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.......idle jottings


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Enjoying your trip Ho-Hum. Found this thread over at Azamara. As Raggy is doing a land voyage, and you have advised others in various land voyages, and as we just returned from our second cross country road trip in the last several months, I thought you might have some interest as we did.


Thanks Jim for the link but really the cruises and land trips are two different "animals" and cost comparisons seem pointless.

It is obvious cruises are tremendous value by a mile.

But there are just some places cruises dont go and therefore land trips are the only option as well as the preferred option.

The end.

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And so now we are in Gallipoli, Italy (right on the "heel": well a tad inside if you are "pernickety") but Italian officials are intent on keeping us out of the port.

First we have to tender and not dock as originally intended. So earlier we manoeuvred to enter the port then we avert entry and go to the opposite side. "Make a yer minds up".

Secondly the bloody customs men turn up late: sheepishly they waive through inspection and scuttle off for coffee and biscuits provided.

Thirdly the lady from Gallipoli tourism is explaining in detail a particular fresco in a church when people want general information.

Fourthly, the Tourist Office closed several years ago and is now a general dumping ground.

What a useless bunch !

No wonder Italians in the North want to "cut adrift" their work shy compatriots who are a drain on social welfare, for it is visibly poorer in these Southern regions.


But we are finally off and the first thing we see is men mending their nets on the quay side which has many, many simple, blue painted, timber, fishing boats.

Quite extraordinary !

This is a fishing port that is popular with Italian tourists from the local area.

The cafes and restaurants are barely adequate for more discerning tourists and yet we find one in a back street which couples up as a really good art gallery.

We are here with a crew member for his birthday.

He arrived a few days ago so there is much to catch up on.

We drink a few bottles of the chilled local white wines with various nibbles from the region.


The town of Gallipoli is again stone built but there have been additional white painted buildings incorporated too.

The town also has a very large fish market with competing outlets. Some have created seating areas on tall stools to eat nearby. It is not executed to a high standard unfortunately and the areas are not shaded (as it approaches 11.0am, this is beginning to be an important factor) and you cannot buy wine.


There is a cacophony of noise and traffic driving chaotically just outside the tender station on the main bridge linking the new part to the old part but once on the old part there are pedestrianised, stone streets and a better array of shops than the previous town of Monopoli. Huge abandoned, former merchant houses line the streets all displaying "Vendesi" (For Sale) signs. You wonder what the interiors would be like. They are too cramped in and afford no views over the various harbours which is the requirement for people today whether for second homes or converting to hotels.


With the one bar and art gallery we found, the people of Gallipoli are not geared up to serve discerning foreign tourists but simply the tourists from a short way inland. No doubt this will change and it is fascinating seeing a town in it's formative years from a simple fishing port.


Several guests simply dont like it.

Oh and one pair of guests from Australia were on this trip believing we were visiting Gallipoli, Turkey where many Aussies lost their lives in WWI.

Oooops !

Their TA is in "hot water" !


Wind calmed down last night and we ate outside with the the wonderful Activities Director for the "Degustation" menu: generally this did not excel as all previous nights but the desert was truly exceptional.

Up to the TOYB which is busy near every night and there was jolly German chappie drinking a digestif concoction of two Italian digestifs mixed together: the great Austrian barman explained it was a very common drink.

Jolly German chappie was alone and smiling. Frau "IHI" was no doubt applying face cream or curlers or whatever women do of that age in her cabin.

HH said a few pleasant words for earlier in the day HH's humour may have been a tad too robust for him and his wife.

For while we were in the tender (on which they always board first after having breakfast first) he asks Hum to view the map Hum is viewing.

He does this every bloody time !

Bloody cheek.....Hum would NEVER do this.

But what can you do ?

Yes Hum gives it to him and jokingly asks for €5.

Hum then admonishes him (with humour hopefully) that he never brings a map (freely available at the concierge).

Adding "What's the matter with you, you are German !"

Too far ?

Now you see the reason for the charm offensive at the TOYB.

Lesson: pick up 2 maps at concierge next time. One for him, one for us !

Still it is damn cheeky....what a nerve.

This attitude is quite extraordinary.

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And so now we are in Gallipoli, Italy (right on the "heel": well a tad inside if you are "pernickety") but Italian officials are intent on keeping us out of the port.

First we have to tender and not dock as originally intended. So earlier we manoeuvred to enter the port then we avert entry and go to the opposite side. "Make a yer minds up".


Here is a somewhat wicked thought...from what has been witnessed over the last few weeks, perhaps if some wise guy had indicated that you had just travelled over the wild raging sea from Libya your welcome might not have been so unpleasant!!!:eek:

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Ha, no it's typical Australian Ho-Hum, I also immediately thought of THE Gallipoli in Turkey but realising when looking at your itinerary agan it is nowhere near Turkey! Can't blame the TA!


Such a great wrap up of your days, I don't know how you find the time! And yes, simply get two maps, perhaps "rip" out the centre or something :D


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Here is a somewhat wicked thought...from what has been witnessed over the last few weeks, perhaps if some wise guy had indicated that you had just travelled over the wild raging sea from Libya your welcome might not have been so unpleasant!!!:eek:


Forgive HH if he is being rather slow but if MACT you mean HH is being treated a whole lot better than those poor fellows escaping Libya then naturally you are most correct and my heart sincerely goes out to them. And truly HH is being preciously self-centred.

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Such a great wrap up of your days, I don't know how you find the time! And yes, simply get two maps, perhaps "rip" out the centre or something


Well it ain't exactly Shakespeare now is it Millie ? Simply "idle jottings".



PS If you make a mistake on a post and you spot it quickly, then you can Edit it or delete it altogether (say for an example if you post on the wrong forum....haha)

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Love Taormina but hate the crowds, so we enter as soon as tender capacity availability allows (and yes HH is a contributing element to the mass).

Two adventures commence first:

- trip up Mount Etna

- visit to film locations for "The Godfather"


The first is popular with academically minded passengers: the latter for the Brazilians !


The operation from shore to town is well organised passing though through a ramshackle arrangement of ghastly concrete roads and bridges on high concrete columns interspersed with a few long tunnels. The arrangement is less a "blot on the landscape" from the boat but close up it is strictly third division and the road maintenance budget appears as if it was cut back in the late 80's. Strata's of discarded cigarette butts identify different settlers.


But we arrive at the coach station, up an odour free lift (maybe it's a British thing) to the seventh floor, across a "plaza" (no, nothing impressive) and towards the stone gates and through to the main "drag" lined with shops containing clothing, shoes, wines, oils etc..

We always buy from one very accomplished lady who runs the best wine, olive oil, cheese and condiment shop. She is "scholarly" in her approach to matters Sicilian cuisine. She is razor sharp, a fine intellect and good English. She is economical and highly accurate in her pronouncements on enquiries.

We buy, all our little ruck-sack can carry:

- two bottles of red wine from the slopes of Etna

- one bottle of white, also from the slopes

- one bottle of green, local olive oil

- two types of local, ricotta hardened (one smoked, one salty)


And Blondie buys some lovely clothes at really low prices but later says it is too busy at the rear and why did'nt Hum tell her ! Ye Gods !

One of Blondie and HH's first holidays together was in Taormina. We had very little money and the hotel was exaggeratedly rated 2 star ! It was shocking and really very little in the way of good food and wine: that was reserved for the various posh hotels which we certainly could not afford.


After our strolling and shopping we popped into a posh hotel walked through the opulent lobby and to the sofas out on the balcony from which views stretched out over the bay to SD with dozens of swallows, swooping and diving below. HH ordered a few local chilled white wines and a plate of canapes swiftly followed.

Aaaaah bellissimo !

We are in the shade from the strong sun and just chat.

A type of Italian "lounge" music plays. Yes it's sugar content may be a tad high but HH's foot gently taps along to the music.

Truly "La Dolce Vita".

Wonder if Berlusconi is in town having one of his "Bunga Bunga" parties.


A truly un-holy alliance is forming on the boat between Frau "IHI" and lady who "stews a lot" over injustices.

Both redoubtable ladies are always sniping and edge to the front of queues.

Well it so happened that the indolent Italian officials were late yet again for clearance and this pair, always eager to be first on the tender, this time Mrs "Stewie" castigated the officials for being late. Straight Way Frau "IHI" joined in and the alliance began.

HH is reminded of the Monty Python film "Life of Brian" where bitter twisted women, full of self-righteousness dress as men with fake beards for the stoning of some poor wretch who exclaimed "Jehovah" in the context that he had had a great meal.

This pairing would be at the very front !


We dined out overlooking or up at Taormina with another member of the crew. It was a beautiful evening. The winds have gone and the temperatures are warming up as we head north.

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Once again tks HH! Is Taormina a nice place just to hang? My husband wants to do the "academia" Etna. I would prefer to shop in town. How long does the Etna excursion go for? Is there time for both? We are in port from morning until 10.00pm. And, whilst you are there HH, just idling jots, can you also advise if it is champagne served on board as opposed to prosecco or sparking wine (where I read in a previous thread)? If the latter, will champagne be available if we ask? Are you having a fantastic time?

Cheers, Millie

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And Blondie buys some lovely clothes at really low prices but later says it is too busy at the rear and why did'nt Hum tell her ! Ye Gods !


The curse of accompanying one's better half clothes shopping...stay outside the shop and one is accused of "not being interested" or go inside and try to look engaged and shudder at the prospect of having to express an opinion.


Easier to confess "I will like whatever you buy, you have a great eye for style and fashion as always" and park oneself at a nearby bar, enjoy a cold one whilst awaiting the expensive outcome. You know it makes sense.

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Once again tks HH! Is Taormina a nice place just to hang? My husband wants to do the "academia" Etna. I would prefer to shop in town. How long does the Etna excursion go for? Is there time for both? We are in port from morning until 10.00pm. And, whilst you are there HH, just idling jots, can you also advise if it is champagne served on board as opposed to prosecco or sparking wine (where I read in a previous thread)? If the latter, will champagne be available if we ask? Are you having a fantastic time?

Cheers, Millie


Taormina is wonderful Millie !!!


Now the Etna trip was supposed to return at 1.00pm for lunch but they returned at 3.00pm !

No fault of SD !

The passengers were just having too good a time !

So why dont you do shopping and hangin' round Taormina by yourself or with a companion from the boat but HH knows it's nice to share.

Alternatively after Etna you could go out but HH would be "pooped" by then.


Of course champagne is available all the time.

It is Jacquart and is drinking very nicely. There is some bottle age so it is not caustic and green but mellow, maybe a touch too much dosage (sugar).

On embarkation at Day 1, they still try to "palm you off" with Prosecco but just between us it is quite nice, if a little floral.

Once you say you only drink champagne it will be noted but be demonstrative especially to the maitre d' !


And yes Millie, HH is having the most fabulous of times.

HH has experienced all kinds of voyages and have loved them all.

Finishing the trip off with Sicily, Amalfi, Positano, Capri & Rome must be the best in the SD itinerary and the weather has been improving and now it is perfect.

You will have a wonderful itinerary too ending in the best city in the world, Venezia.

Promise you will tell us of your experience too (in whatever form and degree that suits you).

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Taormina is wonderful Millie !!!


Now the Etna trip was supposed to return at 1.00pm for lunch but they returned at 3.00pm !

No fault of SD !

The passengers were just having too good a time !

So why dont you do shopping and hangin' round Taormina by yourself or with a companion from the boat but HH knows it's nice to share.

Alternatively after Etna you could go out but HH would be "pooped" by then.


Of course champagne is available all the time.

It is Jacquart and is drinking very nicely. There is some bottle age so it is not caustic and green but mellow, maybe a touch too much dosage (sugar).

On embarkation at Day 1, they still try to "palm you off" with Prosecco but just between us it is quite nice, if a little floral.

Once you say you only drink champagne it will be noted but be demonstrative especially to the maitre d' !


And yes Millie, HH is having the most fabulous of times.

HH has experienced all kinds of voyages and have loved them all.

Finishing the trip off with Sicily, Amalfi, Positano, Capri & Rome must be the best in the SD itinerary and the weather has been improving and now it is perfect.

You will have a wonderful itinerary too ending in the best city in the world, Venezia.

Promise you will tell us of your experience too (in whatever form and degree that suits you).


Well it does sounds wonderful HH. And I agree you have the best itinerary. I can't wait to board SD, albeit in a year's time. We start with Sicily, Amalfi and Capri so look forward to hearing about what you do with your time there! And it's great the weather is now on the warmer side and the winds have subsided. The warm air must feel so wonderful (freezing cold where I am!)


What was the name of the place in Taormina can you remember where you bought your wine. Are you able to open a bottle on SD?


I promise to share my experiences when the time comes as it is forums like these that got me on board in the first place! So I need to give back a little.

Cheers, Millie

Edited by MillieRyan08
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And yes Millie, HH is having the most fabulous of times.

HH has experienced all kinds of voyages and have loved them all.

Finishing the trip off with Sicily, Amalfi, Positano, Capri & Rome must be the best in the SD itinerary and the weather has been improving and now it is perfect.

You will have a wonderful itinerary too ending in the best city in the world, Venezia.

Promise you will tell us of your experience too (in whatever form and degree that suits you).


Well it does sounds wonderful HH. And I agree you have the best itinerary. I can't wait to board SD, albeit in a year's time. We start with Sicily, Amalfi and Capri so look forward to hearing about what you do with your time there! And it's great the weather is now on the warmer side and the winds have subsided. The warm air must feel so wonderful (freezing cold where I am!)


What was the name of the place in Taormina can you remember where you bought your wine. Are you able to open a bottle on SD?


I promise to share my experiences when the time comes as it is forums like these that got me on board in the first place! So I need to give back a little.

Cheers, Millie

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The curse of accompanying one's better half clothes shopping...stay outside the shop and one is accused of "not being interested" or go inside and try to look engaged and shudder at the prospect of having to express an opinion.


Easier to confess "I will like whatever you buy, you have a great eye for style and fashion as always" and park oneself at a nearby bar, enjoy a cold one whilst awaiting the expensive outcome. You know it makes sense.


If it were that easy MACT !

No, HH is beseeched "I really want your opinion"

Suddenly HH's opinions means something does it ?

And what of his opinion on other matters be they political, economical, cultural and anything else ending "al" ?

The eye rolling gives it away whenever HH humbly pontificates.

But now when Blondie is shopping, HH is a cross between Karl Lagerfeld and Alexander McQueen !

"Darling you must have it, have it, have it, it brings out your eyes !"

It brings out HH's too when he sees the price tag !

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SDII: Day 8 Lipari & Stromboli


The isle of Lipari has one of the most beautiful ports though they have replaced (or covered) the former stone surface with a marble like tile in the main sea frontage.

The frontage to the port is extensive with cafes set back nearly 30 metres.

The properties surrounding the port and throughout the town vary in standards of repair. Amazingly some properties appear closed for a decade and are boarded up.


Again we buy olives, capers, chillies, sun-dried tomatoes from a delightful lady (Pina) who is now running the 100 year old family business.

We buy two slices of pizza too and ciabatta elsewhere.


Returning to the ship, it is barbecued lunch.


Afterwards we sail to Stromboli. A fascinating island of less than a 1000 inhabitants though some passengers are upset there is no "shopping" !


Give it a rest for half a day please ladies.


We anchor to see the volcano spew lava in the evening after dinner outside.

We saw it once and it was dramatic.

This time it just "burped": an orange glow for a few seconds only.

But at black out (to see the eruption), the sky was clear and hundreds and hundreds of stars were visible.

Really wonderful.

Again some disappointed that there was no river of lava !

You want to shout this ain't Disneyland !

And that the "lava show" is on the hour, every hour until the island closes for nightly maintenance.


Earlier we had eaten with a wonderful lady from Oslo whom we had met before and liked very much. She is extremely competent and has extensive experience in the cruise industry and was delighted to land the job with SD which had been a dream for her.


Surprisingly the lady from Oslo did not have two heads or spit fire !

Unlike those in the booking department who have a greater degree of standard to reach.

Yet this subsequently proves unfair !

The shoreside management have dramatically improved.....yes they still have a way to go but they are demonstrating concern and an eagerness to remedy differences.

The bookings department who have been a real sense of irritation are now offering speedy solutions.

We like it and we appreciate it.......very much.

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Well it does sounds wonderful HH. And I agree you have the best itinerary. I can't wait to board SD, albeit in a year's time. We start with Sicily, Amalfi and Capri so look forward to hearing about what you do with your time there! And it's great the weather is now on the warmer side and the winds have subsided. The warm air must feel so wonderful (freezing cold where I am!)


What was the name of the place in Taormina can you remember where you bought your wine. Are you able to open a bottle on SD?


I promise to share my experiences when the time comes as it is forums like these that got me on board in the first place! So I need to give back a little.

Cheers, Millie


The name of the store is La Torinese.


They have a website: http://www.latorinesetaormina.it/


And they are on YouTube:


Taormina - Enoteca La Torinese - YouTube

28 Nov 2008 - Uploaded by taorminaviva

Taormina, una delle botteghe più antiche della città.



And the two bottles of red wine, HH bought were:

2011 tenuta di aglaea "n'anticchia" etna rosso


Details can be found on this link:



Yes HH opens a bottle of wine onboard after seeking permission of the sommelier (they may impose a $10 corkage).

HH buys a fair amount of wine onboard (so they kindly waive the corkage).

Discretion.....always discrete.....a quiet word is tactful and best.


The readers on these forums are a very grateful crowd and always appear grateful for information on places etcc..so HH would always encourage you and anyone to "jot down" a short line or two on whatever YOU think is important.

Yes some have objected to character of reporting and "off subject" comments as is there prerogative but HH feels it is a valid contribution as a means of gauging the type of character reporting which thus influences commentary (of course this goes "way over some people's heads" both CC Host and ol' Cabbie but let your light shine, HH says).

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SDII: Day 10 Capri, Italy


Oh Ho Hum is so enjoying travelling and stopping along the coastline from Amalfi to Positano and to the isle of Capri.

It is so beautiful and the weather is divine.

So much to see.

HH congratulates himself for being such a "clever sausage" for bringing his Canon 10x30 binoculars with "Image Stabilisation". This truly intensifies the enjoyment seeing the various homes along the cliffs, the boats, the beaches and occasionally the people.


Tip for the day: Do bring a pair of binoculars.


The houses along the coast are simple in construction, flat roofed, white painted.

Their simplicity and modest sizes give the appearance of hermitages where people eek out a simple life yet the reality is these properties sell for hundreds of thousands of pounds.


Truly the best way to enjoy this coastline is from SD looking towards the coast.

Those along the coast simply see out to sea....no not bad at all but from here it is even better.

And not on one of those bobbling yachts where the view jumps up and down but from a gentle bobbing boat like SD.

And this boat sits perfectly into the scene, set respectfully some distance out so as not to impose itself on the small dwellings and beaches.

It's design too is definitely chic and sophisticated and the land lubbers know that it will not spew out too many from it's innards when the tenders arrive on shore.

Maybe the behemoths are banned but they would look ugly in these pretty settings and the hordes that those people containers discharge would completely clog up streets, plazas, shops, churches etc..with an amorphous mass of humanity. Yuk !




Now HH could go on but not today.

"Run out of juice" and it is last night which HH wants to spend dining with just Blondie.

And earlier to-day several passengers, Chief Officer Steiner, Captain Lund and concierge ladies Arla & Frud held a little ceremony at the rear of the boat to celebrate the life of a Belgian passenger who loved Sea Dream and was actually booked for this voyage along with his British wife.

A small bunch of flowers were droppd into the sea and a bottle of beer !

A few of us said a few words and looking up HH noticed a few moist eyes.

He was an extraordinary character. Tremendously intelligent and an outrageous comedian.


HH offered a few of his own words, appreciating meeting him, having the courage to be very silly and acknowledging the friendships made on these boats as life enhancing and valued.


Oh and ending on a good note. You know the two old dowagers HH was going on about. Well one of the ladies has completely lightened up and is a true delight. It is bloomin marvellous to see.

And Frau "IHI" ?

Worse than ever !

No redemption there.......actually she is worse !

Ho Hum

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A wonderful stop.....possibly one of the best in the entire SD catalogue !

SD are not allowed to use their own tenders.

The local mafia, HH means the union, HH means the local boaters, expert in their profession to deal with the idiosyncrasies of the waters tween ship and land have the exclusive right to ferry victims, HH means passengers.

And it ain't for the old, less nimble and physically less able or un-co-ordinated !

So take your time and do exactly as told by these wonderful guys: grabbing hands etc..


Off the boat, go up to the top town (Anacapri)

HH always takes the long, white, open top cars, parked at the end of the short stone pier from where you disembark.

Or, along with the whole of humanity and half of China, you could use funicular (carriages that go up hillside) positioned along the front about 100 yards on the left from the end of the pier.

Come down the funicular by all means BUT get up there quickly !


HH is a lazy sod and is averse to crowds, so there are only a few things does on Capri:

- La Piazetta (for a drink and watching people)

- JK Place (Hotel) bar (for a "snifter")

- Augustus Gardens (working oneself up for a drink)

- Villa San Michele (maybe for a drink)


HH would prefer to board SD from Capri (instead of Rome) after having spent three nights in Capri and


SD Excursions

- Blue Grotto Junket

Touristy, kitschy and fun! For those that "must-see" this well-known and visited grotto, SeaDream has made some special arrangements for you. A local motorboat pulls alongside the SeaDream gangway to transfer you, with a guide, to the famous Grotta Azzurra. You'll zip along the northern coast of the island before arriving at the grotto entrance, where SeaDream guests get priority over the usual tourist crowds. Transfer to one of the small rowboats that enter the grotto and the most extraordinary turquoise water. The luminescent glow of the cave walls reflecting in the seawater is quite a sight. Transfer back to Marina Grande on Capri, where you are free to explore the island on your own.


- Discovering the Island of Love

This land adventure has it all! In love or not, we recommend that you sign up early for this annual favorite! Begin your discovery of "The Island of Love" by stepping from your SeaDream yacht into a motor launch to explore the island's dramatic eastern coastline. See the famous Faraglioni Rocks, cruise into a coral cave, and explore the rugged vistas of Capri's tiny coves. As you step back ashore, head next to the high village of Anacapri in high style via your waiting convertible touring car (Specifically made for the island of Capri – It’s a Caprisian Convertible!). Once in Anacapri, board a chairlift that takes you skimming over vineyards to the top of Mt. Solaro and its magnificent vistas. After some free time to wander in Anacapri, hop back in your car to wind down to Capri town, where you may explore the lush Cesar August Gardens with your guide before either returning to the yacht, or wandering through the shops and restaurants on your own. This is an excellent overview of one of the most visited islands in the world – enjoy every second of it!



The principal Capri tourist attraction is the island itself; its views, its rocky seashores and its scenic charm. There is plenty of good walking - or strolling - to be done as you explore the island. Top scenic panoramas include views of the Bay of Naples, the Faraglioni Rocks and the Gardens of Augustus. At the ruined Villa Jovis you can see the remains of the Emperor Tiberius's palace, and also the cliffs over which he is reputed to have had his enemies tossed. Back in Capri town, the 14th-century Certosa di San Giacomo is a handsome old monastery-fortress, now hosting a school and art exhibitions. For shopaholics, Capri town is a dream, with all the big designer names and expensive boutiques. Almost every Capri visitor makes the trip to the Grotta Azzurra, the Blue Grotto. Like the island itself, it tends to split its visitors in two - those who find the blue-lit cave an unforgettable experience, and those who find the jostling boatsmen and extortionate prices a rip-off. A boat trip around the island, though, is a more rewarding experience. You can admire the coastline and the island's other grottoes in a leisurely fashion.

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Ho Hum -

I loved your description of Capri! We did the "Discovering the island of Love" tour when we were there a few years ago and, like you, found it to be excellent. I wasn't particularly enchanted with the idea of having to lie down in a little boat to see the grotto -- we got to see the same water without that complication. The white convertibles were wonderful (if a little scary!) and Anacapri was lovely! The lower town was jammed with people, so we didn't spend much time there -- although the tender ride was a bit of a challenge! One of these days we have to go back so DH can see the remains of the emperor's palace.

Thanks for bringing back special memories!


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Mr. Hum, how far out are your SeaDream voyages booked? Is your Caribbean Season set already? Which voyages?


Please call me Ho.........Mr. Avery, Sir.


Yes CARIBBEAN season 2015-2016


CARIBBEAN season 2016-2017

all booked matey boy!........we needed to, SD is more popular than ever.


Here are the dates for SDII:

- 19 Dec' 2015 - 9 Jan' 2016

- 6 - 21 Feb' 2016

- 17 Dec' 2016 - 1 Jan' 2017 (and we will stay onboard after that too but dates not yet released)


But please, please, please keep this between ourselves and dont tell Sundance !


Are you thinking of coming ?


Yes, enquiring minds want to know. Particularly about the 10 day Christmas cruise in 2016...


Darn !

HH said dont tell Sundance !



The 10 day Xmas in 2016 cruise is booked Sundance.

Would you come old chum ?

It would be fantastic !


Sundance, do you think Mr. Hum could handle it......Do you......Both of us...It might be a challenge for him.


Sorry boys, HH is planning voyages with his new best friends MACT and Millie !


Whisky tasting round the Western Isles of Scotland, wine tasting around France & Italy and shopping in Taormina and Capri for Millie.


Well HH never heard from you two for a while, you never wrote, never called......and HH heard reports that you've seeing other posters and hangin' around on other forums: even other cruise lines !

You "two timers" you !

"Snakes in the grass"


Or maybe you have been too busy campaigning for and then out celebrating out legalisation, finally of gay marriage in the US !

If that is the case then HH fully supports you both ........ehh "Butch" !!!!!


Sorry not for hh but for other passengers and Blondie.


Thinking of doing 12/17/2016 cruise..


Blondie can "handle" you pair ..... arm wrestlin', shootin', drinkin' and in a gown with 6" heels (think "Butch" has been practicing tho' from time to time: the heels that is !

No that barn door is un-blemished the day Buutch's grandfather erected it about the same time as young Butch started practicing shootin' at it !)


Don't worry 'bout her boys BUT you two WOULD send mass panic and hysteria amongst the other passengers !

AND the crew !

AND the locals where boats visited !

They would keep off the streets, board up the windows and run for the hills shouting "Butch & Sundance are coming" !!!!

AND they would also shout "Hide behind your barn doors (or in front really does'nt matter) !"

AND "Put up the decoy signs away from the populace "THIS WAY TO BEER & WINE BAR (NEXT DOOR TO TANK MUSEUM)""


Would love to meet your ladies tho'.

They must be in need of a break.

Haven't they suffered enough.


But boys, it would be so much fun to do the 12/17/2016 cruise and the ladies would have a "hoot" sharing stories of what they have to put up with (us). Haha.


Hey Charlie (ctbjr1309) !

What's your plans ?

Come and join us.......with your wonderful lady.


Sooner......Much sooner.:eek:


OK "Butchy Boy"....... Then what ? Would'nt be the same without Sundance tho' ...



Sorry HH has'nt responded earlier but there has been a power cut in the very poshest part of the UK.

Yes where the biggest tax payers live !

We should be on preferred service with our own prestige power supply.

Quite extraordinary but no surprise really our service infrastructure is heaving under the influx of immigration into this part from declining economies in Europe, terrible war torn countries in North Africa and Middle East, then from the new Socialist country of Scotland and now Greece whose economy is up the "swanny" !

Oh Britain.....what a mess !

First thing Monday morning: get a ruddy generator !


Oh but you know......it has been so peaceful....no TV, no internet, no lights.......in this old cottage of Hum's it really feels like it might have been in the early 1700's when this old place was built.

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