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Hey Celebrity !!! Loud Music Does NOT Equal Younger Demographic


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Two comments. The first is the issue of quality. On our last cruise on Equinox there was one very talented guitarist, one moderately talented guitarist singer, some mediocre folk and a female singer who was consistently flat. Please upgrade the quality. As to noise level, the only really bothersome area was events, musical and non-musical which were difficult to escape. Unless you are wedded to a particular venue, it is usually possible to avoid the noise. I did have to ask them to close the doors in Murano one night. I haven't in many Celebrity cruises experienced really loud music. I have, however, in many dining rooms, experienced really loud drunks and braggarts.

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Wouldn't a compromise mean lowering the volume of music in the Martini Bar to a level that allows guests to conversate at normal levels rather than having to shout? Not saying turns off the music or get rid of it, but again, if you have to literally shout to have a conversation with someone three feet away, the music is too loud.


It's just an energy draining experience to have loud music compounded by yelling to have a conversation. It's not relaxing or enjoyable. You won't be convinced obviously. I don't know why you are trying to convince anyone else what is enjoyable or not either. It doesn't really matter that you have perfect hearing after years of rock concerts. So what? You're very lucky I guess. But that isn't going to mean someone else will enjoy it.

If ONE person said it was too loud and everyone else said it was fine, I'd tend to agree with you more, but the reality is most people find the levels too high for enjoyment and conversation, no need to tell people they are wrong. :rolleyes:

A compromise would be that each and every customer could enjoy what they would like to enjoy. They could lower the music at times and have it louder at times, that would be a compromise. A compromise is not to just lower the music, as it would only satisify one side of the equation and that is not what a compromise is.


I don't want to change your position either, just voicing my opinion and I feel that when I go to a bar, I'm not looking to relax, I'm looking for a fun, exciting experience. People go to bars or on cruises for different reasons, so we can't say that everyone goes for the same reason we do.


Actually, we don't know how many people find it loud and how many people don't. We see a very few of Celebrities total passengers on here and some think it is too loud and others don't feel it has been a problem. Unless Celebrity does a true all passenger survey, we will never know. One poster said that she thought the music was too loud on her last cruise in the Martini bar, but it was jammed pack . Guess it wasn't "ear splitting" enough to make people leave. If people didn't patronize the bar, I guess then that might be an indication that there is a problem, but until that would happen, if I were Celebrity, I would keep things as is.


For the record, I've never told anyone that the are wrong (actually I have said over and over again that neither I'm right or wrong or those that feel it is loud is neither right or wrong), I have just said that I don't feel it is too loud based on all my experiences. If you feel one can not disagree with someone else's opinion, I'm sorry.

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You can't be serious. A compromise is having the kind of modern upbeat music you enjoy played at a reasonable level. Seems to me that you are the one who doesn't care to compromise.
Where did I ever say that a compromise would be only having the kind of modern upbeat music I enjoy?


I guess you haven't read my posts. I outlined how Celebrity can come up with different compromises and make everyone happy. I also said that I'm sure that some passengers would still complain, because they only want it their way. I believe when I asked you what compromise you would be willing to make, your answer was...don't play obnixously loud music. To me a compromise makes both parties happy, not just one side of the issue.


We have different opinions of the issue and are never going to understand the other's point, but that is okay, because everyone has a right to their own opinion. Because opinions are just that opinions and neither party is right or wrong, they just see it differently!

Edited by NLH Arizona
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Yes, this is the point that has been made a number of times on these threads by a few people, but it seems to fall on deaf ears for some! I'm not sure who on the ship is in charge of volume levels. Perhaps it's a Cruised Director led thing. I'm on Eclipse in a couple of weeks when Sue Denning is CD and it will be interesting to hear what it is like there.



Hopefully it will be to your liking. We were on Eclipse with Sue Denning and we never heard any loud music. Having said that, we do not go to the Martini bar, so we would not know if it was loud there.

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I am in my 40's a live in manhattan where I dine out all of the time. I have never been to a restaurant where the music was as loud as in the Martini Bar after 11pm when the DJ is playing.


Last year on the Summit the only place where we experienced extremely loud was music was by the pool where the floors vibrated from the bass. It was truly awful. And zumba taking up 1/2 the pool deck is ridiculous. Have it somewhere else!


This year on Reflection the music by the pool was much better and definitely tolerable! Thankfully, the weather brought zumba inside many days so I did not have to listen to that nonsense that takes up 1.2 the pool deck!


We encountered extremely loud music by the Martini Bar after 11pm and sometimes before then. It was so loud that you could not speak and be heard. The noise of the music carried all the way to the elevators, in the elevators and up/down through every deck of the atrium. The music was so loud it was painful. During this time there were usually 6-10 people dancing next to the bar. It seemed they were all releated and of hispanic decent (they were speaking spanish to one another). The age demographic of these people ranged from about 25-45. So, Celebrity I am not sure who you think you are attracting, but I am pretty sure if the DJ turned down the awful music (and the music he was playing was awful) you would have much more than 6-10 people after 11pm. We usually left the casino around 12:30 and would have loved to stop at the Martini Bar for a drink, but after hearing the DJ, there was no way we would stop by. It was obnoxious.


And to add, the cruise director Alexander who thought he was all that was really nowhere to be found the week we were on the ship bc he has friends from the UK on board and was much more concerned that they were having a good time, than the rest of the passengers. Frankly, he was pompous and had an attitude that he was better than everyone else. Quite disappointing and comical. He needs an attitude adjustment.

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regarding getting a great martini outside of the Martini Bar.


Last week, we wound up going to Michaels Club on the Summitt. Iwan (not from Taiwan) and Julio were more than happy to make a Martini which in my wifes opinion, were much better than what she received at the Martini Bar. Maybe they couldnt serve 6 martini's at the same time or play juggler with the bottles, but we could meet people and carry on conversations just fine.


However, rumors are flying that Michaels will turn into a VIP Lounge and be no longer house the craft beers.

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early in the week, The Martini was packed but I definitely noted many unhappy (almost hostile) cruisers both from the noise level and difficulty getting a drink. At times there were 10 people holding their cards up with only 1 or 2 bartenders. They kept running out of martini glasses and the bartenders were also serving and waiting all the surrounding tables.


By Friday, there was barely a crowd but the loud music was enough to keep us away.

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regarding getting a great martini outside of the Martini Bar.


Last week, we wound up going to Michaels Club on the Summitt. Iwan (not from Taiwan) and Julio were more than happy to make a Martini which in my wifes opinion, were much better than what she received at the Martini Bar. Maybe they couldnt serve 6 martini's at the same time or play juggler with the bottles, but we could meet people and carry on conversations just fine.


However, rumors are flying that Michaels will turn into a VIP Lounge and be no longer house the craft beers.


They serve Martinis in other bars but many don't have the ingredients to make some of the specialty Martinis.

Edited by Ma Bell
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Two comments. The first is the issue of quality. On our last cruise on Equinox there was one very talented guitarist, one moderately talented guitarist singer, some mediocre folk and a female singer who was consistently flat. Please upgrade the quality. As to noise level, the only really bothersome area was events, musical and non-musical which were difficult to escape. Unless you are wedded to a particular venue, it is usually possible to avoid the noise. I did have to ask them to close the doors in Murano one night. I haven't in many Celebrity cruises experienced really loud music. I have, however, in many dining rooms, experienced really loud drunks and braggarts.


I meant to say events in the atrium.


The issue which gets hinted at, but not stated directly is that in a public setting music has at least three purposes: background music for dining or conversation; dancing; and listening; with maybe one further category which is talking loudly over loud music. Each activity has different sound levels and degrees of complexity, i.e. techno or disco or big band for dancing. Years ago the jazz guitarist, Charlie Byrd, had a nightclub in DC. When his trio was off stage, the music was subdued and the patrons talked and ordered drinks. When the trio was onstage the audience stopped talking and the servers stopped serving. There is something to be said about deciding on the purpose of the venue, and, yes, there needs to be A venue for those who enjoy talking loudly over loud music.

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Judging by feedbacks I recently got from 2 different sets of clients on 2 different ''S'' class ( Equinox & Reflection), I have a brilliant suggestion for Celebrity, in keeping with their ''new'' policy of exasperating their guests with annoyingly high sound volume , : train your service crew on the newly discovered skill of sign language as it feels such method of communication is the only practical one they'll need to communicate with themselves, their superiors and their guests ; short of handwritten beverage orders passed on between guests and service attendants, sign language is IT !! Normal vocal conversations seem a thing of the past.

Of course, we all know this only applies to the ''public '' venues on board :rolleyes:


And reading the 4 or 5 threads on this topic, it seems to be an ongoing saga.....


Of course, the guests who still will come back to == X == would also have to do their part and learn basic sign languages. Perhaps Celebrity might consider adding a quick ''sign language 101.1 '' page in their documentation to the guest; that would help them being brought up to date with the ''new and improved'' Modern Luxury product Celebrity is rebranding ( or so it seems.....)


just a thought....:mad:

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For our upcoming reflection cruise, we have now decided to purchase some musician earplugs to protect our hearing. As for the demographic issue I am a younger cruiser in multiple orchestras and very much enjoy classical and other forms of music. As a cellist, I am accustomed to playing different types of music and in groups with different volumes, but have now decided to protect my hearing. After our experience on the reflection cruise during last thanksgiving, the music was so loud overall that we found it impossible to communicate when seated next to each other. We even contemplated a device where we had earpieces to communicate. So let's hope celebrity has gotten the message, and makes a difference, and protects their customers hearing health.


Edited by goldencruiser
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I just do not understand why Celebrity is so tone deaf and obstinate regarding this relatively simple issue. It all starts with knowing your customer, and respecting their desires.


Between this thread and the "Carnivalization of Celebrity" thread, almost 10,000 people have shown interest in this topic in the past 48 hours. Surely this should tell Celebrity that this is a real issue which they need to urgently address.


We have done some 20 cruises on Celebrity. When we book and pay, we do so expecting a refined Celebrity experience, such as we have experienced previously. To inflict a very different experience is to take our money under false pretenses. This is what happened on the Carnival Reflection last week!!


The ships are so configured that the intolerably loud music at the main pool, and in the lobby, impacts most of the common spaces of the ship.


Celebrity, you must realize that most of your customers do not like the direction you have mandated with very loud music. It is not consistent with "modern luxury". Have you asked yourselves if you would get as many complaints if the music was at a reasonable volume? Would people be complaining the music was not loud enough? I doubt it.

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Whatever Celebrity decides, I wish they would come back and tell US! We have a right to make informed decisions as to whether we want to book or cancel. To so radically change a way of doing things (we're not talking about trays or no trays in the buffet, this is a serious health and social issue, and is very, very different from the music offerings/volumes I've been familiar with by sailing with them in the past 10 years) MUST be made known, people have a right to be able to choose what to do.

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Between this thread and the "Carnivalization of Celebrity" thread, almost 10,000 people have shown interest in this topic in the past 48 hours. Surely this should tell Celebrity that this is a real issue which they need to urgently address.


Actually it has had almost 10,000 views, it is not 10,000 people, because many, many people view these threads numerous time throughout each day. Edited by NLH Arizona
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... the Carnival Reflection....
I'm trying to determine if this was conscious or subconscious:confused: According to some this would be an upgrade
...I have never experienced outrageously high volumes on Carnival, perhaps its the "Nouveau Celebritization" that you are up set with....don't pull down Carnival to make your point about Celebrity.
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almost 10,000 people have shown interest in this topic in the past 48 hours




Celebrity, you must realize that most of your customers do not like the direction you have mandated


10,000 VIEW's does not mean singular people, 1,000,000. One Million, people sail Celebrity every year, and even if it was a true 10,000 that would equal 1%. Of this 10,000 less than 100 have commented in a negative manner. So if You were at the top of the food chain and looking at the real numbers and making the decision's we all know which % you would side with.


Now I am not saying I like the volume, but as a number cruncher I get the big picture. Keep 10,000 or 990,000 happy.

Edited by wallie5446
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...Now I am not saying I like the volume, but as a number cruncher I get the big picture. Keep 10,000 or 990,000 happy.
Sorry, but that is a non sequitur. I could just as easily claim that they didn't vote in favor of high volume, so they must not want it. Just because 99% of cruisers (or whatever percentage) have never heard of Cruise Critic and have not participated in this spat doesn't automatically mean they are happy with the volume. I'm sure some of them are happy, some are unhappy, and probably most have never thought about it, and would be happy no matter the outcome.
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10,000 VIEW's does not mean singular people, 1,000,000. One Million, people sail Celebrity every year, and even if it was a true 10,000 that would equal 1%. Of this 10,000 less than 100 have commented in a negative manner. So if You were at the top of the food chain and looking at the real numbers and making the decision's we all know which % you would side with.


Now I am not saying I like the volume, but as a number cruncher I get the big picture. Keep 10,000 or 990,000 happy.


To make a comparison though, the units compared should be... comparable. In the first, it was per day (albeit views rather than people) whereas your second figure is per year.


So you'd either want to compare that to the number of people cruising per day, or annualise the daily view to per annum. The second is unlikely to be realistic, so the better way is to compare to the number of people sailing per day.

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To NLH Arizona.


Several posters on this thread, including me, were on the Reflection last week. We are all saying the same thing. We do not know each other. We all experienced the racket around the pool and in the central lobby. With due respect, you did not.


I would say the music is too loud when at sail-away at the pool one could not hear the person right next to them. It is too loud when one could feel the music vibrating right through ones body. It is too loud when the speakers at the pool are so pushed beyond their limits that the sound totally distorts! Yes, it was that loud:eek:

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Sorry, but that is a non sequitur. I could just as easily claim that they didn't vote in favor of high volume, so they must not want it. Just because 99% of cruisers (or whatever percentage) have never heard of Cruise Critic and have not participated in this spat doesn't automatically mean they are happy with the volume. I'm sure some of them are happy, some are unhappy, and probably most have never thought about it, and would be happy no matter the outcome.

Oh my, please, I based off their comment,

"Originally Posted by Seapoint

Celebrity, you must realize that most of your customers do not like the direction you have mandated"

Most? We on CC are no where near a large enough % of bookings to rate us as most!

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To make a comparison though, the units compared should be... comparable. In the first, it was per day (albeit views rather than people) whereas your second figure is per year.


So you'd either want to compare that to the number of people cruising per day, or annualise the daily view to per annum. The second is unlikely to be realistic, so the better way is to compare to the number of people sailing per day.

Great, I get it. So what % of the pax, from what ever day, week month, or yearly figure would you as the CEO need to see the % at? How would you calculate? Step back, thousands of employees jobs hinge on what you decide.

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Oh my, please, I based off their comment,

"Originally Posted by Seapoint

Celebrity, you must realize that most of your customers do not like the direction you have mandated"

Most? We on CC are no where near a large enough % of bookings to rate us as most!


However, some of us are considering how loyal we really are to the brand....and some of us actually talk to others at the water cooler, lunch, cocktail parties about our cruises and our cruise experience. Negative comments travel and are remembered about three times as often as positive ones. So although we may be numerically a small percent....we represent a significant paying (as in revenue and profit) customer base (many here are elite or higher) and many of us are both vocal and honest about our experiences.


I certainly hope that Celebrity is smarter than to dismiss CC participants as just a small minority that can be ignored.

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However, rumors are flying that Michaels will turn into a VIP Lounge and be no longer house the craft beers.


Not a rumor. It's already being implanted, and Century for sure has already changed and assume other ships are underway. The official celebrity rep has chimed in on this to confirm...


Cellar masters is changing (Enomastics leaving, already off the Eclipse...), and is probably getting the beers added in there.

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IF you have a Android or IPhone, you can download a audio meter app that gives you a pretty good sound level reading. If all those with smart phones can take readings, then we can post results after we sail.


exactly. I'm a scientific kind of mind. so I want data to compare LOL


I got one for the iPhone, and do know many sound guys who use these for checking levels these days, along with i-phones running full light shows now. amazing device....!

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To NLH Arizona.


Several posters on this thread, including me, were on the Reflection last week. We are all saying the same thing. We do not know each other. We all experienced the racket around the pool and in the central lobby. With due respect, you did not.


I would say the music is too loud when at sail-away at the pool one could not hear the person right next to them. It is too loud when one could feel the music vibrating right through ones body. It is too loud when the speakers at the pool are so pushed beyond their limits that the sound totally distorts! Yes, it was that loud:eek:

And I say that the music has never been too loud on any of my cruises. Doesn't make me wrong or you wrong, we have a difference of opinion and a different idea of how we enjoy listening to music. Others, who I don't know as well, have said the same thing....the volume of the music doesn't bother them. No, it is not too loud IMHO!

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