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Dave’s Live from Amsterdam 14-day Alaska, August 24 – September 7, 2014


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Tuesday, Aug. 26, Ketchikan (cont.)


Well, that was an awesome afternoon! We had lunch, and I got a shot of Ketchikan in the sun, which was out for about 45 minutes:




(KK, the photo was taken from our balcony, so yes, we were right downtown ... although the new pier where the Princess ship was tied up was still pretty close.)


The weather was actually not too bad for the rest of the day, with sun breaks and a couple of quick light showers but mostly cloudy the rest of the time. A few minutes before 1, we met ashore for our excursion. We boarded a bus and went about 8 miles south to the Rainforest Sanctuary. Our 24 tour people split into two groups, each with a guide, who led us by different routes along trails and then to several suspension bridges over a creek:




Note the steepness of the bridge at the end near the landing – the trail was not long, and there were a couple of dozen steps to the bridges area so the excursion is not rated strenuous, but if you are mobility-challenged, you might want to consider if you can climb what was a pretty steep grade on bouncing suspension bridges to get to the landings before you book this particular excursion.


The creek was teeming with salmon swimming upstream, spawning and dying. After a half hour or so, we spotted a black bear approaching the creek:




I got several shots, mostly slightly out of focus – it was hard to focus on a moving bear in a shady area with a small digital camera, but also the bridges bounced with every person’s step. But I did manage to get one nearly in focus of the bear snagging a fish (score!):




Our guide said he was a juvenile male, and either he was pretty incompetent or extremely choosey, as he caught three fish in quick succession and either let them go or lost them. He kept the fourth and disappeared into the bushes, presumably to dine on sushi. We watched him go in and out of the creek and bushes for a while, and a bit later a larger male black bear (or so the guide said it was male, and I was going to take his word for it without trying to confirm it for myself) also ventured to the creek.


After nearly two hours of bear-watching, we then went to an estuary with seabirds, including two bald eagles at a distance. We then went to the Raptor Center, where they rehabilitate injured birds, or keep those not able to return to the wild. We met Volta, so called because he lost an encounter with a power line that injured him such that he can’t fly well. He is a beautiful bird:




We also saw a small herd of domesticated reindeer and had a brief conversation with a totem pole carver before having a snack at the gift shop (no surprise that there was one). We then boarded a bus for the return trip to the ship.


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Tuesday, Aug. 26, Ketchikan (cont.)


We returned aboard, showered, and went for a quick glass of wine before dinner.


Here is the dinner menu:



- Yukon Wild Berry Fruit Melange

- Fairbanks Seafood Platter

- Duck Pate Brioche

- Sitka Sound Crab and Artichoke Bouchee


Soups and Salad

- Potato Soup with Lobster

- Chicken Noodle Soup

- Chilled Raspberry Soup

- Sunset Salad (radicchio and frisee with caramelized pear, grilled red pepper and blue cheese crumbles)



- Bay Scallops and Manila Clams over Noodles

- Pan-Seared Salmon Trout

- Master Chef’s Favorite Braised Short-Ribs

- Mustard-Barbeque Rack of Pork

- Spruce Hen with Almond-Brown Rice Stuffing

- Roasted Beet Risotto


In my last blog on Ryndam in February, I put photos of almost every dinner dish I had. That took a lot of time, and distracted other diners with the flash, so I haven’t done so this blog. But, I resolved to take a photo now and then of an unusual dish (shrimp cocktail, Beef Wellington, etc. -- pretty much everyone has seen those). Tonight, I had the Fairbanks Seafood Platter, for which here are the full adjectives: “A fine selection of Alaskan Spotted Shrimp, salmon jerky, clams, hot smoked salmon and smoked halibut”. The “clams” was a misnomer, as there was only one, and the hot smoked salmon referred to the spiciness of the bit of fish, not the temperature – it was pretty spicy. But, all in all, it was an interesting dish, and I enjoyed it. Here is a photo:




I also had the scallops and clams with noodles. I thought it was pretty good, although I still am not sure of the idea of a cream sauce with seafood. The pasta itself was nicely al dente, and I finished the dish, including the slice of garlic bread.



Here is the dessert menu:



- Chocolate Alaska Avalanche Cake

- Grand Marinier-Marinated Cherry Mille Feuille

- Yukon Sourdough Bread Pudding

- Apple Tower no sugar added


Frozen Treats

- Vanilla Ice Cream

- Pistachio Ice Cream

- Lemon Sherbet

- Vanilla Frozen Yogurt

- No sugar added Vanilla Ice Cream

- No sugar added Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

- Alaska Fudge Sundae


Espresso Drinks

- Espresso $1.25

- Cappuccino $1.75

- Extra shot $0.50


Recommended Cordial of the Day: After Eight (Kahlua, Crème de Menthe Green and Bailey’s Irish Cream) $5.95


Available Daily


- The Gold Rush Baked Alaska

- Fruit Crisp of the Day: Mango Blueberry Crisp

- Sliced Fruit Plate

- North American Cheese Plate (Gorgonzola, Pont-L’Eveque, Fiscalini Cheddar, Edam)



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Tuesday, Aug. 26, Ketchikan (cont.)


We returned aboard, showered, and went for a quick glass of wine before dinner.


Here is the dinner menu:



- Yukon Wild Berry Fruit Melange

- Fairbanks Seafood Platter

- Duck Pate Brioche

- Sitka Sound Crab and Artichoke Bouchee


Soups and Salad

- Potato Soup with Lobster

- Chicken Noodle Soup

- Chilled Raspberry Soup

- Sunset Salad (radicchio and frisee with caramelized pear, grilled red pepper and blue cheese crumbles)



- Bay Scallops and Manila Clams over Noodles

- Pan-Seared Salmon Trout

- Master Chef’s Favorite Braised Short-Ribs

- Mustard-Barbeque Rack of Pork

- Spruce Hen with Almond-Brown Rice Stuffing

- Roasted Beet Risotto


In my last blog on Ryndam in February, I put photos of almost every dinner dish I had. That took a lot of time, and distracted other diners with the flash, so I haven’t done so this blog. But, I resolved to take a photo now and then of an unusual dish (shrimp cocktail, Beef Wellington, etc. -- pretty much everyone has seen those). Tonight, I had the Fairbanks Seafood Platter, for which here are the full adjectives: “A fine selection of Alaskan Spotted Shrimp, salmon jerky, clams, hot smoked salmon and smoked halibut”. The “clams” was a misnomer, as there was only one, and the hot smoked salmon referred to the spiciness of the bit of fish, not the temperature – it was pretty spicy. But, all in all, it was an interesting dish, and I enjoyed it. Here is a photo:




I also had the scallops and clams with noodles. I thought it was pretty good, although I still am not sure of the idea of a cream sauce with seafood. The pasta itself was nicely al dente, and I finished the dish, including the slice of garlic bread.



Here is the dessert menu:



- Chocolate Alaska Avalanche Cake

- Grand Marinier-Marinated Cherry Mille Feuille

- Yukon Sourdough Bread Pudding

- Apple Tower no sugar added


Frozen Treats

- Vanilla Ice Cream

- Pistachio Ice Cream

- Lemon Sherbet

- Vanilla Frozen Yogurt

- No sugar added Vanilla Ice Cream

- No sugar added Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

- Alaska Fudge Sundae


Espresso Drinks

- Espresso $1.25

- Cappuccino $1.75

- Extra shot $0.50


Recommended Cordial of the Day: After Eight (Kahlua, Crème de Menthe Green and Bailey’s Irish Cream) $5.95


Available Daily


- The Gold Rush Baked Alaska

- Fruit Crisp of the Day: Mango Blueberry Crisp

- Sliced Fruit Plate

- North American Cheese Plate (Gorgonzola, Pont-L’Eveque, Fiscalini Cheddar, Edam)



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There is also a Daily offering of French Onion Soup!! I order that every night!

also, there is on the left side of the menu a "daily offering" steak and chicken are always there, too!

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Each of the three alarms is accompanied by a P/A announcement from the Bridge (coming into your cabin) with instructions for crew and pax. Life vests are not to be worn by pax if the alarm involves a drill such as the one on embarkation day


John - thanks for the info - we board the Eurodam in a couple of hours and may be able to pass the test now!

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Wednesday, August 27, Tracy Arm (cont.)


We are sailing north, toward the Tracy Arm. The weather started cloudy, but the clouds soon burned off, and the mist/fog is also lifting, and we are spotting humpbacks blowing and showing flukes in the middle distance, but not close enough to get a decent photo. Here is a panorama that shows what we are sailing by and the weather we have – I hope it continues into the Sawyer Glaciers of Tracy Arm.




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Wednesday, August 27, Tracy Arm (cont.)


Continuing my posts of areas of the ship, here are photos of the atrium art – an astrolabe. The shots are in order from the 3rd, 4th and 5th decks, and then a shot down from the 5th deck:











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Wednesday, August 27, Tracy Arm (cont.)


The Captain just announced that, because a Disney ship was also supposed to visit Tracy Arm today, the ships are altering schedules, with the Disney ship entering now (earlier than usual), and we holding off and entering at 2 p.m. In the meantime, we will slowly wend our way, looking for whales until the Disney ship clears the Tracy Arm.


That actually may be a good thing, as we are running into some clouds and mist that may have time to burn off. Of course, as DW said, it could give them time to send out for reinforcements …


While waiting, I will try to make a few more posts with photos from around the ship. The next set is unusual. DW visited the facilities by the dining room the first evening, and came back to report that the women’s room was spectacular. That reminded me of a thread a couple of years ago about such a women’s room, and I suspect it was the same place. With DW’s help early one morning, we got some photos – she said that the curtains were drawn because of morning sun, but that the windows were indeed windows to the outside.






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Wednesday, August 27, Tracy Arm (cont.)



While waiting, I will try to make a few more posts with photos from around the ship. The next set is unusual. DW visited the facilities by the dining room the first evening, and came back to report that the women’s room was spectacular. That reminded me of a thread a couple of years ago about such a women’s room, and I suspect it was the same place. With DW’s help early one morning, we got some photos – she said that the curtains were drawn because of morning sun, but that the windows were indeed windows to the outside.



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That Ladies Room on the Amsterdam definitely is spectacular.

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I am taking special joy in reading about your cruise. I was supposed to be on the May 18th sailing of the same itinerary but had to cancel the day before departure because of a death in my family. Thank you for the opportunity to experience this cruise vicariously through you. :)

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I'm enjoying reading your live from report and living vicariously through it... we just got off the Amsterdam on Sunday, when you boarded. Had to wait to get back to New York to post anything though cause I've forgotten my password (it was saved the comp! lol) and I was having issues resetting. lol

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Wednesday, August 27, Tracy Arm (cont.)


We continued to make our way slowly north during the middle of the day. We spotted several pods of humpback whales, the Captain alerting us from the bridge when they were spotted. He said to look to where the water changed into ripples, which were currents bringing the krill to the surface. He said the whales liked to gather there to feed, since basically all they had to do was open their mouths to get food. Kind of made me think of the whale version of spray cheese.


I took several shots before giving up – they were too far away for my small lens. I did get one shot of a fin and some blow:




We continued on and entered the mouth of the Tracy Arm at about 2 p.m. I took some shots as we made our way up the channel, in between bouts of stepping in to get warm. On one of those minutes inside, I remarked to Voltaire the Crow’s Nest bartender that I was declining a second wine as I needed to rejoin DW (who has been married to me for more than 40 years and knew exactly where I was). In any case, here are some shots of the Tracy Arm:











The shot of the glacier is at the entrance of the Tracy Arm, not the Sawyer. We still are not at the Sawyer Glaciers, but are expected to be there in about 45 minutes or so.


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Wednesday, August 27, Tracy Arm (cont.)


The Captain just announced that, because a Disney ship was also supposed to visit Tracy Arm today, the ships are altering schedules, with the Disney ship entering now (earlier than usual), and we holding off and entering at 2 p.m. In the meantime, we will slowly wend our way, looking for whales until the Disney ship clears the Tracy Arm.


That actually may be a good thing, as we are running into some clouds and mist that may have time to burn off. Of course, as DW said, it could give them time to send out for reinforcements …


While waiting, I will try to make a few more posts with photos from around the ship. The next set is unusual. DW visited the facilities by the dining room the first evening, and came back to report that the women’s room was spectacular. That reminded me of a thread a couple of years ago about such a women’s room, and I suspect it was the same place. With DW’s help early one morning, we got some photos – she said that the curtains were drawn because of morning sun, but that the windows were indeed windows to the outside.






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Rumor has always been there's wine tasting going on in those restrooms! Kinda 'splains why it takes the ladies just a bit longer to return from said rooms with lots of men waiting for that event in the corridor outside ;)


Keep up the great work Dave!

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Wednesday, August 27, Tracy Arm (cont.)


We continued sailing up the Tracy Arm, passing more and more icebergs:




Then, we stopped and slowly turned around at one of the Sawyer Glaciers. The announcer Rae probably said which one, but I did not catch it. With much effort (hi, Elsie), I got a shot of whichever Sawyer it was at near the turnaround point. It did not look like it was close to calving, so I sat back down and it was at least 10 minutes before the Ocean Bar crowd cheered the calving process. OK, I was in the bar by that time, about 5 p.m., and I took this photo through the cleanest part of the bar window:




We then retraced our route during our early-fixed dinner, and we passed back into the main channel at about 7:30. We will anchor somewhere nearby, and travel the 50 miles or so to Juneau sometime early next morning.


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Wednesday, August 27, Tracy Arm (cont.)


Here is the dinner menu (with all the adjectives and adverbs, so extra fattening):



- Supreme of Fruit Galliano (Seasonal fruits gently folded with a sweet vanilla herbal liqueur, with lime accents)

- Calypso Shrimp Cocktail (Plump and naturally sweet shrimp on a bed of gourmet greens and shredded iceberg lettuce, served with a mustard-based Calypso sauce)

- Goat Cheesecake with Red Onion Jam (Savory goat cheese cheesecake on a crumble puff pastry base, topped with spiced red onion jam)

- Crab and Asparagus Quiche (Served with a cayenne mayonnaise baked in a flaky crust)


Soups and Salad

- Farmer’s Vegetable Puree (A puree of seasonal vegetables, swirled with cream and topped with a garlic crouton)

- Venison Sausage and Vegetable Soup (Rich beef broth with sausage, diced carrot, onion, potato, green beans, peas, cabbage, fresh herbs and finished with Sherry Peppers to add a little spice)

- Chilled Apricot Soup with Snow Egg (Enhanced with champagne, cinnamon and hosted with a dollop of meringue)

- Gourmet Greens (Toasted pecans, sun-warmed cherry tomatoes and fresh orange segments)



- Rustic Home-Made Lasagna (Oven-baked layers of tender pasta, meat, cheese and a chunky tomato sauce)

- Angry Sea Bass with Garlicky Clams (Poached with pepper flakes, chili powder and basil, served on wilted spinach and topped by zesty garlic clams with seasoned spaghetti)

- Braised Beef Roulade with Creamed Potatoes (In a rich red wine gravy, served over braised vegetables and sautéed greens)

- Calf’s Liver with Apples and Pancetta (Thinly-sliced and sautéed, topped with caramelized onion, served on a bed of sautéed spinach and served with a crispy potato pancake)

- Vietnamese-Style Lamb with Mint (Thinly-sliced marinated lamb, suateed with bell peppers, shiitake mushrooms, spinach leaves, minced garlic and scallions)

- Vegetarian Jambalaya (Creole rice with a spectrum of roasted spiced vegetables in a light tomato sauce)



Here is the dessert menu:



- Chocolate Decadence Cake (A rich and almost flourless cake, served withraspberry coulis, vanilla sauce and a spray of berries)

- Banoffee Pie (Caramelized banana pie with whipped cream, toffee and chocolate sauce)

- Pear Caramel Mille-Feuille (A sweet layered confection of pear, caramel and puff pastry, served with a vanilla-scented sabayon)

- Hazelnut Mousse Cake no sugar added (Vanilla sponge cake topped with rum-flavored hazelnut mousse, garnished with pistachios)


Frozen Treats- Vanilla Ice Cream

- Rocky Road Ice Cream

- Pineapple Sorbet

- Cookies and Cream Frozen Yogurt

- No sugar added Vanilla Ice Cream

- No sugar added Coffee Ice Cream

- Strawberry Sundae (Vanilla ice cream with strawberry topping, whipped cream and nutty praline crunch)


Espresso Drinks

- Espresso $1.25

- Cappuccino $1.75

- Extra shot $0.50


Recommended Cordial of the Day: Grand Marnier and Crème de Cacao White, $5.95


Available Daily

- The Gold Rush Baked Alaska (Cookies and Cream ice cream surrounded by vanilla sponge cake and coated in meringue dusted with gold, served with your choice of topping)

- Fruit Crisp of the Day: Peach Crisp (Fresh out of the oven, served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream)

- Sliced Fruit Plate

- North American Cheese Plate (Roquefort, Brie, Leiden, Old Amsterdam)



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