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just joined weight watchers


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Good to see everyone checking in and finding us and welcome to Dale...and I hear ya, I also walked out lifetime member and swore I'd never go back. Yeah, right.


Was doing really well this week until we just went to this big Indian Powwow on the Shinnecock Reservation in Southampton.....booths and booths of crafts and Native American dancers from many tribes who come from all over the country. And FOOD. All over the place. And of course I had to try some authentic food so I shared a plate of clam fritters with DH and then had a couple of bites of his fry bread topped with taco fixings. I felt SOOO guilty afterward, and I have not used one of my 49 extra points since my Tuesday weigh in. I know it certainly wasn't 49 points worth of food. You'll all be glad to know though I did pass up dessert....and there were tons of them there!


Back to plan tomorrow.....like my leader says, if you mess up, be done with it, put it away and go to bed and just start fresh the next morning!

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Hi my name is Rhonda and I have been on and off WW for quite a few years. This summer has been a disaster and I really want to get back on track and lose 30-40 lbs. I am in my early sixties so the old metabolism is not my best friend. My biggest and real challenge right now is that exercise for me is almost impossible. I am waiting for hip replacement surgery and at the moment almost any amount of exercise results in a lot of pain. This has recently really gotten me down as the quality of my life is really impacted and I have been using food to comfort myself again. My weight was stable although up for the past year but this summer I am sure I have put on 5-7 lbs. So hard to just declare today is THE day. I am doing WW on line at the moment but do find the accountability of weighing in person more inspiring. Hope I can get motivated to stick with this. I really need some support. Thanks.

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Hi everybody. I'm just checking in after a not so successful week. I am back to exercising. So that is a plus. I have 2 and a half months to lose 10lbs. It's not my final goal but it's what I feel is doable for me by cruise time.


It's nice to see so many people on here also using WW. Good luck with the weekend ladies. Tomorrow is my weigh in day. I know I've gained a bit this week so I need to just brush it off and move forward.


Hello Shawna,

We all have endured those "not so successful" weeks. I used to beat myself up over them, until I discovered that during those weeks, I could point to something that provided me with the opportunity to overeat, or eat something I shouldn't. Just now, we came home from a great pot luck dinner with lots of high-calorie, high-fat, high-sodium burgers and hot dogs, plus salads and desserts. I knew it was coming and that my biggest problem is saying no, so I walked 6 miles yesterday to give me a little extra room. Yes, I ate a burger and yes, I ate dessert, but the trick for me is not to feel guilty. To me, this is not the same thing as grabbing a bag of chips or eating a chocolate bar - this event was the total reason for overeating. Do I feel bad? Absolutely not. The trick is get back right on the program tomorrow. Don't let, in your case a bad week, wreck all that you have accomplished so far. Every day you wake up, you start fresh and forget about yesterday and concentrate all your energies on the present. That's what counts.


Hope that helps and good luck with your weigh in tomorrow and your goal! You go, girl!



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Good to see everyone checking in and finding us and welcome to Dale...and I hear ya, I also walked out lifetime member and swore I'd never go back. Yeah, right.


Was doing really well this week until we just went to this big Indian Powwow on the Shinnecock Reservation in Southampton.....booths and booths of crafts and Native American dancers from many tribes who come from all over the country. And FOOD. All over the place. And of course I had to try some authentic food so I shared a plate of clam fritters with DH and then had a couple of bites of his fry bread topped with taco fixings. I felt SOOO guilty afterward, and I have not used one of my 49 extra points since my Tuesday weigh in. I know it certainly wasn't 49 points worth of food. You'll all be glad to know though I did pass up dessert....and there were tons of them there!


Back to plan tomorrow.....like my leader says, if you mess up, be done with it, put it away and go to bed and just start fresh the next morning!


Hi Robin,

Thanks for your welcome and don't feel guilty. No matter which Weight watchers program you are following, the goal has always been to change your lifestyle and your way of eating. You can't always go through life saying no, but unlike me, you did very well in saying no to the dessert. Now that takes a lot of self-control that I have yet to master. Sigh...You're up there in my books for using the no word. Will try to learn to use it too.


Hang in there and yes, start fresh and rejoice!


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Hi my name is Rhonda and I have been on and off WW for quite a few years. This summer has been a disaster and I really want to get back on track and lose 30-40 lbs. I am in my early sixties so the old metabolism is not my best friend. My biggest and real challenge right now is that exercise for me is almost impossible. I am waiting for hip replacement surgery and at the moment almost any amount of exercise results in a lot of pain. This has recently really gotten me down as the quality of my life is really impacted and I have been using food to comfort myself again. My weight was stable although up for the past year but this summer I am sure I have put on 5-7 lbs. So hard to just declare today is THE day. I am doing WW on line at the moment but do find the accountability of weighing in person more inspiring. Hope I can get motivated to stick with this. I really need some support. Thanks.


Hello Rhonda and welcome! I just joined this board myself and wow - you sure have a lot to contend with at the moment. It's so hard not to use food as comfort, but that's one of my big things too - eating when things are bad. But, I guess that's human nature. We want to celebrate by eating when things go well, and eat also when things are not so good. Hard to contend with a lifetime of using food that way.


You said you couldn't exercise and that I understand, but what about other activities to take your mind off eating? Do you have a schedule that you follow everyday? Are you able to leave your home to go to say, a lecture at your local library to provide a break away from the house and food? Or are you pretty well housebound?


Maybe we can all put our heads together to come up with some solutions for you to get you started and to inspire you to stick with it. Life can be tough, but you sound like a tough gal who can do it. Hang in there!



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Thanks Dale for the warm welcome. Yes my situation is frustrating. If I remain sedentary the pain is not bothersome but any amount of exercise brings it on. I am not house bound but find except for meeting friends for coffee etc. pretty tiring and although I love to garden, I pay for it afterwards even if I just putter a bit. I probably would be fine will losing 20-25 lbs. but would like to be really slim again. I am 5'8" so "hide" my weight rather well but still want to slim down. I have never enjoyed exercise as such but was an avid skier and bike rider when I was younger. Your suggestion of things to do to keep my mind off food is a good thought. I am going to start some kind of craft thing this week. I do knit and crochet so that may help. By the way I had a brother in law from Bridgetown Nova Scotia, small world. I live in Vancouver. Anyway will just keep on doing the best I can. No cruises planned until I get this hip surgery over with...I went on 3 this past year so can't feel too deprived. Take care everyone. Really trying to cut carbs and fill up on veggies which I love. Rhonda

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Thanks Dale for the warm welcome. Yes my situation is frustrating. If I remain sedentary the pain is not bothersome but any amount of exercise brings it on. I am not house bound but find except for meeting friends for coffee etc. pretty tiring and although I love to garden, I pay for it afterwards even if I just putter a bit. I probably would be fine will losing 20-25 lbs. but would like to be really slim again. I am 5'8" so "hide" my weight rather well but still want to slim down. I have never enjoyed exercise as such but was an avid skier and bike rider when I was younger. Your suggestion of things to do to keep my mind off food is a good thought. I am going to start some kind of craft thing this week. I do knit and crochet so that may help. By the way I had a brother in law from Bridgetown Nova Scotia, small world. I live in Vancouver. Anyway will just keep on doing the best I can. No cruises planned until I get this hip surgery over with...I went on 3 this past year so can't feel too deprived. Take care everyone. Really trying to cut carbs and fill up on veggies which I love. Rhonda


Great Rhonda and carb watching is so important. I have cut down to two per day, but sometimes, like today, another one sneaks in. Vegetables are hard for me and I find it hard to eat the right ones. The ones I like the most are carb-based such as peas, squash, corn. Yum. Glad to see you're in Vancouver as my brother lives in Surrey. Yes, small world, but actually the town your brother-in-law was from is Bridgetown and I live in Bridgewater. Not quite the same, but that's okay. A lot of people get them mixed up - even Nova Scotians.


Hang in there and try to focus on non-food activities. I find when I'm sewing, the last thing I think about is food. Must be something to do with not wanting to get food stains on clothes not even finished!


Take 'er easy and sorry you can't book a cruise right now. But your day will come again. Why don't you add your cruises to your signature line so we all know where you've been? There might be somebody you can help with your impressions, comments or just general overview of particular ships and cruises.


With that, good night from Nova Scotia and here's hoping you have time tomorrow for friends and a coffee (with a tiny bit of sugar only!)



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Dale, I did realize the two communities were different !!! Thank you for all your advice and concern. I am really going to try to take on some crafts to fill my days. Interestingly today I went to my church to help make sandwiches for our downtown eastside and one of the ladies there has the same surgeon I have been referred to. She is a longstanding member of WW and has offered to be a great support to be when I have my surgery. I had a great WW day, stayed within my points even though had little exercise but feel happy to have the additional support offered. Lots of veggies and protein and very little carbs. Hopefully tomorrow will be good as well. Pain under control so all is well.

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To Rhonda and Dale. I too am 60 years old with a metabolism that is a really slug-bug! I find I have had to cut way back on the carbs. The weeks I do the best have the least in simple carbs. Weigh in is Thursday and I have had 3 weeks in a row of good losses. I hope week 4 won't stop the good run.

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Add my welcome to Rhonda and Dale too. Great to hear from everyone, struggles, suggestions and support. I feel less alone in my weight-loss journey and learn a thing or two. Because my hours changed this week because of Labor Day, I'm not able to do a meeting or even weigh-in until Thursday.


Went to our HOA BBQ yesterday and I did pretty good as I didn't indulge too much. It helped that the theme was a Hawaiian Luau and most brought some type of fruit dish and the main meat was pulled pork which my DH had made last weekend and I was tired of that.


I really want to get into exercising but it seems it's just not coming together. Frustrating on my part and totally my fault. I'm not used to a changing work schedule (I've been a 9-5 worker for decades) and it's hard to get into a routine.


I concur abt finding an alternative activity to avoid food. My library has book clubs and other activities that are free and fun. Maybe that's an option to be out and about and having another focus. Community center activities? Good luck for this week everyone.:)

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Add my welcome to Rhonda and Dale too. Great to hear from everyone, struggles, suggestions and support. I feel less alone in my weight-loss journey and learn a thing or two. Because my hours changed this week because of Labor Day, I'm not able to do a meeting or even weigh-in until Thursday.


Went to our HOA BBQ yesterday and I did pretty good as I didn't indulge too much. It helped that the theme was a Hawaiian Luau and most brought some type of fruit dish and the main meat was pulled pork which my DH had made last weekend and I was tired of that.


I really want to get into exercising but it seems it's just not coming together. Frustrating on my part and totally my fault. I'm not used to a changing work schedule (I've been a 9-5 worker for decades) and it's hard to get into a routine.


I concur abt finding an alternative activity to avoid food. My library has book clubs and other activities that are free and fun. Maybe that's an option to be out and about and having another focus. Community center activities? Good luck for this week everyone.:)


Just back from my late night work out on the treadmill! Tuesday is a tough day for me as I'm in the local Rotary Club and we have a served lunch at our meeting - No choices! That's good in a way because there is no agonizing over what to pick. The bad side is no decisions on what to eat. Ha! Most of the time it's a sandwich or wrap, but the meat inside is usually processed meat. The side is usually a soup, usually creamed with oodles of sodium. But, that's it. No dessert, thank heavens. Every Tuesday I would eat whatever I wanted because I figured the whole day was shot because of the lunch. Not now. I learned my lesson and the rest of the day is always pretty good.


As I said in my welcome message, I am so close to my goal weight, but I just don't burn off the fat like I used to. At age 61 I should just accept it and take some pride in the little achievements. There are six weeks until we leave on our cruise and I'm going to really push to get there.


Thursday will be also a bad day because we spend the whole day in the big city (Halifax - ha!) to visit my Dad in the veterans' home and DH and I usually end up eating something bad for lunch after our visit or we are in a place where I can't order healthy choices. Sigh...And no, we can't eat lunch with Dad as he has his routine with his army buddies.


You did so well with the BBQ, Cruising Family, you must be so proud. Remember the old WW slogan...."nothing tastes as good as thin feels". It's corny, but oh so true. Good luck on the weigh in and let's all keep our fingers crossed for good results. Even if you don't loose anything, maybe you can rejoice that you have made some small change during the week that may lead to a loss the next week. You never know....it doesn't take much sometimes.


Hang in there everyone and tomorrow I have to clean the house before company arrives for dinner on Friday (which will be a WW approved meal BTW). Now, that will be something to keep from eating - cleaning! Kinda hard to vacuum and eat chips at the same time.....or is it???

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Hi everyone, I'd like to join your little group too. (I started with the other longer WW thread but it seems a little slow right now.) I've been going to WW meetings for a little over a year now and have lost almost 45 lbs. This is my second, well third if you go back 20 years, :) and was very successful before, 62 lbs. I loved it, so when things got out of control last year I knew where to go.


My next cruise is April 2015, a music theme cruise out of Miami for 4 days. We did it earlier this year and had a fantastic time, (MSC Divina). I'm looking at 50 lbs, by my next birthday in 6 weeks. Maybe 65 lbs. by the cruise. Oh, I'm in my early 60's too so everything is v-e-r-y s-l-o-w this time too.


Rhonda, I especially wanted to talk to you, I feel your pain. I had my total hip replacement 2 years ago and was in horrible pain before my surgery, hanging on to railings and counters etc. exercise from the waist down was impossible and it was frustrating. I was a walker before the pain started in. I hope your surgery and healing goes well. It's kinda funny, I was on a cane for the 1st cruise after it and all that deck walking really loosened me up!


I have wonderful support from my husband, retired, I map out my menu in the mornings for the day and he puts it all together while I'm getting ready for work. He's actually lost weight just having healthier food in the house. Those "pink boxes" used to call my name at work but I don't even look in them anymore.


Right now I'm having to get some new clothes in smaller sizes, I have a few upgrade "Thrift" type stores that I've found and bought some really beautiful tops and a few coats this past weekend. I'm in the smallest size that Roaman's (catalog) offers so I'll have to cut them loose shortly too.


Oh, my weigh in night is Thursday so I can "enjoy" the weekend meals a little more. I am on the "Points" program, could not get into Simple Start, I found the WW menu at Applebee's and the Roma steak selection is to-die-for delicious! Looking forward to participating on this thread and getting to know you all, Cheers, :)

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Loved reading your intro. So good to hear from someone who has gone through the hip replacement thing. Can't believe how debilitating this is!! Will see the surgeon next Thursday and have more info then. Good for you on your weight loss.!!! I find I do better with the points system too. Because I can't do any significant exercise I am just not putting any big expectations on myself. I am down 2 lbs from 3wks ago so am happy with that. Just have to take it one day at a time and trying to stay away from the snacks. Fortunately I love veggies so that helps. Now if I could just get rid of this pain LOL. Hope everyone else had a good day. It was a gorgeous day in Vancouver today, sunny and warm with a hint of fall in the air. Best time of year. Regards, Rhonda

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Loved reading your intro. So good to hear from someone who has gone through the hip replacement thing. Can't believe how debilitating this is!! Will see the surgeon next Thursday and have more info then. Good for you on your weight loss.!!! I find I do better with the points system too. Because I can't do any significant exercise I am just not putting any big expectations on myself. I am down 2 lbs from 3wks ago so am happy with that. Just have to take it one day at a time and trying to stay away from the snacks. Fortunately I love veggies so that helps. Now if I could just get rid of this pain LOL. Hope everyone else had a good day. It was a gorgeous day in Vancouver today, sunny and warm with a hint of fall in the air. Best time of year. Regards, Rhonda


Good morning Rhonda and you sound so positive! Stick with it and I'm so glad you love veggies. Can't say the same, but I try. And welcome to Travelrocker. This is turning into a magnificent board and I'm hoping to get lots of inspiration, especially today as I will be eating lunch away from home. I remember when I enjoyed that (and I will again!), but for now, I have to watch every bite. Enjoy your day, everyone, and good luck on your weigh-ins. I think I recall Thursday is a popular day for that.




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Laurie, I always say it's the Y chromosome that makes them say dumb things without listening. That's a great price on the gym.


Thanks Robin, I agree.......MEN!! lol


That said we did bite the proverbial bullet & joined the gym last night. Will work with a personal trainer for about a month (haven't worked out in a gym in 20 years, I need a bit of guidance :D).


Been a bit depressed lately & haven't followed program in over 2 weeks, getting back up on track today!!


Keep up the great work everyone & have a great Thursday!!

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Well....here I am...Thursday, lunch time and enjoying my cottage cheese, pineapple and choc. pudding cup! I don't deny myself much. Obviously I don't spend all 29 points on a huge chunk of chocolate cake, (and there's one in our work fridge. as we speak!) but I do have goodies and just count the points. I find that if I allow for them then I'm not face first in something gooey and sweet and blowing the whole day.


I'm not a cook, ie: don't "like" to cook haha, so eat pretty simple and save the labor intensive meals for either my hubbie or restaurants. I like to "graze" throughout the day at work to keep my strength up, a big lunch just logs me down.


I found that I didn't have too much trouble on my last cruise because I went in with the plan to eat the good stuff but in moderation and I'm a huge salad lover anyway. I was surprised to see how much we walked each day! Those decks are pretty darn long. I wore my pedometer and 16,000/18,000 steps was the average. Being as we went on a music themed cruise it was racing back and forth from the main theatre for one band to the very back of the ship for the pool stage bands and lounges in between. Then on Port days we made it a point NOT to just find the local Senor Frogs or Hard Rock Café and park it on a bar stool for the afternoon, I know, fun but not too productive! We walked out legs off around the Atlantis Resort one time and all around the private island a few days later. I really believe that if you go on your cruise with a Game Plan and just take one day at a time that at least I felt good the next morning knowing I didn't blow things sky high.


Rhonda, if there's anything you want to know about your surgery/recovery just ask away. Mine was a long haul but the results were fantastic...take care everyone, enjoy the rest of your day, :) Oh, going to my meeting tonight, wish me luck!

Edited by TravelRocker
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Today was weigh in and I lost a giant .6. I've been very good with my points and measuring and don't even use up the extra 49 per week. I also find the older I get...the harder to lose...my post menopausal body doesn't like getting go of its fat cells! I know my problem is I need to exercise more....and yet I find every reason in the world to procrastinate. Work has started up again....I work for a school district, fill in at different jobs and am currently in the nurse's office as her assistant is out ill. By the time I get home who wants to cook.....but I've been a good girl with food It's the walks I should be taking, at the very least, either early in the am or after dinner. It's been hotter around here this week than the entire summer was!


I need to do like you Laurie and join a gym. I did register today for the weekly yoga class I do at my library except in the summers, and I start adult ed Zumba Tone at the beginning of October.


I know I shouldn't complain, I'm losing not gaining, the leader today again repeated we should NOT beat ourselves up! But,......aaarrrggghhhh!!!!!

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Hi all! My name is Robin and I was lifetime but unfortunately am not any longer. I have been back a few weeks and have lost 14.2. I need to lose about 69 more pounds :(. I'm in my mid 50's so it doesn't come off like it did in my 30's. I really want to do it this time! I am praying I can!


Good luck everyone!

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Hi all! My name is Robin and I was lifetime but unfortunately am not any longer. I have been back a few weeks and have lost 14.2. I need to lose about 69 more pounds :(. I'm in my mid 50's so it doesn't come off like it did in my 30's. I really want to do it this time! I am praying I can!


Good luck everyone!


Hi Robin, iknow how you feel i was lifetime for some years then life

happens took the scenic route as my leader were say :( weight came back on had to pay :mad: didn't like it. Well im back at lifetime and you can to!

just remember how you felt and looked, plus don't have to pay enjoy the journey. Gloria



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Hi Robin, iknow how you feel i was lifetime for some years then life

happens took the scenic route as my leader were say :( weight came back on had to pay :mad: didn't like it. Well im back at lifetime and you can to!

just remember how you felt and looked, plus don't have to pay enjoy the journey. Gloria




Hi Gloria and Robin,


Tomorrow is my weigh-in day and I think I am going to do okay. Lots of walking and treadmill work over the past week. Phew! I sure took the "scenic route" too, but I'm back at it, full throttle. I'm just a few pounds away from (again!) reaching my goal weight, but as I have said in my previous posts, even those few pounds are so difficult to lose.


It just seems like one little slip-up and Wham! I'm back where I started. In a week's time I will be traveling to visit with my daughter and grandchildren. That won't be easy (weight-wise), but I have to be real careful since we're leaving on our cruise on October 16. Not much time to recover from any major slip-ups. Sigh...Wish me luck!


Hope you're all having a great day!



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Hi Gloria and Robin,


Tomorrow is my weigh-in day and I think I am going to do okay. Lots of walking and treadmill work over the past week. Phew! I sure took the "scenic route" too, but I'm back at it, full throttle. I'm just a few pounds away from (again!) reaching my goal weight, but as I have said in my previous posts, even those few pounds are so difficult to lose.


It just seems like one little slip-up and Wham! I'm back where I started. In a week's time I will be traveling to visit with my daughter and grandchildren. That won't be easy (weight-wise), but I have to be real careful since we're leaving on our cruise on October 16. Not much time to recover from any major slip-ups. Sigh...Wish me luck!


Hope you're all having a great day!




Hi Dale

I just finish doing 3.5 mile on treadmill 5K i tried to get in 6 day a week i know about those last few pounds my (weigh-in) is Fridays

didn't get weigh-in if you know what i mean :p so this week have to work extra hard.


Where are you going on your cruise?

PS good luck on (weigh-in)



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Hello to everyone. I became lifetime in 1993 but have returned several times after gaining. Got down 50 lbs again in 2004, but gained and struggle for the last 10 years. I had a hard time getting used to the new WW programs. In June decided I had to get back on track and my goal was to lose 20 by my cruise in October. Summers are hard although not where I had hoped to be but I have lost 8 lbs.


I used to be a walker but fell and hurt my knee in 2009, had surgery and will some day need a knee replacement. So exercise is painful for me also. I have found aqua aerobics and swim at our local high school pool, I love it but it is closed for the month of August. It opens tomorrow again so looking forward to it.


Happy to find this forum for additional support and ideas.



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Hi Dale

I just finish doing 3.5 mile on treadmill 5K i tried to get in 6 day a week i know about those last few pounds my (weigh-in) is Fridays

didn't get weigh-in if you know what i mean :p so this week have to work extra hard.


Where are you going on your cruise?

PS good luck on (weigh-in)




Hi Gloria,


I do 3 miles or one-hour on the treadmill, usually every night, but I stopped the incline totally as it hurts my 61-year old back! I missed Friday night as we had company, so I took the day off, but I'm right back at it. That and walking are about the only exercise I do.


I see you're sailing on the Crown Princess. Hubby Ron and I are monitoring a few cruises and one of them is the "Crown". We're interested in the San Pedro to Vancouver cruise in April 2015. Sounds kinda crazy, living on the east coast, to travel to the west coast to get on a cruise ship, but my brother lives in Vancouver, so we would visit with him after the cruise. It looks like a beautiful ship and we have never been on a Princess ship before. Oh well, we also like the transatlantic cruises too, so we'll have to see which one we end up taking.


Right now, we're getting ready to fly to Newark NJ on October 17 to get onboard the Celebrity Summit which leaves Port Liberty on the 19th and ends up in San Juan PR. That's why I'm worried about the possible weight gain with my trip to see the family. Yikes!


Glad to see this board is helping to keep everyone so strong. As the headline for this board is "virtual snacks allowed, but only in small quantities", that's my new mantra to help me. I love it! Hope it pays off at my weigh-in tomorrow.


With that, good night and may all your snacks be virtual ones!


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I don't know what's with me tonight. Usually I have my points pretty well figured out and I've been doing OK but I'm done with today's and I'm trying really hard not to dip into those 49 extras too much, because I've got to cut something someplace! But all I want to do right now is rip into a bag of crunchy something and I'm not talking carrots! I was in NYC yesterday and walked back and forth all over the giant Macy's, and then walked quite a bit to a restaurant to meet my cousins for dinner (where I behaved reasonably well food wise), we went to see Wicked on Broadway and then walked back to Penn Station to the train, so I did get some good walking in. I need to do more of this walking......and more exercise....and right now wire my mouth shut!


Just venting here......weigh in is Thursday morning so I better get past this urge to eat right now!


Welcome to any newbies I didn't welcome.....I'm losing track....was just diagnosed with floaters in my left eye (another older age malady) and staring at this white computer screen too much is not so great!

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