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Venting about "attire" threads


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The thing I've never understood is how someone, surrounded by the beauty that is a river cruise, is looking at what other people are wearing.


Now I must admit, I do look at what European women are wearing so that I can go home and tell other women what to expect in stores in 6 months or a year (depending on where one lives in North America.)


I'm also amused by people talking about wearing white sneakers as a way to identify me as a tourist. I hate to tell them but most Europeans can tell a person is a North American.


I had a beautiful woman in Malta tell me that American women walk differently than other women (I don't know if she included Canadians as well.) When I asked her how we walked she just said "as if you were free"

which on this particular day is quite a lovely idea.

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As is evidenced by the numerous responses here, we all have differing backgrounds, have different daily dress codes, and may have differing standards of what is "casual" wear. I do see most folks saying they will and do dress respectfully and I agree. Having said that, I could really care less how others dress on my vacation.....my focus is on those I am travelling with, enjoying their company, learning about new places, and if I am lucky, making a few new friends.


Personally, I wear a suit and tie almost every day to work. When I go on vacation, the last thing I want to do is wear a suit or jacket. I go on vacation to get away and that includes getting away from dressing up. During the day, I will be the guy touring in shorts (not cut-offs or basketball shorts but clean and knee length cargo shorts), a Nike or Adidas polo, and my comfortable Merrill hiking shoes. At dinner I will be in Docker's and a polo (changing from the polo I wore all day) each night of the cruise including the Captain's welcome dinner, etc.


I will not be bringing a suit or jacket on a 3 week Europe trip to wear once or twice...luggage space is too valuable and frankly I enjoy a few weeks away from a suit. If that gets me looks from others, I can live with that. Life is way too short for me to worry about other's expectations....


And for the record, I am Canadian but will gladly hang out with any "Ugly Americans" on my trip. :D

Edited by cruisinskier
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We are on an Avalon cruise right now. At the Welcome dinner, everyone dressed appropriately but there were maybe 3 men wearing jackets. On tours, folks wear shorts, T-shirts or polos, sneakers or sandals, etc. everyone is getting along well and having a GREAT time. Attire? Could care less.



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IMHO it's not what you wear it's who you are anyone can wear couture and look a scruff or wear pre-owned and look a million dollars, go with the flow (?pun) as long as a person does not stink or is thoroughly obnoxious then that's fine with me. Gentlemen during the winter spring and autumn can easily take a jacket, wear it not pack it but after 3 cruises I have not seen many ties on guests only on staff. Wear what is appropriate for the weather and the terrain. Killer heels are a complete no, no cobbles, steps, stairs and shiny floors, yikes.

Happy cruising all.

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I have a funny (at least I think it is funny) story about wearing shorts to lunch on a river cruise. One of the female passengers on the cruise asked to sit at the table I was occupying. She then noticed I was wearing shorts and left for another table saying she preferred to eat with a gentleman who cared about his appearance. Again, this was lunch not dinner. I always pride myself on looking nice and had very enjoyable lunch with others who cared more about good conversations than dressing up for lunch.


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I have a funny (at least I think it is funny) story about wearing shorts to lunch on a river cruise. One of the female passengers on the cruise asked to sit at the table I was occupying. She then noticed I was wearing shorts and left for another table saying she preferred to eat with a gentleman who cared about his appearance. Again, this was lunch not dinner. I always pride myself on looking nice and had very enjoyable lunch with others who cared more about good conversations than dressing up for lunch.



Be careful, she may be on this cc board.

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The white shoes thing is kind of funny. While in Italy years ago some Italians told us that the tourists with white shoes are typically American...and while it wasn't said disparagingly, I did sense that it was poor fashion taste. This was just after 9/11 and the anti-American sentiment was high...people were truly angry with our country. I was glad I didn't have white sneakers with me. At that time it was best to be under the radar!


Interesting. I found great sympathy towards us in the period after 9/11. The anger seemed to appear as we mover towards war wit Iraq a year or so later.


Well, I must say that I wasn't expecting this conversation when I opened this thread... I thought that "Venting about attire threads" would be someone complaining about all of the time spent complaining about what other people wear, not actually doing the complaining.... This topic brings out as many responses as one on gratuities!!!!


I am more concerned that people don't smell - body odor, obnoxious perfumes, stale alcohol and\or tobacco - than I am about whether or not they wear jeans in the dining room, or forgot to pack their tiara....




I share your concerns . . . That is, in reality what matters.

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I think we need to get over ourselves with this snubbing of people based upon their attire. Many of us have personal standards with our own attire but can someone explain to me how being on a bus with fashion-challenged people hurts anyone else? Now if there is an actual dress code keep in mind that some people just don't pay attention to the details and so just give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they're trying their best. It's up to the ship to enforce their dresscodes...no need to get huffy over it...Live and let live!

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I think we need to get over ourselves with this snubbing of people based upon their attire. Many of us have personal standards with our own attire but can someone explain to me how being on a bus with fashion-challenged people hurts anyone else? Now if there is an actual dress code keep in mind that some people just don't pay attention to the details and so just give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they're trying their best. It's up to the ship to enforce their dresscodes...no need to get huffy over it...Live and let live!


Well said. How on earth can how someone else dresses affect your enjoyment.

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I'm the OP, and I not "worried" about what others wear. As I peruse the boards, I see poster after poster asking about attire. Mostly women asking about what to wear and packing for their husbands. For heavens sake! I'm not setting rules, just giving some common sense suggestions for what to wear while in Europe. Example, Mark T spends a lot of time in Texas. Jeans and boots are the norm there. I would not recommend that for a Caribbean cruise. I said I "appreciate" a jacket for dinner. It makes me feel "appreciated" after I've put some effort into getting dressed for dinner. Isn't dinner on a cruise a nice event? I've also learned my lesson about comfy shoes. Better to find a nice pair of walking shoes that can also double as regular shoes. I don't need bulky/ugly running shoes in my luggage. I have observed that many of the "running shoe crowd" never run/bike/hike. I didn't start this thread to "judge" people, but to offer some ideas for the "attire?" folks. They are the ones asking for advise...Just trying to oblige.

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I so much agree. I hate running shoes! Never take them on a trip. They are too bulky and make you look like a tourist. I wear Merrills, Naots, Mephistos, etc here in the US and they work VERY well in Europe. Many of them are made in Europe. Many of them work for evening too.

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It gets mundane to hear what we should and should not wear, traveling on a river cruise, large ship cruise or tour. I think the original post declaring their impression that people book Viking so they have no dress codes to adhere to is ridiculous. We've taken river cruises on Viking, Uniworld & GCT over the years and haven't noticed that any one line has better dressers than another. We are not dressy people but I'm never embarrassed at what I wear, clothing or shoe wise, this is my vacation also.


If you're so vain that you were embarrassed to even go on tours because of what others are wearing, you're a snob! I can't imagine I would forfeit my travels because someone wore white sneakers or didn't dress to my standard. It's no reflection on you unless you choose to let it be an issue, in which case it sounds like you did. So, sit on the ship or bus, it's your choice but do not impose your choices on others.

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Suspaul, I think you confused my OP with one of the responses. I did not declare anything, but offered simple suggestions. You are quire correct, it DOES get mundane, repeatedly asking the same fashion questions. My modus operandi is KISS. Keep It Simply Stylish.

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I'm the OP,.....I don't need bulky/ugly running shoes in my luggage. I have observed that many of the "running shoe crowd" never run/bike/hike. I didn't start this thread to "judge" people, but to offer some ideas for the "attire?" folks. They are the ones asking for advise...Just trying to oblige.


You have a funny way of being non-judgemental. How do you know who runs or bikes and what does it matter?

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Do your own thing and I'll do the same and let's stop with the judgements.


I tried to write a specific response to one or two of the posts above, but in reality my words distilled down to the same as yours.


The days of dressing up in what can amount to uncomfortable clothing just to conform to an artificial social standard have mostly gone now.


Some may wish that wasn't so and may attempt to encourage others to believe it isn't so, but fin reality, that ship has sailed.


Don't look to others to validate your choices or conform to your self-imposed standard. Dress how you want to dress accept that others around you will do the same.


Like everyone else on your cruise, you are on holiday, relax and enjoy.

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I so much agree. I hate running shoes! Never take them on a trip. They are too bulky and make you look like a tourist. I wear Merrills, Naots, Mephistos, etc here in the US and they work VERY well in Europe. Many of them are made in Europe. Many of them work for evening too.


Not all athletic shoes are running shoes. I have been using walking shoes for years. They look like the running (or as some say tennis) shoes but are specially built for walking. I have never heard of the shoes you mentioned but then again I'm not a shopper.

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think of your walking shoes, now add leather or suede (or both) and color them brown or other dark color for those brands of walking shoes listed.


They also can be strapped and meshed making them "water repellent" and sometimes they can look like good old birkenstocks.


for women, sometimes you can buy them as "mary jane" type of shoe (think little girl Sunday school black patent!) with a grip sole and dark colors


Why those shoes described above are less offensive than running shoes, especially white ones, is clearly lost on me (and i love shoes!!!)

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I can't believe we live in a society that judges people over their attire and shoes. For goodness sake, wear clean, comfortable clothing and have a great time. I go on cruises to see the scenery and not to judge my fellow cruisers on their choice of clothing. To the previous poster that had a woman leave the table because of wearing shorts for lunch. Shame on that person. Only shows what type of person she really is. I'm proud to be an American and by golly I will wear my white tennis (athletic) shoes. I've had foot surgeries on both feet and that is what is recommended for me to wear. I wear a specific New Balance shoe. I will not be uncomfortable because a few on a cruise want me to look European. Sorry. Not gonna happen!


I live in the Columbine community where the school shooting took place. I know 2 who died. I know others that survived. My first thought on a silly subject like this is that life is to short to worry about what others are wearing. Live life to the fullest and quit sweating the small stuff.

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I will not be uncomfortable because a few on a cruise want me to look European. Sorry. Not gonna happen!


The irony is most Europeans are a lot less bothered about all of this than the few Americans that seem to be worried on behalf of the rest of the nation, and if you happen to live in one of the main cruise destinations, you can spot a tourist a mile off regardless of their footwear :)

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I can't believe we live in a society that judges people over their attire and shoes. For goodness sake, wear clean, comfortable clothing and have a great time. I go on cruises to see the scenery and not to judge my fellow cruisers on their choice of clothing. To the previous poster that had a woman leave the table because of wearing shorts for lunch. Shame on that person. Only shows what type of person she really is. I'm proud to be an American and by golly I will wear my white tennis (athletic) shoes. I've had foot surgeries on both feet and that is what is recommended for me to wear. I wear a specific New Balance shoe. I will not be uncomfortable because a few on a cruise want me to look European. Sorry. Not gonna happen!


I live in the Columbine community where the school shooting took place. I know 2 who died. I know others that survived. My first thought on a silly subject like this is that life is to short to worry about what others are wearing. Live life to the fullest and quit sweating the small stuff.


Sure need a "like" button for this post! You said it all so well:)

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This thread is just so funny don't worry America we wear trainers, white and other colours in the UK as well as they do in the rest of Europe. I like walking shoes for support on cobbles etc although a bit hot in the summer, I

personally don't like wearing those walking sandals although my friends assure me they are really comfortable, but that's just me.

Question will we all be scrutinising our fellow travellers apparel on our cruises - well maybe with just a little smile to ourselves.

Happy cruising and don't get in a twist about what to pack.

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I happen to wholeheartedly agree with you, however many cruisers don't. Viking, for example, has absolutely no dressed code printed or implied. In the past couple of years, I have witnessed that lack of policy taken to its ultimate extreme on their ships. Seems many cruisers book Viking because of that absence of any dress code. I'm on a Viking cruise this September in the South of France, but have booked Uniworld for next year's cruise. Last year, my wife and I skipped a couple of tours because we were embarrassed to get on the bus with the other cruisers because of the way many were dressed. If that is repeated on this September's cruise, it will be our last Viking tour. This is not a battle we can win, as earlier stated, many book Viking, and other lines, because they can dress as ratty as they please. One's best option is to search out cruise lines that have standards that meet their personal desires. Complaining about how Americans dress for tours or dinners aboard is like complaining about American's love affair with throwing litter out of the car window. Find a different cruise line with acceptable standards and book with them.


You actually didn't get on a bus because of the way other people were dressed!!!


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Having traveled quite extensively I would venture to think the term "ugly American" comes not from the way some Americans dress, but by how they act. Some Americans are very loud, get annoyed in foreign countries when people don't speak English, and don't extend themselves to understand other cultures/traditions.


As for cruise attire, I appreciate the looser standards. As long as someone is clean I don't give a diddly about if they have on jeans or sport jacket, etc. This elitism that people have to dress a particular way seems completely silly. On my upcoming cruise I will dress up when I desire and wear jeans in the main dining room. I personally would not wear jeans and a tee shirt but would not be in the least offended if my table mates chose such attire. I hope my table mates are bright and interesting and refrain from making any sort of racist, sexist, etc. remarks...or complain incessantly. For me it is all about one's behaviors. True class isn't what one wears but how they conduct themselves.


LIKE And AGREE wholeheartedly.


I started to quote those I agree with in this thread but find there are more comments I agree with than those that I am offended by. No point in quoting most of the thread. Why would anyone pay for and take a river cruise, only to refuse to get on a bus with fellow passengers because they were not dressed to suit them. I find this really hard to understand. I hope I do not ever cruise with people who feel this way because I surely do not want to offend them with my casual clothes.

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