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.......idle jottings


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Ho Hum -

I loved your description of Capri! We did the "Discovering the island of Love" tour when we were there a few years ago and, like you, found it to be excellent. I wasn't particularly enchanted with the idea of having to lie down in a little boat to see the grotto -- we got to see the same water without that complication. The white convertibles were wonderful (if a little scary!) and Anacapri was lovely! The lower town was jammed with people, so we didn't spend much time there -- although the tender ride was a bit of a challenge! One of these days we have to go back so DH can see the remains of the emperor's palace.

Thanks for bringing back special memories!



Always a pleasure to be of assistance V and re-kindle fond memories BUT what HH did'nt tell you was the Grotto tour was CANCELLED. the waters were just too choppy.

Several passengers were concerned about the Capri boat transfers so the great Captain Lund re-positioned the boat to shield the choppy water.

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A wonderful stop.....possibly one of the best in the entire SD catalogue !

SD are not allowed to use their own tenders.

The local mafia, HH means the union, HH means the local boaters, expert in their profession to deal with the idiosyncrasies of the waters tween ship and land have the exclusive right to ferry victims, HH means passengers.

And it ain't for the old, less nimble and physically less able or un-co-ordinated !

So take your time and do exactly as told by these wonderful guys: grabbing hands etc..



I remember going to the Blue Grotto in one of those small boats and I will never forget the lady that fell in when transferring from their bigger boat to the small one that went into the Grotto. It was terrible. Although it was funny, you know what I mean. I would hate for that to happen to me. So I will take that advice re taking all the help we can get transferring onto the tender!

And great tip off re the white taxi cars down at the pier. In July when we next go to Capri, it will be all of China plus double getting onto that funicular. So appreciate the tip off HH! And it will be something different. I wonder whether we would cruise past Stromboli enroute to Amalfi? Any idea? Our itinerary has no mention of it. It would be a treat if we did.


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Greek tragedy !


Anyone going on Sea Dream I or II right now, will end up in Athens.

And naturally two voyages start from Athens.

Oh and Athens features a lot in the next few months, not forgetting the islands.


Financially, the Greeks are in a whole lot of problems due to their complete incompetence at running the economy.

In essence they are bankrupt and depend on more loans which are being refused them because they are intent of still spending un-controllably, not collect taxes and generally acting like idiots: the far left looney politicians they are.


How does this effect travellers ?

- ATM machines should not be relied on: so bring more cash (Euros)

- credit cards may be declined: check hotels whether they will continue to accept them, if not bring more cash (Euros)

- Athens is likely to have crowd problems: ideally switch to Piraeus but if not please be careful on the streets (the islands should'nt be a problem)


Get advice from your government, travel agent etc..

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Whisky tasting round the Western Isles of Scotland, wine tasting around France & Italy .


Is anywhere not affected by this current madness? Bolshie Western Isles ferry crews strike against the outrageous requirement to put the service out to tender to ensure best value for the taxpayers subsidy...leaving the islanders stranded with all that malt whisky!!!


In France, extremists cowardly chopping off heads, though it could be suggested that such a French aristocrat as Lady Antoinette was also guilty to such madness.


In Italy, being swamped by immigrants courtesy of the British Navy's new ferry service from Libya to Sicily.


Where will it all end? For sanity, head for SeaDream, next voyage departing Athens...oh, wait a minute.

Edited by MACT
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Please call me Ho....... <snip>


Here are the dates for SDII:

- 19 Dec' 2015 - 9 Jan' 2016

- 6 - 21 Feb' 2016

- 17 Dec' 2016 - 1 Jan' 2017 (and we will stay onboard after that too but dates not yet released)




The 10 day Xmas in 2016 cruise is booked Sundance.

Would you come old chum ?






Sir hum, do you mean you are booked on the 17 Dec 2016 10 dayer out of Barbados on SD I, or that this cruise segment is fully booked and they are not taking any more reservations? And so therefor you are on back to back segments on SD II beginning the same day In St. Thomas? The sheer volume of flak exploding around these snippets of information made it a bit difficult for poor ol' Ragnar to decipher.

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Millie, I think you can only sail by Stromboli coming through the straits of Messina out of Sicily --


HH - we are sailing RT from Athens in October! Sure hope they come to some sort of resolution before then.


And. . . . we will be on SD2 in January :-)



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Why don't you switch and come with us on SD1 Sept 11. We go to some of the Greek islands but not Athens. Also on SD1 at the end of January. Looks like we're just missing each other. Hope we cross paths again soon we would love to see you, Bob and the rest of your group.call using you come through Louisiana.


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Please call me Ho.........Mr. Avery, Sir.

Hey Ho, thanks for that.


Yes CARIBBEAN season 2015-2016


CARIBBEAN season 2016-2017

all booked matey boy!........we needed to, SD is more popular than ever.


Here are the dates for SDII:

- 19 Dec' 2015 - 9 Jan' 2016

- 6 - 21 Feb' 2016

- 17 Dec' 2016 - 1 Jan' 2017 (and we will stay onboard after that too but dates not yet released)


We were wanting to be on board Dec 19th for Mum's 90th but don't want to arrive or depart on the 19th so something else in the works.



Well HH never heard from you two for a while, you never wrote, never called......and HH heard reports that you've seeing other posters and hangin' around on other forums: even other cruise lines !

You "two timers" you !

"Snakes in the grass"


Or maybe you have been too busy campaigning for and then out celebrating out legalisation, finally of gay marriage in the US !

If that is the case then HH fully supports you both ........ehh "Butch" !!!!!


Have been on a cross country road trip. So left you up to your own devices for a while. As far as the gay marriage, why shouldn't they get divorced and loose half their stuff like the rest of us?:eek::D That's what we told Gantt & Ted.




Blondie can "handle" you pair ..... arm wrestlin', shootin', drinkin' and in a gown with 6" heels (think "Butch" has been practicing tho' from time to time: the heels that is !


Heck, my Tony Lama cow chip kickers have a 4" heel. Now if only Blondie wears a 13 US.:eek:


No that barn door is un-blemished the day Buutch's grandfather erected it about the same time as young Butch started practicing shootin' at it !)


You would like shootin my new Smith & Wesson Model 617 10 shot 22 LR revolver. Very accurate.


Don't worry 'bout her boys BUT you two WOULD send mass panic and hysteria amongst the other passengers !

AND the crew !

AND the locals where boats visited !

They would keep off the streets, board up the windows and run for the hills shouting "Butch & Sundance are coming" !!!!

AND they would also shout "Hide behind your barn doors (or in front really does'nt matter) !"

AND "Put up the decoy signs away from the populace "THIS WAY TO BEER & WINE BAR (NEXT DOOR TO TANK MUSEUM)""


Don't forget the Shootin Range!


Would love to meet your ladies tho'.

They must be in need of a break.

Haven't they suffered enough.


Actually, and I believe Sundance will concur, they are the best thing about us.


But boys, it would be so much fun to do the 12/17/2016 cruise and the ladies would have a "hoot" sharing stories of what they have to put up with (us). Haha.


12/17/16. It is marked on the Calendar......Watch out......




OK "Butchy Boy"....... Then what ? Would'nt be the same without Sundance tho' ...


Looking at late November/early December though Maui is calling again......Unless we all go down the tubes with Greece. I don't get it at all. Greece is a flyspeck on the total World Economy. The US stock market has lost more value today worrying about Greece than the total worth of Greece. Besides Ouzo, what do the Greeks make?

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"Besides Ouzo, what do the Greeks make?" -- Trouble.


Fyi (all), there are two cruises beginning on 12/17/16, a 10 day out of Barbados on SD I and a 5 day out of St. Thomas on SD II. Henceforth please specify the long or the short 12/17/16 cruise. (Although even the 5 dayer would seem interminably long to the other passengers if Jim and Ragnar were onboard...)

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We are on SDII departing Dubrovnik on August 12 to Rome with three stops on Greek islands - Corfu, Paxoi and Fiskardho. Agree the islands should be OK compared to Athens, particularly on a cruise. Bet islands will still take Euros and Dollars. Will plan to report in here. If anyone else is on this voyage please advise. This will be our 10th SD voyage. Way behind HH and others but like Avis we try harder!

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I wonder whether we would cruise past Stromboli enroute to Amalfi? Any idea? Our itinerary has no mention of it. It would be a treat if we did.



The passengers normally have to "pass the hat around" for a bung to the Captain to get him to go there !

One of his perks of the job, HH supposes.


But seriously......it would be great wouldn't it.

HH thinks it is often a "nice surprise" if they can do it.

They always seem to try for it but never give false hopes by publishing it (just in case of eventualities, weather etc..).

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Sir hum, do you mean you are booked on the 17 Dec 2016 10 dayer out of Barbados on SD I, or that this cruise segment is fully booked and they are not taking any more reservations? And so therefor you are on back to back segments on SD II beginning the same day In St. Thomas? The sheer volume of flak exploding around these snippets of information made it a bit difficult for poor ol' Ragnar to decipher.


Errrrrr....sorry for any confusion Raggy but when Hum wrote "HERE ARE THE DATES FOR SDII" he did in fact mean SDII.

Ye Gods Raggy ........

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Glad to hear you are giving SD another try. Hopefully this time all will be better and there will be no kids! Hope you have a great trip!


Yes Jess, fully agree with whatnot, glad to see you back on SD.


And Jess, yes "ground" reports on the GREEK CRISIS are very useful for other travellers.

And any other kind folk too.


Since Hum last posted, as many of you probably know (so forgive Hum if this appears in any patronising), the Greek banks are closed until after a referendum this weekend to decide on agreeing to (essentially) stay in EU or leave (well those will be the outcomes).

Foreign travellers can withdraw their daily cash limits but will the ATMs still have any money in them.

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HH congratulates himself for being such a "clever sausage" for bringing his Canon 10x30 binoculars with "Image Stabilisation".


Tip for the day: Do bring a pair of binoculars.



And Frau "IHI" ?

Worse than ever !

No redemption there.......actually she is worse !


Binoculars with "Image Stabilisation"???


Tip of the day from gcmv: Drinking less helps to stabilise ... :D


Sorry for Frau "IHI" and her husband (not every German can be so amiable like Herr and Frau gcmv ;)).



Gcmv knows, that ho-hum is curious to hear something about our Europa2 cruise - it was FANTASTIC!!!

Different to SD (500 pax, fully booked), but the food was outstanding in each restaurant, the wine list seemingly endless, the service staff as friendly as on SD, the "suite" was a "real suite" (35sqm) and (SURPRISE, SURPRISE) we both felt, that this vessel has indeed a "soul" and space, space, space ...


Gcmv is convinced, that ho-hum and blondie would really enjoy a cruise on this ship, but:

At all events - do it with your (english-speaking) chums as 90 % of the guests come from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.:)


Attached a photo of the vessel (white), our rental convertible (dark grey) and Frau gcmv (light grey, sunglasses and hat).


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Hello my friend Ho Hum. I hope you and Blondie are keeping well. I'm so sorry I haven't been posting here lately however I've been going through a very very sad time in my life lately. I just wanted to say I have been dipping in and out of your 'idle jottings' and have found much comfort in your reports of your latest trip. You have put a smile on my face, made me laugh and brightened my day when things are so bleak here. The Adriatic is one of my favourite destinations and as I have been to most of the ports on your itinerary your 'jottings' have brought back so many happy memories to me (albeit on Seaboring as you once called it).

Thank you again and take care. Alison xxx

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Yes Jess, fully agree with whatnot, glad to see you back on SD.


And Jess, yes "ground" reports on the GREEK CRISIS are very useful for other travellers.

And any other kind folk too.


Since Hum last posted, as many of you probably know (so forgive Hum if this appears in any patronising), the Greek banks are closed until after a referendum this weekend to decide on agreeing to (essentially) stay in EU or leave (well those will be the outcomes).

Foreign travellers can withdraw their daily cash limits but will the ATMs still have any money in them.


Errrrrr....sorry for any confusion Raggy but when Hum wrote "HERE ARE THE DATES FOR SDII" he did in fact mean SDII.

Ye Gods Raggy ........


Ok, one last attempt at uniquification of your sailing dates....


You wrote:


"Here are the dates for SDII:

- 19 Dec' 2015 - 9 Jan' 2016

- 6 - 21 Feb' 2016

- 17 Dec' 2016 - 1 Jan' 2017 (and we will stay onboard after that too but dates not yet released)"


Followed by:


"The 10 day Xmas cruise in 2016 is booked, Sundance"


These two comments do not correlate with each other, considering that the 10 day Xmas cruise in 2016 is on SD I, out of Barbedos. There is a 5 dayer commencing on the same day (12/17/16) on SD II, out of Saint Thomas.


To make this real simple, where will you be boarding a Seadream yacht on the 17th of December, 2016, Barbados or St. Thomas?

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Hello my friend Ho Hum. I hope you and Blondie are keeping well. I'm so sorry I haven't been posting here lately however I've been going through a very very sad time in my life lately. I just wanted to say I have been dipping in and out of your 'idle jottings' and have found much comfort in your reports of your latest trip. You have put a smile on my face, made me laugh and brightened my day when things are so bleak here. The Adriatic is one of my favourite destinations and as I have been to most of the ports on your itinerary your 'jottings' have brought back so many happy memories to me (albeit on Seaboring as you once called it).

Thank you again and take care. Alison xxx


Oh my darling, I feel your heart is in so much pain.

What on earth has happened ?

I dread to think.

Please Alison, this ("idle jottings") is all such trivial nonsense (albeit happy nonsense) amongst chums.

Here we are being a bit silly. OK, I am being a bit silly but I think you have felt we do care for one another.

You have shared such intimate feelings, it is the least I can do but to be there for you.

But you need "real friends" and family with you, which I gently suggest you reach out to.

In case you prefer another to talk to, I will give you my UK mobile telephone number.

I have no answers to life nor will I suggest any.

But I want to be there for you. To stand beside if you will: maybe gently hold your hand a while.

You can text or call (best before 1.0pm: it's complicated to explain) and withhold your number to protect your respected privacy.

My number is 07738412140.

Take care darling.

I am here if you want to....(whatever)..

Michael xx

PS Blondie sends her love. We are both a tad worried, my love. In your own time my darling.

Take a moment, take a breath, take all the time in the world.


Oh and forget the "Sea-boring" silly slur.....HH knows many here have enjoyed the SB experience just as much as we have enjoyed the SD experience.

Happy memories are happy memories.


And the more basic they are, the more it allows the heart to be really touched.

HH was just teasing earlier.

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Sir hum, do you mean you are booked on the 17 Dec 2016 10 dayer out of Barbados on SD I, or that this cruise segment is fully booked and they are not taking any more reservations? And so therefor you are on back to back segments on SD II beginning the same day In St. Thomas? The sheer volume of flak exploding around these snippets of information made it a bit difficult for poor ol' Ragnar to decipher.


Errrrrr....sorry for any confusion Raggy but when Hum wrote "HERE ARE THE DATES FOR SDII" he did in fact mean SDII.

Ye Gods Raggy ........


Ok, one last attempt at uniquification of your sailing dates....


You wrote:


"Here are the dates for SDII:

- 19 Dec' 2015 - 9 Jan' 2016

- 6 - 21 Feb' 2016

- 17 Dec' 2016 - 1 Jan' 2017 (and we will stay onboard after that too but dates not yet released)"


Followed by:


"The 10 day Xmas cruise in 2016 is booked, Sundance"


These two comments do not correlate with each other, considering that the 10 day Xmas cruise in 2016 is on SD I, out of Barbedos. There is a 5 dayer commencing on the same day (12/17/16) on SD II, out of Saint Thomas.


To make this real simple, where will you be boarding a Seadream yacht on the 17th of December, 2016, Barbados or St. Thomas?



Dearest Raggy (grovel, grovel, grovel).

HH is so very sorry (grovel, grovel, grovel).

How did HH get it so wrong.....it is indeed a 5 day cruise beginning 17.12.2016 on SDII (grovel, grovel, grovel).


HH begs your forgiveness (grovel, grovel, grovel).

You wretched idiot HH !

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So close, yet so far! We'll be on the 10 dayer out of Barbados while you will be in and around the BVIs.


Your back to back itineraries are almost identical. I guess it IS all about the yacht for you!


We need the 10 dayer to "close the gap" between the far southern Caribbean and the north eastern caribbean, so that we will have bagged all the islands in the eastern/southern Caribbean.


Then we can finally put that darn mug we bought on Saba away :o It has been like that evil slot machine, calling "Franklin!", on the old Twilight Zone episode...

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So close, yet so far! We'll be on the 10 dayer out of Barbados while you will be in and around the BVIs.


Your back to back itineraries are almost identical. I guess it IS all about the yacht for you!


We need the 10 dayer to "close the gap" between the far southern Caribbean and the north eastern caribbean, so that we will have bagged all the islands in the eastern/southern Caribbean.


Then we can finally put that darn mug we bought on Saba away :o It has been like that evil slot machine, calling "Franklin!", on the old Twilight Zone episode...


yes, but that mug is made in China so you have to do those "islands"as well.

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Unfortunately, Raggy, we would also love to be on SD II, BUT it is virtually

impossible to get convenient flights in and out of St. Thomas from Canada

without many connections and I am too old for this. While San Juan was no picnic, it was much easier than STT.


So, we too, have opted for a BTB out of St Maarten on Feb 20 ending

in Barbados on March 5. With this itinerary, we fly non-stop in and out ...

less hassle and less chance for missed connections. AND, this itin has some interesting ports-of-call.

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