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Beware over 18 allowed in O2 club


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I'm doubting the 02 thing, a 20 y.o. doesn't usually backtrack to think about his teen years. If he's from another state, that's truly scarey that he isn't hanging out with his friends. Instead he's driving to see an under age girl?



Yes. Yes it happens and it is scary and many many 20 something year old boys find 15 year olds to be much easier to manipulate than girls their own age.

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I had my driver's license at 16 and entered college at 17, so those ids aren't necessarily indicative of being older. But, the lack of an O2 sticker would be.

I did too....something to think about...

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They met on the ship. They've been texting and talking on the phone. He asked her to be his girlfriend while talking to here after they got off the ship. She's 15 doesn't know better. He's making plans to drive to her state and see her. They are not from the same location. He has a car and is going to drive the seven hours to see her. She's a teenager. Doesn't know better. I've read the text message between her and my daughter. It's sad but the girl has never had a boyfriend before and thinks she's in love with this boys. Doesn't make sense to an adult but to a 15 year old it makes perfect sense.


Believe it or don't that's your choice. I just wanted to warn people that they don't really control who comes into the O2 club. I don't know that this is the case on every ship but it's what happened here.


I applaud your efforts...do what you can ...follow the people with heart and belief in the possibilities...you are not sayng all 20 somethings are bad..but just like the college freshman were the new "crop" with the bad and good in the swim in our day..all this kind of stuff happens more and more at younger ages..


Thanks for letting us know...Sincerely, sarah

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I did too....something to think about...



The teens don't necessarily have an O2 sticker. If they don't go to Club O2 and get registered then they don't get a sticker. The sticker isn't put on when they board the ship, just if they go to Club O2. The presence or lack of a sticker has nothing to do with how old they look or don't look. The sign and sail card will have their info on as far as how old they are.



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I had my driver's license at 16 and entered college at 17, so those ids aren't necessarily indicative of being older. But, the lack of an O2 sticker would be.



Sorry , this is the post I meant yo quote, see my reply just before this.



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Teens exaggerate, that's a fact. I was a teen once. I made up stories of how I met guys. I made up stories to get out of trouble. Most of us have, I believe. :D


They will not let a 20 yr old into the 02 club, just like they won't let a 17 yr old into the disco club. I'm still asked for my ID when entering the club, but that's not the point. The point is that people refuse to think with their heads and blame everything on others.:p

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God forbid they ever let High School kids this age go to school together.


I'd pull my kid out for sure. 20-year olds are scumbag devils. They should all be put down (like a wounded horse) to save our society before it's too late.


There are 17 year old freshman in college. There are 20 year old high school seniors. Because many parents are "red shirting kids" in pre-school and kindergarten, the average age of high school seniors is now 19. If a kid fails one or two grades, 20 is not unheard of.


I was just speaking with my neighbor (who major is education) who is now regretting red shirting her son. He is now bored in class and acting out. However; most people I have spoken to who have red shirting are loving it that their kid is at the top of their class and/or sport, etc.


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I know on our Valor cruise my 16 year old son was hanging out with 18 and 19 year old kids. They weren't in Club O2, but they would hang out on the couches outside Club O2. Really, there was just a constant flow of teenagers between those couches and Club O2.


When my kids would come back to the room I would ask who they were hanging out with while they were at the club and these older teenagers were always included in the list because while they weren't allowed in the actual Club, most of the teenagers didn't stay in there anyway. But none of them were any older than the people they hang out with at home. My son is now a senior and has many classmates that are 19.


But... I would not want my 14 year old (now sophomore) daughter "talking" to a 20 year old boy. She knows that for now, I prefer her dating relationships to stay in the 2 year range. When she's older I know it won't make any difference but for now it does.

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There are 17 year old freshman in college. There are 20 year old high school seniors. Because many parents are "red shirting kids" in pre-school and kindergarten, the average age of high school seniors is now 19. If a kid fails one or two grades, 20 is not unheard of.


I was just speaking with my neighbor (who major is education) who is now regretting red shirting her son. He is now bored in class and acting out. However; most people I have spoken to who have red shirting are loving it that their kid is at the top of their class and/or sport, etc.



I am a high school teacher in Florida and the average age of a high school senior is 18 :rolleyes: If a student is still in school at the age of 20 they are a special ed student and ineligible to play sports.

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Teens exaggerate, that's a fact. I was a teen once. I made up stories of how I met guys. I made up stories to get out of trouble. Most of us have, I believe. :D


They will not let a 20 yr old into the 02 club, just like they won't let a 17 yr old into the disco club. I'm still asked for my ID when entering the club, but that's not the point. The point is that people refuse to think with their heads and blame everything on others.:p


By your post, I'm going to assume that all Carnival employees are perfect, none are careless or display acts of incompetency. Unfortunately, that's not possible. After seeing the employee handbook for TWDC, you would be amazed at how many Disney Cast Members are unable to follow company protocol and if they have trouble, so does Carnival. The point is, careless employees are everywhere. Negligence occurs. There is nothing you, or any company, can do about it. Termination isn't always the answer and any replacement has the potential to show the same careless traits.


I'm sure you have seen something similar in your area of employment and it is entirely possible for a 20 year old to spend time in Club O2. It could be as simple as being friendly with one O2 host.

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The older clubs on the Magic are very lax to say at best. My 13 year old tried to go to many activities where the counselor never even showed up for the event. Then there were many times in Circle C where Id' s we're not checked as I know because his younger cousin was able to get in without his room card.( I let his mother take care of that) and the same went for club O2 with counselor being a no show.


There seems to be hardly any supervision at all on the Magic for the older teens so yes, I can definitely believe this happened. What we experienced is a certain male counselor who was supposed to be in charge never showed up or never cared.Hoping this is not the same person we had issues with.would have hoped it was dealt with.


Did my children like the teen clubs, yes

Was I happy with the teen clubs, yes with exceptions

Would I let my kids go again, yes but reiterating my rules


Whatever you choose to do , I am sure you will do the right thing. But I would also recommend contacting Carnival about this too.

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I was on Magic last year with my kids. I actually got to go in to Club O2 twice and take pictures with my ds. I didn't feel it was very chaperoned in there. But then again, all those kids are free to roam the ships so I don't see a big deal. Each parent should take charge of what their kid is doing.


I do not believe 20 year olds are bad or scumbags of the earth... However I do feel that a 20 year old boy has no business dating a 15 year old girl. They are in very different worlds. I can absolutely see how frustrating it might be for a 19-20 year old. Too young for this and too old for that. Its too bad Carnival doesn't have a College Club or young adults party for those looking for new friends or something to do.

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Everyone keeps talking about a 20 year old and if you read the OP again it says the boy said he was almost 20. As we all know, almost 20 is sometimes very far away from really being 20.


I would sit down and have a talk with my daughter, but I would not over react to the situation. She is going to come into contact with a lot of older boys who might try to take advantage of her and the best thing to do is to talk to her now and make sure she is prepared to be able to handle it.

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Everyone keeps talking about a 20 year old and if you read the OP again it says the boy said he was almost 20. As we all know, almost 20 is sometimes very far away from really being 20.


20, 18, 17, whatever.


I just know with all this ship talk I'm online looking to buy Graco stock pronto. Who knew? Guess I should have watched The Love Boat more often.



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God forbid they ever let High School kids this age go to school together.


I'd pull my kid out for sure. 20-year olds are scumbag devils. They should all be put down (like a wounded horse) to save our society before it's too late.


LMAO!!!! Too Funny!

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A voice of reason.

You make it sound like a 20 year old is a deviant sexual predator looking for much younger kids to prey on. My goodness, my son is 20 and is still a kid in my eyes. The difference between 15 and 20 will only seem huge until she is 20 and he is 25. Not that they should date, but there is some over dramatization going on here.

Look at it this way, 20 is too young to drink and probably has no income to gamble, on vacation with mom and dad and nothing to do, so checks out the "teen" club because not long ago he actually was a teen.

Geez, I better not tell the age difference between my husband and myself, the shock value may be too much to handle.



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I don't mind telling...The DH was 18 and I was 24 when we met at a party...40+ years later and still going strong. I was way more immature than he was!:eek:


As a parent, you should always find out what's going on in the club where your child is hanging out on board and not leave it to chance. I have a 19 yr.-old DS and he's a great kid as are many of his friends that are 20, 21. It's ridiculous to judge someone negatively or assume that they are sexual predators because of their age...it's a number and does not reflect the maturity or consequence of a person.

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I'm sure he was not lying. She said she saw his drivers license and college id when I asked how sure she was that he was older. They were all showing off their new drivers permits and he showed his license and id. Also According to her he didn't have the O2 sticker and the times they were checking cards he went out the arcade doors before he was carded so he'd didn't get caught in there.

I was never asked for anything when I took my daughter down to sign up. I didn't turn in any paperwork and was never asked for it. This was on the second day. The guy just looked at her and handed her a sticker to put on her card and told her she was in the right area. Never even asked her name. I should have realized then there wasn't anyone checking.


I think he was lying to your daughter- Carnival DOEs check the ages- you didnot have to show anything proving your daughters age, because her birth date was already in the ships database. They verify from the database, not from what parents tell them on the form.

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Sounds like more of a parenting issue than a Carnival one


I believe this is the best post yet!!


Seriously though, the girl is 15 years old. If the parents really care about the girl, they will be monitoring her cellphone for activity (or atleast I will be in a few years). We made it a policy that no data history is to ever be cleared off of any computer or cellphone for our children (if so, then that is a breech of allowance and they loose the device).. So, if what the OP is going on about is true, then the parents either 1-know about it or 2-really don't care. Sadly, in this day and age, you may get a parent on the end of the phone and they could care less what happens to their child or who their child is talking to.


Would I try to reach out to the parents? Yes. If that becomes a road block, then at the end of the day, I have to wipe my hands, remind my child of the boundaries and rules that we have in place and cut off contact with the older boys..

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Beware over 18 allowed in O2 club



I think the OP's comment is somewhat misleading. Carnival provides youth programs based on age to provide activities so kids can be around other kids within their age group. Carnival does not allow adults (18 year old and up) to participate in club O2 activities. Now, what does happen, is that one might find some 18 and 19 and yes even 20 year olds hanging out outside the club.

The OP makes it sound that Carnival now has an open door policy.

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Actually.....yes, 18 year olds can be allowed in Club 02. If they were a high school senior & just graduated (mostly age 18), they are allowed in 02. After that, no. My daughter will turn 18 while we're on the first leg of our back to back next May. She will still be allowed in 02 on both cruises.


I visit 02 on our first day. I see the place and I meet the counselor. We also attend the 'round up' that is held the day of embarkation around 5 right after the muster drill & I fill out the forms/registration online. They are 'suppose' to show the 02 sticker at the door.


We are a small high school and my kids always played sports. No freshman team, so they were with sophomores, juniors, & seniors. That means they hung out regularly when they were 14 with kids up to 18. Our golf team is coed, so my daughter spent time with older boys. *gasp*.


I agree it is a parent issue. It's about teaching your own kids how to handle themselves. Teaching them about respect, maturity, & socially acceptable behavior.


Last cruise, 3 tween girls (guessing about 13ish) came into the public restroom all giggly & oblivious to all of us in line. All 3 went into the same stall. Cameras flashing, lots of whispering, specific comments and lots of shadows that didn't leave a lot to anyone's imagination. That was a parent issue. Things like that don't happen if there is proper guidance beforehand. But, you also have to prepare your own children that don't normally see things like that to make good decisions.



It is common here for boys to be 6 before they begin kindergarten. It is usually to do with maturity and attention span. That does not give them an IEP (special ed). Even being held back here doesn't put you in special ed. Sometimes they don't pass because they just don't try or it's too hard, not because they have a learning disability as someone earlier posted.


I definitely agree that they need some kind of hang out for those kids between high school and 21. On my son's first cruise, he was 20.

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Actually.....yes, 18 year olds can be allowed in Club 02. If they were a high school senior & just graduated (mostly age 18), they are allowed in 02. After that, no. My daughter will turn 18 while we're on the first leg of our back to back next May. She will still be allowed in 02 on both cruises.


I visit 02 on our first day. I see the place and I meet the counselor. We also attend the 'round up' that is held the day of embarkation around 5 right after the muster drill & I fill out the forms/registration online. They are 'suppose' to show the 02 sticker at the door.


We are a small high school and my kids always played sports. No freshman team, so they were with sophomores, juniors, & seniors. That means they hung out regularly when they were 14 with kids up to 18. Our golf team is coed, so my daughter spent time with older boys. *gasp*.


I agree it is a parent issue. It's about teaching your own kids how to handle themselves. Teaching them about respect, maturity, & socially acceptable behavior.


Last cruise, 3 tween girls (guessing about 13ish) came into the public restroom all giggly & oblivious to all of us in line. All 3 went into the same stall. Cameras flashing, lots of whispering, specific comments and lots of shadows that didn't leave a lot to anyone's imagination. That was a parent issue. Things like that don't happen if there is proper guidance beforehand. But, you also have to prepare your own children that don't normally see things like that to make good decisions.



It is common here for boys to be 6 before they begin kindergarten. It is usually to do with maturity and attention span. That does not give them an IEP (special ed). Even being held back here doesn't put you in special ed. Sometimes they don't pass because they just don't try or it's too hard, not because they have a learning disability as someone earlier posted.


I definitely agree that they need some kind of hang out for those kids between high school and 21. On my son's first cruise, he was 20.


If you are referring to my post concerning the "average" age of a senior in HS being 19, I'm afraid that you misread my post. Being held back or being in transitional kindergarten does not mean you are in a special ed program or have an IEP. Here in Florida you will age out of public school at 19 (can't turn 20 during the school year) UNLESS you are in special education program or an ESOL program. In addition, you cannot participate in FHSSA programs past the age of 19.


The poster that made the claim that the average high school senior is 19 is way off.

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Originally Posted by CheckersMidwest View Post

Actually.....yes, 18 year olds can be allowed in Club 02. If they were a high school senior & just graduated (mostly age 18), they are allowed in 02. After that, no. My daughter will turn 18 while we're on the first leg of our back to back next May. She will still be allowed in 02 on both cruises.


Actually ...no,your daughter's admission has nothing to do with being a high school senior. She is able to get in because she was still 17 when she starts the cruise.


Age Policy

Carnival’s policy is to group children together according to their age. Our Youth Program age policies are in place so that we can provide participants with age appropriate activities and so they can mingle with other minors of similar age. The age is determined according to the child’s birth date which is provided from documentation received at embarkation.


Exclusivity – 15-17 year olds Only

Club O2 is designed specifically for 15-17 year olds, which means no kids and no adults. The lounge creates a safe and comfortable environment for our teen guests, with activities teens enjoy doing with their peers. There is no smoking or alcohol allowed in these lounges. It is all about fun and



Again,I am not denying that there are instances when 18 and 19 year old adults are hanging around Club O2, I am simply saying that by design Carnival tries to make this a place for 15-17 year olds Only.

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