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The "Better Late Than Never" Live From and Review of the Grand Princess 7-20-14


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Enjoying your review very much. Love how you write!!


I know what it feels like to all of a sudden realize you can't do everything you did before. :(


Happy to hear the blister is better. They can be difficult. I never go anywhere without a bottle of Nu Skin. It's amazing for blisters.


Cheers, Denise

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No names have been changed, as there is probably no need to protect their identities... Tom is just freshly out of the Federal Witness Protection Program, so no worries!

I get a feeling ... this is going to be a lot of fun to read :)

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I hope you really enjoy your first visit to these two great states! I know it won't be the last time I visit either.


wow what a good review we are on the grand soon so loving the info regards frank n Jen

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Skagway, Alaska


We were up at 4 am. Heck we went to bed at 9. Then, after deciding that it was too early, we rolled over, fell back asleep and woke in a panic at 5:45. We were supposed to meet the fam at 6 am at the IC for our day on the White's Pass. The ship did not dock and open the gangway until just before 7 am. We were one of the first out the door. We walked to Skagway to the Sourdough Rental Company to pick up our van. I initially felt bad for steering the fam away from taking the train up to White's Pass, but after hearing the local news, I was relieved that we had an alternate plan. It seems as though on Wednesday, the train had a collision. Nineteen people had minor injuries, but the train is out of commission for a while. I am hoping that the nineteen people who were injured are on the mend. Very sad, as that would be not a great vacation occurrence.


After waking up Steve at Sourdough (he posted his phone number on the door), we were in the van and on our way by 7:45. We were in a pretty big hurry to get out before the tour buses. We managed to get out of town and we were off! The drive up White's Pass was very clear of traffic. We stopped a cafe for yummy (free) coffee and bread products. I had a cinnamon roll that was as large a toddler's head, yet much more delicious! (Yep. Think on that one for a minute).


We did find a tourist place that had goats, and mini-horses, and pigs. (Just like my friend Carrie's farm). The best part were the sled dogs. One of the dogs just had a litter of puppies and they were the cutest little things. We were able to hold them and scratch them. I always know it is time to go home when I start to accost other people's fur-babies. I might be getting close.


The only snag of the trip occurred at the Canadian check point. It seems as if my (previously French Canadian) nephew-in-law has a very common name. There might be a somewhat dishonourable (<------ I spelled that in Canadian!) person who shares his name. We were detained for a bit until the border patrol figured out all of the particulars. Then we were free to proceed in the beautiful country of our neighbors to the North. We drove all the way to the Yukon and were treated to sunny and clear skies during the trip. This enabled us to see the mountains, the stunning Emerald Lake and a few glaciers. Once the clouds rolled in (with little hope of retraction), we headed back to Skagway. I walked back to the ship, which was at the farthest post. My fam stayed in Skagway to shop. I am not much of a trinket shopper, so I tend to avoid the shops.


My husband came back shortly after me and we grabbed a burger and a dog in the Trident Grill. The burger was really good and the hot dog was huge, hence the "jumbo" moniker.


I also decided to try Leaves. I know that there has been a fair amount of discussion on the boards regarding the usefulness of this space, but I really liked it. I had an herbal tea flight that was both tasty and reasonable (as in three pots of tea for $3). Bargain! I really like tea, but often skip it for its brasher cousin- coffee. I tend to pound several coffees a day. Tea forces me to sit, take pause, and slow down. Maybe this is something I should practice more frequently.


We decided as a family to eat dinner in the MDR at our traditional seating time. And there it was... the three most magical words (when strung together) in the English language. Anyone care to guess? Anyone? Anyone?




I know I can be a bit of a Golden Retriever (I think of people in dog breeds- weird, but true), meaning everything is the best thing ever!!! But truly, Goat Cheese Soufflé is really, really, really the BEST THING EVER!!!! I actually think it is one of the reasons why I continue my frequent relationship with Princess Cruise Lines. I also had a salad and the fettuccini alfredo, both which paled in the basking glow of Goat Cheese Soufflé. Our super fabulous server, Rachel offered me additional portions of the golden yumminess, but honestly, I could not eat more. I also could have ordered a late-night portion from room service, but I was just too darn full. What a shame. Now I will have to wait... and wait.... and wait... until my cruise in January for more of the baked deliciousness. What a shame.


Super fun dinner story--- As some of you are aware, we are traveling with my husband's brother and his wife and their daughter and her husband and our friends Gerrie and Will. We (meaning me :D ) decided that it was Tom's birthday (which really occurs in March). My husband, who was completely complicit in this dastardly act, managed to wrangle Tom's identification from him while I surreptitiously informed the wait staff it was my BIL's (un)birthday. They seemed charmed by this idea. I let them know that Tom really, really likes it when lots and lots of very loud people sing a super dramatic version of the birthday song to him. Our wait staff scared up around 10 of their compatriots who also seemed to love the idea of singing loudly to Tom. And sing they did... holding many notes for dramatic pause. Tom absolutely loved being the center of attention (not), and his wife Cathy laughed harder than I have ever seen. Best. Moment. Yet. (of course, this includes the fact that this supreme form of embarrassment was superseded by goat cheese soufflé). How could this be wrong when it felt so right! Tom let everyone know that I am the only one who could get away with this, but I am sitting on pins and needles just waiting for his act of retribution.


After dinner, I attended a sing-along performance of the movie Frozen. There were at least 10 million really well behaved children singing along to all of the toe-tapping hits. It was really fun to watch and listen to all of those little girls sing to Let It Go. I would have done it twice if I could have stayed awake long enough. Some of the little girls even wore tutus and princess outfits. Of course, I am of the belief that a tutu can be worn anytime for any occasion. I did feel underdressed in my jeans and tee-shirt. Oh well.


As we snuggled into bed, we were told that we needed to set our clocks forward an hour. Boo. Less sleep.

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Loving your review. Where did they do the sing along? That sounds like so much fun. We will be on the Grand in a few months and I'm also wondering about the crab shack. I'd like to try it, but will have to convince my DH who hates to have to work at eating his food. Some reports say the crab is split when they serve it, others say they have to work hard at getting to it. Would you ask your DH if it was split? I guess every ship does it differently.



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I can't believe I have never tried the Goat Cheese Souffle. I've read about but always seem to miss it on the menu. I wonder what the chances are that it will be on a 3 day cruise menu.



Love, love, love the Goat Cheese Souffle! Hope they have it on our 4 day in September, I'm sure they will. Do try it!:)

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Loving your review. Where did they do the sing along? That sounds like so much fun. We will be on the Grand in a few months and I'm also wondering about the crab shack. I'd like to try it' date=' but will have to convince my DH who hates to have to work at eating his food. Some reports say the crab is split when they serve it, others say they have to work hard at getting to it. Would you ask your DH if it was split? I guess every ship does it differently.




The showing was in the Vista Lounge.


The crab legs were split.

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I can't believe I have never tried the Goat Cheese Souffle. I've read about but always seem to miss it on the menu. I wonder what the chances are that it will be on a 3 day cruise menu.


Michelle- You just haven't lived until you have eaten the goat cheese soufflé. Though I am not sure if they would serve it on a 3 day cruise.

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Friday, July 25, 2014

Sea Day!


Have I mentioned how much I love a good sea day? Well, at the risk of being repeatedly redundant again also too.. I love a good sea day! I woke early and went for a walk around the Promenade Deck. Then I had a little breakfast at Sabatini's. Today, it was an egg white omelet and fruit. And an iced latte. I made my way to the gym for Yoga, Part 2: The Saga Continues. It was even tippier today, so there was much comical falling in slow motion unison. I have belonged to various yoga studios for years, and I am not sure about this instructor, who seemed better suited to the (former) Soviet infantry. He was throwing a lot into the class, but it did not seem to hold much intention (fellow yogis will understand this). He also offered no correction and there were many newbies. Actually, this can be very dangerous, as hold a posture incorrectly can lead to injuries. Finally, he had us in half "pigeon" without explanation on how to achieve this pose. That can be extremely hard on hip tendons.

After yoga, I showered and met up with my husband in the IC. Viktor, our waiter from the Crown Grill, was serving coffee in the IC. He is such a pleasant person and really wants his customers to be happy. It was nice to chat with him over iced lattes.

We decided to go back to the Pub Lunch with our family. I had the Chicken Curry which was a bit dodgy. My husband enjoyed the fish and chips once again. We passed on the Sherry Trifle.

Nap time! Nap time! Nap time!

It was our second and final formal night, so we decided to host a cocktail/ tea/ photo party in our suite. We ordered canapés, afternoon tea service, and some beverages. We also asked if we could have a photographer take pictures in the suite. They sent a lovely woman. She took great pictures of our crew in varying combinations. I really liked the photos on the balcony, because it truly look as if we were out to sea. After hanging out together, we headed down to the dining room to hang out some more.

It was lobster night, and that is what most of the table ordered. I had the pumpkin crepe with fontina cheese. Everyone one was suitably impressed with Raquel's ability to shuck bugs with the best of them. She kept bringing extras, so no one went hungry. It was also Baked Alaska night. Not a fan. I had Creme Brûlée. That was very good. And bonus! It was Gerrie and Will's 40th anniversary! Again! More cake and singing!

After dinner, we attended the British Invasion show in in the Princess Theater. One of the male leads was ill, so a dancer filled in and did a lot of obvious lip synching. The other performers were fine, but the female dancers looked heavy and slow. They seemed to have an odd center of gravity.

We also attended the Marriage Match game with Gerrie. We tried to get our newly-weds to sign up, but they hid out in the casino. The game was fun to watch, though I have a secret bucket-list wish to do this... My husband is game; I just can't seem to bring myself to sign up. Oh well. Maybe next cruise.

After all of this excitement, I just had to go to bed. I knew I would sleep well, and I did!

Another super fun day cruising in the books...

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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Victoria, BC :) and Last day.... :(


So my pants have shrunk in the free laundry. That's my story and i am sticking to it.

I woke late and decided to skip yoga. Richard/Bradley and I decided to go to Sabatini's for breakfast. We ate and then we just bummed around the ship. W had lunch in the MDR, but it seemed as if food was taking over, so we stuck to soup and salad. Then it was nap time. At 2:00 pm, we met with others in the Wheelhouse for the Komen walk. I know there has been a bit of controversy around this, but it is important to my husband that we walk. As we have had our own brush with this, we went ahead and registered. Many signed up, but very few actually finished the 5K. We did, and them my husband walked another 5 miles. I showered, met up with some friends, and got ready for dinner. I was sort dreading dinner because in the realm of "Tracie vs. Food", food won. Hands down. I ate some watermelon and feta, a salad, and 3 bites of my meatloaf. I didn't even order dessert! (and if anyone knows me, that is reason to transport me by emergency vehicle to the closest infirmary- I just have not met a dessert that I don't like!) But guess what??? It was our Happy Honeymoon celebration along with Kevin and Susie! In truth, it is the 23rd anniversary of our Happy Honeymoon, but who is counting. I think that Raquel, Waiter Supreme, cooked this up with her fellow cohorts. They sang loudly, and R/B and I smooched a bunch! Yay! Cake!!!!

I sort of worked at packing all day. After dinner, I finished putting the last of the clean laundry in a suitcase and set they 63 million pounds of luggage in the hall.


I headed into Victoria with Cathy and Susie. We planned to have tea at the Empress. But to be quite honest, I just hit the wall. I could not possibly survive another huge amount of food in my periphery. So we settled on a pot of tea and shared a scone. That was about the right amount. The boys went on an unplanned pub crawl. We walked to Victoria from the cruise port, and around 10 we headed back. Unfortunately, Cathy developed a blister. I think those things are contagious! Ouch. But she was a trouper about making it back to the ship on foot.


And finally, it was time to go to bed for the last time in our lovely suite. Tomorrow they would make us go... as they say in pub lingo- the bar is closing. you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. Boo.

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Absolutely loved, loved ,loved your rendition of "My Grand Time on the Grand". She is also my favorite ship. I had so many chuckles reading your review, your humor is contagious and so very funny and the description of the yoga tipsy is a hoot. Would love to cruise sometime with you.......I think it would be an absolute barrel of monkeys funny!!! So glad you had a great time. We Carolineans are definitely the best!!!

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oh tracie, so close and yet so far!

if I'd known you'd be in town, I would have come and met you!

then again, I have been off work and go back tomorrow, so I've been grumpy this weekend.

I hope you had an uneventful trip home!

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Deck 6 Midship- DiVinci Dining room. You may have to muscle your way in there-- but persist. It is worth it!

Yes, based in part on what I've "learned" here, you have to ask the question carefully. Don't ask "where's lunch?", or the staff will simply say Horizon Court. If you instead ask "which dining room is open for lunch?", they'll say <blahblahblah-insert dining room here-blahblahblah-Horizon Court, Deck 14 aft> and you'll have the info you need.

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