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Transcript of libel trial Ho Hum (Plaintiff) v Abenaki (Defendant)


HH: Has France ever been part of Canada ?

A: No

HH: When purchasing a domain for email purposes, which country were you arranging domain from ?

A: St. Barts

HH: Which is a colony of France.

A: Yes

HH: Not Canada

A: No

HH: And how were you arranging payment ?

A: By credit card

HH: Your own of course

A: Well no......(Defendant squirms)

HH: Pardon. You were using someone else's credit card ?

A: errr...Yes (Defendant's head bends).

HH: And had prior arrangements been made for you to use someone else's credit card out of your country of residence ?

A: No but I can explain....

HH: Explain you will sir ! Hum will ask the questions. So let the fine jury members explain how you came to be using someone else's credit card without prior authorisation from a country you are not resident. Is that correct ?

A: Well when you say it like that...yes, I admit it.

HH: No further questions m'lud

Judge: Any rebuttals by Defendant counsel ?

Defence: No

10 minutes later the jury file back in

Judge: And what is the verdict of the jury ? Is the Defendant guilty or not guilty ?

Foreman of the Jury: Guilty your honour. Judge may we add our opinion ?

Judge: Yes

Jury: In light of the scurrilous accusations against Ho Hum may we recommend 10 years hard labour ?

Judge: Abenaki you have been found guilty of being beastly towards beloved Hum and will be taken from here to a place of execution....

Interruption by court officer

Judge: Abenaki you are sentenced to 10 years hard labour. Officers take him away !

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The new Captain of SDII will be..........


Mr. Hum, you promised I could announce my coming out of retirement all by myself. Between you and Raggy, there goes the surprise. I know it has been a few years since I "drove the boat" but, just as with a bicycle, it comes back to you. And you have to admit I have excellent people skills.......

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Maybe HH will give up the goods when he reads about himself in today's New York Times:


Most recoveries of stolen boats and maritime repossessions are ho-hum affairs, typically involving paperwork and banks working with local law enforcement. But when negotiations fail, waterborne jailbreaks sometimes occur.


Hmmm ... now we know the truth! LOL


Ho Hum's lawyers will be busy this week !

May HH state nothing has been proved HH is "clean".



Jim Avery.


Certainly Jim won the PEOPLE'S choice !


Nice to hear from you Raggy by the way.......you survived Xmas then !


Sorry Jim, the "Quote" button ain't working.

Your "people skills" had been duly noted and Hum has had advanced notice that "The Donald" is seriously considering you as his VP !


Now may Hum finally announce to the waiting public......that the new Captain of SDII will be.......(drum roll).......


Steiner !


Who ?


Steiner has served on SDII as Chief Officer and (temporary) Captain.


Hum likes him a lot and more importantly the crew like and respect him hugely.

He is an enormous asset to SD and SDII in particular.

He is Icelandic.

He is a Chelsea (football) supporter.

He and Hum share the love of music by the same English rock group formed in 1967.


Congratulations Steiner.

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The new Chief Officer on SDII replacing Steiner Holmsteinsson is ..........Michael MacLeod.

He has served on SDII before a few years back but took time away to be with his lovely wife and young family working as a senior lecturer training future seamen.


Hum again likes him a lot and more importantly the crew like and respect him hugely.

He is an enormous asset to SD and SDII in particular.

He is Scottish from the Isle of Barra.

He is a Celtic supporter.

He has a fantastic sense of humour.

Hum and Michael share the same love of Irish & Scottish music.

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Nice promotions and happy to see from within the ranks.


Now I am going out into the woods to cut down a few trees for pulp

in anticipation of the next four promised announcements which,

knowing of Hum's penchant for suspense, will be milked over the next

few days ... make that weeks, no months.

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Nice promotions and happy to see from within the ranks.


Now I am going out into the woods to cut down a few trees for pulp

in anticipation of the next four promised announcements which,

knowing of Hum's penchant for suspense, will be milked over the next

few days ... make that weeks, no months.


Don't tempt Hum "Chopper" !

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Jimbo, you been following the the perils of the Pride? She hit a reef off Costa Rica. Put a hole "the size of a watermelon" in the hull. Water in the engine room, and listing, oh my. Passengers were picked up by other ships.




Why would a captain take the Pride into waters that present such hazzards? Bad charts? They were approaching a small island, to hold their beach bbq.

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Jimbo, you been following the the perils of the Pride? She hit a reef off Costa Rica. Put a hole "the size of a watermelon" in the hull. Water in the engine room, and listing, oh my. Passengers were picked up by other ships.




Why would a captain take the Pride into waters that present such hazzards? Bad charts? They were approaching a small island, to hold their beach bbq.


There is an undeniable truth that I must give DW credit for: "Stupid has a price". It is not like there are not uncharted stuff out there--there is but for the most parts, all the navigable waterways of the world are completely charted, re charted, electronically charted, etc. One of the first rules I ever learned was "if you do not know the water depth.......STOP! This actually could prove fatal for the Pride depending on where the water reached inside the hull. Not sure she would be worth a complete engine space replacement if that was to become necessary. For the Captain, this is referred to as "a Career Limiting Move".:eek:

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Can't seem to find any info on who the Captain is though there is a rumor he is Italian.......Related to a Schettini???? More bad news for the owners is that they ran aground in a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Man, this is gonna cost some one big buckaroos!!!:eek::D:D BTW, seems there are at least 3 "smaller" holes besides the watermelon hole. Has to be lots of gouging and buckled metal as well. Quite the Boo-Boo.

Edited by Jim Avery
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Poor Legend -- suspect there will be a LOT of fallout over this one!


But great news about Capt Steiner and First Officer MacLeod. We don't know Capt Steiner well, but have sailed a couple of times with Mike, who is a delight! He is also very good at Liars Club! Will he be on board next week?


Leave tomorrow for Savannah and fly to SJU on Friday!! Be there soon!


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Poor Legend -- suspect there will be a LOT of fallout over this one!


But great news about Capt Steiner and First Officer MacLeod. We don't know Capt Steiner well, but have sailed a couple of times with Mike, who is a delight! He is also very good at Liars Club! Will he be on board next week?


Leave tomorrow for Savannah and fly to SJU on Friday!! Be there soon!



Yes V agree with you about fall out.

What was the Captain thinking ?

Great input from Jim. Jim you were great.


MM starts 10 February, 2016 when Janus's contract ends.


See you soon V.


Hum read a few of the Facebook comments from Windstar guests. They were mostly very loyal to Windstar which naturally suggests that Windstar management look after their guests.

It is gratifying to see.

Nevertheless serious questions need to be asked.

Hum hopes the guest loyalty is rewarded by aporopriate action and responsibilty.

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I will not be browbeaten into submission, Mr. Hum. I shall wait quietly on the sideline while others grovel at your feet!


"I will not be browbeaten into submission"........no just give me five minutes to raise the white flag !

And "waiting quietly on the sidelines" well that didn't last very long either, did it Chopper" ?


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At cocktails a gentleman from Alabama bumped into Hum.

He was "pre-loaded" if you know what Hum means and enquired whether Hum was watching the game tomorrow.

Well how could Hum watch the game ?

There was a sports bar in Gustavia and he had phoned ahead and asked whether they would be showing the game and sure enough they were.

Well St. Barts is a Caribbean island but surely they would be playing the Australia match against the West Indies cricket team.

Australia ! He says.

Australia ! He says again looking at Hum perplexed and rapidly sobering up.

I'm talking football. Alabama are playing.

Aaaaah ....... penny drops.

Why don't we both go over to the bar and watch it he says, completely overlooking Hum's recent faux pas and the fact he is not interested in men running around for 10 seconds between adverts for large trucks for 4 hours drinking beer.

Apologies are given citing previous arrangements.

What on earth does his wife think of the plan Hum enquires.

She will be shopping.

Remembering Jim's sayings, Hum utters "Roll Tide" in desperation to establish a semblance of camarderie.

The chap grabs Hum and hugs Hum as if Hum is his long lost brother and the bourbon he was drinking runs down Hum's shirt !

Oh great !

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SDI & II are both in St. Barts.

Gareth the Club Director bumped into Robin Thicke ..... nor me.

And a young lady guest on SDII had photos taken with Jenner and Kadashian. Later she had a photo with Ellen di Generes and Portia.


We are anchored close to Shell Beach where Prince is performing....will take binoculars to dinner.


American guests arriving soon for bubbly !


Happy New year if Hum runs out of time....

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At cocktails a gentleman from Alabama bumped into Hum.

He was "pre-loaded" if you know what Hum means and enquired whether Hum was watching the game tomorrow.

Well how could Hum watch the game ?

There was a sports bar in Gustavia and he had phoned ahead and asked whether they would be showing the game and sure enough they were.

Well St. Barts is a Caribbean island but surely they would be playing the Australia match against the West Indies cricket team.

Australia ! He says.

Australia ! He says again looking at Hum perplexed and rapidly sobering up.

I'm talking football. Alabama are playing.

Aaaaah ....... penny drops.

Why don't we both go over to the bar and watch it he says, completely overlooking Hum's recent faux pas and the fact he is not interested in men running around for 10 seconds between adverts for large trucks for 4 hours drinking beer.

Apologies are given citing previous arrangements.

What on earth does his wife think of the plan Hum enquires.

She will be shopping.

Remembering Jim's sayings, Hum utters "Roll Tide" in desperation to establish a semblance of camarderie.

The chap grabs Hum and hugs Hum as if Hum is his long lost brother and the bourbon he was drinking runs down Hum's shirt !

Oh great !


Great move Hum! You are now part of the Brotherhood. The GAME is tonight. Alabama vs Michigan State for the right to advance to the Championship Game on January 11th, played 10 miles from Casa Avery in Glendale, Arizona. Convenient, nest ce pas? Did you catch Bama Man's name? Jumbo might be old pals with him. I spent 5 great years at Bama and will be watching avidly. ROLL TIDE!!!! It gets you in many doors in the South. Then have to get up at 3am for a flight.:D:D:D

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SDI & II are both in St. Barts.

Gareth the Club Director bumped into Robin Thicke ..... nor me.

And a young lady guest on SDII had photos taken with Jenner and Kadashian. Later she had a photo with Ellen di Generes and Portia.


We are anchored close to Shell Beach where Prince is performing....will take binoculars to dinner.


American guests arriving soon for bubbly !


Happy New year if Hum runs out of time....


And a Happy New Year to all SeaDreamers as well. Let us know how you get on with Caitlin.:eek::D

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Great move Hum! You are now part of the Brotherhood. The GAME is tonight. Alabama vs Michigan State for the right to advance to the Championship Game on January 11th, played 10 miles from Casa Avery in Glendale, Arizona. Convenient, nest ce pas? Did you catch Bama Man's name? Jumbo might be old pals with him. I spent 5 great years at Bama and will be watching avidly. ROLL TIDE!!!! It gets you in many doors in the South. Then have to get up at 3am for a flight.:D:D:D


Yes, the guys name is Jon from Birmingham.

Hum will give you his surname when you are onboard.

Remember Hum did tell you he was "pre-loaded" and to give out his surname would not be appropriate.

Hum will tell you he was a true gentleman with great manners and Hum liked him a lot.

He told Hum that Alabama (2nd place) were playing Michigan (3rd place) and that they had a guy weighing 250lbs who ran on average 7 yards !!!

And that the coach was the best.

Well his New Years was sorted.

Safe journey.

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Yes, the guys name is Jon from Birmingham.

Hum will give you his surname when you are onboard.

Remember Hum did tell you he was "pre-loaded" and to give out his surname would not be appropriate.

Hum will tell you he was a true gentleman with great manners and Hum liked him a lot.

He told Hum that Alabama (2nd place) were playing Michigan (3rd place) and that they had a guy weighing 250lbs who ran on average 7 yards !!!

And that the coach was the best.

Well his New Years was sorted.

Safe journey.


All true what he says. My Mother and two Sisters all live in Birmingham. As you can tell, I am the Black Sheep.....Big surprise. I hope you get a chance to see the game as it will be very educational.....Especially if you watch it with a Bama fan...You are ok being kissed by a guy if his team scores, right????

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