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Barcelona SOS Mediterranean Greek Isle Cruise w/Paris and Copenhagen Review

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hope you're back soon, missing your review :)

Aww....thanks! Tonight I will continue posting. Work has been crazy and running around getting things for my daughter's dorm and now my refrigerator is broken. But no worries, we have memories of that fabulous Mediterranean cruise.

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This is such an AMAZING photo....LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!! Stef is this the sunset you made into your wallpaper? If so, I totally agree with your choice :D



Oh Athens, how I love thee. I savor every morsel of gyro, spanakopita and greek salad that I can among the many ruins of your land. Oh Athens, how I love thee.



Beautiful family, wonderful review and you're a poet to boot! Girl, you rock!!! LOL!


I loved reading about Athens. I have never been to Greece, but definitely hope to make it up to the Acropolis one day. In the meantime, I am enjoying pretending to be in your pictures.


I totally know how you felt on that first sea day. We didn't have a sea day until day 6 (after Rome, we did Naples). We were exhausted by then as you can imagine. I am pretty sure we slept in as well that first sea day (but I am sure my journal will confirm or deny that when I get to that day in my review).


Can't wait to read about your next stop and see more of your fab photos!!!!



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This is such an AMAZING photo....LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!! Stef is this the sunset you made into your wallpaper? If so, I totally agree with your choice :D










Beautiful family, wonderful review and you're a poet to boot! Girl, you rock!!! LOL!




I loved reading about Athens. I have never been to Greece, but definitely hope to make it up to the Acropolis one day. In the meantime, I am enjoying pretending to be in your pictures.




I totally know how you felt on that first sea day. We didn't have a sea day until day 6 (after Rome, we did Naples). We were exhausted by then as you can imagine. I am pretty sure we slept in as well that first sea day (but I am sure my journal will confirm or deny that when I get to that day in my review).




Can't wait to read about your next stop and see more of your fab photos!!!!







Some sunset

Now doesn't that make cruising worthwhile

So cool a pic



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This is such an AMAZING photo....LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!! Stef is this the sunset you made into your wallpaper? If so, I totally agree with your choice :D





Beautiful family, wonderful review and you're a poet to boot! Girl, you rock!!! LOL!


I loved reading about Athens. I have never been to Greece, but definitely hope to make it up to the Acropolis one day. In the meantime, I am enjoying pretending to be in your pictures.


I totally know how you felt on that first sea day. We didn't have a sea day until day 6 (after Rome, we did Naples). We were exhausted by then as you can imagine. I am pretty sure we slept in as well that first sea day (but I am sure my journal will confirm or deny that when I get to that day in my review).


Can't wait to read about your next stop and see more of your fab photos!!!!




Wow, thank you! Well we are still in Greece! So you'll enjoy it even more. ;)


Oh my.....day 6.....and you both didn't pass out????? You ladies are troopers!

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I'mmmmmm baaaaaack!!! I know, you thought I fell off the earth and into eternity never to be heard from again. Nope! Life got in the way of me reliving this trip while writing this review and posting pictures. How dare it?!


Anyway, we left off leaving the Acropolis and all the hoards of people. Back on our minibus we head to the Temple of Olympian Zeus. I could already feel I had too much sun and needed to take it easy if I wanted to enjoy not only the rest of the day, that evening and the rest of the week. So I sent Ciera and Cai out to see it up close with everyone else and take pictures.


Next was the Panathenaic Stadium. I ventured out of the bus for this one under the guise of my wide brim hat. We carefully walked on smooth granite tiles. Beautiful shades of white granite tile everywhere. We were way to tired to attempt walking up the steps to the top of the stadium (there is a small entrance fee) so we just took a few photos and used the facilities. You must pay to use them here and go through a turnstile. The bathroom is made entirely of granite as well. Boy, I wonder how much I could get for just half of the granite in the bathroom alone. One thing I will tell you, don't even think about buying something to drink. They wanted not only my first born but my second too! No seriously, get your drink on elsewhere.


Back in the shaded comfort of the bus we learned drove past Church of KapnikArea, War Museum of Athens, Adrianou Street, The Academy of Athens and all around the city until 10:30 when it was time for us to go see the changing of the guards. You see this was a special changing of the guards, only done on Sundays at 11 am. You do not want to miss this if you are there on a Sunday at 11. It is wonderfully filled with pomp and circumstance, everything I like, and of course tradition, which I happen to like as well. I mean they close the street off and there is a band and a parade of guards. Of course with that comes lots of people and scams etc. *piece of advice* People please don't let your children feed and play with pigeons. They are very dirty birds and some little ones had them all over them. On their heads, arms, backs....well you get the picture. It also opens you up for scams and pick pockets.


The change of the guards happens in front of the Parliament Building in Constitution Square before the tomb of the unknown soldier. There is very little shade there so I waited a little down the street next to the metro entrance under the shade of the trees until 10 minutes before the change. This is a prime location for a pick pocket. I didn't get hit nor anyone I know but so many are squished together to see that I can definitely see it happening. Demetrios told us that each shoe weighs 10 lbs and these guys were kicking like the rockets! Some serious leg strength here folks.


Now we all are starving. So were does one go on a Sunday when most things are closed in Athens........where the locals go on Sundays, to Plaka! Which isn't far away and we opted for lunch right where we were dropped off and came highly recommended. All of our "wifi freaks", that was said with love as it includes my children, were trying to connect to the restaurants free wifi with no or little luck. Most of us had Gyros but of course because I consider myself an honorary Greek we also had Spinach Pie, Chicken Kebab, fries and Cesar salad.


Then we walked down Plaka to the Museum of Ancient Angora and Angora. It was lovely to see and easy walking, except for the small portion walking up to Angora, but easily accessible. After we walked back through Plaka and by this point I had a headache from the sun. I needed caffeine! So...what was I to do......I bought a greek frappe and oh boy was it good! So strong that not only would I not allow my son to have some but the lady who made it told him it was way to strong for him, even a sip. Headache gone for now!


This place not only had great coffee but free wifi and slowly but surely the "freaks" in our group showed up and corralled the joint for the next 10 minutes we had. Once back with Demetrios we decided we didn't want to go to the new Acropolis Museum so he took us to the highest point a vehicle could go in Athens, which is higher than the Acropolis. You could walk up from there to the highest point, which of course every single one of us was to exhasuted to do, and there is a very nice expensive restaurant there as well. We of course were NOT too exhausted for gelato and baklava!


Oh did we hit the jackpot!!!! The place Demetrios took us to was owned by the same family for generations. I mean they are serious. It is open to the bakery and they have a piano in the bakery, yes I said a piano. With a piano player! Believe me, it is on my list to go back.


We headed back to port and by then my headache had returned. (I was able to bring a spinach pie on the ship. I had it in my bag.) It was probably around 4:30 and I went straight to the room for a nap before dinner. Ciera woke me up at 6:20 and I drug myself to the dinning room for dinner and quickly retired back to the cabin right after my meal. (I really should have just ordered room service.) Hoping to have my headache gone by morning a took another pain reliever and feel fast asleep. Tomorrow is Kusadasi, Turkey. Would I be well enough to go? Stay tuned tomorrow for the answer.


Time for pictures!!

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Glad you're back! I'm like a junky hanging on your every word and pic. One would almost think I wasn't with you. Why are your pictures so much better than mine? Luckily a photographer came by as we were watching the sunset. Beautiful sunsets most nights that lasted much longer than the Caribbean.


Sorry to hear about your fridge, all you need right now is a repair :(

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Glad you're back! I'm like a junky hanging on your every word and pic. One would almost think I wasn't with you. Why are your pictures so much better than mine? Luckily a photographer came by as we were watching the sunset. Beautiful sunsets most nights that lasted much longer than the Caribbean.


Sorry to hear about your fridge, all you need right now is a repair :(

[emoji14]I know! You were there every step of the way except Santorini. Glad you were too!


It's the camera, believe me. I know, like I need that expense now but I'm blessed that I won't have to go without for long.

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Great write up on your day in Athens! Boy, you 3 did A LOT! At one point when you posted that you needed to be at the changing of the guard at 11a, I was like, WHAT?!?! They did all of that other stuff already and it wasn't even 11a yet! You three are hardcore :D


Greek Frappe, huh? Maybe, just maybe, one of these would satisfy Crazy Mom's need for caffeine in the morning. I must keep this in mind should we ever find ourselves in Greece (which hopefully we will one day!)


"Wifi-Freaks" - LOLOLOL!!!! Great way to describe them. I think kids (and some adults) must start going into shock if they don't get their internet fix :eek::p


I MUST try the baklava at the bakery you went to. I'm always in search of baklava that is better than mine (I don't specialize in many things, but I do make some darn tasty baklava, if I do say so myself:cool:)


Finally, the spinach pie in the one photo looks so yummy!!! I really need to STOP reading your posts before breakfast :D



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Greek Frappe, huh? Maybe, just maybe, one of these would satisfy Crazy Mom's need for caffeine in the morning. I must keep this in mind should we ever find ourselves in Greece (which hopefully we will one day!)


"Wifi-Freaks" - LOLOLOL!!!! Great way to describe them. I think kids (and some adults) must start going into shock if they don't get their internet fix :eek::p


I MUST try the baklava at the bakery you went to. I'm always in search of baklava that is better than mine (I don't specialize in many things, but I do make some darn tasty baklava, if I do say so myself:cool:)


Finally, the spinach pie in the one photo looks so yummy!!! I really need to STOP reading your posts before breakfast :D




Our group really did alot!!! :eek:


Oh and any greek coffee or turkish coffee will more than take care of Crazy Mom! She would only need 1 cup! I prefer greek over turkish.


I know my "freaks" were going into shock, so these little spurts of wifi made a world of difference.


I didn't have any baklava as I was on a serious gelato fix but I certainly will hold you to it if we ever meet up on a cruise.:p And you know not to read my posts before breakfast! It was delicious!

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So last night as I retired so early I sent Ciera to the atm in the casino that disburses USD to get money for our tour today. Well she said they were all offline due to the satellite. So I got up a little early, feeling much better, and went down to the atm myself. It would give me my balance but not distribute any money and kept telling me to contact my bank. So of course right about now I am feeling stressed. I mean I had more than enough in my account. Did these fools at Chase shut my card down? I told them in person twice and checked over the phone with them before I left.


So now I had to run out to the deck to call my bank and find out what was going on. Well, it wasn't them. They showed that I was away and everything looked fine on my card and they didn't show any attempt to retrieve money at all. So what do I do next.....I go to guest relations and politely let them know their machine is broken. The lady proceeds to tell me that they would know if it was not working as the machine itself alerts them and it must be my bank. Oh yeah. Really?


Well I went back to that, sure it's working it must be your bank atm and what did I find. Another couple who had tried 3 times unsuccessfully to retrieve funds and given the same response and also showing their balance. I felt like going back to that woman and telling her she could go kick rocks but seeing how it was time for me to meet everyone at Vintages and I still had to figure out how I was going to pay my portion of the tour. My headache was starting to return.


Now many times this cruise we did not here an announcement stating we could go aboard but hearing from others that Turkey takes longer than most ports we waited a bit and Ciera decided to go get breakfast in the WJ. Problem is she didn't bring it back to eat she sat to eat. Who does that! Her response is I didn't hear an announcement. So now we became that family and it was 8:25! We had 5 minutes to meet our guide on time.


For those who are going to Kusadasi, Turkey know that when you walk off the ship you walk a bit and then some more through indoor shops. Needless to say we were late. Our guide was just getting ready to call us. She was a very pretty young Turkish woman who guided us through the masses to our awaiting van and driver. What do you know...there was a HSBC atm right where the van was waiting that dispensed USD, Euros, TL and Pounds. This chick was smiling.:D As we were already behind and there were 4 people waiting to use the atm so I asked it we could be dropped off at the same location and we were on our way. Would that decision prove to be a mistake?


I forgot, mommy brain, to write down our guides name but she was good. She did have a lot to say about how things are currently in Turkey and passionately gave us her opinion on the current government. It was nice to hear, actually, her perspective. Almost all of the people of Turkey are Muslim but not in the way we think. A while back there was a good mixture of Muslims and Christians and then due to governmental change many Christians' children appeared Muslim on the outside but inside the home Christian beliefs prevailed. As this continued many generations grew up to be a different kind of Muslim. It goes to show you that everything is not as black and white.


My son was happy to learn we were in fact in Asia.:D We were off to visit the Virgin Mary's House. Now this is a house that was built by what we think is how Mary's house looked but the foundation is original to the time. Although there were many vans and buses it wasn't crowded yet and the line into the home moved fairly quick. There is an altar set up outside the home and it appears they hold mass there.(I saw the nuns) Inside you are not allowed to take pictures but you can step to the side to pray and that is what I did. You can also light a candle outside. After are fountains from a spring that is said to be holy water and we drank from that. Many people there had small flasks to collect the water in. Then right next to that is the prayer wall, where you can write a prayer on paper and wedge it into the wall. The kids and I did this also.


I forgot to mention before we arrived at the Virgin Mary's House the guide told us how much it would cost for the sites we would see that day. I will say that the amount was a little different than I could find online for one place and we did not know the cost of the others or how much for children. I wish they would have emailed me those cost in advance so that we all could be prepared. The guide had already purchased all our entries but it would have been nice to know in advance like our other tour companies.


Everyone used the facilities, as now was the time before going into Ephesus where there are none inside. We headed to Ephesus, which you have to pass to get to Mary's House and is only 5 minutes away down the hill.


Our guide gave us tons of information in Ephesus. If you go it really pays to have a guide go through it with you as you really get the entire picture of what things were like back then. I was sure to bring my hat and umbrella from the brutal sun. There is practically no shade in Ephesus as you will see in my pictures but whatever there was we always found it. I will warn you that everything here is marble, slippery, smooth marble. We saw a few people fall so if you go wear shoes with good traction and walk carefully. It was completely amazing! I mean everything was already invented back then. We have just improved upon some things for the sake of time. These people were geniuses.


At the end there is a restroom, so use it, and then shops with locals who will practically harass you, practically, if you show then any kind of interest of eye contact, so don't. This is another place where drinks and food were quite expensive except for ice cream. Yes, they had ice cream, not gelato, but ice cream and the kids had a cone each. At first they were going to get a small bag of chips and a drink but that was about 7 euros for each and I wasn't being sucked into that.


Next we loaded up and went to see the little that is left of the Temple of Artemis. At some point it was a Mosque, Catholic Church and a Temple. This was a very short stop as there is not much to see, yet there are a couple of locals here trying to sell stuff as well. Time for lunch!


Our guide was taking us to a traditional Turkish lunch at a carpet factory. Here is another example of providing communication. The cost was $10 USD each but thankfully I asked what the meal would consist of and some of us choose not to eat. The reason we didn't is because one my daughter, remember the picky teenager one, and my son who would only eat the meat and maybe the couscous. I was not going to spend $20 and have them still hungry after for me to spend more money and I wasn't going to eat while they sat there not eating. The place was lovely and we ate in an outside pavilion with shade. Next we moved inside for the carpet demonstration, which we all wanted to see. The whole process was very interesting and they kept bringing out carpet after carpet it almost became hysterical for the kids. What was even more hysterical was I ripped my pants while there and we had a huge laugh at that!


We all agreed we didn't want to go to the leather factory and decided it was time to go back to port to do some shopping/window shopping. Remember earlier in the day I needed to go back to that atm. Yeah well they dropped us off across the street from it and I went to get the USD and they ran out......so I had to have the guide come over and tell me how much TL to take out. Problem solved and it wasn't that big of a deal. Whew! Crisis averted.


We walked by many of the shops and I got my postcard and stamp. I will say that out of all the ports we went to on the cruise Kusadasi was the nicest and most tourist friendly. They had many sidewalk cafes and a beach with chairs and unbrellas. A port I would definitely go back to on a cruise and stay in port. I look forward to going back to Turkey one day and seeing Istanbul and many other locations. This is one beautiful country.


We were back on board at about 5 minutes to 3. Just in time for us to catch lunch in the WJ. I then retired back to my balcony to relax, take in the views, and write in my journal but before that I ran into 2 couples from our tour relaxing outside the WJ and we talked for a good hour. I believe Ciera went to see Divergent again in the Cinema and Cai was probably at the basketball courts and as usual we met at the dinner table to discuss our day and watch the sunset. That was also another wonderful memory. Watching the sunset together every night while having dinner. Lastly we watched a bit of karoke but it wasn't as good as before and we left early. Up next tomorrow.....Santorini!


Now picture time!!!

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