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First Time Azamara "Journey" for Celebrity Veteran


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Tuesday, May 14 - At Sea


As Captain Johannes had warned, rough seas were upon us. It is far too windy and cool to sit outside, unless you were from Canada or Norway :p (joking)...


I do have the Pursuits daily newsletters scanned but the files are somehow too large to be uploaded to this review. I will rescan them at a lower resolution on Monday. If anyone would like a copy sooner, just email me by clicking on my name below.


A correction, thanks to Deirdre, who pointed out that our marvelous DJ was Marcio (not Mario). I stand corrected!!


We enjoyed a bit of a late start today due to dancing into the wee hours the night before (and an added hour on the clock!!). It had been advertised in the Pursuits that we received last night that there would be a Jazz Brunch today in Discoveries from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The last couple of brunch experiences on Celebrity had been less than stellar (and I think they are now discontinuing brunch, from what I've read on CC) but given the overall quality of Azamara's food I thought it would be a pretty good bet that this brunch would be worth a visit.


It was indeed a very nice event. It was much less harried than our Celebrity experiences were it is often a free for all to find a table and then flag down a waiter to get beverages.

We were greeted, invited to find a table to our liking and enjoy the brunch. There were quite a few open tables, so we had a table for 4 for the two of us. Within a few minutes we had drinks.

The brunch selections and display were excellent. The range of food was similar to what Celebrity had 5 years ago. There were breakfast foods, of course, but also a wide array of hot and cold lunch selections (yes, there was shrimp too) and desserts. I recall particularly enjoying the lamb dish. I appreciated the fact that there weren't hordes of people pushing to get to the food. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos but Deirdre kindly set me these.


Fruit cut to order!




Another nice feature of the brunch was the jazz performance by the Journey Orchestra, which added to the elegant ambiance of the occasion.


jazzbrunch.jpgThe only thing missing was champagne but that was soon remedied when we went to a small gathering in Phil (Excited of Harpenden) cabin where he graciously hosted a get together of several CC members, including Spursgirl (Hazel) and several of her friends.

Somehow hours passed (funny how that happens on a cruise) and the ship continued its rocking and rolling. We had booked Prime C for that evening but as the day wore on, it didn't seen too appealing, and we ended up canceling. Fortunately we weren't charged, but there was no way we could face eating a large meal.


There really weren't a whole lot of activities to choose from, even on a Sea Day. The 2:00 p.m. lecture on the "Myths and Legends of Ancient Rome" sounded interesting so we decided to go. Prof. Patrick Goodness (who was from Wisconsin and had lived in Chicago for a number of years) was well prepared with a professional PowerPoint presentation and spoke knowledgeably on the topic.

I decided to Land Discoveries Presentation in the Cabaret Lounge immediately following the lecture, hosted by Errol, a genial young man. While he was obviously showcasing Azamara's shore excursions, I appreciated that a) he wasn't hawking "approved" shopping destinations and b) he did talk in general about the destinations and I enjoyed hearing his perspective.


The ship was plowing ahead, trying to reach calmer waters at our destination of Malta. As the rocking continued, we felt less and less like a large dinner, and cancelled our Prime C reservation (without penalty, I might add). That was a good decision, as Scott succumbed to sea sickness (told him to take the Bonine) and wouldn't have been able to eat anyways. We only felt up to food around 9:00 p.m. and just made it to Windows Cafe in time to sample a little of the Asian dinner buffet selections. Each night, Windows offered dishes from a different cuisine, rather than the usual lunch buffet fare. Deirdre and Rob ate here almost every night but we preferred the dining experience in Discoveries. Honestly, if we had eaten in the bufffet, I don't know what we would have done to fill the evening as we really didn't find the entertainment appealing.


As we didn't really eat dinner, we decided to go to the evening show at 9:45 p.m. featuring CD Eric de Gray. Now, I should have known when it was titled "Vegas to Broadway" that it wouldn't be my thing, but oh well, we didn't pay for it, exactly. Now, Eric is a very approachable guy and a good CD who obviously has a following but I just don't care for showtunes so found it a bit cheesy. When he brought a guest from the audience up to join him (obviously staged) it really was over the top but I'm sure she enjoyed it. A bit of harmless fun.

We hoped that the Abba Dance Party (speaking of cheesy music....) might be a bit better, but it didn't have a lot of life so we called it a night after about 30 minutes in Looking Glass.


A good night's sleep was in order. We were due to arrive in Malta, one of the places I was very intrigued to visit, at 8:00 a.m. the next morning and had a full day planned, as well as the Azamazing Evening in Valletta. We were ready to get back on solid ground!

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Thanks for this great report Library Lady! I'm one of those that would love to try Azamara, but the pricing holds me back... especially since we prefer longer sailings in the off season, maybe someday I'll get lucky and come across an amazing deal!


I completely understand kitty! I couldn't have afforded anything beyond the 7 night cruise. That's why we are trying RCCL next - much cheaper and some different itineraries for us. We shall see how we like it (you know I'll be reporting back on that experiment:))

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We had made plans with Rob, Deirdre & Philippa to meet them in Windows for breakfast as we were renting a car in Malta. We had 11:00 a.m. tickets to the Hypogeum, then wanted to visit Mdina and loop back to Valletta.


Here are our first views of Valletta as we sailed in....P1080274.jpg


Definitely not like anywhere else I have ever been!






This was our only non-tender port. We docked in the Harbor in Valletta. It was very easy to disembark - no long lines or waits. The Captain was on hand to wish us a pleasant day in Malta! It was just a short walk to dry ground! The sun was out and temperatures were in the 60's.


Here's Deirdre, ready to explore Malta.






A rental car rep. (Budget I think) was supposed to meet us at the port and take us to their office in Valletta. There was some mix up that resulted in a bit of a delay while we called to find out where they were (thanks to Phillipa's European cell phone and a helpful security guard we finally got it sorted out and didn't lose too much time).

Luckily, we didn't have to rely on this method of transportation:




With Rob at the wheel and Scott as his wingman/navigator, we were soon on our way to explore Valletta.

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This was the first visit to Malta for the 4 adults - Phillippa had visited several times before while living in Florence (one of her friends met up with us later in Mdina).


Malta has a fascinating history and varied culture, dating back to prehistory. The strategically placed island has been conquered by many countries over the centuries resulting in an assimilation of many cultures and traditions. The island is most closely associated with the Knights of St. John who were given the island by the Holy Roman Emperor in 1530 and ruled the island until defeat by Napoleon in 1798. Malta was a British colony from 1800 until 1964 and served a crucial role in WWII. Many remnants of British culture remain, although Malta has a unique architecture and language that are distinctly their own.

A concise history of the island, is available here:



It was a short drive from the car rental office to the Hypogeum. We had time to explore the area before our 11:00 a.m. reservation.






I had to stop in a little corner store and buy some Maltesers (I know they are made in the UK but it was fun to buy Maltesers from Malta none the less!) Even though we had breakfast only a short while ago, I had to try the savoury pastry known as pastizzi, a delicious warm puff pastry filled with a pea/ricotta mixture. They were delicious, and only 30 cents each.





There were signs of British rule, such as this post box (and this bloke :D):




but there was no confusing this with England.



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I was fascinated by the architecture, even in areas that some might consider a bit run down.


We stopped in to admire this impressive church (Malta is predominantly Catholic, it is the state religion and churches are quite plentiful).












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Deirdre gave Philippa her ticket to the Hypogeum and walked around while we visited. As I mentioned, it is necessary to book your tickets here far in advance. Due to the size and fragile nature of this site, tours are limited to 8 per day in small groups (10 max). We booked online and paid via credit card.




The Hypogeum of Hal-Saflieni certainly doesn't look like much from the outside but inside reveals an underground prehistoric burial site. It dates back to 4000BC and was used for many centuries, up to 2500 BC. It was discovered in 1902 when workers were digging a well for a home and is now a UNESCO World Heritage site.


After entering the small reception area (part of the home I would imagine) a guide leads you down a level to a small museum documenting the discovery of the site and a short film. No photos are allowed (they probably wouldn't come out anyway due to the lack of light). The Hypogeum's website does have a virtual tour and photos if you are interested.


The guard leads you down through the series of interconnecting burial chambers on three levels. This is not a good place to visit if you are claustrophobic or have difficulty with stairs or low ceilings! I found it fascinating to glimpse a part of a long forgotten civilization.


We reunited with Deirdre and walked back to our rental car to head to Mdina, a medieval walled town in the center of Malta.


More interesting architecture....








An interesting cemetery:



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Mdina is an ancient walled city in central Malta. known as the "Silent City" dates back over 4,000 years. It was home to Norman, Sicilian and Spanish conquerors, whose palaces remain. The defensive fortifications were built by the Normans was built as a fortress to defend Malta . It looks quite imposing as you approach.




Cars are not allowed inside the walled city and must park outside and walk in. Here is the view from the parking area:




Mdina is easily walkeable. It is a warren of narrow streets that are very interesting to explore.








If you don't feel like walking, there are carriages available:



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St. Paul's Cathedral:




Philippa met up with her friend and we all went to the Fontanella Tea Room, a very popular place with great views.






It also has a very pretty courtyard:




We also enjoyed more of the delicious pastizzi here in Mdina, from a place that Philippa knew of from previous visits. Yum!!

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We have visited Malta on a number of occasions but you have experienced 2 firsts:

a) we have never sailed into the harbour in Valetta

B) we have never heard or visited Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum.


Your pictures are making me want to return and I too would like to try Azamara Cruises.

Thank you for your amazing review.

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We headed back to the parking lot and made our way back to Valletta to return the rental car. We wanted to make sure we had time to visit St. John's Co-Cathedral.


We dropped off the rental car at Avis and were given a ride into the city center. We started our walking tour at the Auberge de Castile, which houses the offices of the prime minister of Malta.







We enjoyed looking at Valletta's interesting architecture, stores and restaurants as we headed to our destination.









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If you are ever in Malletta, St. John's Co-Cathedral, completed in 1577, is definitely a must-see. It certainly doesn't look like much on the outside, but the interior is absolutely incredible, and overwhelming experience!


As noted, on the Cathedral's website:

"St John’s Co-Cathedral is a gem of Baroque art and architecture. It was built as the conventual church for the Knights of St John. The Grand Masters and several knights donated gifts of high artistic value and made enormous contributions to enrich it with only the best works of art."













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Deirdre and I left Scott and Rob to enjoy some local beers at a cafe, while we explored some of the shops.




We made our way back to the ship to change, before the Azamazing evening. We walked through the beautiful Buchart Gardens, overlooking the Harbor, on our way.











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Hi Sandi, thanks for your review! We met briefly on the Summit in Dec 10. I am also a library director but was late to the Penthouse party so we didn't really get a chance to chat! It is strange about cruise prices! We went on the Equinox from Barcelona for 12 days last Oct and was in AQ and the price was $600 pp less with drink package included than what you paid. It is so confusing at times! Also thanks for reminding everyone that what is important to one person on a cruise can be completely different than what another may have emphasis on. That is what is great about having the opportunity to try different lines! But I figure I'm so lucky to cruise at all, that I try and keep my negatives to a minimum. You are doing a great job in your review of mentioning items that you liked/disliked based on what you both like to experience. Your pics are great and hope to meet you and spend more time with you on a future cruise!!! ~Glynis

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Hi Sandi, thanks for your review! We met briefly on the Summit in Dec 10. I am also a library director but was late to the Penthouse party so we didn't really get a chance to chat! It is strange about cruise prices! We went on the Equinox from Barcelona for 12 days last Oct and was in AQ and the price was $600 pp less with drink package included than what you paid. It is so confusing at times! Also thanks for reminding everyone that what is important to one person on a cruise can be completely different than what another may have emphasis on. That is what is great about having the opportunity to try different lines! But I figure I'm so lucky to cruise at all, that I try and keep my negatives to a minimum. You are doing a great job in your review of mentioning items that you liked/disliked based on what you both like to experience. Your pics are great and hope to meet you and spend more time with you on a future cruise!!! ~Glynis


Hi Glynis,

I certainly remember meeting you!! That was a lovely gathering in Stephen & Tom's beautiful penthouse. I am definitely trying to emphasize my perspective in this review; there is really nothing negative to say about Azamara as the cruisewas faultless in terms of service, food and experience delivered as advertised (well, maybe except for that bathroom!) but that doesn't mean that it is to everyone's taste.

Thanks for reading!

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Azamazing Evening -


We didn't get back onboard until close to 5:00 p.m., so didn't have time for dinner before we had to leave for the evening's festivities. (We did pop in to Discoveries, but it was jam packed!) No worries, we picked up some snacks from Mosaics cafe and Deirdre ordered a burger from room service that we shared.

We just had time for a shower and change of clothes, when our number was announced and we proceeded to leave the ship and board the coach to take us the short distance to the , the location of the Azamazing Evening at the Mediterranean Conference Center.

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We too are going on our first RCCL this Dec. Friends we met on the Europe Equinox convinced us. As far as comparing cruise lines, my DH likes Princess because around 10 pm he can go to the MUTS (not to watch the movie) but to grab a bag of popcorn! So everyone has their preferences!! Are you going to ALA in Las Vegas this year? I was, but we are too busy at the library in the summer to get away. I too enjoy checking out the libraries on cruise ships! Maybe we will bump into each other again while in one! We never really are off the job are we? Thanks again for the great review/pics.





\]Hi Glynis,

I certainly remember meeting you!! That was a lovely gathering in Stephen & Tom's beautiful penthouse. I am definitely trying to emphasize my perspective in this review; there is really nothing negative to say about Azamara as the cruisewas faultless in terms of service, food and experience delivered as advertised (well, maybe except for that bathroom!) but that doesn't mean that it is to everyone's taste.

Thanks for reading!

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We too are going on our first RCCL this Dec. Friends we met on the Europe Equinox convinced us. As far as comparing cruise lines, my DH likes Princess because around 10 pm he can go to the MUTS (not to watch the movie) but to grab a bag of popcorn! So everyone has their preferences!! Are you going to ALA in Las Vegas this year? I was, but we are too busy at the library in the summer to get away. I too enjoy checking out the libraries on cruise ships! Maybe we will bump into each other again while in one! We never really are off the job are we? Thanks again for the great review/pics.





\]Hi Glynis,

I certainly remember meeting you!! That was a lovely gathering in Stephen & Tom's beautiful penthouse. I am definitely trying to emphasize my perspective in this review; there is really nothing negative to say about Azamara as the cruisewas faultless in terms of service, food and experience delivered as advertised (well, maybe except for that bathroom!) but that doesn't mean that it is to everyone's taste.

Thanks for reading!


make sure you let me know how you like RCCL! Deirdre promises me I'll like it! We aren't going to ALA as we went to PLA in Indy in March. I know what you mean about being busy - summer is a crazy time at the library!!

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As we arrived at the conference centre, we felt like VIPs. (Deirdre and Rob are pictured here.)







Guests descended the stairs into a long hall decorated in medieval finery.





There were various traditional Maltese craft demonstrations, such as filigree jewelry, pottery, basket weaving and lacemaking.

There were also several tables laden with local meats, cheeses and desserts. Wine and local beers were being poured liberally also. We were glad at this point that we had not eaten a large dinner.




The Grand Master made his appearance with much fanfare.



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There were a variety of entertainers on small stages stationed throughout the hall, such as folk dancers, a sword swallower and this guy who balanced plates.




After a couple of hours, it was time to return to the ship. We piled back onto the coaches and were given a short tour of Malta at night (with commentary by our local guide on the coach)


The event was very well organized and there were many Azamara staff and officers on hand to make sure the event ran efficiently. (The Captain had been on hand to greet guests and pose for photos.)


It was certainly an enjoyable event, not Azamazing, but very interesting and well worth attending.


Back on the Journey, we availed ourselves of the food laid on at Windows cafe for returning guests. It was quite a cool evening, so the delicious soup and small sandwiches were appreciated. We ventured out to Pool Deck where there was to be a sailaway party. It was quite a chilly evening, and we were happy to take advantage of the blankets that the staff were distributing. We enjoyed drinks with our friends but the sailaway party never materialized. It had been a long, enjoyable day so we called it a night. It was always so nice to return to our perfectly clean, organized cabin, complete with sweets on a little plate on our bed!!


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Thank you Sandi for the really nice review. I am curious about hearing the differences between Celebrity and Azamara. We have done two long Med cruises on Equinox, two one week cruises in the Caribbean (Reflection out of Miami and Summit from San Juan) and have two more booked, one week cruise from Venice and two week long Caribbean cruise from Miami on Eclipse... So we have only cruised with Celebrity and start to get a bit "bored". The entertainment is usually the same and Blue hasn't changed the menu for a long time. We have been looking at Azamara and Oceania but still decided to book Celebrity (mainly because of premium drink package and the price) but I am really curious about trying a new cruise line. We are in our thirties so we are a bit younger so that's is affecting our choices too.


The entertainment is not that important for us but the food is. How did you like the food on Azamara comparing to Blu? Are the meals more fine dining than on Blu? Other more expensive ingredients? And the wines? Did you meet the sommelier during your cruise?


Thank you for taking the time to post about your cruise!

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Thanks so much, really like your comparison of the 2 lines. I have always wanted to try Azamara but I think its a little to sedate for me. I usually travel alone, and the Martini bar has been a perfect place for me to meet people.

Really love the pictures.


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