formal wear, still are dressed quite nicely and seem to be having a wonderful time. The weirdest part is that the people actually IN FORMAL WEAR seem to be having a wonderful time and ignoring anyone else who isn't in their own party.


However, back here on CC... we find out the truth! *insert ominous music* They were mad the entire time and it ruined everything! All of them. Every person was so mad. All of them.

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Be prepared to be gawked at. Just smile / wave and gawk back! :D :D



Anyone who has time to gawk on a cruise is just wasting their vacation IMO. Better to spend time chilling, relaxing, and enjoying!


Works for me anyway!





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